The Blog Sidebar contains links to Filming Location posts. These include:
- Eight "Breaking Bad" filming location posts;
- Four additional posts regarding "Breaking Bad" related subjects;
- Eight "Better Call Saul" filming location posts;
- Two additional posts regarding "Better Call Saul" related subjects;
- One additional post regarding Surrealist artistic influences in "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul";
- One post regarding "El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie";
- Three links to OldeSaultie's Google maps of "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming location sites. These are the best filming location maps on the Web! The KML files available at these addresses are particularly useful for importing locations into GPS-equipped devices.
Let me know if you have any problems or questions (E-Mail address:

"A Guidebook To 'Breaking Bad' Filming Locations: Including 'Better Call Saul' - Albuquerque as Physical Setting and Indispensable Character" (Sixth Edition)
Purchase book at the link. This book outlines thirty-three circuits that the avid fan can travel in order to visit up to 679 different filming locations for "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" in the Albuquerque area. Some background is provided for each site, including other movies that might have also used the site for filming.
"‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols: Reading Meaning into Sets, Props, and Filming Locations” (Second Edition)
Purchase book at the link. “‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols,” aims to understand some of the symbolism embedded in the backgrounds of “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul,” in order to decode messages and stories Vince Gilligan and crew have hidden there. A series of tables are used to isolate how certain (particularly architectural) features are used: Gentle Arches, Tin Ceilings, Five-Pointed Stars, Octagons, etc. Daylighting innovations that were either pioneered or promoted in Chicago are examined: Glass Block Windows, Luxfer Prismatic Tile Windows, and Plate Glass Windows.
Certain symbols advance the plot: foreshadowing symbols like Pueblo Deco Arches, or danger symbols like bell shapes and stagger symbols. Other features, like Glass Block Windows or Parallel Beams in the Ceiling, tell stories about the legacies and corruptions of modernity, particularly those best-displayed at Chicago’s “Century of Progress” (1933-34).
To avoid unnecessary friction, I have redacted the addresses of all single-family homes in these books. (These addresses are still available at Marc Valdez Weblog, however.) The pictures in the print editions are black-and-white, in order to keep costs down.
"A Guidebook To 'Breaking Bad' Filming Locations: Including 'Better Call Saul' - Albuquerque as Physical Setting and Indispensable Character" (Sixth Edition)
Purchase book at the link. This book outlines thirty-three circuits that the avid fan can travel in order to visit up to 679 different filming locations for "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" in the Albuquerque area. Some background is provided for each site, including other movies that might have also used the site for filming.
"‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols: Reading Meaning into Sets, Props, and Filming Locations” (Second Edition)
Purchase book at the link. “‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols,” aims to understand some of the symbolism embedded in the backgrounds of “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul,” in order to decode messages and stories Vince Gilligan and crew have hidden there. A series of tables are used to isolate how certain (particularly architectural) features are used: Gentle Arches, Tin Ceilings, Five-Pointed Stars, Octagons, etc. Daylighting innovations that were either pioneered or promoted in Chicago are examined: Glass Block Windows, Luxfer Prismatic Tile Windows, and Plate Glass Windows.
Certain symbols advance the plot: foreshadowing symbols like Pueblo Deco Arches, or danger symbols like bell shapes and stagger symbols. Other features, like Glass Block Windows or Parallel Beams in the Ceiling, tell stories about the legacies and corruptions of modernity, particularly those best-displayed at Chicago’s “Century of Progress” (1933-34).
In addition, a number of scenes in the show are modeled after Early Surrealist artworks. The traces of various artists can be tracked in both shows, including: Comte de Lautréamont, Giorgio De Chirico, Man Ray, Max Ernst, Leonora Carrington, René Magritte, Toyen, Yves Tanguy, Remedios Varo, Paul Klee, and in particular, Salvador Dalí.
"This is what I do, you understand? I move things from Point A to Point B all over the globe; 1.2 million metric tons a month, and all of it right at my fingertips - a laptop click away."
"Gliding Over All", by Walt Whitman:
GLIDING o'er all, through all,
Through Nature, Time, and Space,
As a ship on the waters advancing,
The voyage of the soul--not life alone,
Death, many deaths I'll sing.
I'm continually intrigued by how "Breaking Bad" parallels Navajo origination legend, perhaps with Lydia (or even Saul Goodman), cast as Spider Woman and Walt and Jesse as the Twins, helping them rid the Earth of Monsters. But as with all parallels, it's not exact: Walt is now more monstrous than any Monster he ever dealt with. BrBa is like Navajo legend as interpreted by Mafiosi.
There is an excellent book regarding the Navajo (also known as the Diné), portions of which are available online by Google Books for purchase: Spider Woman Walks This Land: Traditional Cultural Properties And The Navajo, by Kelli Carmean.
Quoting from specific passages below:
It is said that long, long ago, Monsters roamed the Fifth World and fed upon the five-fingered Earth Surface People, today called the Navajo. ....
It was in their time of greatest need that Changing Woman, impregnated by the Sun, gave birth to the Twins. Seeking to help their people by killing the Monsters, the Twins set off on a journey to visit their father and request his aid. Soon, they met Spider Woman, a small and often overlooked creature, but one with great power. Spider Woman helped the Twins by teaching them protective prayers and by giving them hoops tied with sacred life feathers, the power-filled plumes plucked from living eagles. ....
And who are the people being saved in "Breaking Bad"? The families, and the children: Flynn, Holly, and Lydia's daughter too. Very much in accordance with traditional Sicilian ways. Navajo legend, as interpreted by Mafiosi! And who are the Monsters? So many of them! The drug lords, and their henchmen!
Spider Women later also assists two women emissaries of the Navajo to learn the art of weaving (perhaps Marie & Skyler?) - once again, to assist their people.
And the Twins did eventually rid the Earth of Monsters. But at what cost?
"Breaking Bad" takes the viewer on a dark journey through the drug underworld, but it also touches something deeper. In Season 5a, episode 5, 'Dead Freight', Lydia is kidnapped and taken to a basement. To save her life, she describes a railroad radio dead zone by pointing at a map. There is no railroad where she points to, however. What is at that point? Whitehorse, NM, across from Chacra Mesa from Pueblo Pintado.
There is a wonderful documentary about the Anasazi of Chaco Canyon (narrated by Robert Redford and since removed from YouTube). The section between 39:10 - 41:40 is most significant. As Robert Redford narrates: "From no one building, and at no one time, would a person see this pattern. It's as though this intricate symmetry of relationships to the sky and the Earth was drawn on the landscape, but only to be held in the minds of the people." Like "Breaking Bad" itself!

