Saturday, April 20, 2024

Weird Stuff in the Street

Weird stuff ends up on the street in my neighborhood. It's like we're in a remake of "The Time Machine," where random stuff from Sacramento's past or future momentarily appears for unknown reasons, then disappears. Maybe the stuff helps the Midtown Morlochs attract the Elusive Eloi. Maybe we're the Eloi. For example, here's a plug-in dentist-style chair that mysteriously appeared on my street. For the amateur dentist in you.

Then, under the W-X Freeway, a somewhat-battered Foosball table mysteriously appeared. The Foosball table had a "free" label on it, which just begs different questions, like, was this transported here from somewhere else, and by whom, and why, or did it belong to the homeless folks living under the freeway who got tired of playing Foosball? Why did they get tired? Did they lose all the balls? Are the Morlochs hoarding the balls? Are the homeless folks the Eloi or the Morlochs? Who's in charge here?

Then both objects abruptly disappeared. Maybe back to the future, back to 2224, where they belonged.

Wanting to Keep Kicking the Can Down the Road on This

Of course, it's always possible I had it already, as an asympototic illness (but I think I would have noticed the Zombies).

More Than Three Minutes with the Most Tedious Man on Earth

Watch on TikTok

Big Car Accident - April 20, 2024

About 2:54 p.m. on Saturday afternoon, April 20, 2024, I heard a series of very-loud, seemingly-endless collisions.  All the neighbors heard it too, and we all ran down to the intersection of Second Avenue and 21st Street to see what happened.  
What we found was a bunch of riddles.  At least six vehicles were involved in the accident.  Multiple parked cars were struck.  Apparently a car drove away entirely from the accident on a flat tire.  Plus, a pickup truck collided head on with a parked car.  None of us could come up with a theory that satisfactorily-explained the wreckage that we observed strewn all about.  Did the pickup truck driver do all this damage by himself?  Seemed implausible.

Bystanders helped the driver of the pickup truck out of his vehicle and lay him down in the gutter until help could arrive.  The driver seemed somewhat incoherent, but it was unclear why.  Driving head on into a parked car and having an air bag explode in his face might have been enough to make him incoherent.

Help begins arriving.


Assessing the damage.

A second engine arrives!

Monday, April 15, 2024

Hemorrhoids be Gone

If hemorrhoids got you down, this highly-toxic ointment will make all your worries go away - permanently:
California health officials are warning the public about a Vietnamese hemorrhoid ointment that is laced with a “highly dangerous amount of lead” and has killed a Sacramento woman.
California Health Department officials said in a written statement that the woman purchased the Vietnamese product in March through Facebook. A relative then shipped it to her from Vietnam. After using the ointment, the woman experienced symptoms related to lead poisoning and died. 
The Vietnamese product, in a small, round green container, is called Cao Bôi Trĩ Cây Thầu Dầu (Castor Oil Hemorrhoid Extract). Health officials said samples of the product showed the ointment had about 4% lead, a “highly dangerous amount.”

What Do You Mean My Credit’s Lousy?

I got this!

Sierra College's "Guys and Dolls" - April 12, 2024

"Guys and Dolls" at Sierra College.  Saw several people I knew - Adriel Cruz on piano, Paul Fearn as Arvide Abernathy, choreographer Pamela Lourentzos, and Ana Hansen in the audience. Carly Plageman Yorde was an excellent Adelaide and Josie Morales was an excellent Nathan Detroit. Kyra Obanil was a great lead dancer.
The show was directed by Scott Adams, who played Nathan Detroit in the "Guys and Dolls" I was in at Woodland Opera House in October, 2001.   In that show, Scott's wife Sherri Dozier Adams played Adelaide.  Sherri was also pregnant at the time (with Charlie, I think).  Charlie's younger brother Andrew played Benny Southstreet in this show.  It's just amazing how time flies!

Leah Deutch, who played Sarah Brown, together with Rachel.  In Lincoln Theatre Company's "Fiddler on the Roof last September, Rachel played Golde, mother to Leah's Tzeitel.

Afterwards, dessert at Leatherby's in Citrus Heights (which I didn't know existed until this night).

Looking distinguished!

Spring in Sacramento

The tree out in front of my house.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Falcon's Eye Theatre at Folsom Lake College - Cabaret - April 6, 2024

Very nice set and lighting design by Ian Wallace and company at Folsom's Harris Center.

Stage people posing for a photo, including (standing tallest in the back) Carly Plageman Yorde, who excellently plays Miss Adelaide at Sierra College's "Guys and Dolls."

Myself and Rachel pose with Alex Quinonez, who did a fantastic job as Emcee.  Alez and Rachel were both in RTAA's "Angels in America" in 2019.   In that show, I was very impressed with Alex's ability to remember long streams-of-consciousness dialogue.  In this show, I was impressed with Alex's energy.

Alex and Rachel.

I had some problems with the Kit Kat Klub. The stage was too large for an effectively-noisy nightclub environment. I thought the dancing was too austere and not enough was done with the comedic possibilities of the club.

Still, it was an excellent show.  I liked Maria Beretta as Sally Bowles - lots of energy.  Janet Motenko was great as Fraulein Schneider.