Left: From Delboyonline at B3ta.
OK, despite her fine singing and eccentric taste in men and meds, I promise I will leave Amy Winehouse alone....
Sacramento area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis, 2000-2020); Liberal politics; Meteorology; "Breaking Bad," "Better Call Saul," and Albuquerque movie filming locations; New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.
In a speech defending his administration's Iraq policy, Mr Bush said former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein's brutality had made it impossible to find a leader who could unite the country.
"I heard somebody say, 'Where's Mandela?'," he said.
"Well, Mandela's dead because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas."
The bizarre gaffe was made in a press conference in Washington yesterday.
Mandela became South Africa's first black president in 1994. He won a Nobel Peace Prize for preaching racial harmony and guiding the nation into the post-apartheid era.
References to his death – Mandela is now 89 and increasingly frail – are seen as insensitive in South Africa.
Already Lucy is pulling the football away.She responds:
Well, the Gila Wilderness can always use the extra rain....
I decided not to share the news till it was overhead.I reply:
Looks like a wise choice!Responding with a picture, she states:
Over the next few days, with the powerful low pressure system to the west, the Colorado River valley is likely to get rain, and with Ivo's remnants passing to the east, the AZ/NM border area is likely to get rain.
Leaving you-know-who in the dessicated middle!
This is my cousin's ranch west of Tucson after Henriette--we coulda used some!To which I can only respond:
But like you say, it's dry, dry, dry in Phoenix these days!
KEIRA Knightley, 22, says being photographed is destroying her soul. The Atonement star believes a part of her dies every time she is snapped by the paparazzi.
She told the Daily Mirror: "I believe the Aborigines say that every photo takes away a bit of your soul. It's very odd but I think there's definitely some truth in that." She is reluctant to face the camera lens because she suffers from acne. She said: "I look in the mirror and go, 'Oh no! More spots, more acne!' And I'm not comfortable being photographed when I'm being myself."
A mysterious, greasy goo of unknown origin is seeping into garages and basements near San Francisco's Balboa Park. Residents suspect a nearby Muni yard may be the source, but so far the city has helped little in attempts to determine what the substance is and where it's coming from.
For a half century, Josephine Paras has lived on the same block of Navajo Avenue in Balboa Park. Recently, she noticed a black gooey substance coming up all over her garage floor.
"I noticed more and more of this stuff coming up; like a greasy substance when you rubbed it," explains Paras. "Since then, we've gotten more and more."
She says most of her neighbors on this stretch of Navajo Avenue with eighteen homes have the same problem and worse, including strange and growing numbers of deep pits in the concrete slabs.
"I'm quite concerned because I don't want to live with contamination under my house," says Paras.
Paras says the city of San Francisco has been no help.
"They took samples; twice they came out. I called them and they said they'd get back to me. I never heard from them," says Paras. "Three months has gone by since I haven't heard."
The neighbors hired consumer attorney David Birka-White, who says he's already had surface samples analyzed and is now taking earth core samples.
"We've found there's a series of chemicals that come from bus maintenance and automobile maintenance," says Birka-White. "So we're looking in the immediate area to find where those sources could be."
So the neighbors here wonder, is the city blameless or deliberately ignoring a costly problem?
Because not two hundred feet uphill from this neighborhood are SF Muni's huge rail maintenance yards including a former bus maintenance facility.
"I think years ago they must have dumped oil or whatever and it's gradually been seeping down," Paras says.
...Wednesday Muni said it doesn't know what the substance is and referred KTVU to the City Sewer Department. The sewer department said it's a matter for the Health Department, while the Health Department theorized that the substance is antifreeze, but claimed it was up to the residents to figure out what it is.
I saw the recommended DVD "My Architect" on Louis I. Kahn's designs.
One of his 'best' is the Salk Institute in La Jolla. Since I was going to be nearby this week I decided to visit and take these shots of this wonderful concrete building. All the offices and labs have views to the ocean. The plaza is very beautiful in the rain.
