(h/t Nancy)
Sacramento area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis, 2000-2020); Liberal politics; Meteorology; "Breaking Bad," "Better Call Saul," and Albuquerque movie filming locations; New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.
In your amazing crime/business story of the day, anti-mafia officials in Italy say they've seized $6 trillion in counterfeit U.S. Treasury bonds.
That is an awful lot of money, considering that the United States' total GDP is only $14.5 trillion. ... Interestingly, the release of a huge quantity of counterfeit U.S. Treasuries into the world would have been exactly what the global economy needs right now. We're suffering from a shortage of liquid AAA-rated financial assets at the moment and the U.S. political system is refusing to meet the demand with a surge of new debt. Counterfeit bonds would work just as well as real ones for the sake of repo transactions as long as they were really good counterfeits, and global economic activity would increase accordingly.
On Tuesday, an individual claiming to be a Heartland donor persuaded the group to email him or her the group’s annual budget, its fundraising plan and a 2012 strategy paper, outlining the organization’s intent to insert contrarian views of climate change into the nation’s elementary schools.
...After reviewing the new Heartland documents, Gavin Schmidt, a scientist with NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, who models and studies climate change, told Salon:This is exactly the kind of thing we see people doing, and we know they have been actively promoting the fringe voices, trying to influence teaching curricula, trying to lobby legislators, trying to undermine the conclusions of bodies. But it is good to know who is actually funding them.Heartland, which bills itself as anti-regulatory and libertarian, annually produces climate change “denier” conferences and pays expenses for elected officials to attend. For example, the budget shows that Heartland allocated $304,704 for scientists supporting its contrarian views in 2012.
...The Heartland budget allocates more than half a million dollars for “government relations” and another $800,000 for communications. Besides the big-budget annual climate conference, another $25,920 was budgeted for eight “Heartland Capital Events” identified as “events in state capitals for elected officials,” at $3,240 each.
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Heartland is legally barred from using its tax-free income of $7.7 million to lobby for or against legislation. The fact that the group appears to be intending to do just that could transform the group’s ongoing public relations disaster into a legal problem. Heartland’s activities are no surprise to environmentalist watchdogs, but actual proof of moneys spent on lobbying activities might affect their legal status, if the IRS bothers to investigate.
But wait a minute, this commentary does not offer anything I want to know. What I want to know is: Why did John McCain think to mention chimichangas on the floor of the Senate in the first place? Chimis (deep-fat-fried burritos, often served with guacamole and sour cream) are a distinctly Arizonan faux-Mexican food. I hadn't heard about them before I moved to Arizona. I'm not sure that many Floridians (whom I think were most-affected by the Senate debate) would know about, or particularly care about, chimis. Or has their spread nationwide become complete enough by now that I'm wrong? THAT'S what I want to know about. But, alas, now I'll never know....A political food fight broke out this week when Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank essentially wrote in a column that the Republican Party had nothing left to offer Latino voters other than the chimichanga.
...Milbank seized on the nonsense that came from Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona. The senator's remarks really had nothing to do with Latinos. They were about Arizona.
"The lettuce in your salad this month almost certainly came from Arizona," McCain said on the Senate floor. "It's also believed that the chimichanga has its origin in Arizona."
Milbank sneered: "The chimichanga? It may be the only thing Republicans have left to offer Latinos."
That told me that Milbank's knowledge of Latinos was a taco short of a combination plate. As dysfunctional as the modern-day Republican Party is with regard to immigration -- in large part, because it has basically volunteered to be the party of white Americans who are freaked out over shifting demographics -- the GOP offers Latinos quite a bit in other areas.
...No political party is perfect. And neither Republicans nor Democrats are doing a very good job of serving Latinos at the moment. On the immigration issue, both have failed us.
But the truth is that, despite what some liberals want Latinos to believe, the GOP offers a lot to that community. At moments like this, however, liberal Democrats offer only sarcasm, insults and condescension.
Jon Basso, the quirky restaurant’s owner or “chief surgeon,” said employees summoned medical help when they noticed a patron showing signs of a heart attack.
...The situation unfolded when Basso said a “nurse” — the restaurant’s lighthearted nickname for servers — noticed the man, who was eating alone, shaking and clutching his chest.
“It’s enough to scare anybody straight,” Basso said.
...The restaurant, which opened in the fall, sits near the Fremont Street Experience in downtown Las Vegas and caters to its name by referring to customers as “patients,” servers as “nurses” and food orders as “prescriptions.”
And the menu doesn’t fall short of the theme either: It boasts everything from a “single bypass” (a single hamburger patty with cheese and toppings) to an 8,000-calorie “quadruple bypass” (four hamburger patties with slices of cheese and all toppings).