Or something like that - Deborah confuses me so.
Sacramento area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis, 2000-2020); Liberal politics; Meteorology; "Breaking Bad," "Better Call Saul," and Albuquerque movie filming locations; New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.
Mitt Romney ... went after Newt Gingrich immediately and relentlessly. He scolded him, rendered him momentarily mute, and took answers about other topics and turned them into attacks on Gingrich on key issues like excessive government spending. Romney didn't just have good answers, he looked like a man in command of himself.
...Romney started right away. If a candidate can deliver a strong moment that will run throughout the next day on cable and on local news, he wins the night. You just have to be good once, and preferably early in the evening. Romney had to know that Gingrich's claim that Romney was "anti-immigrant" would come up, and it came up early. He took offense and then took a hairbrush to Gingrich's bottom. He said the attack was "repulsive," called on Gingrich to apologize for the "kind of over-the-top rhetoric that has characterized American politics for too long."
Gingrich, inexplicably continued to defend the sentiment behind the "anti-immigrant" ad that he pulled down and that Sen. Marco Rubio had criticized. It gave Romney a chance to look indignant. This provides us with a quirk of political theater: Romney, who is authentically stiff and robotic in his natural state, looked "authentic" in what was no doubt a staged moment.
Romney also finally gave his best defense yet of his taxes. After Gingrich dared him to explain his Swiss bank account, Romney launched into a riff he'd clearly tried out a few times in front of the mirror. "I think it's important for people to make sure that we don't castigate individuals who have been successful. Let's put behind us this idea of attacking me because of my money."
He was in Gingrich's face all night. He criticized Gingrich for his ambitious plans to colonize the moon. "If I had a business executive come to me and say they wanted to spend a few hundred billion dollars to put a colony on the moon, I'd say, ‘You're fired.’ (Remember just a few weeks ago when Romney couldn’t say the word fired? That’s OK it was Newt he was firing.) "At another time he kneed Gingrich for pandering to local politicians, offering a new project in every state he visited. "This idea of going state to state and promising what people want to hear, promising billions, hundreds of billions of dollars to make people happy, that's what got us into the trouble we're in now. We've got to say no to this kind of spending."
During an exchange over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Gingrich offered a blustery attack on Romney's investments in the two companies. Romney pointed out that Gingrich had identical investments. "Right," was all Gingrich could say, as if being guilty of the charge he had just leveled at Romney were totally natural.
Former President John Tyler, born 221 years ago, still has two living grandchildren.
...So, how is it possible that a former president who died 150 years ago would still have direct descendents alive today? As it turns out, the Tyler men were known for fathering children late in life. And that math is pretty outstanding when added up:
John Tyler was born in 1790. He became the 10th president of the United States in 1841 after William Henry Harrison died in office. Tyler fathered Lyon Gardiner Tyler in 1853, at age 63. Then, at the age of 71, Lyon Gardiner Tyler fathered Lyon Gardiner Tyler Jr. in 1924 and four years later at age 75, Harrison Ruffin Tyler. Both men are still alive today.
...Some context on Tyler's progeny: Jane Garfield (granddaughter of James Garfield) is 99, making her the oldest living grandchild of a former president, even though Garfield took office 40 years after Tyler.
The extraordinary sight is causing a sensation at SheepWorld, near Auckland.
Park bosses originally dyed the animals as part of breast cancer awareness week, but it proved to be such a hit with visitors that they decided to keep them as a permanent feature.
David Katz Productions, a Los Angeles based film and television production company whose projects include “Kissing Strangers” and “The Dispensary” is looking for amateur comedians to join the cast of a new, hilarious docu-series that follows the lives of the amateur comedians.J.: OK, tell me what you think about this joke:
-Are you the next comedian to make us laugh?
-Are you juggling the ups and downs of life, writing jokes and going to open mic nights?
If you are living to tell a joke, have a unique point-of-view and potential to be the next big stand up comedian, then we want to hear from you!
When I moved from New York to Tucson, I walked into a bar and told the bartender "I want a beer!" He said, "Huh?" So, I told him again, this time louder, "I want a beer!" He said, "Huh?" So I shouted, "I want a BEER!" He said, "OH!"J.: What do you think?
As Studio 54 at MGM Grand prepares to close after a decade-long run, entertainment and hotel executives this morning confirmed our earlier Vegas DeLuxe stories of the new fine dining and luxury nightlife concept that will open there in December. An Abu Dhabi property-investment company, Tasameem, is partnered in the new venture, the second Middle East group to be involved in Strip nightclub ventures.
As we previously reported, Angel Management Group, which also runs Wet Republic at MGM Grand (and its dozen properties include Pure at Caesars Palace and LAX and Savile Row at the Luxor), will convert Studio 54 into a lavish, multi-story nightclub.