"I could see people getting sick there. I mean, it's doggy food. Chef Boy-Ar-Dee crap!"Hmmm. Well, I kind of like doggy food myself. But some people have more sensitive palates....
The Fed's dramatic half point cut to 4.75pc yesterday has already caused a plunge in the world dollar index to a fifteen year low, touching with weakest level ever against the mighty euro at just under $1.40.
There is now a growing danger that global investors will start to shun the US bond markets. The latest US government data on foreign holdings released this week show a collapse in purchases of US bonds from $97bn to just $19bn in July, with outright net sales of US Treasuries.
The danger is that this could now accelerate as the yield gap between the United States and the rest of the world narrows rapidly, leaving America starved of foreign capital flows needed to cover its current account deficit - expected to reach $850bn this year, or 6.5pc of GDP.
Mr Redeker said foreign investors have been gradually pulling out of the long-term US debt markets, leaving the dollar dependent on short-term funding. Foreigners have funded 25pc to 30pc of America's credit and short-term paper markets over the last two years.
"They were willing to provide the money when rates were paying nicely, but why bear the risk in these dramatically changed circumstances? We think that a fall in dollar to $1.50 against the euro is not out of the question at all by the first quarter of 2008," he said.
...Mr Redeker said the biggest danger for the dollar is that falling US rates will at some point trigger a reversal yen "carry trade", causing massive flows from the US back to Japan.
Jim Rogers, the commodity king and former partner of George Soros, said the Federal Reserve was playing with fire by cutting rates so aggressively at a time when the dollar was already under pressure.
The risk is that flight from US bonds could push up the long-term yields that form the base price of credit for most mortgages, the driving the property market into even deeper crisis.
"If Ben Bernanke starts running those printing presses even faster than he's already doing, we are going to have a serious recession. The dollar's going to collapse, the bond market's going to collapse. There's going to be a lot of problems," he said.
The Federal Reserve, however, clearly calculates the risk of a sudden downturn is now so great that the it outweighs dangers of a dollar slide.
The Senate voted Thursday to condemn an advertisement by the liberal anti-war group MoveOn.org that accused the top military commander in Iraq of betrayal.Nevertheless, I consider the ad a complete success. The purpose of the ad was to "bitch-slap" the Washington politicians (formerly a method used primarily by Republicans) and force the Iraq issue, when all the Senate prefers is to compromise away on matters of principle. So, you didn't like it? Good! Here's some more ads you won't like, either! And you better get used to it! It's an election year!
The 72-25 vote condemned the full-page ad that appeared in The New York Times last week as Gen. David Petraeus, the top military commander in Iraq, testified on Capitol Hill. The ad was headlined: "General Petraeus or General Betray Us? Cooking the books for the White House."
The ad became a life raft for the Republican party as the war debate kicked into high gear. With several Republicans opposed to President Bush's war strategy, GOP members were able to put aside their differences and rally around their disapproval of the ad.
The number of people born left-handed plummeted temporarily around the turn of last century, according to recently released documentary footage of factory workers in northern England between 1900 and 1906. Researchers recorded the number of people waving to the camera with their right or left hand—a proxy for handedness—and compared the results for different age groups.
The latest request was made during the summer. The US secretary of state Condoleeza Rice indicated to the Vatican that she urgently needed to meet Benedict XVI. She was on her way back into the viper’s nest of the Middle East and it would have been no bad thing to meet her counterparts with the credentials of a papal audience.
...But the failure to arrange a meeting between Benedict XVI and Ms Rice has taken on a significance perhaps beyond the intentions of the Holy See. It has been seen as confirming the divergence of views on the Bush administration’s Middle East initiatives and growing friction on Iraq and relations with Iran. The Vatican believes that the United States may be taking too lightly the issue of guarantees for religious minorities in the new Iraqi constitution and has said so to the government in Baghdad. In reply, it was told that threats and violence against Christians are no more severe than those experienced by other minorities. The Americans were also approached but they replied that troops were unable to maintain full control of the territory and had difficulty in protecting non-Muslims.
