This post contains a list of Breaking Bad filming locations. It is subject to updates, generally about weekly. The list is presented in a *.CSV (comma-separated variable) format. Save the text on your computer, open it up in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel, format it to suit you, save it, and print it out, in order to have your own, personal list of filming locations available to you when you have the opportunity to travel to Albuquerque and see Breaking Bad filming locations for yourself.
The Blog Sidebar contains links to Filming Location posts. These include:
- Eight "Breaking Bad" filming location posts;
- Four additional posts regarding "Breaking Bad" related subjects;
- Eight "Better Call Saul" filming location posts;
- Two additional posts regarding "Better Call Saul" related subjects;
- One additional post regarding Surrealist artistic influences in "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul";
- One post regarding "El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie";
- Three links to OldeSaultie's Google maps of "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming location sites. These are the best filming location maps on the Web! The KML files available at these addresses are particularly useful for importing locations into GPS-equipped devices.
Let me know if you have any problems or questions (E-Mail address:

"A Guidebook To 'Breaking Bad' Filming Locations: Including 'Better Call Saul' - Albuquerque as Physical Setting and Indispensable Character" (Sixth Edition)
Purchase book at the link. This book outlines thirty-three circuits that the avid fan can travel in order to visit up to 679 different filming locations for "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" in the Albuquerque area. Some background is provided for each site, including other movies that might have also used the site for filming.
"‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols: Reading Meaning into Sets, Props, and Filming Locations” (Second Edition)
Purchase book at the link. “‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols,” aims to understand some of the symbolism embedded in the backgrounds of “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul,” in order to decode messages and stories Vince Gilligan and crew have hidden there. A series of tables are used to isolate how certain (particularly architectural) features are used: Gentle Arches, Tin Ceilings, Five-Pointed Stars, Octagons, etc. Daylighting innovations that were either pioneered or promoted in Chicago are examined: Glass Block Windows, Luxfer Prismatic Tile Windows, and Plate Glass Windows.
Certain symbols advance the plot: foreshadowing symbols like Pueblo Deco Arches, or danger symbols like bell shapes and stagger symbols. Other features, like Glass Block Windows or Parallel Beams in the Ceiling, tell stories about the legacies and corruptions of modernity, particularly those best-displayed at Chicago’s “Century of Progress” (1933-34).
To avoid unnecessary friction, I have redacted the addresses of all single-family homes in these books. (These addresses are still available at Marc Valdez Weblog, however.) The pictures in the print editions are black-and-white, in order to keep costs down.
"A Guidebook To 'Breaking Bad' Filming Locations: Including 'Better Call Saul' - Albuquerque as Physical Setting and Indispensable Character" (Sixth Edition)
Purchase book at the link. This book outlines thirty-three circuits that the avid fan can travel in order to visit up to 679 different filming locations for "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" in the Albuquerque area. Some background is provided for each site, including other movies that might have also used the site for filming.
"‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols: Reading Meaning into Sets, Props, and Filming Locations” (Second Edition)
Purchase book at the link. “‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols,” aims to understand some of the symbolism embedded in the backgrounds of “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul,” in order to decode messages and stories Vince Gilligan and crew have hidden there. A series of tables are used to isolate how certain (particularly architectural) features are used: Gentle Arches, Tin Ceilings, Five-Pointed Stars, Octagons, etc. Daylighting innovations that were either pioneered or promoted in Chicago are examined: Glass Block Windows, Luxfer Prismatic Tile Windows, and Plate Glass Windows.
Certain symbols advance the plot: foreshadowing symbols like Pueblo Deco Arches, or danger symbols like bell shapes and stagger symbols. Other features, like Glass Block Windows or Parallel Beams in the Ceiling, tell stories about the legacies and corruptions of modernity, particularly those best-displayed at Chicago’s “Century of Progress” (1933-34).
In addition, a number of scenes in the show are modeled after Early Surrealist artworks. The traces of various artists can be tracked in both shows, including: Comte de Lautréamont, Giorgio De Chirico, Man Ray, Max Ernst, Leonora Carrington, René Magritte, Toyen, Yves Tanguy, Remedios Varo, Paul Klee, and in particular, Salvador Dalí.