The Las Vegas-based company also has announced a partnership with the London-headquartered global restaurant brand Hakkasan known for its Michelin-starred properties. A Middle East emirates property group owns Hakkasan. Vegas DeLuxe readers will recall that a similar oil-rich money group purchased half of the Light Group nightclub operations at other MGM Resorts on the Strip and also took a major position in the ownership of MGM’s CityCenter.
In a statement released this morning, AMG officials said: “The collaboration delivers an innovative concept evolving beyond Hakkasan’s original restaurant model, incorporating the best elements in dining and nightlife to create an unimaginable experience that will revolutionize the Las Vegas market."
...The new venue, Hakkasan Las Vegas set to open in December, is part of MGM’s “Grand Renovation,” a 360-degree makeover that updates MGM Grand’s guest rooms, casino floor and other entertainment, dining and nightlife experiences. The transformation will expand the size of the former venue, creating an indoor/outdoor space with views of the Strip.
“All you have to do is look at the former governor of Massachusetts’ tax return — and that’s why this has become an emergency,” Reid said. “Too many families in Nevada and across the country wake up every morning wondering why the opportunities for them and their children are so scarce. Then they look at the top 1 percent and find that they have a tax rate lower than what they pay.
“The system seems to be rigged in their favor ... it’s only fair to ask why people making millions shouldn’t pay their fair share.”
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) on Monday suggested replacing the $600 billion in automatic defense cuts set to begin in 2013, even if Congress must do so one year at a time.
The defense cuts are looming as half of the $1.2 trillion sequestration that will kick in because of the failure late last year of the congressional deficit “supercommittee” to agree to a deficit-cutting plan.
...Cantor told reporters Monday that he wanted to try to find at least enough in offsets to restore the $60 billion in defense cuts set to take effect next year. He acknowledged that finding cuts to replace the entire $600 billion, spread out over 10 years, would be difficult, given the failure of deficit talks through 2011.
...The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.), has already introduced legislation to undo the defense cuts, and has suggested that raising taxes would be preferable to allowing the sequester to go forward. McKeon later walked back those comments, stressing the need for cuts to entitlement programs.
President Obama’s Defense secretary, Leon Panetta, has warned that the across-the-board Pentagon cuts could damage the military, coming on top of $450 billion in reductions that the Defense Department is already planning to implement. Yet the president has threatened to reject any effort to undo the automatic cuts that is not part of a deficit-reduction deal that includes additional tax revenue.
...Cantor has spoken out against the automatic defense cuts since shortly after the supercommittee failed, but his push for replacing them piecemeal, if necessary, is consistent with his skepticism that major legislative compromise is possible before the November election.
“I’m hopeful that we can actually do something this year along those lines. I am also mindful of where we’ve been the last year,” he said in a reference to the repeated attempts on a deficit “grand bargain” that collapsed in the face of the wide ideological chasm over taxes and entitlement programs.
A Stanford study sheds new light on the old cliche about women having a higher tolerance for pain than men - according to tens of thousands of electronic patient records, women tend to report much more severe pain than men, no matter the source of the pain.
The study being released today found that when asked to rate their pain on a scale of 0 to 10 - with 0 being no pain at all, and 10 being the worst pain imaginable - women on average scored their pain 20 percent more intense than men.
The results held up across a wide variety of diseases and injuries, including back and neck pain, digestive disorders, sinus infections, and even ankle strains and sprains. In almost every category researchers looked at, women reported more pain than men.
..."If I lined up 10 men and 10 women and I took a hammer and broke their legs exactly the same, the 10 women would report more pain than men. And maybe that's just the way women use the pain rating scale, but even knowing that is important," said Dr. Jon Levine, a UCSF rheumatologist who studies the causes and mechanisms of pain.
Fiji's military leader Voreqe Bainimarama has won an apology from the country's free to air broadcaster after it ran a personality competition in which he came second.
Fiji TV subsequently changed the result of the text vote to give Bainimarama the winning personality of the year award and stripping it from the original winner, Premila Kumar of the Consumer Council.
Bainimarama, who ended democracy with an armed coup in 2006 and refuses to restore democracy until 2014, said the poll was undemocratic.
He claimed Fiji TV closed the competition a day early and did not count 1500 votes that had all come in for him later.
Anti-regime blog sites claim those votes came in from two mobile phones used by the military.
Flight Path: The Flyway Project from Albuquerque Public Art on Vimeo.
Men who are narcissists may be at risk for some health problems, since they could have inherently higher levels of the stress-related hormone cortisol even when they're not under pressure, a study finds.
Cortisol, which is released by the body when it's under duress or going through an intense activity, can have some benefits--lending an energy surge, helping the body burn fat, and boosting memory. But too much cortisol from chronic stress can have deleterious effects, such as higher blood pressure, lower immunity and higher levels of abdominal fat.
