"Breaking Bad" Legacy: Finale Party and Breaking Bad Fest
This post is the third of three additional posts regarding "Breaking Bad" location-related subjects (last updated January 28, 2024).
This post presents information regarding "Breaking Bad" fan reunions, particularly in Albuquerque, NM.
The Blog Sidebar contains links to Filming Location posts. These include:
- Eight "Breaking Bad" filming location posts;
- Four additional posts regarding "Breaking Bad" related subjects;
- Eight "Better Call Saul" filming location posts;
- Two additional posts regarding "Better Call Saul" related subjects;
- One additional post regarding Surrealist artistic influences in "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul";
- One post regarding "El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie";
- Three links to OldeSaultie's Google maps of "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming location sites. These are the best filming location maps on the Web! The KML files available at these addresses are particularly useful for importing locations into GPS-equipped devices.
Let me know if you have any problems or questions (E-Mail address: valdezmarc56@gmail.com).
To avoid unnecessary friction, I have redacted the addresses of all single-family homes in these books. (These addresses are still available at Marc Valdez Weblog, however.) The pictures in the print editions are black-and-white, in order to keep costs down.
"A Guidebook To 'Breaking Bad' Filming Locations: Including 'Better Call Saul' - Albuquerque as Physical Setting and Indispensable Character" (Sixth Edition)
Purchase book at the link. This book outlines thirty-three circuits that the avid fan can travel in order to visit up to 679 different filming locations for "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" in the Albuquerque area. Some background is provided for each site, including other movies that might have also used the site for filming.
"‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols: Reading Meaning into Sets, Props, and Filming Locations” (Second Edition)
Purchase book at the link. “‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols,” aims to understand some of the symbolism embedded in the backgrounds of “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul,” in order to decode messages and stories Vince Gilligan and crew have hidden there.
A series of tables are used to isolate how certain (particularly architectural) features are used: Gentle Arches, Tin Ceilings, Five-Pointed Stars, Octagons, etc. Daylighting innovations that were either pioneered or promoted in Chicago are examined: Glass Block Windows, Luxfer Prismatic Tile Windows, and Plate Glass Windows.
Certain symbols advance the plot: foreshadowing symbols like Pueblo Deco Arches, or danger symbols like bell shapes and stagger symbols. Other features, like Glass Block Windows or Parallel Beams in the Ceiling, tell stories about the legacies and corruptions of modernity, particularly those best-displayed at Chicago’s “Century of Progress” (1933-34).
In addition, a number of scenes in the show are modeled after Early Surrealist artworks. The traces of various artists can be tracked in both shows, including: Comte de Lautréamont, Giorgio De Chirico, Man Ray, Max Ernst, Leonora Carrington, René Magritte, Toyen, Yves Tanguy, Remedios Varo, Paul Klee, and in particular, Salvador Dalí.
Some Of The Special Guest Stars of "Breaking Bad"

Jimmie Ning as Duane Chow at the Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour (UBBFT) Dinner at Garduño's on September 28, 2013.

Jimmie Ning as Duane Chow.

Sam Webb as Drew Sharp at the Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour (UBBFT) Dinner at Garduño's on September 28, 2013.

The Twins, as Spooge and Skank's strange kid. (Rebel Donut, 2435 Wyoming Blvd NE, September 29, 2013.)

Chris Lim as Breaking Bad's tarantula and cockroach trainer and wrangler. Breaking Bad used a trio of female Chilean rose hair tarantulas named Dierdre, Patty and Pepper. Chris says the Breaking Bad directors originally wanted the classic big black tarantulas, but he convinced them to use the Chilean spiders because they are more docile and look more like the types of tarantulas found in New Mexico.
Pay a visit to them all at Clark's Pet Emporium, 4914 Lomas NE!

Patty the Tarantula, in her terrarium home.

Patty the Tarantula explores our arms.

Patty the Tarantula is the most-famous of Breaking Bad's three tarantulas.


Cockroaches! (Not German, but Dahlia types? Missed the spelling.)

Steven Michael Quezada as DEA Agent Steven Gomez, with my nephew, Aaron, and my sister, Michelle Browning.
A Debt of Gratitude to the Coen Brother's "No Country For Old Men"

"Breaking Bad" owes a debt of gratitude to the Coen Brother's 2007 academy-award-winning film of Cormac McCarthy's novel,
"No Country For Old Men". That movie showed AMC and other Hollywood interests that there was a substantial market in Southwestern Film Noir, and that demonstration made the road of "Breaking Bad" that much easier.

Representing El Paso, parts of "No Country For Old Men" were filmed in Albuquerque. (Desert Sands Motel on Central Avenue.)
Meet-And-Greet Dinner Of The Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour (UBBFT) - September 28, 2013

Garduño's Mexican Restaurant (Winrock).

Marq Smith.
Prior to the Finale of Breaking Bad on September 29, 2013, the members of the Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour gathered at Garduño's Mexican Restaurant, near Winrock in Albuquerque, NM, for a meet-and-greet dinner on Saturday the 28th. In this brief video, the dinner is beginning to break up.
Finale Party Of The Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour (UBBFT) - Sept. 29, 2013

Ed Candelaria.

Mementoes. It took Marq and Ed months to prepare.

What a cake!

Ooh, they thought of everything!

The bathtub.

New Hampshire State Troopers and the UBBFT.

Rebel Donut, 2435 Wyoming Blvd NE, September 29, 2013.

A table Marie would love!
Just prior to the airing of the finale for Breaking Bad on September 29, 2013, Marq Smith and Ed Candelaria gather the Baddies of the Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour (UBBFT) for acknowledgments and to discuss rules regarding their giveaways for the evening.
Breaking Bad Legacy
Davis Layman's Obituary
Making A Descanso For Walter White

Michelle takes the cross to the site.

