This post compiles videos and reviews of "Breaking Bad" from YouTube and other sources.
The Blog Sidebar contains links to Filming Location posts. These include:
- Eight "Breaking Bad" filming location posts;
- Four additional posts regarding "Breaking Bad" related subjects;
- Eight "Better Call Saul" filming location posts;
- Two additional posts regarding "Better Call Saul" related subjects;
- One additional post regarding Surrealist artistic influences in "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul";
- One post regarding "El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie";
- Three links to OldeSaultie's Google maps of "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming location sites. These are the best filming location maps on the Web! The KML files available at these addresses are particularly useful for importing locations into GPS-equipped devices.
Let me know if you have any problems or questions (E-Mail address:

"A Guidebook To 'Breaking Bad' Filming Locations: Including 'Better Call Saul' - Albuquerque as Physical Setting and Indispensable Character" (Sixth Edition)
Purchase book at the link. This book outlines thirty-three circuits that the avid fan can travel in order to visit up to 679 different filming locations for "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" in the Albuquerque area. Some background is provided for each site, including other movies that might have also used the site for filming.
"‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols: Reading Meaning into Sets, Props, and Filming Locations” (Second Edition)
Purchase book at the link. “‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols,” aims to understand some of the symbolism embedded in the backgrounds of “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul,” in order to decode messages and stories Vince Gilligan and crew have hidden there. A series of tables are used to isolate how certain (particularly architectural) features are used: Gentle Arches, Tin Ceilings, Five-Pointed Stars, Octagons, etc. Daylighting innovations that were either pioneered or promoted in Chicago are examined: Glass Block Windows, Luxfer Prismatic Tile Windows, and Plate Glass Windows.
Certain symbols advance the plot: foreshadowing symbols like Pueblo Deco Arches, or danger symbols like bell shapes and stagger symbols. Other features, like Glass Block Windows or Parallel Beams in the Ceiling, tell stories about the legacies and corruptions of modernity, particularly those best-displayed at Chicago’s “Century of Progress” (1933-34).
To avoid unnecessary friction, I have redacted the addresses of all single-family homes in these books. (These addresses are still available at Marc Valdez Weblog, however.) The pictures in the print editions are black-and-white, in order to keep costs down.
"A Guidebook To 'Breaking Bad' Filming Locations: Including 'Better Call Saul' - Albuquerque as Physical Setting and Indispensable Character" (Sixth Edition)
Purchase book at the link. This book outlines thirty-three circuits that the avid fan can travel in order to visit up to 679 different filming locations for "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" in the Albuquerque area. Some background is provided for each site, including other movies that might have also used the site for filming.
"‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols: Reading Meaning into Sets, Props, and Filming Locations” (Second Edition)
Purchase book at the link. “‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols,” aims to understand some of the symbolism embedded in the backgrounds of “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul,” in order to decode messages and stories Vince Gilligan and crew have hidden there. A series of tables are used to isolate how certain (particularly architectural) features are used: Gentle Arches, Tin Ceilings, Five-Pointed Stars, Octagons, etc. Daylighting innovations that were either pioneered or promoted in Chicago are examined: Glass Block Windows, Luxfer Prismatic Tile Windows, and Plate Glass Windows.
Certain symbols advance the plot: foreshadowing symbols like Pueblo Deco Arches, or danger symbols like bell shapes and stagger symbols. Other features, like Glass Block Windows or Parallel Beams in the Ceiling, tell stories about the legacies and corruptions of modernity, particularly those best-displayed at Chicago’s “Century of Progress” (1933-34).
In addition, a number of scenes in the show are modeled after Early Surrealist artworks. The traces of various artists can be tracked in both shows, including: Comte de Lautréamont, Giorgio De Chirico, Man Ray, Max Ernst, Leonora Carrington, René Magritte, Toyen, Yves Tanguy, Remedios Varo, Paul Klee, and in particular, Salvador Dalí.