Image by tosgos at
'Say My Name' - Season 5, Episode 7
Technically they were on San Felipe Pueblo land, but near the boundary with Santa Ana Pueblo land, for the final scene - about here: (35.380657°, -106.505815°).
I was in the general area of Santa Ana Pueblo in August, 2010. Driving around, I kept having the sensation I had been here before. Maybe I was confusing it with a trip through Peña Blanca when I was a kid.
For centuries, the Pueblo Indians have been fiercely-protective of their way of life, and remarkably resistant to changes imposed from the outside. They have kept their grazing lands and cottonwood groves free from most of the real estate development that has marred the Albuquerque area. 150 years ago, most of the Rio Grande Valley in Albuquerque looked a lot like the expansive groves portrayed in "Breaking Bad". It came as a surprise to me that Santa Ana Pueblo has been working so closely with "Breaking Bad" over the years. And now again! (And San Felipe Pueblo too.)
I’m thinking these particular coordinates (35.370617°, -106.512221°) might identify the site where Mike tosses his arms into a hole in the ground. On Google Earth you can even see a tiny spot that might be the hole cover! It’s interesting: this site is on Santa Ana Indian Pueblo land, but the final scene point is on San Felipe Indian Pueblo land. It demonstrates that “Breaking Bad” is working very closely with both Indian Pueblos, and has good relations with both. In addition, these sites are as remote from the inhabited areas of the Pueblos as it’s possible to get and still be on Pueblo land. I’m sure that a minimal disturbance of the inhabitants was part of the price for permission to use the land.
That Lightning Shirt
'Dead Freight' - Season 5, Episode 5
The opening scenes were filmed in the chaotic off-road motorcycle area not far from “Q” Studios. They seem to start on the north side of Tijeras Arroyo, head southwest, and end up staying in the same general area: (35.021705°, -106.615063°) In any event, it’s Albuquerque.
I was wondering, is “Breaking Bad” going to get all mystical on us? When Lydia points on the map to the place in McKinley County where the dead radio zone is supposedly located, she points to Whitehorse, NM, not that far from Pueblo Pintado, an Anasazi ruin, and an important outlier of the Chaco Canyon, the Anasazi's most-important religious site. There are other sites important to the Navajo nearby too. And La Fajada Butte isn’t very far away either: probably the most notable archaeo-astronomical site in the American West! I visited there once, when it was still open to the public.
I was flipping out! Are we going to get all quasi-spiritual as we approach the end of the TV series? Are we going to mash up our tribal, Mexican, and Anglo criminal roots into some kind of sky-blue spiritual mush? Will Spider Woman lead us all out of the Fifth World at the end of the 16th episode? Is Lydia, Spider Woman? How can that be? Who is Lydia, anyway? Or, for that matter, who is anyone else in the TV series? It would be so out-of-character for “Breaking Bad” to get mystical (or is it?), and it makes my head hurt. I better get back to figuring out locations....
Here's AMC's video on working with trains....
A Kid And His Tarantulas
Teen, spiders break into Breaking Bad
People are touchingly concerned about him:
It's shocking, disturbing and going viral, and the episode's big stars are a young boy and a trio of tarantulas, all of them local. Chris Webb, 15, is from Rio Rancho and plays a kid riding his bike around the mesa collecting tarantulas in scenes shot south of Santa Fe. He also witnesses some shenanigans involving the stars of the show about a high school chemistry teacher turned methamphetamine kingpin.
...Webb says working with Breaking Bad cast and crew was great. ... One of the arachnid actors--Pepper--actually went home with Webb as a gift.