Breaking Bad Filming Locations,,,,,Last Update:,18-Mar-25
"Frequently-used locations flagged with ""f"" (first appearance only)",,,,,,
"Decimal latitude/longitude coordinates suitable for Google Earth ""Streetview"" are used",,,,,,
Notes on first-mention of locations from various blogs and Web Sites:,,,,,,
"""OldeSaultie"" (locations labeled ""OS"") has produced some wonderful Google maps to help the Reader!",,,,,,,,,,,,
"Waldruggie's locations flagged with ""w""",,,,,,,,,,,,
"Marc Valdez's locations flagged with ""m""",,,,,,,,,,,,
"Miguel Jaramillo locations flagged with ""MJ""",,,,,,,,,,,,
Nick Gerlich's Breaking Bad locations map:,,,,,,,,,,,,
Tony Hoffarth's Flickr stream:,,,,,,,,,,,,
Social media most-closely linked to BrBa locations: Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour (UBBFT),,,,,,,,,,,,
"Some locations were offered in DVD commentary, or in comments left by various blog readers. Other sources are:",,,,,,
"""DVD"" - ""Breaking Bad"" DVD commentary for various episodes.",,,,,,
"""JC"" - Reader ""JC"" lives on Lockerbie Dr. in Rio Rancho, NM.",,,,,,
"""RK"" - Reader ""RK"" lives in Placitas.",,,,,,
"""R"" - Reader ""R"" lives somewhere on the Internet.",,,,,,
"""G"" - Helpful assistant.",,,,,,
"""CD"" - Colin Dykes, who lives near the Sandias.",,,,,,
"""JL"" - Joel and Zach Lillo.",,,,,,
"""RB"" - Richard Besser, who lives in Tijeras.",,,,,,
"""J"" - Reader ""J"" lives in the UK.",,,,,,
"""JG"" - James Gelet",,,,,,
TV Location,Address,Season,Episode,Note,Episode Name,Notes
"Northeast Heights (E. of Wyoming, W. of Juan Tabo, S. of Osuna)",,,,,,
Savoy Grill,10601 Montgomery Blvd. NE,2,6,d,Peekaboo,Walt meets Gretchen here; they argue
Gale's Apt. Exterior,"Mesa Verde Apartments,",3,13,m,Full Measure,Said to be at 6353 Juan Tabo
, 4610 Eubank Blvd. NE.,4,1,,Boxcutter," Blvd. NE #6, but Juan Tabo"
, NNE corner of complex,,,,, ends about the 6200 block
," (35.133690ø, -106.531260ø)",,,,,
Saul Goodman's Office,9800 Montgomery Blvd. NE,2,8,f/w,Better Call Saul,A 'criminal' lawyer!
, SE corner of shopping ctr.,,,,,
, Eubank & Montgomery NE,,,,,
Parking lot & alley,Directly behind Saul's office,4,1,m,Boxcutter,Barrel w. Victor trucked away here
Parking circle,3815 Westerfeld Dr. NE,4,1,OS,Boxcutter,Skyler parks Walt's car here to deflect
,,,,,, suspicion (approximate address)
Walter & Skyler's Home,3828 Piermont Dr. NE,1,1,f/w/d,Pilot,Seen in almost every episode. Address
,,,,,, in series is: 308 Negro Arroyo Lane
Search for Walt montage,Various residential locations,2,2,OS,Grilled,"Marie and Skyler hand out ""missing"" fliers"
, 3800 Piermont Dr. NE,,,,, Montage (House 1)
, 3726 Piermont Dr. NE,,,,, Montage (House 2)
, N. of San Gabriel & Piermont,,,,, Leaflet grab from bicycle
, 3801 Piermont Dr. NE,,,,, Montage (House 3)
Jesse and Hank depart ,"On Orlando, from ",5,12,m,Rabid Dog,Hank takes Jesse under his protection.
Walt's house, Parsifal to Harwood,,,,,
Walt and Flynn drive,"Scene starts on Comanche, near ",4,6,R,Cornered,Walt takes Flynn on a detour to the
Loma del Rey Park," Altez, with traffic light at Moon,",,,,, car lot.
, and right turn on Erbbe. ,,,,,
Walt and Flynn drive,Where La Sala del Norte NE turns,3,12,m,Half Measures,Walt no longer cares if Flynn uses both
, into La Sala del Oeste NE,,,,, feet on the pedals.