An Amazing Miscellany Of Art, Reviews, Videos, Photos, And What Have You
On The "Breaking Bad" journey, I try to collect the most interesting stuff on the Web for my blog. It's a hopeless task, in a way, since the amount of good material is so vast, but I enjoy trying.
Beth Crosby's "Breaking Bad Sadness"
Parody of Lana del Rey's "Summer Sadness".
Money, Success, Fame, Glamour
Michael Flowers, of "Breaking Bad" Set Dressing fame, continues to make challenging and interesting video mashups.
I am puzzled. Where is the moral? But it's five minutes till curtain, so must run....
Breaking Bad - Cinematography
"Breaking Bad" placed heavy emphasis on point-of-view (POV) shots and stunning time-lapse panoramas, and it's fun to watch them together.
Great Summary Of The Most-Difficult Original Musical Compositions For Breaking Bad
Hard to compose the music!
30 Ways To Tell You Haven’t Gotten Over The Fact “Breaking Bad” Is Never Coming Back
I really like this post. Our descanso is Number 6 on the list!
Timelapse: Breaking Bad Superfan Filming Location Road Trip
Trailer Metástasis
I think there are ample opportunities for Breaking-Bad-inspired shows in other countries. Each one could focus on the peculiarities and foibles of the drug problem in each country, and could go off in any number of interesting directions.
I didn't see the need for a Spanish-language version of Breaking Bad, mostly because the original was so popular in Spanish-speaking countries. Nevertheless, "Metástasis" promises exactly that.
Walter White (And Vince Gilligan) As The Prince
A reader at Andrew Sullivan's The Dish comments on Breaking Bad (includes a sing-along video):
I’m also a long-time fan of Breaking Bad and appreciate a fellow fan who sees the obvious allegory of Walter White’s post-battle Richard III climax (“my kingdom for a horse”), tied all together with the pathos of Treasure of the Sierra Madre (“show us your badges!”) and Ozymandias rolling his own “legless trunk” through the desert.
...The radical objective of Machiavellian virtu was not earthly happiness, but immortal glory, which, as Leo Strauss puts it, “liberates men from the desire for petty things – comfort, riches and honors – as well as from fear of death.” Machiavelli undermines the ethereal promise of immortality offered through Christian virtue with the substantive possibility of immortal fame achieved with Machiavellian virtu.
This is Breaking Bad‘s story to the end: Walter vanquishes everyone, achieves all his objectives including his own death, knowing that he has secured his ultimate Machiavellian objective of eternal glory. Not surprisingly, this is also Vince Gilligan’s hope for Breaking Bad‘s legacy:You want your work to be remembered. You want it to outlive you. My favourite show ever was The Twilight Zone and I think about Rod Serling, [who] started that show 54 years ago this year. It long outlived him – he passed away in 1975 – but there are kids who haven’t been born yet who will know the phrase ‘the twilight zone’, and hopefully will be watching those wonderful episodes. I can’t say that’s what will happen [with Breaking Bad], but you wanna have that kind of immortality through your work. That would be wonderful. I’d feel very blessed.
'Granite State' Review
Can't possibly keep up with it all. Here's from a review of "Granite State":
I loved the character for a number of reasons, primarily because every slow boat to Hades needs a greedy Charon. But also because his continued presence — and the cost of that presence — was a cutting reminder of the limits of wealth. Throughout the 75 minutes, Walter kept insisting that all of his money was for his family. But as Flynn loudly established, they don't want it. (Flynn especially has every reason to reject his awful inheritance. Walt using his son's beloved Aunt Marie as bait was proof that the cancer still hasn't managed to penetrate his monstrous ego.) The barrel of blood money can buy almost anything, it seems: silence, loyalty, DIY chemotherapy, and an hour's worth of company. But it can't buy back what it cost Walt to earn it in the first place.
Best TV Show Ever!
Allen St. John at Forbes thinks "Breaking Bad" is the best TV show ever. Whom am I to disagree?:
Twenty three minutes into Episode 514, entitled “Ozymandias” after a Shelley poem, Breaking Bad made television history. Except that most fans didn’t notice. They were instead ready to cry, scream, vomit, or hurl a waffle iron at the plasma TV, or some combination of the above.