Pay a visit to them all at Clark's Pet Emporium, 4914 Lomas Blvd. NE!
Bryan Cranston Transforms Into Walter White
Presto, change-o!
"Breaking Bad" Filmed At Octopus Car Wash Today (June 6, 2012)
E. from Albuquerque sent a note:
Hi Marc, Today, June 6 2012 around 4pm, I drove past the Octopus car wash and noticed something looked different. And yes, I do cruise past there frequently hoping for signs of Breaking Bad and for the second time in about 2 years I was rewarded. I don't live too far from there so it's no bother. I confess I also drive past the White residence, which is not far from the car wash and Taco Sal which is just across the street. The car wash had a sign out stating they were closed. There were some big trucks coming and going. Some Octopus car wash employees were standing out front and when customers drove up wanting to get a car wash the employees would go up to their cars, talk to them and then give something, a piece of paper. Didn't seem right, the car wash shouldn't be closed on a Wednesday afternoon, it wasn't raining, it never rains here. So I drove up to one of the employees and he told they were closed for filming and gave me a one dollar off coupon for my next car wash. I asked him if it was Breaking Bad that was filming there and he said yes. He told me I just missed the actors, Anna Gunn and Bryan Cranston, they had left around 3pm. Darn my rotten luck!! I would have loved to catch a glimpse of them. He said the actors spent some time sitting outside and were very friendly to the Octopus staff.I replied (in part):
...Thanks for all the Breaking Bad info and pictures on your blogspot. I am so enthralled with Breaking Bad I have to rein myself in sometimes, don't wanna worry my friends too much.
You're not alone with your Breaking Bad obsession! I'm surprised how often polite conversation with strangers soon turns to Zafiro Añejo, and similar dark matters. I think the Breaking Bad obsession is particularly hard on those who live in Albuquerque. As one of my commenters wrote:
I live in Albuquerque....about 3 blocks from Walt's house. Walk by there everyday with the dogs. I was so curious where a lot of these locations were. I am just obsessed with this show.The obsession for those who live nearby must be incredible: a hunger bordering on pain!
The Freakier Breaking Bad Gets, The More Accurate It Becomes
The paradoxes of BrBa (h/t, Kate):
So it’s somewhat surprising that in depicting the mechanics of the meth business, “Breaking Bad” is so notably realistic. I spent the past six months interviewing drug traffickers and D.E.A. agents for an article about the business side of a Mexican drug cartel, and, having been an ardent fan of “Breaking Bad,” I was startled by how much the show gets right.
...[I]n a clandestine industry, having a quality product isn’t enough. You need distribution. Selling drugs on the street is a risky job, and generally falls to the most dispensable folks, in this case Pinkman’s knucklehead associates Badger, Skinny P, and the portly, mohawked Combo (R.I.P.).
... As Walter’s business grows, his needs outstrip the limited abilities of his sales force. This is a constant problem for drug runners. I spoke with one longtime trafficker who told me that a recurring liability in any scheme is the inclusion of some friend or cousin who invariably turns out to be a drunk or a junkie.
...“We need a proper infrastructure,” Walter eventually concludes—a buffer that will insulate them from the dangers of the street. (“Layered,” is how Pinkman characterizes this arrangement. “Like nachos.”) For help in this regard, they turn to Saul Goodman (J.D., University of American Samoa), no mere criminal lawyer, Pinkman points out, but a criminal lawyer.
... But believe me when I tell you that I have met lawyers like this. It takes a special brew of amorality and pluck to represent a drug lord, and Saul is an only slightly exaggerated version of some very real attorneys who ply our Southwest border. By Season 4, Walter is earning seven million dollars a year, and how to launder large amounts of money is a perennial challenge for narcotics professionals.
... So when Walter’s wife Skyler suggests buying the car wash where he used to work, she definitely has the right idea.
...Saul also introduces Walter to Gus Fring, the brilliantly realized and also surprisingly realistic meth-king proprietor of the Los Pollos Hermanos chicken chain. Flashy drug dealers in the Scarface mode make for enjoyable movie villains, but in real life they don’t tend to last long in the business. Quiet businessmen like Gus, on the other hand, often thrive.
...The one feature in the show that is most glaringly off is the gleaming subterranean mega-lab that Gus constructs for Walter. To be sure, labs like these exist—just not in the United States. One major challenge for any meth producer, which gets scant attention on the show, is how to source adequate precursor chemicals, which are heavily regulated in the States. In real life, it would be impractical to undertake the sort of industrial-scale production that Walter does (two hundred pounds a week) inside this country, because of the difficulty of acquiring the necessary chemicals.
...Otherwise, the show’s portrayal of Mexican cartels is devastatingly accurate. It has been suggested that Vince Gilligan has a sick mind, but nothing he could dream up, even the unfortunate fate of Tortuga, can rival the creative barbarism of the cartels.
New Season 5a Filming Locations
Northeast Heights (E. of Wyoming, W. of Juan Tabo, S. of Osuna)
Even though I disagreed with his analysis, I liked Matthew Yglesias' open take on episode 4:
Honestly, my sneaking suspicion is that the lack of big-league sports franchises in Albuquerque, N.M., is the root cause of Walt’s derangement.------------
Speaking of deranged—Skyler, Skyler, Skyler! It seemed to me that we were supposed to read that walk into the pool as a calculated effort. And yet if she’s pulling herself together for the sake of calculation, I’m not sure she’s really doing it right. I hate to take the sociopathic meth dealer’s side in a domestic dispute, but if Skyler felt that Walt’s post-Fring attitude didn’t adequately consider the risks to their children, she should have just said so plainly. Instead she visited Ted in the hospital, then fell into a dayslong depression during which she was totally noncommunicative with her husband. Then she drops an atom bomb into the family dynamic with a cry-for-help suicide attempt. It’s just not a great way to raise marital issues. So maybe it wasn’t calculated? Maybe she really is overwhelmed and can’t take it anymore? But when Walt confronted her directly, suddenly the nonresponsiveness was gone. I was puzzled, but I loved the scene with the bacon—a gem that more than justified the fast-forward that opened the season.
On to less psychically distressing speculative topics! Where do we think that Lydia and the Madrigal warehouse facility are located? Fresno, Calif.; Kansas City, Mo.; and Houston are all about a 14-hour drive from Albuquerque. My money’s on Houston, which is something of a chemical industry hub; one of the legitimate uses of methylamine is making methylpyrrolidone, which is used in hydrocarbon extraction and processing. Houston stuff, in other words.
I’m not so worried the DEA will go off the scent without Hank to ride herd. The case seems almost trivially easy to crack at this point. The DEA just needs to get around to actually following Mike, instead of discussing the desirability of surveilling him behind closed doors.
Actually, Sacramento, CA is about 900 miles from Albuquerque, so maybe I'm the source of the methylamine. But Houston is just as, if not more, likely than northern California as the source location of chemicals, imported or otherwise. Plus, Skyler's dilemma is much, much deeper than just a marital issue. Family squabbles are trivially easy to solve compared to this.