Setting it up.

Aaron's stenciling.
My sister got it
on the Albuquerque Journal's radar. She also heard a news story that did not feature a photo. Nevertheless, Shawna Martinez notes it made
KRQE TV-13 News!]
Michelle Browning, Marc Valdez, and Aaron Browning built a small descanso (generally, a roadside cross or shrine of Mexican origin that memorializes someone killed in a journey) to memorialize Breaking Bad's Walter White (aka, Heisenberg). The descanso is located just east of the building where Walter White died in the TV series, in the railroad right-of-way, just south of the intersection of Los Ranchos Rd. and the railroad, in Albuquerque's North Valley. Michelle Browning is briefly pictured. Tribute music is "Baby Blue", by Badfinger.
(The descanso was stolen in early December. My sister made a replacement, but continued harassment at the site made her leery about setting it up again at the same location. Further work stalled in late December, 2013, and has yet to resume.)
First Annual Breaking Bad Fest, November 7-8, 2014
Held at the Kiva Auditorium, Albuquerque Convention Center. Numerous get-togethers and parties.
Friday Party 1 - At The Library Bar and Grille

Fundraiser for Harrison Vanik. Jackie and Frank Sandoval flank Max Arciniega (Krazy-8).
Harrison Janik and the Weiss family, the Heisenhoneys, Rodney Rush, Jeremiah Bitsui, Max Arciniega, The One Who Mocks, and many others attended this party.
Harrison suffers from Cystic Fibrosis, but he is fighting back, using Walter White's determination to fight cancer as an inspiration. Inspired in turn, a number of the "Breaking Bad" cast have taken Harrison under their wing.

Rodney Rush (Combo) and Jeremiah Bitsui (Victor)

Rodney Rush (Combo) and Chandra.

Jeremiah Bitsui (Victor) and Rodney Rush (Combo).

Met Jeremiah Bitsui Friday night, and cut myself in a nasty way on the neck while shaving Saturday morning....
Friday Party 2 - Dinner At Garduño's

Miguel Jaramillo, Jennie Rexer, Alex Gianopoulos, Jeremiah Bitsui, Sam Hughes, and many others. (Photo credit: Sam Hughes)
Friday Party 3 - At Marq and Ed's house

Marq Smith and Ed Candelaria, Donna McGregor, Relinda Anderson, Kirika Yashida, and many others.
Here, Marq tries to get everyone into the group shot.
First Annual Breaking Bad Fest - Evening Panel
Casa Escencia Party

Upscale hacienda makes for a nice party location: a traditional Mexican upscale ultra-lounge (if that's even a concept) at the Hotel Albuquerque where the Breaking Bad wrap party had been held in 2013. With Charles Peters, Fran Padilla, and Donna McGregor.

Myself with Jeremiah Bitsui.
Netflix Interviews

Netflix flew into town and hastily lined up interviews for a locations documentary they are doing. They said something about the series of shows being available via streaming (presumably in 2015), and covers other cities and TV series too (e.g., Atlanta for Walking Dead, Albuquerque for Breaking Bad, etc.)
Interviews with Joanne Quintana and Fran Padilla, Travis Bell and his fiancée Haley Andrews, a couple from Maine that happened upon the scene, and Marc Valdez.
Hanging Out With the Heisenhoneys

My favorite detail!
Charismatic Travis Bell Makes A Big Impression
Retro DJ Travis Bell from Indianapolis, Indiana made a big splash at the First Annual Breaking Bad Fest in Albuquerque, NM.
I first saw him while taking Frank and Jackie Sandoval's Breaking Bad RV Tour. The RV was lingering just outside Jesse Pinkman's house when Bell drove past in his orange car with the "LWYRUP' plate. About half an hour later, he caught up to us again when the RV was parked at Combo's Corner. He came out of the car and approached the RV carrying a chrome axe. I was too rattled to take a proper photograph!

Travis Bell posed a question about Breaking Bad cars at the Saturday afternoon panel of the First Annual Breaking Bad Fest.
Bell believes in symbolic moments. He had located the manufacturer of the chrome axes used by the Cousins in Breaking Bad and purchased the remaining few axes. He then presented an axe to Luis and Daniel Moncada (who played the Cousins). They signed it and posed for pictures with it with many fans.

Travis Bell poses with Daniel and Luis Moncada for a photo by his fiancée Haley Andrews.

In a private moment, Travis Bell proposes marriage to Haley Andrews in front of the Walter White house. This is the actual moment. (I don't know who took this photo: it was on Facebook.)

A few days later (November 9, 2014), Bell and Andrews recreate the private moment for a Netflix documentary crew.
Breaking Bad Fest - Costume Contest

Congratulations Kelly Tow from San Diego for her amazing yellow hazmat suit!
Lisa Masters' Breaking Bad Filming Locations Costume

Lisa Masters dressed up as Albuquerque in the First Annual Breaking Bad Fest Costume Contest, since Albuquerque was a crucial character in Breaking Bad. She obtained my book and carefully mapped out every filming location! And a valuable benefit is that she now knows where all the filming locations are!
Her third-place in the Costume Contest was well-and-deservedly won!
Breaking Bad RV Tour

Trundling along the streets of Albuquerque on November 7, 2014 with Frank and Jackie Sandoval.

Inside the RV.

Among the guests was this adorable little Pomeranian from Los Angeles named Sophia Loren (and who will soon meet her namesake), who entered the Costume Contest and has her own blog:
Little Dog in the Big City.

Cooking at the A-1 Car Wash.

Quite to my surprise, Bonny Holder was visiting the Padillas at the Walter White house when we pulled up in the RV.

With Jackie Sandoval at the Padilla's Walter White house (photo by Bonny Holder).
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