Sometime around that first commercial break, Breaking Bad broke away from the pack and staked its claim to the title of television’s Best Show Ever.
Over the course of five years, Vince Gilligan and his friends have constructed a world piece by piece, with attention to detail worthy of a Faberge egg. They created a compelling protagonist, a deeply flawed yet charismatic genius. They built a business at which he had savant-like skills, and depicted the family that often drove him crazy. Then blurred lines between the two. And in that way created a life for Walter White that many of us can relate to.
But other great and groundbreaking TV dramas had done something similar, most notably David Chase’s The Sopranos, David Simon’s The Wire, and David Milch’s Deadwood.
But Breaking Bad did something those iconic shows didn’t do. Showrunner Vince Gilligan set his protagonist in motion. Television had always been about a kind of inertia. After every episode of M*A*S*H or The Rockford Files there’d be a cosmic reset button that would allow the characters to return to exactly where they started at the beginning of the episode. That’s how you can make the Korean War last eleven years.
And as that first generation of shows from television’s post-millennial Golden Era threw off so many of the shackles of convention inherent in the medium, they kept this one.
Tony Soprano was a man who didn’t change, couldn’t change. Jimmy McNulty, Stringer Bell and other characters of The Wire fought hard for change—changing themselves and changing the system—but Simon’s message was that the drug/cop/court/prison/politics system in a fictionalized Baltimore was, tragically, too big and too strong to be taken down by a few angry men and women.
Vince Gilligan started Breaking Bad with no such constraints. Whereas Tony Soprano spent seven seasons running errands around North Jersey, Walter White embarked on an epic journey, tracing an arc reserved for iconic characters of literature and cinema like Jay Gatsby and Michael Corleone.
As he morphed Mr. Chips into Scarface, Gilligan wrote his own version of The Great American Novel. On Steroids.
Heisenberg Hats
Everyone in Manhattan wants the chapeaux (they even quote King Tommy from UBBFT!):
Mr. Percoco had taken the day off work at Rutgers University so he could ensure he was at the front of a line of about 40 customers waiting outside the Goorin Bros. Hat Shop on Bleecker Street in the West Village on Thursday, when the hat went on sale for the first time in New York.
...Goorin Bros. has produced only 1,895 Heisenbergs.... The company has made this number because its business began in 1895 ,when craftsman Cassel Goorin started creating custom-made hats in Pittsburgh, Pa.
The Heisenberg, which retails for $212, was first released during the Comic-Con event in San Diego in July and sold out immediately.
...Marc Rosenzweig, 49, from Long Island, said he had tried to buy the Heisenberg online several times when it was available earlier this year, but the Goorin Bros. website kept crashing due to the high demand.
“I’ve been waiting for this hat for months,” said Mr. Rosenzweig, who runs a pet hotel in Deer Park, N.Y., and had been waiting since 9:30a.m.
“I bought a cheap knock-off from a street vendor a year ago, but it’s felt. This will be a nice wool hat for fall, and I’ll wear it for Yom Kippur,” he said.
King Tommy Au-Yeung, 33, from Astoria, purchased the Heisenberg, the Captain Cook knit hat and another hat inspired by “Breaking Bad,” a baseball cap for $30.
“I’m all about ‘Breaking Bad,’ I’m completely obsessed with the show,” said Mr. Au-Yeung, who compared the narrative to an American classic such as J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye.”
“I own 12 ‘Breaking Bad’ t-shirts, some mugs and the DVDs on Blu-Ray,” he said.