..."Narcissistic men may be paying a high price in terms of their physical health, in addition to the psychological cost to their relationships," said co-author Sara Konrath of the University of Michigan in a news release.
Yeah man, I am a huge fan. I watched all the episodes, I’ve never missed one episode, and it was the most surreal thing that I got to do. It’s like, if you were into Star Wars, and they made another Star Wars, and you got to play like Boba Fett or a Stormtrooper, that’s how I felt when I was down there. Without a doubt it was like the coolest thing I got to do. All of the sudden, I was somehow inserted into the storylines of these characters. I knew that obviously they weren’t real, that it’s a TV show, but you know when you get so emotionally invested? It’s like if you booked a scene, like you’re watching the Sopranos and you’re following the story and all of the sudden you are in it and you’re standing next to Paulie and you got a scene with him, and you’re just like, how the fuck did this happen?
Alaska (born Olvido Gara Jova, June 13, 1963 in Mexico City) is a Spanish - Mexican singer, dj, and TV personality famous in Spain and Latin America. She was of the main characters in the so called Movida the cultural movement following the Franco dictatorship in Spain. This movement in which music, arts, cinema and fashion erupted and collided to confirm the actual society Spain had become under Franco. She has participated since the last part of the seventies in several groups of different success: Kaka de Luxe 1977, Alaska y los Pegamoides 1980, Alaska y Dinarama 1983 and since 1989 the duet Fangoria (band). She is also one of Mexico's and Spain's main gay icons.
Her father was a Spaniard exiled during the Spanish Civil War and her mother a Cuban exiled by Castro.
Some years before Francisco Franco died, her parents decided to move back to Spain.
Alaska was a big fan of Lou Reed, T-Rex, etc., but David Bowie was her biggest influence. She even told her mother that she would love to be a boy just to be gay.
In a special program, George Noory was joined by Linda Moulton Howe to interview four guests, who appeared in individual half-hour segments, about the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2012, which contains controversial provisions such as the holding of suspects without due process or habeas corpus.And last night:
Muckraker and investigative journalist Greg Palast joined George Knapp for inside details on stories that American media doesn't report, including revelations on Big Oil, and financial "vultures" who use shady practices for mega-profits. He uncovered that two years before the BP/Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf, a similar incident happened to BP in the Caspian Sea off Azerbaijan, indicating that they were well aware of such drilling problems. BP covered up the incident by bribing Azerbaijani officials, and flying them to London for lap dances, he detailed.
Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary on Saturday—according to him, not because of his debate skills, but because of his ability to “articulate the deepest-felt values of the American people.” He is bound by few limits in his ability to mold his accomplishments—as a professor, historian, and world leader extraordinaire—into Manichean fights of vast proportion. His oratory references the countless ways in which he virtually single-handedly lifted America from the pangs of unemployment and national calamity.One thing I've seen virtually no mention of in the punditry, however, is that the GOP presidential race now reflects that centuries-old divide between the North and the South. There are countervailing currents - Northern evangelical (Santorum) and Southern libertarian (Paul) - and even high finance (Romney) versus TV expertise (Gingrich) - but basically it's North versus South. It's not even conservative base versus the elites, as some would have it. Romney and Gingrich both hail from, and speak for, elites. As long as Perry and Cain had fighting chances for the nomination, Gingrich couldn't fight effectively against Romney's money machine: the Southern vote was split. Now, the battle is on!
Thanks all, this is an old pump at the Empire Ranch, north of Sonoita. This area was designated the Las Cienegas National Conservation Area in 2000. It is an interesting place and there are big cottonwood trees nearby. (open to the public at all times.)
“If you played her strengths, if you give her time, she gets a good strike on the ball and can hit a good winner from, any side of the court,” Sharapova said. “But if she can do that for three hours straight, at the end of the match you end up losing and that's just too good. But obviously I was trying to create those opportunities where, maybe she had to go for a little bit more and force the errors out of her.”
...“You're in a quarterfinals stage of a tournament,” Sharapova said. “It's only going to be tough from here.”
Sharapova can’t - and doesn’t - expect things to be so easy in the latter stages. The draw here has put her up against Sabine Lisicki in round four. Lisicki has a game that is well suited to hard courts, and her serve is about as ferocious as any on the women’s tour.I hope this analysis is off-base. I will have to watch!
"Lisicki has a lot of power, big serve," acknowledged Sharapova ahead of their clash.
Expect Sharapova to be given a tougher test, but she should progress to the quarter-finals.
If a rabbit screams or squeals it means it is in pain or extremely scared. Such a scream is often let out when a fatal wound is inflicted on a wild rabbit by a predator.Hoping I hadn't inflicted a fatal wound I quickly put Bailey into the pet carrier and took him upstairs into the house. I set him in front of the heater vent and let him start to warm up as I started to watch television.