Upper Northeast Heights (E. of Juan Tabo)
We had some questions regarding this specific site location. Could the place actually be located at the end of Trailroad Rd. NE? So, Albuquerque resident Colin Dykes kindly went out to take photos in order to evaluate candidate locations, and, indeed, somewhere very close to 13724 Elena Gallegos Place seems to work.

Northeast Heights (N. Of Osuna)

[Cross-listed with Sandia and Manzano Mountains section.]
Lower Northeast Heights Locations (W. of Wyoming), & Lomas Blvd. Corridor


A blue bar is present, stretched across this wall as televised on Breaking Bad, but it is absent in this picture. Nevertheless, older Google Earth pictures show the blue bar. Thus, this wall must have been painted fairly-recently.
Downtown West and Old Town

Huning Castle & ABQ Country Club

(no new locations offered with this update)
Huning Highlands/ Martineztown

It's interesting that Mike's house is only a stone's throw from the old Albuquerque Public Library building, on the NW corner of Central Ave. & Edith Blvd.
Around 1972, back in high school, after the morning double-session at overcrowded West Mesa High School, I used to like to hike down to Central Avenue, then catch a bus to the Library, to read, and to drift among the stacks. Sometimes, I'd eat a hot dog across the street, at Pup and Taco. That was before the Library moved into its new building downtown.
These days at the old library, they feature Special Collections. They had the Hispanic Genealogical Research Center (HGRC) there for a long time (although on 2/17/16 I learned they moved those archives to the second floor of the main Albuquerque Public Library, downtown.)
Who knew a killer lives only a block away?