¡COLORES! Episode 1927: Brian Cranston & The End Of "Breaking Bad"
"Breaking Bad" - Just The Superb Time Lapses
"Breaking Bad" And The Sin Of Pride
Via Gabe, the Catholic take:
James Joyce in “Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” observes that falling into one deadly sin opens the door to all the others. For Stephen Dedalus, his first great sin is lust and, through lust, all the other sins come crowding into his soul. Walter White is a perfect example of this truth. He starts with pride, but lust, envy, gluttony, greed, wrath and sloth all follow in various forms. He is clever and charismatic, just like Satan, but every move he makes worsens his situation and his life falls apart as his sins and culpability increase. There is a strong sense, throughout the show, that if Walter could let go of his pride, just once, he could somehow set himself right and atone for his sins.
"Breaking Bad" On "Charlie Rose"
The "Breaking Bad" Beggar Rides Again
Breaking Bad, Jr.
Walter White's Hometown

When I spoke with Ball, the Candy Lady, about the influx of interest in the state’s more sordid affairs, she told me that she doesn’t see a downside to it. She also told me that last year, just as her sugary narcotics made national news, her daughter-in-law died from a meth overdose. The reality of her life and that of the show are constantly in collision, in a way that might make other people turn away and look forward to its end. But she doesn’t want “Breaking Bad” to be over. She’ll keep selling blue rocks as long as the people arrive. “The whole world can see Albuquerque now,” she says. “They see us with all our problems. We’re not shy about it, just as I’m not shy about mine. But the people … they also see the sky. They never knew!

She is now located at:
"Breaking Bad" Etch-A-Sketch Recap
Watched Bryan Cranston on 'Colbert'. Said nice things about Albuquerque.
"Breaking Bad" Watch Parties In Albuquerque
The End Approaches To "The Best Crime Show Ever" ...
Beautiful article:
And so began the most unlikely crime show ever to ignite American audiences. Breaking Bad does not take as large a view of the world as did, say, The Wire, which detailed the web of corruption binding all human institutions, high and low. Like The Sopranos, Breaking Bad gets a lot of juice from juxtaposing criminality with the humdrum of the everyday—setting after-murder meals at Denny’s gave the writers endless pleasure. But Breaking Bad is something else entirely. It tells a story central to Western civilization, from Christopher Marlowe’s Elizabethan play Doctor Faustus to The Godfather—of a man who gains the world but loses his soul—and it tells it in a new way, in a way that makes that dusty tale profoundly personal and alive.
Breaking Bad Addiction
Resistance is useless:
Clearly, suspense is a key factor. The writers of these shows have taken the need to know what happens next to a new level. They’ve learned how to break off an episode at the very moment when it all hangs in the balance, for example, when Walt gets into a car where Tuco, a sociopathic rival, waits in the back seat with a gun.
...But if the story line propels me into my TV grotto, it’s the realism that keeps me there. There’s nothing artificial about “Breaking Bad” — the spell is never broken. The dialogue is pitch-perfect. And there’s a lot of useless but fascinating information: you can learn how a meth lab operates, how money is laundered and guns are sold, how to murder people.
...THEN there’s the background, the territory. We know our way around Faulkner’s Yoknapatawpha, Joyce’s Dublin and Bellow’s Chicago: now we have the Albuquerque of “Breaking Bad.” It’s a second home to me: I know its restaurants, its scrubby desert, its ranch houses with their two-car garages and swimming pools. The characters become weirdly familiar, too. I spend more time in their company than I do with my closest friends. I observe them closely. There comes a point when these are no longer actors to me: they are real people leading their lives.
...The most compelling thing about the show, though, what makes it unique among TV series, is its depiction of how good and evil can coexist in one person. Walt gets into the meth business for an altruistic reason: he has lung cancer and wants to ensure his family’s financial security after he dies. Walt is a decent man. He cares for his teenage son, who has cerebral palsy; he feeds the baby. He’s monogamous even when he’s separated from his wife, Skyler. He’s a moralist: “It’s about choices, choices that I have made, choices I stand by.” And his knowledge of chemistry, displayed at odd moments, makes him endearing. (The show was pitched as “Mr. Chips” becomes “Scarface.”)
