Friday, April 02, 2021

Who Died?

April 1st. Funeral procession past my house headed by an elaborate horse-drawn carriage. Many blocks to go to reach the cemetery. Somebody significant passed away, but who? No one would answer my shouted question.

The Dead of Night (2021)

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Last updated: April 2, 2021

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Notes on Individual Scenes

According to imdb, this movie was filmed in Albuquerque, but there are no such scenes there. Instead the movie was filmed mostly in and around Capitan, with a few views in Carrizozo. Still, I'll treat it here, because it's a good New Mexico film.



Carrizozo - Looking NE on Highway 54 about at the turn

Lincoln Co. Fairgrounds in Capitan

Central & east in Carrizozo

Cafe/ Field/ Arroyo/ Road/ Field - land for sale

Smoky Bear Restaurant, 310 Smoky Bear Blvd., Capitan

Murder site at stock tank/ House/ Gas station/ Convenience Market/ House/ Party/ Fields

House - shooting 

Thanks given to entire town of Capitan, The Grande Vista Ranch/ Smoky Bear Restaurant and Hotel and the Capitan Fairgrounds

Thursday, April 01, 2021

Snatchers (2019)

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Last updated: April 1, 2021

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Notes on Individual Scenes

Aztec imagery

Townscape - do not recognize - ostensibly Madre Vista, AZ

Classroom/ MVHS Hall/ House - west side of street

Guy's house/ Go Armadillos/ MVHS (apparently Midvale, UT?)

Free clinic/ Mesa Way/ Police Car/ Mmm-mart

House/clinic/Driving 500 through 700 South - Saguaro

Sunbeam farms/ cabin room/ Police HQ/ Skyler's House/ Kianna's Party


ABQ scenes - La Placita/ Room w. Column/ Pool/ Little Plaza/ Museum (actually, I'm not certain about the museum)


Food Mart/ Drum's Apt./ Manzano St. & Copper Ave. in ABQ

Cocoon/ Kianna's party

Thanks given to The City of Midvale, UT/ Rick Clemente & I-25 Studios/ Mustard Seed Cafe

Silk Road (2021)

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Last updated: April 1, 2021

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Notes on Individual Scenes

San Francisco, CA, 1151 Kearny St.

Supposedly SF Public Library, Glen Park Branch, but not actually that location

3 years earlier - Baltimore - 5925 - Liquor Store

Austin, TX


Downtown Inn, 12th & Central

Parking Garage

BioPark Aquarium


Warehouse Loft Apt.

Spanish Fork, UT

Sidewalk Cafe


Restaurant - Hotel Chaco - Roof

Hotel Triton in San Francisco


Alex Giannopoulos, Location Manager

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Half Brothers (2020)

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Last updated: March 30, 2021

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Notes on Individual Scenes

San Miguel del Allends scenes (where?)

Old Church in Corrales


Gallery of arches on street

Men leaving for work

Looking out window - likely Eclipse Aviation

Nice house

Mexican house


Passenger pickup at Sunport

Gold St. Cafe???

Medical Center - outside Chicago - Inside, Lovelace

San Miguel fields - dream


Standing outside hotel

Chicago - driving down street

Big Barn

Bobby Foster Road

Various scenes - Tijeras Canyon? - St. Louis Arch

Algodones Power Plant

Jalisco Bar - Wild Pony

Outbuilding - likely at Algodones Power Plant

Driving, Bend in Road at Bobby Foster Road

Room 104 - Fleur de Lis Wallpaper

Driving - Jemez Canyon Rd.?

Mr. B's Pawn Shop, 3543 Gibson Blvd. SE

Bus Station - NE corner of Tijeras and 2nd St., next to Convention Center

View along Central (35.0640, -106.7806)

Jail - old MDC Downtown

Sunport - passenger off loading near Alaska Airlines

Jemez Canyon Drive again?

J. & D.'s Little Store, 5117 2nd St. SW

More Jemez Canyon Drive?  Clear view of road, but where?

(35.5285,-106.1132).  Out of gas (35.5201, -106.1135) approximately

Walking.  Cabin.  

Probably Bobby Foster Rd. at night, EB

U-turn - can't read road sign.  Traffic stop.  Jail stop.  Old MDC.


Country Lane

Bobby Foster Rd./ Jemez Canyon Rd./ Movie Ranch Rd.

Convent - where?

Exit 54-254 Exit 47 Zaragoza Rd.  Where?