E.B. Held's "A Spy's Guide to Santa Fe and Albuquerque" (2011) discusses the geography of spying in New Mexico. There are interesting parallels between "Breaking Bad" and the WWII wartime espionage instigated by an angry Josef Stalin, who was trying to figure out just what the hell the Americans were doing with the world's best physicists on a project they code-named ENORMOZ.
Regarding a meeting between atomic spy Ted Hall (MLLAD) and his best friend (and KGB courier) Saville Sax (STAR) at First St. & Central Ave. in Albuquerque (adjacent to the train terminal where Mike Ehrmantraut first arrives in town in “Better Call Saul”), Held writes:
For two total amateurs MLLAD and STAR had worked out an elegantly simple clandestine communications plan. They both purchased identical copies of Walt Whitman’s twelve-poem masterpiece, ‘Leaves of Grass’, which they used as a simple book code to fix the date of the meeting. Specifically, MLLAD would mail a letter through the military censors to STAR in which he would quote a passage from the book. The passage would correspond to a specific verse of a specific poem…. The number of that verse … would represent the day of the meeting. The number of the specific poem … would represent the month….
The highly-technical information MLLAD passed on was written down using a homemade milk-based invisible ink.

The meeting violated KGB protocol regarding contacts between operatives in the United States, but in those days, what Stalin wanted, Stalin got, regardless how bad an idea it might be. The contact was detected by American counterintelligence and became one of the biggest disasters in KGB history. David Greenglass’ in-laws, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, were exposed as spies. The resulting ‘Trial of the Century’ led to the Rosenbergs’ executions in 1953.
The Manhattan Project is now the subject of art. There’s nothing better than De Nederlandse Opera’s production of John Adams’ and Peter Sellars’ opera, “Dr. Atomic”. Not only is the singing excellent and the staging spectacular (especially the totally ‘off-the-hook’ section called ‘Time Has Returned’), but the set and prop people went to extraordinary lengths, even with this minimalist opera, to capture the look and feel of New Mexico (like the exact way the Sangre de Cristo Mountain skyline looks from Los Alamos). Plus, it’s likely the first time someone from a Tewa-speaking Pueblo (likely Santa Clara) is represented in opera (the fictional character Pasqualita), and gets her own song.
University Area & Near Presbyterian Hospital

Nice seeing the Denny's Restaurant (across Central Ave. from UNM) again! (With a callback in Season 5b, episode 16, 'Felina').
Sadly, this Denny's location closed shortly after Thanksgiving Day, 2014.

This site was fascinating and challenging to identify. I looked at the city views in the background of that scene, and the reflections off the windows, using previous BrBa time lapses as guides, namely:
- View of Downtown, TriCore Reference Laboratories, (Season 3, episode 8, 'I See You'); and,
- City Montage, Rooftop near Total Community Care, (Season 4, episode 6, 'Cornered').
For the direct view, there is a panorama, from left to right, of what used to be called St. Joseph’s Hospital (old building and new), but now is called Lovelace Medical Center. Then there is the green glow of downtown's Wells Fargo Building, which has been surgically removed by the AMC people in the direct view (probably because it is too distracting) and so is therefore invisible in the scene, but is still present in the view reflected off the windows as Lydia walks down the hallway to where Mike is hiding. Then, there is the columned Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court building, at 401 Lomas Blvd. I-25 lies in the foreground, but is virtually invisible.
In the views reflected off the glass, both the glows of the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court building and the greenish Wells Fargo building are evident. The only building that is correctly-situated for these views to work out is located at 1105 Marquette Pl. NE.
On TV, it looks like a Bauhaus-y glass box kind of place, with nice art. That neighborhood between I-25 and UNM has always been an academic bastion, and despite the building’s modernism, that kind of arty place is in keeping with the neighborhood.

Encino Terrace was glimpsed from the north in the panorama visible from the window of Lydia Rodarte-Quayle's Madrigal Electromotive (Houston) office.

A building of interest to the architectural community, the Encino Crescent, is in the foreground (but never shown in 'Madrigal').