...The corruption of character doesn’t happen overnight. Its progress is insidious. Most of the characters in “Breaking Bad” are not all bad; even Mike, the resident hit man, can hand his granddaughter a bouquet of balloons before heading off to put a bullet in someone’s head. Like the characters in Dostoyevsky, Camus and Céline, Walt inhabits a world of moral ambiguity that TV has never been given the time to explore in depth until now. I watch “Breaking Bad” for the same reason I read the classics: to discover why people act the way they do. (Also, it’s colossally entertaining.)
Breaking Bad - Skyfall
Breaking Bad Name Generators
Courtesy of Marius and Renee, I have links to two Breaking Bad Name Generators. The first one has issues with special characters. The second one will accept them, but won't be able to associate them with the Periodic Table.
Order Up "Breaking Bad" Lingo When You Please
Via Tim at UBFFT:
Heisenberg Ipsum, a Lorem Ipsum generator for Breaking Bad fans.
If you want a good laugh, view source on the code. CSS bitch!
An Awesome "Breaking Bad" Birthday

James Meek's Fine "Breaking Bad" Review
London Review Of Books:
I’m not sure why Breaking Bad comes across as such a political drama: whether it’s because Gilligan and his collaborators intended it that way, or because the creative space afforded by the medium encouraged a deliberate, unblinkered look at American society that was bound to result in social comment, or because I’m projecting my own preoccupations onto its rich storyscape. But it does. And the glaring drawback of America’s war on drugs – that the war has become a bigger problem than the drugs – is the least of it. Albuquerque is presented in bleak terms: the faded, badly-lit, over-upholstered clutter of ugly furniture in middle-class homes, Walter’s mean little swimming pool in which no one ever swims but which will over time receive all kinds of substances (money, vomit, a false eyeball from an exploding plane), the cold carpet-tiled fluorescent barns of office space, the strip malls. Saul the criminal lawyer has an office on one of these, with an inflatable Statue of Liberty wagging on the roof. He sits at his desk inside against a backdrop of fibreglass classical columns and a wall-print of the US constitution, dealing out counsel on how to lie, kill and cheat without being caught. In a flagrant violation of traditional American aesthetics, including the aesthetics of crime, Walter and Jesse end up driving two of the ugliest cars ever seen on the American screen. The only haven against the man-made desert of Gilligan’s Albuquerque is the beauty of the actual desert, criss-crossed as it is by drug dealers, drug makers, killers and illegal migrants.
"Downton Abbey" Does "Breaking Bad"
Just awesome! (h/t Noel)
Why "Breaking Bad" Is The Best TV Series, Ever
I missed this when it first came out in July, 2011 - Chuck Klosterman explains why BrBa is the best TV series, evah - but it still makes good reading:
There's a scene in Breaking Bad's first season in which Walter White's hoodrat lab assistant Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) tells Walter he just can't "break bad," and — when you first hear this snippet of dialogue — you assume what Jesse means is that you can't go from being a law-abiding chemistry teacher to an underground meth cooker. It seems like he's telling White that he can't start breaking the law after living a life in which laws were always obeyed, and that a criminal lifestyle is not something you can join like a club. His advice seems pragmatic, and it almost feels like an artless way to shoehorn the show's title into the script. But this, it turns out, was not Jesse's point at all. What he was arguing was that someone can't "decide" to morph from a good person into a bad person, because there's a firewall within our personalities that makes this impossible. He was arguing that Walter's nature would stop him from being bad, and that Walter would fail if tried to complete this conversion. But Jesse was wrong. He was wrong, because goodness and badness are simply complicated choices, no different than anything else.
Taylor Swift + Breaking Bad Parody - 'We Are Never Ever Gonna Cook Together'
The Breaking Bad Show (In Mayberry) - 2012 Emmys
It's All About The Branding
Some people have scoffed on the Internet recently about the idea presented on "Breaking Bad" that addicts would pay more money for a better-quality drug. Yglesias responds by pointing out that effective product branding would do the trick. The only question, of course, is whether such branding is chemically possible. I can just imagine Walter White mentioning the magic of chirality:
But what if your ultra-pure, locally sourced meth was manufactured by a special process that lends it a distinctive blue color? Well, that’s a game-changer. Instant branding. And even though the brand isn’t super-flashy, it’s got something more important than that: credibility. The hue of the product derives directly from the method of synthesizing it, so the only way to copy it completely would be to actually master the production process.
