(Left) Peter Pan (Emily Jo Seminoff)

Sacramento area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis, 2000-2020); Liberal politics; Meteorology; "Breaking Bad," "Better Call Saul," and Albuquerque movie filming locations; New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.
Paris, Hilton's leap into the recording industry, hits the streets today.
The first single, Stars Are Blind, entered the US Billboard Hot 100 at No.18, the fourth-highest debut on the chart, and reached No.1 on charts in Canada, Hungary and Poland.
..."In an odd way she is the best representation of masterful manipulation of the entertainment-industrial complex."
...Her reality television show with "celebutante" Nicole Richie (daughter of singer Lionel Richie), The Simple Life, was a runaway hit, and is entering its fourth season. She has appeared in low-budget horror films and made commercials for burgers wearing a skimpy bathing suit.
A Hilton-centred animated series is in the works, Paris the nightclub opened in two Florida cities recently, and she has talked of launching her own chain of boutique hotels, starting in Las Vegas.
The heiress-cum-singer has cowritten an autobiography with an entire chapter devoted to her own fashion mistakes, and published a diary entitled Your Heiress Diary: Confess It All to Me, a collection of blank pages studded with photos of Hilton. Fans can also purchase a "diary" from the perspective of her pet chihuahua, Tinkerbell, entitled My Life Tailing Paris Hilton.
The spotlight has yet to tire of Hilton. Whether it is an announcement of a year of celibacy, or the news that she has been bitten by her pet kinkajou, the camera flashes and celebrity press follow.
"Here we are in the middle of a war and global unrest, and every time another of these stories breaks, you just have to take your hat off to her," said Thompson. "Business schools should take her as a model and teach semesters devoted to her."
Thompson likens Hilton to the dusty outposts of the early American West, towns whose growth into real cities relied on big-talking boosters.
"She is a fascinating cultural experiment, a house of cards built on a very finite list of accomplishments," said Thompson.
Hi Marc,Hi Juan:
I'm somewhat blog challenged and for whatever reason was unable to send a comment to Andrea St. Clair's post on this year's Elly nominations. You and Ray Fisher shared her sentiments, so I'm passing this message onto you to pass on to them as a comment:
"Do keep in mind that the Elly nominations and awards (like the Oscars) are for shows produced in the previous year i.e. 2005. Weren't "Sweeney Todd" and "Man of La Mancha" 2006 productions? If so, they will be considered for 2006 nominations to be announced accordingly in August of 2007. I know there is a cutoff date for consideration (May or June). Performances after that time are rolled over to the next year for consideration. Check with SARTA for specifics. "
Thank you Marc.
Juan Ramos
SeasonPresumably this is their standard season, applicable to 2005-2006 as well.
The Elly season begins July 1 and ends June 30.
Hi Marc,
Thank you for the thorough research. Go figure. By the way, John is now at home. The dining room area now houses his hospital bed, etc. He is healing well. His external hardware is scheduled to be removed in a couple of weeks, to be replaced by some sort of casts he is able to deal with. His arm fractures have healed and he is able to transfer himself from bed to wheelchair, etc. He is telecommunicating to his job which helps pass the time and confinement heebee jeebees. If you do have time to visit, give him a call.
At least, though, John Lennon's "Imagine" isn't in there. But it's not because Taylor's sparing anyone's sensibilities.
"I don't see why we wouldn't play it," he says.
Well, but an anthem of peace and idealism and tolerance in a casino? Wouldn't it be a bit crass? And do you really want gamblers to "imagine no possessions"?
(It's easy, if you try.)
"Huh," Taylor says. "I've never thought of it that way."
Whatever the reasons, James Glass, an analyst with CIBC World Markets in Boston, put it bluntly: "People just won't line up for doughnuts forever and ever."
The store that started the local craze gradually became unprofitable, with sales falling to about a third of their original level, one employee said.
Krispy Kreme was in some sense a victim of its own success. The quick proliferation of stores — seemingly opening by the dozen — made it harder for individual locations to get by. The La Habra store closed as part of a retrenchment in the last year that has left Great Circle with 17 Krispy Kremes, down from a peak of 31.
Have you ever done anything that made strangers think you were a pervert?Here is my submission, from college days:
One evening, my neighbor started screaming. A Peeping Tom was observing her from the bushes in the alley outside her bedroom window. In a panic, she came over to my apartment for manly protection. I locked her in, she called the police, and I went out into the alley to locate and confront the pervert.
So, who was the only one in the alley when the police helicopter and the canine units arrived?
Our war against Germany lasted 1,245 days, from Dec. 11, 1941, (when both nations declared war) until May 8, 1945.
Our war against Japan from Dec. 7, 1941, until Aug. 15, 1945, lasted somewhat longer--1,348 days.
So one cannot yet say that the war in Iraq has been longer than World War II. Nov. 25, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, will mark the 1,348th day of American involvement in the Iraqi conflict. It is not a date to celebrate.