Nob Hill

"My guys are solid. I vetted them with great care. And Fring made sure they were well-compensated in the event of a situation such as this. They're paid to stand up to the heat and keep their mouth shut. No matter what. And they will."
We tend to do things big in America.
Death too. Early in 2013, an Albuquerque slaughter:

Sheriff's investigators combed through what one called a "horrific" crime scene Sunday after the shooting deaths of five people, three of them children, at a home outside Albuquerque, New Mexico.Calvary Church, of course, is a megachurch: one the biggest megachurches in the Southwestern United States. My sister and her husband are members. A lot of people in Albuquerque are members!
A well-known local pastor and four of his relatives were among the victims, according to those who knew him.
Each victim was shot multiple times, said Lt. Sid Covington of the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Department, and one of the weapons used was what he described as an assault rifle. Sheriff Dan Houston said a 15-year-old boy, who "may be a family member," was charged with two counts of murder and three counts of child abuse resulting in death.
...Griego was also a former pastor at Calvary Church, where the family still attended services, church member Brian Nixon told CNN affiliate KOAT.
More information:
In a statement late Sunday, the sheriff's office identified the victims as Greg Griego, his wife Sara, and the children: Zephania, 9; Jael, 5; and Angelina, 2, the Associated Press reported.
Sheriff's spokesman Aaron Williamson confirmed to the Los Angeles Times that the suspect is 15-year-old Nehemiah Griego, who has been arrested and charged with two counts of murder and three counts of child abuse resulting in death.
...One of those killed was Greg Griego, who was identified as Nehemiah's father in a biography that has since been removed from the website of the Albuquerque Calvary Church. A church leader told KOB-TV that Griego, a pastor, had taken a leave of absence from the church last year.
According to the biography, Greg Griego and his wife had 10 children.
Neighbor Peter Gomez told the Albuquerque Journal he often saw the family on walks through the neighborhood, adding that Nehemiah Griego “wore nothing but camouflage stuff."
Greg Griego has been heavily involved in prison ministries, particularly at Albuquerque's large, new Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), located on the remote mesa southwest of Albuquerque ("Breaking Bad" fans have come to know the bright orange jumpsuits emblazoned 'MDC' that have been featured so prominently in Season 5 of the show). A summary:
Jail Ministry – Pastor Greg Griego
o Metropolitan Detention Center
o God Pods – 2 male and 1 female Pod
o Preaching the gospel
o Transforming the culture
o 220 inmates reached on a weekly basis
o 6000 folks commit their lives to Christ annually
A mega-family living in a mega-compound, with the father working in a mega-jail and serving a mega-church with a mega-ministry. Maybe had mega-problems too. And now, a mega-tragedy.
South Valley (West of River), Southwest Albuquerque and Pajarito Mesa

Here's the link to AMC's video on the filming of the Madrigal Headquarters in Hanover, Germany scene.

San Jose Neighborhood and South Valley (East of River)

Southeast Heights

For example, in 2002, when my cat died, I started to dig a grave. Joe came by, and despite raw knuckles from a fist fight the previous evening, he insisted on helping. We were at a loss for words as we tamped the cat's body into the grave. Joe finally piped up: "Shit happens." Just like Todd!
"Shit happens" now appears to be a standard, default American eulogy for living entities for whom one does not really care.
Near "Q" Studios
Near-collision. Possibly near Season 3 Truck-blow-up site (Season 5, episode 1, 'Live Free Or Die'). Mike meets up again with Walt & Jesse.
Motorcycle offroad area (Season 5, episode 5, 'Dead Freight'). Offroad biker finds a tarantula. (35.021705°, -106.615063°) See my Season 4 post for more pictures of the off-road areas of Tijeras Arroyo.
Meeting between Mike, Jesse, and Declan from Phoenix (Season 5, episode 6, 'Buyout'). The soil is seriously disturbed here at this eerie place near Bobby Foster Road (34.983993ø, -106.638106ø). Seen again (Season 5, episode 7, 'Say My Name') and the 'Crystal Blue Persuasion' montage (Season 5, episode 8, 'Gliding Over All', scenes 3 & 13).

Photographer James Gelet located this site. James explains: "It's pretty deceiving because of how much more brush is everywhere now compared to the show ... What's so beautiful is since that post and the fence are at different depths you can determine EXACTLY the distance the height the camera should be at to get the shot perfect. Once you line this shot up everything else will fall into place."
I commented: "After the lethal 2012-13 drought, and the floods of September, 2013, the vegetation went nuts out there on the mesas. In early October 2013, there was a weird viney mat out there I've never seen before that had an alien feel. It wouldn't surprise me if other vegetation started shifting around too, with barren areas getting brushy, etc.
(Which reminds me, a notable feature of Trinity Site near ground zero these days is its brushiness. THAT vegetation really got hammered in 1945!)

On the flight out, with lightning flashing on the horizon, the plane banked and both Q Studios and the 'Say My Name' location were clearly visible a short distance nearly straight down.
"Q" Studios
(no new locations offered with this update)
I-25 Corridor, North
The Big-I, Looking south from about (35.107774ø, -106.630090ø) - (Season 5, episode 1, 'Live Free Or Die'). Time lapse 2.