Breaking Bad's Meth Consultant
Trying to remain faithful to the science :
Nelson got involved with Breaking Bad after reading an interview with its creator, Vince Gilligan, in Chemical & Engineering News. “He said neither he nor his writer had a science background, and so they had to rely on Wikipedia and the Web,” she says. “When I read that, I thought, ‘We scientists are always complaining about shows getting the science wrong. It’s like fingernails on a blackboard to us. This would be a great opportunity to work with one.’”
Her second thought, however, was “Wow, do I want to get involved with this show? I wouldn’t want to do anything that looks like it condones illegal synthesis. People say it glamorizes illicit meth labs.” After watching a few episodes, she stopped worrying. “It portrays the characters getting beat up, shot at, having these horrible lives,” she sums up. “I don’t think any kid watching it would want to be like that.”
... In one of the first scenes Nelson was asked to help with, the show’s antihero, Walter White (played by Bryan Cranston), was supposed to explain the nomenclature of alkyne hydrocarbons to his high school chemistry class. “When I saw what they had written, I thought, ‘Wow, they really need help,’” she recalls. She rewrote much of the dialogue and handed the staff some explanatory diagrams, which she was delighted to see Cranston re-create precisely on-screen on the classroom blackboard.
...In one episode, Cranston and his young sidekick, played by Aaron Paul, can’t find any pseudoephedrine—a common meth precursor chemical often extracted from cold medicines. The two steal some 30-gallon drums of methylamine to use instead. “I looked up the exact process in which you’d use methylamine and did all the calculations on how much it would yield,” says Nelson. Turns out there are several different processes one can use. “They chose the one that was easiest for the actors to say.”
The show is now in its fifth season, and Nelson is clearly enjoying the secondhand glamour it brings her—she even made a brief cameo appearance as a nurse in one episode, she says, but wound up on the cutting-room floor. Meanwhile, she’s hoping to leverage her Hollywood cred by making a public service announcement warning Oklahomans about the dangers of crank. That idea came from a recent meeting with the state’s governor. “She told me,” says Nelson, “that the biggest problem we have right now in the state is illegal meth synthesis.”
The Harrisons Visit "Breaking Bad" Locations
I received an E-Mail from Tim Harrison:
Hey, MarcI'm amazed how good the quality here is! The song is "Giving Up Drugs Again" by The Womb.
Last week, we went on vacation to Albuquerque. We checked out some of the Breaking Bad sites and put together a little video. We couldn't have done it without your site!
Tim Harrison
Vince Gilligan On The Origins Of "Breaking Bad" - Conan O'Brien
Vince Gilligan talks about his aversion to cinematic violence.
Bitchin' "Breaking Bad"
The Mailman Doesn't Have To Knock Even Once To Get Past That Fourth Wall
I got a nice E-Mail:
Just wanted to drop a line to say thank you for taking the time to go past the front door and take those who delve further into Breaking Bad.
As a USPS mailman for all of 87106, 87108, 87102, 87105 and 87110 the last 3 years, I’ve been oh so close to when and where they film a large portion of scenes. Only up until about a year ago, I started to mention it to friends as not to ruin the opportunities that I had to literally walk right through police barricades, across barriers, and into businesses where they were shooting scenes in the back.
This show is incredibly great and those who do like it, just don’t like it….they are completely passionate about it. I’ve literally met a dozen people who didn’t know about it, given them all of season 1, and gotten a call a day or so later asking if I can get them S2. What other show makes their viewers do this kind of thing? Binge TV. LOL.
Anyhow, just wanted to really say hi, thank you for posting up your Blog for others outside of “The 505” to see and wish you all the luck in your future endeavors.
We’ll all be reading.
