Wednesday, May 15, 2024

"Everybody on the Floor" - Tokyo Ghetto Pussy

The universe of pop music is so large. I guess this tune is 2000 nostalgia now, but it's the first time I ever heard it, so it's brand new to me. It's got a beat and you can dance to it.


On Running The Country Like a Business

Watch on TikTok

U.S. Army Graduation

Congratulations to my nephew, Aaron Browning, upon U.S. Army graduation (starting at 12:00). I also like the Soldier's Creed and the Army Goes Rolling Along (about 16:30).

(Since the embedded video is unavailable, try the link.  It's intelligence, after all.)


Tuesday, May 14, 2024

"A Chorus Line" - Rocklin Community Theatre - May 11, 2024

Saturday night, Rachel and I saw "A Chorus Line" at Rocklin Community Theatre. This is the first time I've visited Rocklin Theatre since 2018, and so saw some people for the first time since the pandemic..  

I've been in three separate productions of the show, so it's a welcome and familiar place.  It's interesting that they now drop birth years in the show when discussing the dancers' ages.

How many people do I know here?  Cassie March directed the show, and also played Laurie.  Cassie's longtime good friend Haylie Bedal (nee Roberts) played Kristine.  I was surprised that Dani Hansen was in the cast, playing Val.

Carly Yorde (Maggie) was in the cast too.  She has just recently played Adelaide in Sierra College's "Guys and Dolls," so she must be incredibly busy these days.

I liked Angel Riley, who played Bobby (which I played in 2003).

I had problems with Amanda's portrayal of Cassie.  Amanda does not have sufficient dance training to do the role justice. Nevertheless, she executed well the dancing that she did do.  Dani Hansen played big-bosomed Val despite having a small bosom, proving that attitude and confidence are the most important possessions when tackling this sassy role.  There were some problems in quite getting the mid-70s vibe of the show.  Haylie's costume featuring boy shorts would not have been seen in the 70s. The stage is small at Rocklin, and sometimes things just got too close up there.

Darryl Strohl-De Herrera (Zach) and myself.  Darryl did a fabulous job, as he does with all roles he takes on.

Rachel together with Amanda Bistolfo (Cassie).  In last September's "Fiddler on the Roof" at Lincoln Theatre, Amanda played Hodel.  Jack Fidler (Mark) was also in last September's Fiddler.

"The Hallelujah Girls" - Lincoln Musical Theatre - May 11, 2024

Saturday was rather busy - two theatrical shows on the northern fringe of the Sac Metro area. 
We saw the afternoon performance of "The Hallelujah Girls." Rachel knew several people in the show. I didn't know the players, but I did know the director, Gary Giurbino.  I had some problems understanding the Georgia Southern accents, which may be more my challenges with aging hearing than anything to do with the cast.

A reunion of some of the cast from last September's "Fiddler on the Roof." Rachel (Golde), the young woman who played Schprintze, and Gary (Tevye).