Extra Space Storage (formerly Devon Self Storage)
4801 San Mateo Blvd. NE
North Valley
(no new locations offered with this update)
Northwest Albuquerque

This site is down the hill from a Honda dealership (Perfection Honda, 2603 American Road Southeast, Rio Rancho, NM)!

Fence for Vistas at Seven Bar Ranch Apartments, 10600 Cibola Loop NW.
View looking SE, although it does look odd in a night view. The cut in the curb isn’t there on Google Earth, but the repair work on the pavement is visible on the Google Earth aerial shot. What appears from the distance to be double bars above the gate in the distance are actually surfaces on the apartments on the other side of the gate, reflecting light.
I associate this neighborhood with madness. My father lost a bit of his grip on sanity in those apartments back in 1990. In World War II, my father was an artilleryman in Baker Battery, 666th Field Artillery Battalion, running and gunning with Generals Montgomery & Patton across northern Germany (Nathaniel Blumberg has written a powerful account of those uncertain days).
After the war, my father raised his family just north of here, in Corrales, but he always carried a trace of war-related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) associated with his service.
In 1990, my parents decided to retire to Vistas at Seven Bar Ranch. The combination of being uprooted by the move, plus Saddam Hussein’s surprise summertime invasion of Kuwait, triggered what appeared to be a PTSD-related event. We had to smuggle the rifle out of the apartment, so concerned we became, lest the upstairs neighbor, the woman with the noisy high heel shoes, have to dodge bullets fired through the floor, from below.
Ultimately, my parents moved out of Vistas at Seven Bar Ranch. It wasn't anyone's fault (except maybe Adolf Hitler's and Saddam Hussein's). Not the happiest of times. Illustrates just how fragile the mental health of war veterans can be.
As a society, we'll be dealing with PTSD related to the U.S. invasion of Iraq of 2003 for years and years; until 2050, and beyond. No more war.
There are more lighthearted examples of madness too from this neighborhood.
In 1980, I attended my sister's graduation ceremony from nearby Cibola High School. I expected the Class of 1980 would choose a perfect, contemporary graduation song that would best capture the spirit of their time. They chose "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynrd.
WTF? "Free Bird"? That song is from 1974, not 1980! If this wasn't an example of madness, I don't know what is!
The rest of the nighttime drive is still unclear. I’m thinking they are somewhere in the area, likely on Coors Blvd. (NM 448). The double green light visible in the background just after Walt says ‘Because I say so’ could be heading south, just south of Paseo del Norte, but not sure….

According to my nephew, who has a friend who lives in this house, this is 10538 Box Canyon Place NW (which seems to match what we can see in the video).

Rio Rancho
(no new locations offered with this update)
(no new locations offered with this update)
West Mesa Locations (except Pajarito Mesa)

Sandia And Manzano Mountains

[Cross-listed with Northeast Heights (N. of Osuna) section.]
(no new locations offered in this update)
Zia, San Ysidro, and Cabezon
(no new locations offered in this update)
Santa Ana Pueblo & Algodones
Rio Grande River, Santa Ana Pueblo, approximate location (Season 2, episode 5, 'Breakage'). Illegals find Tuco's grill (35.358692ø, -106.516228ø). Also, time lapse (1) (Season 5, episode 8, "Gliding Over All").
Firearms Disposal Pit, On Santa Ana Pueblo land, approximate location (Season 5, episode 7, 'Say My Name'). Mike prepares his exit (35.370617ø, -106.512221ø).

Bernalillo and Placitas
(no new locations offered in this update)
Santa Fe & Lamy

Looking west.
Santa Fe Southern Railway is a private company that only runs a single, 18-mile-long rail line, from Lamy to Santa Fe.