Breaking Bad Remix // POV Compilation
Breaking Bad Remix // POV Compilation from kogonada on Vimeo.
Such Excellent Mashups!
Seasons 1 and 2.
Seasons 3 through 5.
"Joking Bad" - Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
Mission Accomplished
City of Albuquerque - Breaking Bad, A Duke City Farewell
Awesome documentary about the impact of "Breaking Bad" on Albuquerque. Opens with the descanso my sister, nephew, and I put together, and features that unique human, Michael Flowers! (contains spoilers)
"Pearls Before Swine" On A "Breaking Bad" Theme This Week
Ann Lerner from the Albuquerque Film Office relates that the cartoonist, Steve Pastis, is in town this week:
In Awe Of Edvinas Petrauskas' "New Hampshire Breaking Bad Cabin"!
Music: Apparat - Goodbye (Instrumental)
Breaking Badlands
Credit: 16-year-old Benjamin Winter of Cypress, CA.
Daniel - Breaking Bad (Hip Hop video)
Barely-Legal Pawn
"Breaking Bad" spoof on the eve of the 2014 Emmy Awards.
Keep Typing, Bitch!
DIY :: Como fazer bala "Metanfetamina" de Breaking Bad!! - Especial Geek - Maddu Magalhães
Bryan Cranston Reads "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792–1822)
Breaking Bad - Jingle Bells
The Last Train From Albuquerque
Among the most-admirable things about the television series "Breaking Bad" are the fine time-lapse videos. Such artistry! So, on a visit to Albuquerque in February, 2014, I decided to emulate them and make one of my own. This may not be final - still having technical issues - but it's still fun. Learning that video-camera autofocus isn't necessarily a good thing when it comes to time lapse.
The video starts out at LAX. I wasn't going to include it, since that's California, but just like the cameo appearance of a unicorn, the big white whale of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 crosses the field of view, as big as day! (Filmed just before MH 370 vanished from the sky in March, 2014.) In Albuquerque, the railroad overpass over Central Avenue is used, just like "Breaking Bad" used it. Sandia Crest and the Sunport are used too.
Music is "The Tired Moon" by "Houses".
Joe Ransom - White Whale
Joe Ransom is a musician from Melbourne, AU, who is now based in Mexico City. He wanted to do a Breaking-Bad inspired video, and headed to the borderlands of northern Mexico (Chihuahua and El Paso) to do it. (After all, it's the same desert - the Chihuahuan Desert - as the desert through which the Rio Grande flows through in central New Mexico.)
Here is his video. Lyrics:
Give or take what was once yours
Screaming “Man over board!”
It’s a story that I ain’t told
There’s a white whale in all of us
Would you put faith in what you can’t trust?
It’s a story that must be told…
But you sold me out to walk the plank
And the waves turned me upside down
People fake what was once real
Is there a moment that we could steal?
In a shipyard they’re drowning souls
There’s a black sky over us
Would you put faith in what you can’t trust?
It’s a story that must be told
But you sold me out to walk the plank
And the waves turned me upside down
There she blows - with a harpoon in her heart
Now she knows, I’ve been waiting all this time
Mirrored hate, what is their sake?
And they offer up your fate
By way of violence
Long John Silver!
But there’s a life boat in all of us
I will put faith in the one I trust
It’s a story that must be told....
But you sold me out to walk the plank
The waves turned me upside down...........
[UPDATE January 27, 2015:] Now, Joe Ransom has posted an interview describing his inspirations, and also posted a link where the digital album can be downloaded.
Take a look and a listen! Here is the link to Digital Album.
Breaking Billinghurst
Breaking Billinghurst is the best video regarding "Breaking Bad" location hunting ever made, but unfortunately it's no longer on the Internet, as far as I know.