Convent/ Big Barn at Movie Ranch/ Lovelace/ Reprise of sites

Big Barn/ Canyon in Mexico

Vaccine Passport


Wretched Rainy Season Continues

The complete failure of the California rainy season continues. Rainfall in Sacramento is 37% of normal, and falling. The current rainy season is the third-worst on record at Sacramento Executive Airport (recording since 1948; only 1975-76 and 1976-77 were worse). At the downtown Sacramento site, it's the 8th worst of 144 seasons, on a par with the wretched 1932-33 rainy season: Happy Days Are Here Again! 

California's problems are widely shared, though. The entire Southwest is in deep trouble.

Appointment For Shot 1

Coming up, April 6th.

If It Makes Libertarians Cry, It Can’t Be All Bad

Actually, I see no way that vaccine passports can be avoided. Airlines would be idiots not to have them, and they aren't idiots!:
Lead by former Republican Congressman Justin Amash, libertarians across the U.S. are in absolute freak-out mode over "vaccine passports," an initiative being created and worked on by 17 private companies – but not the federal government – as a way for businesses to protect themselves, their employees, and their customers by knowing who has been vaccinated against the deadly coronavirus that has killed more than 550,000 Americans.
While not a Biden administration initiative, the White House supports the poorly-named "passports" and is co-ordinating efforts to develop and roll them out. 
The travel and tourism industry, and businesses like restaurants, concert facilities, and others where large numbers of people gather are anxious to re-open fully and safely, but proof of vaccination apparently is just too much for libertarians and many conservatives, including Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jim Jordan, to handle.

Ballet, and Dali

A great presentation on Salvador Dali's eight ballet projects. Surrealism run riot! 

I'm surprised my dance instuctor, George Zoritch, wasn't in some of these productions. His groups, Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo and Grand Ballet du Marquis de Cuevas, were both involved, as were many of his dance compatriots. I wonder if he had already moved to Hollywood by this time?


Zodiacal Light

Great article on the Zodiacal Light. I recall when I visited Australia, being far from the coast in interior Queensland after sunset, and suddenly seeing the Zodiacal Light, seeing the dust between Earth and Mars, and FEELING that depth of space. Profound!:
Joshua Rhoades was standing near an abandoned farmhouse in rural Illinois on a windy night in early March, fiddling with his camera, when he noticed what he called “a faint, eerie, ethereal glow” above him. A pillar of light had illuminated the darkness, stretching from the horizon—a hint of sun, but it was nearly 8 p.m.
There was nothing alarming about the sight, though it was, by one definition, a little alien: The glow was the result of an interplanetary cloud of dust particles reflecting sunlight toward Earth. To Rhoades, a geologist with a photography hobby, the display was an item on his bucket list, best viewed around this time of year in places far from light pollution. For astronomers who study space dust, the phenomenon, known as zodiacal light, is at the center of a startling discovery. 
Scientists have long known that a cloud of interplanetary dust is responsible for the glow, and that its particles come from asteroids and comets, which shed dust as they travel into the inner solar system from afar. Researchers have collected some of these particles, sweeping them from Earth’s atmosphere and excavating them from Antarctic snow, and their composition lines up with the known properties of those celestial objects. But new research suggests that some of the dust might be coming from elsewhere in the solar system. Rhoades actually captured the potential source in the photograph he took that night: Mars, a little orb trapped in the column of light.

I Have to Bring This Out of Storage Again

Gen X Trending

Dead Squirrel

Jasper had a good day. For the first time, he met a rabbit. Not a little lop bunny either, but a good, sizable rabbit named Coco. The rabbit was more amiable than a cat, but not as friendly as a skunk. Then, Jasper encountered a true marvel - a dead squirrel. It was the first squirrel Jasper had ever seen that didn't bound away or leap into a tree. Jasper could approach it, and the squirrel didn't budge. Jasper barked and barked at the squirrel. Jasper just couldn't get over the wonder of it all.

Mars by Curiosity Rover at Sol 3060 (March 15, 2021)

It looks like it could be outside Socorro somewhere!:


Just the weirdest headline. We all hope for normalcy:
Maine's baby eel fishermen hope for normalcy in 2021
PORTLAND, Maine -- Maine's baby eel fishermen are hopeful for a more stable season in 2021 as they seek one of the most valuable natural resources in New England.
The fishermen seek the eels, called elvers, so they can be sold as seedstock to Asian aquaculture companies.
They are then raised to maturity and sold as food, such as sushi. 
Maine has the only significant fishery for the eels in the U.S., and they sometimes fetch more than $2,000 per pound.