Santa Fe Southern Railway stopped operations on September 29, 2014.
Near Los Lunas And Belen
(no new locations offered in this update)
More Distant Locations
(no new locations offered in this update)
Breaking Bad Has Deeply Philosophical Underpinnings
This is one of my favorite New Mexico traffic signs (on Interstate 25, near Los Lunas). It's very philosophical. Like "Breaking Bad" is philosophical.
Dust storms may exist. Then again, they may not. How dusty does a dust storm have to get to be considered a dust storm? What criteria do you use? How do you know?
(Or, failing that, there is a new book on sale at that discusses the philosophical implications of "Breaking Bad"):
Can a person be transformed as the result of a few key life choices? Does everyone have the potential to be a ruthless criminal? How will we respond to the knowledge that we will be dead in six months? Is human life subject to laws as remorseless as chemical equations? When does injustice validate brutal retaliation? Why are drug addicts unsuitable for operating the illegal drug business? How can TV viewers remain loyal to a series where the hero becomes the villain? Does Heisenberg’s Principle of Uncertainty rule our destinies? In Breaking Bad and Philosophy, a hand-picked squad of professional thinkers investigate the crimes of Walter White, showing how this story relates to the major themes of philosophy and the major life decisions facing all of us.
Notes On Albuquerque Slang
Albuquerque is host to people from all over the United States, and the world. Nevertheless, a distinct accent is evident among residents, particularly people with a Hispanic background who grew up in Albuquerque, or anywhere else in northern New Mexico.
In "Breaking Bad", several characters have the accent (e.g., Steve Gomez and Krazy Eight stand out). Nevertheless, a Hispanic background is not sufficient by itself (e.g., Andrea Cantillo's and Tuco's NM accents aren't very strong, and may point to more diverse origins - California, for example?)
English speakers in Albuquerque tend to follow the speech examples of Southern California rather than Texas, the Midwest, the South, or the East Coast, but once again, that tendency is neither universal or slavish.
In a rare misstep for "Breaking Bad" (Season 2, episode 12, Phoenix') Walt apologizes on the phone to Marie for not attending the birth of his daughter because of a traffic jam "on the Forty" - a Southern Californian usage that isn't used often in New Mexico (an Albuquerque resident would say "on Interstate 40"). Nevertheless, with people's minds being so elastic, and all, there is no guarantee that Albuquerque residents won't adopt the Southern Californian usage eventually: maybe in a decade, or so.
Regarding the Albuquerque accent, there isn't a surer guide than Lynette! Can't get enough of her!
You start with your basic Northern New Mexico accent, and add a patina of urban sophistication for living in the ABQ (half of whose residents also hail from Española, or Taos, or Las Vegas, or Santa Fe) and this is what you get.
New Mexico appears to be a border zone in the famous "Coke", "Pop", or "Soda battle. There's a video called "Shit Navajos Say" that indicates they prefer "pop" out on the Rez.
Myself, growing up in Albuquerque, I remember using "Coke" as a child, but "soda" as an adult. If I live long enough, maybe I'll use "pop" as well!
Below, Lynette speaks with that special Albuquerque swagger.
Lynette explores a local corn maze.
Lynette spawned imitators, like these high school students in Las Vegas, NM. I particularly like the disembodied voice with a New Mexico accent at the drive-through restaurant ordering menu:

wonderful site. will make a trip through new mexico even more enjoyable.
ReplyDeleteHappy Trails!
DeleteAwesome blog! Love it! We used to live right around the corner from Jeese's aunt's house. I was checking this out for BrBa film locations.
ReplyDeleteOne thing. There are tarantulas in the Abq area. I saw one whe mountain biking in the foothills. I'll never forget because it's the only one I've ever seen wild.
Thanks for the compliments!
DeleteI'm thinking the geography of Albuquerque tarantulas is complicated. Growing up in Corrales, and in the vicinity of Rio Rancho, I never saw them, but I did see one near Golden once. So, if the terrain is lush enough, tarantulas may make a home. I doubt they live in Tijeras Arroyo near "Q" Studios, where the motorbike scene was filmed - too dry and forbidding - but they might live in Tijeras Arroyo closer to the foothills - east of Four Hills, for example.
Nice information Regarding Film Locations.
ReplyDeleteHi there, love the Blog! Livelong ABQ resident here, amazing how living here for 50+ years they manage to find locales you don't recognize!
Yeah, isn't it amazing? Some of these scenes are real difficult to reverse engineer too. You see a scraggly tree in the scene, and you know it's a unique tree, but there are thousands that kind-of look like that tree in ABQ, but that's your only clue.
DeleteThe Locations People on this show are amazing! They do their homework, and even if some of them aren't local (coming from Hollywood or points farther out) they know things about ABQ that neither you or I ever will.
Great stuff Marc !! Does anyone know where the negotiation scene for the Methlamine in the Desert took place in Series 5 ?? Many thanks
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff Marc !! Does anyone know where the negotiation scene for the Methlamine in the Desert took place in Series 5 ?? Many thanks
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteInformation regarding this site is now entered (see above).
DeleteGreat read and info. Sadly the photos in the Google My Maps don't work due to Photobucket ridiculous new $400 cost to keep the links live. Do you have the photos stored elsewhere?
ReplyDeleteGreta job!
Hi Alexander:
DeleteUnfortunately the pictures aren't under my control. The maps were generated by Sven Joli, and I hope he has a workaround. I will forward your complaint.