...No one will say so officially but the refusal may also have been prompted by Ms Rice’s stance in 2003, when she was Mr Bush’s national security adviser. On the eve of the Iraqi conflict, it was Ms Rice who said bluntly that she did not understand the Vatican’s anti-war stance. She treated John Paul II’s envoy, Cardinal Pio Laghi, with a coolness that bordered on disrespect when he was sent to Washington on 2 March 2003 on a desperate mission to avert military intervention. Clearly, the incident has not been forgotten.
The hot spots listed at Tuesday's briefing:
- Northern Australia, 153 languages. The researchers said aboriginal Australia holds some of the world's most endangered languages, in part because aboriginal groups splintered during conflicts with white settlers. Researchers have documented such small language communities as the three known speakers of Magati Ke, the three Yawuru speakers and the lone speaker of Amurdag.
- Central South America including Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Bolivia - 113 languages. The area has extremely high diversity, very little documentation and several immediate threats. Small and socially less-valued indigenous languages are being knocked out by Spanish or more dominant indigenous languages in most of the region, and by Portuguese in Brazil.
- Northwest Pacific Plateau, including British Columbia in Canada and the states of Washington and Oregon in the U.S., 54 languages. Every language in the American part of this hotspot is endangered or moribund, meaning the youngest speaker is over age 60. An extremely endangered language, with just one speaker, is Siletz Dee-ni, the last of 27 languages once spoken on the Siletz reservation in Oregon.
- Eastern Siberian Russia, China, Japan - 23 languages. Government policies in the region have forced speakers of minority languages to use the national and regional languages and, as a result, some have only a few elderly speakers.
- Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico - 40 languages. Oklahoma has one of the highest densities of indigenous languages in the United States. A moribund language of the area is Yuchi, which may be unrelated to any other language in the world. As of 2005, only five elderly members of the Yuchi tribe were fluent.
I just kicked $100 to MoveOn.Org to help them run this political ad in Iowa. I will feature it on my blog as well. Join MoveOn.Org and help them sponsor this ad, and others yet to come, in even more states.
Around midday Saturday, villagers were startled by an explosion and a fireball that many were convinced was an airplane crashing near their remote village, located in the high Andes department of Puno in the Desaguadero region, near the border with Bolivia.
Residents complained of headaches and vomiting brought on by a "strange odor," local health department official Jorge Lopez told Peruvian radio RPP.
Seven policemen who went to check on the reports also became ill and had to be given oxygen before being hospitalized, Lopez said.
Rescue teams and experts were dispatched to the scene, where the meteorite left a 100-foot-wide (30-meter-wide) and 20-foot-deep (six-meter-deep) crater, said local official Marco Limache.
"Boiling water started coming out of the crater and particles of rock and cinders were found nearby. Residents are very concerned," he said.
Director Allen Lewis Rickman has provided an English translation of Grand's words, which is projected above the stage along with a Russian translation. Those familiar with the operetta will surely get a charge out of the clever way Grand has adapted Gilbert's lyrics and situations. Instead of mixing up the words "pirate" and "pilot" as in the original, Grand has nursemaid Rivke (Ruth) accidentally bind young Fayvl (Frederick) to a band of pirates because with their swords in hand she thought they were kosher slaughterers at afternoon prayers. When the pirates leap upon Der Groyser General's daughters they sing what translates to, "What a chance to get married! / Quick, find a chuppah!" And when the Sergeant of Police explains his hesitancy to attack the Groyser Gazlen and his men, he pleads, "I'm no Maccabee."
PUT a parrot on your shoulder, strap on a peg leg, hit the rum and start bellowing "Shiver me Timbers" - Wednesday is International Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Pirates of the Caribbean star Johnny Depp is not the only over-the-top buccaneer allowed to have fun.
September 19 is your once-a-year chance to don an eye patch, sport a ridiculously large hat and keep on saying "Arrrrr".