More about this film from Michael Albright:
"The release of my fan film has taken an unexpected turn. What was supposed to be a not-for-profit tribute to an iconic T.V. series is now a bitter sweet reminder of how vulnerable we are as human beings. My good friend, Eli (who plays the main character) found out on Thursday that he had cyst on his brain. He had been experiencing temporary paralysis, numbness, and nauseatingly-painful headaches, so this explained a lot. Yesterday (the day we released the film), doctors discovered that the cyst on his brain was, in fact, a tumor, so he underwent surgery to have it removed. Eli is currently in recovery after brain surgery. Doctors were able to remove all of the tumor that they saw. He is awaiting the results of the biopsy, which come in on Monday. At that point, we should know whether the tumor is malignant (cancerous) or benign. Eli is a true fan of the show, because he implied in a text message to me that he might try to watch the Better Call Saul premiere from his hospital room. That is dedication. As you watch this film, please keep this man, my close friend, Eli, in your thoughts and prayers. And if you know any other Breaking Bad fans out there, please let them know about our film. #BreakingBillinghurst is free to watch online, and our only goal with this project is to share it with other fans like ourselves. Thank you for reading, and thank you for your support!"
People are so creative! This is an amazing Breaking Bad fan tribute; the best ever! Fran makes a cameo appearance at 15:00. They consult my book at 16:15. So pleased! The best to Eli and the team!
Michael adds:
PS - If you want to learn more about Eli's current medical situation, check out my latest post on Instagram.
"Masculinity in Breaking Bad: Critical Perspectives" - A Panel Discussion
Five authors (left to right - Nick Gerlich, Susan Johnston, Bridget Cowlishaw, Ian Dawe, and Brian Cowlishaw) held a panel discussion at the 36th Annual Southwest Popular/American Culture Association (SWPACA) on February 11, 2015 regarding their new collection of essays entitled "Masculinity in Breaking Bad: Critical Perspectives" (available from McFarland Press in April, 2015). An abstract ( is presented below:
"These essays consider the award-winning television series Breaking Bad as a critique of early-twentieth-century American concepts of masculinity. Susan Johnston analyses fatherhood in Breaking Bad. The man who protects this family becomes an ironic as Walter's rationale for crime is gradually revealed as a lie. Ian Dawe reads Breaking Bad as a traditional Western where a man stakes a claim, shoots it out with rivals, and chooses to be the outlaw or the familyman. Brian Cowlishaw examines considers how uncomfortably our culture combines masculinity with intellect. R. Nicholas Gerlich and Lori Smith Westermann explore the series' capitalist concept of manhood in which to provide is what a man does. Stephanie Gross examines the strategies of the capitalist battleground, employing Machiavelli as Walter White's uncredited mentor. In a chapter related to both Walter White as both familyman and businessman, Ian Dawe examines the series' preoccupation with its men's longing to leave a legacy. Jeffrey Reid Pettis considers Breaking Bad's quirky camera angles and characters' surveillence of each other--who is watching whom decides which man wins. In round table chapters, contributors discuss the show's reception: fans who root for Team Walt, Skyler-hating, and Breaking Bad as a feminist text."I taped much of this discussion. Here it is!
"Walter White On The Turquoise Trail"
I decided to make a video of my talk at the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association (SWPACA) on February 12, 2015 entitled: "Walter White on the Turquoise Trail: Native American history as recapitulated in “Breaking Bad” through filming location, mineral type and predominant color". This a 25-minute extended version of my 15-minute talk, which is basically a romp through Southwestern Native American history with "Breaking Bad" as a starting point. The video is in two parts. (The sound level is low, so crank it up!)
Ninth Annual Southwest Burlesque Festival

Do You Want to Build a Meth Lab? (Frozen/Breaking Bad Parody)
Breaking Bad - The Superlab Environment (UE4)
Marius Laurentiu posted this. I just wanted to re-emphasize how masterfully-real Unreal Engine 4 is, and what a great addition this is to Petrauskas' masterfully-real Breaking Bad Cabin video!
The "Breaking Bad" 'Wide Shot'
Fan-Made Filming Location Video
Chris Dunlop's amazingly-good work!
Marc Valdez at To'hajiilee
"Breaking Bad" Tenth Anniversary
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