After visiting Erlynda and Chris in Granite Bay, it was time to head to Davis for two DMTC Committee meetings. I headed west on Interstate 80 across the top of town.
As I drove west at high freeway speeds (70 mph+) the truck began handling worse and worse. There was an intense vibration going on. I exited at Norwood Avenue and made a cursory inspection of the tires, but saw nothing, so I got back on the freeway. The vibration was worse than ever, so I abandoned the idea of driving to Davis. I exited at Northgate and started heading south, back to the house, on surface streets.
I didn't get far. POP!!! Blowout! I pulled into the parking lot of a Les Schwab tire store that just happened to be there. Must be fate. I bet they're having a "blowout" sale.
Helicopter circling nearby. Maniac wailing nearby in KFC parking lot. I see maniac; maniac sees me. Should be a fun evening. Decided to call AAA. If that failed, I would instead walk to light rail and head home.

AAA guy.
Response was pretty rapid.

This tire has seen better days.
The AAA guy changed the tire. He was hesitant about the spare tire - cracked and 25 years old - but it got me home, at least.
Time to buy tires.