The conservative case against this study is easy to make. Sure, we're fonder of old ways than you are. That's in our definition. Some of our people are obtuse; so are some of yours. If you studied the rest of us in real life, you'd find that while we second-guess the status quo less than you do, we second-guess putative reforms more than you do, so in terms of complexity, ambiguity, and critical thinking, it's probably a wash. Also, our standard of "information" is a bit tougher than the blips and fads you fall for. Sometimes, these inclinations lead us astray. But over the long run, they've served us and society pretty well. It's just that you notice all the times we were wrong and ignore all the times we were right.
In fact, that's exactly what you've done in this study: You've manufactured a tiny world of letters, half-seconds, and button-pushing, so you can catch us in clear errors and keep out the part of life where our tendencies correct yours. And now you feel great about yourselves. Congratulations. You haven't told us much about our way of thinking. But you've told us a lot about yours.
Some people think that Sacramento streets late at night are the haven of gangs, thieves, and the homeless. In fact, they harbor an itinerant population of restless, home-shopping smokers.
This poor girl can’t catch a break. At Britney’s House of Blues show in Orlando Saturday night, her pre-recorded vocals track skipped four times while she was lip-syncing to them. People in the audience started booing. According to a source at PerezHilton.com, “When the CD started skipping, she turned her back to the audience. Then when it stopped, she turned around with this look on her face like she was gonna puke!!! I really felt bad for her. Then the effin thing started skipping really badly again!!! And then again and again. It was crazy.”Sadly, this didn't happen:
There’s been some buzz today that Britney might be making an appearance on the Emmy broadcast, perhaps to perform, or apologize for the VMAs, or both.
Emmy producers have stated that “We cannot confirm nor deny this rumor.”
...Britney Spears apologizing for sucking at the Emmys is the worst idea ever. Ev. Er.
Oh please, please let her do this.
"Fair And Balanced" goes for entertainment too!
Fox censors Sally Field.
At tonight’s Emmy Awards show, the audience cheered Sally Field’s acceptance speech, which recognized the mothers of U.S. troops. “Surely this [award] belongs to all the mothers of the world,” she stated. “May they be seen, may their work be valued and raised. Especially to the mothers who stand with an open heart and wait. Wait for their children to come home from danger, from harm’s way, and from war. I am proud to be one of those women.”
Field then continued, “If mothers ruled the world, there would be no –” But the Fox Emmycast cut off her sound and pointed the camera away from the stage, silencing the rest of her sentence: “god-damned wars in the first place.”
Mr Greenspan said: "I am saddened that it is politically inconvenient to acknowledge what everyone knows: the Iraq war is largely about oil."Or this:
"Deficits don't matter," to my chagrin, became part of Republicans' rhetoric."
Wonderful! From Deborah's friend Winholler.....
Oils and watercolors by Deborah McMillion Nering, 1997-2007. Audio; "Bell, Book and Candle", by Boo Hewerdine, performed by Eddi Reader, from her 1998 album, "Angels and Electricity". (more)
A woman who crashed her vehicle into five cars in three separate accidents says she didn't stop because she was rushing her pot-bellied pit to the veterinarian.
Deborah Angiolillo left a trail of smashed cars and trucks across Palm Coast Wednesday afternoon. She first struck a vehicle in a parking lot. Deputies say Angiolillo left that scene and drove to the intersection of Cypress Point Parkway and Palm Coast Parkway where she hit the back of an SUV. Reports show she shifted into reverse, hit yet another car, and drove away.
She ended up at a second intersection where deputies say she hit a pick-up truck, which hit the car in front of it. The impact of that wreck threw Angiolillo's car into another car's path.
...Angiolillo was taken to the hospital but first told deputies that her pot-bellied pig was dying and needed emergency care. Deputies searched the scene but didn't find a pig. Angiolillo was taken into custody under Florida's Baker Act which allows law enforcement to hold people for psychiatric evaluations.