AN Australian woman working as the chief purser on a luxury cruise ship has been charged in the United States with stealing $521,274 from the ship's safe and hiding it in her cabin.
Elisha Cuffe, 32, was arrested and escorted off the luxury liner Sapphire Princess in front of passengers after the ship docked at the Alaskan port city of Ketchikan last week.
...Alaskan state troopers allege Ms Cuffe, a 10-year veteran of the cruise line, hid the cash in a cardboard box at the end of her bed.
The ship's security personnel became suspicious during their voyage from Vancouver, Canada, to Whittier, Alaska, when money from the safe, which Ms Cuffe had access to, began disappearing, police said.
..."As part of the onboard investigation they asked to search her room and at that point they discovered the money in a cardboard box at the foot of her bed."
...Ms Cuffe, however, said she was not planning to flee with the cash, he said.
"She said she had taken the money because the ship's computer was showing less money than was actually on hand in the safe," he said.
"She said she didn't have any plans on removing the money from the ship."
So, in a compromise worthy of the UN Security Council, a recently formed committee has proposed the creation of a new category of objects called "plutons." It's a floor wax and a dessert topping!To me, it sounds like a great way to resolve this debate! Would that all debates were so easily resolved! Welcome the Plutons!
"[Richard] Binzel and other committee members stressed that categorizing Pluto as a pluton was in no way meant to downgrade its longtime status as the ninth planet.
'We might be demoting it from the list of eight classical planets, but we're promoting it by making it the head of its own special class,' said Owen Gingerich of Harvard University, who chaired the panel."
Am I the only one who thinks this sounds like something even a second grader wouldn't fall for? Even a dumb second grader? "No, you won't be going to regular third grade with the rest of your friends next year, Billy. You'll be going to second grade again. A special second grade!"
Dear theatre supporters, friends and associates,
The Studio Theatre is in trouble and our doors will be closed by the end of this month. A one-two punch delivered by the Sacramento Bee's theatre critic is going to shut us down.... I will not go quietly and I am asking all of you to help me. If you can march with us to the Sacramento Bee this Friday afternoon at 3pm, that would be great. If not, please send out the information below to your audiences. They can help support this grass-roots effort by email, letter or in person....
We will be meeting at The Studio Theatre, 1028 R Street this Friday, Aug 18th at 3pm and walk 10 blocks down Q Street to the corner of 21st and Q. Signs with support for local theatre (your company!!) and seeaplay.com are welcomed. Additional suggestions and ideas are also welcomed.
Let's seize this opportunity to make some noise!
We are asking the Bee to consider the following:
1. Theatre in the Sacramento region is suffering dramatically. Audience attendance is down across the board by at least 40 to 50% and in some cases, even more. If we want to see small companies survive this dramatic downturn in business during these difficult times, perhaps it is time for a more active ongoing partnership and line of communication with the Sacramento Bee. The Sacramento Bee has practically a monopoly in town and currently there is one critic, one voice in a one paper town. This should not continue.
2. The Sacramento Bee can provide much needed support for The League of Sacramento Theatres, the non-profit organization that represents over 40 professional and non-professional theatres in the region by supporting www.seeaplay.com.
3. October 2006 will be "theatre month". Support http://seeaplay.com/productionsNowPlaying.htm, where audiences can go and express their opinion about the plays they see. The League has a grant from SMAC for an outdoor campaign for seeaplay.com and we need support from the Bee!
4. The online Bee online, Sacbee.com and SacTicket.com might help arts organizations have a greater voice. Make the 21Q a blog that could be available to us, "voices from the trenches". 21Q is a blog that is currently a one-way stream (go to www.sacticket.com). How about considering edited response so it becomes a dialogue. This is especially critical at this time, since the Bee staffing in the arts is so limited.
5. Help save The Studio Theatre. We have brought life, love and laughter to the community for the last 12 years, sometimes with only a wing and a prayer to keep us afloat. We will be closed by Aug 31st if we cannot rally support and fill the seats in the theatre.
This march will be covered by TV, radio and the news media alike. We can seize this opportunity and make some NOISE!!! I will not go down quietly! I am speaking for theatre, because that is who I am. The other visual and performing arts are all suffering, but it is up to them to rally support should they choose to join us.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Jackie Schultz
The Studio Theatre
1028 R Street, Sacramento CA 95814
The Studio Theatre produces contemporary works with a female perspective and a healthy dose of liberal humor.
Don't cry for her, Argentina: Madonna says that after giving the world such classics as "Body of Evidence" and "Swept Away," she's giving up acting in movies. "I hate to admit it, but I've decided to give that up," she said recently, on the road for her current "Confessions" tour. "How can any film survive if everyone says it's going to be a flop from the very day the project is even conceived? It's already dead in the water." (Hollywood.com)