Saturday, January 08, 2022

Far Away, But Still Visible

An astronomer caught glimpses of the James Webb Space Telescope, even though it's more than half a million miles away. Apparently it's pretty bright!

Approaching an Omicron Peak in Europe

There are some indications that the Omicron surge may be beginning to peak in Europe. Not everywhere, but in certain places: UK, Ireland, Finland, Greece. Rates are really high, though - up to three times higher than in the U.S.

Tuesday, January 04, 2022

People Who Haven't Caught Covid in December 2021

Watch on TikTok

Omicron Is Moving Fast!

Omicron is moving so fast in the U.S., outstripping all previous variants. The Daily New Confirmed Covid-19 Case Rate increased by 19% IN ONE DAY! The case rate is taking off like a rocket! 
 Some real novelties are present too. For the first time, Hawaii is fully participating in the pandemic. And Idaho now has the lowest case rate in the country. How can that be? Idaho case rates are still pretty high, recovering from Delta. 

So, what's happening is that case rates exploded elsewhere in the country, but not quite yet in Idaho. The state is momentarily a comparatively-healthy orphan. 

The Omicron wave is still mostly east of the Mississippi; mostly urban - but that situation won't last.

Sunday, January 02, 2022

RIP, Betty White

(h/t IK) 

I know everyone is saying this is a sign that 2022 is gonna be worse. This is copied from someone else's comment and I'm gonna stick with this thinking and hopefully her passing was a sacrifice for a better 2022. 

"Betty White didn't die. 


She grabbed 2021 by the throat, and whispered in its ear "I'm taking you with me, you son of a bitch." 

And then she threw them both into the fires of Mordor to save us all. 

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. 

It is canon. Deal with it."

Appalled By The Fires in Colorado

The worst possible nightmare, complete with what appeared to be something like Chinook winds. Reminds me of what I fear most about living in California - even this part of California:
Hundreds of homes have been lost after two wildfires started and grew quickly Thursday as high winds whipped through the Front Range in Colorado, forcing tens of thousands of residents from their homes, the Boulder County sheriff said.

Sheriff Joe Pelle estimated 580 homes or other structures in and around Superior may have been lost. 

A shopping center and a hotel in Superior also were engulfed by the flames. 

"Historic" 80-100 mph winds, with gusts in the state as high as 115 mph, fed the wildfires that injured at least six people, prompted a hospital to send patients elsewhere and forced the evacuation of Superior and Louisville near Boulder.

Maybe a Fighting Chance on Mars….