Mike's daughter-in-law's home,8613 La Sala Del Centro NE,3,13,OS,Full Measure,Mike keeps half the balloons
La Palomita Park,La Sala Grande and La Palomita,5,7,OS,Say My Name,Mike is forced to abandon Kaylee
, Rd. NE,,,,,
Marie's third house,8503 La Sala Grande NE,4,3,m,Open House,Marie's kleptomania is found out!
, (across fr. La Palomita Park),5,7,OS,Say My Name, House in the background
A1A Car Wash,Mister Car Wash (formerly,1,1,f/w,Pilot,Walt's second job
, Octopus Car Wash),,,,, Walt & Skyler's new business
, Eubank and Menaul NE,,,,,
, 9516 Snow Heights Cir. NE,,,,,
Skyler parked near Car Wash,Car Wash Parking Lot,4,3,m,Open House,"Skyler instructs her ""Danny"""
," (35.107483ø, -106.535284ø)",,,,,
Skyler observes Car Wash,Car Wash Parking Lot,4,2,m,Thirty Eight Snub,Skyler learns the business
," (35.108760ø, -106.534923ø)",,,,,
Car Wash wastewater dumping,Just NW of car wash,4,3,OS,Open House,Skyler manipulates Bogdan
," (35.108358ø, -106.536233ø)",,,,,
CVS Pharmacy,9640 Menaul Blvd. NE,3,11,m,Abiqui£,Across street from carwash
,,4,2,,Thirty Eight Snub,
,,4,3,,Open House,
Cradock Marine Bank,Charter Bank,5,7,m,Say My Name,The Cradock name is a callback to Vince
, 2130 Eubank Blvd. NE,,,,," Gilligan's ""The X Files"". Agent Mulder"
,,,,,, keeps her checking account here.
Taco Sal,Taco Sal,2,2,w,Grilled,"Marie and Skyler hand out ""missing"" fliers"
, 9621 Menaul Blvd NE,2,10,,Over, Walt tells Jesse that he's in remission
,,3,11,,Abiqui£, Jesse & Andrea & Brock eat
Search for Walt montage,"Budget TV Repair, 9641 Menaul",2,2,OS,Grilled,"Marie and Skyler hand out ""missing"" fliers"
, Blvd. NE,,,,, Adjacent to One-Eyed Jack Guitars
Search for Walt montage,"El Mirasol, 9649 Menaul Blvd. NE",2,2,OS,Grilled,"Marie and Skyler hand out ""missing"" fliers"
Search for Walt montage,"Bus stop, Menaul & Eubank NE",2,2,OS,Grilled,NW corner of intersection
Bingo Parlor,"Silva Lanes, 3010 Eubank NE",3,3,w,I.F.T.,Cousins hijack a van
Drive just prior to Hank and,Starts south on Morris St. NE at,5,9,m,Blood Money,Hank's anxiety attacks return
Marie's Auto Accident, Stevens (end as yet unclear),,,,,
4's Cabaret,Chapter II Show Club,3,5,m,M s,Jesse & friends party with Walt's money
, 2294 Wyoming Blvd. NE,,,,,
IRS Tax Offices,One Executive Center,4,9,m,Bug,Nothing is certain but death and taxes
, 8500 Menaul Blvd. NE,,,,,
, (Menaul & Lester),,,,,
"Drive west on Menaul,",Approx. 9200 Menaul Blvd. NE,3,11,OS,Abiqui£,Skyler and Walt discuss the business
near the Car Wash,,,,,, St. Luke Lutheran Church visible
Skinny Pete's House,1140 Westerfeld Dr. NE,-,-,AR,El Camino,Alpine chalet chic
The Owl Caf‚,800 Eubank Blvd NE,-,-,-,El Camino,Walt and Jesse eat
"Upper Northeast Heights (E. of Juan Tabo, S. of Osuna)",,,,,,
Hank and Marie's Home,4901 Cumbre Del Sur Ct. NE,2,1,f/w/d,737,Right against the Sandia Mountains
Walt calls the cops on Tyrus,Trailhead Road NE and ,4,9,OS,Bug,"View facing south, very close to Hank &"
, Cumbre del Sur Court NE,,,,, Marie's house. Named as
,,,,,, 4900 Doswell Place
Police Substation,James Dwyer Memorial,4,3,m,Open House,Location where Marie was taken after
, Police Substation,,,,, her arrest
, 12700 Montgomery Blvd. NE,,,,,
Hank and Marie's Auto,11505 Nassau Dr. NE,5,9,"OS,MJ",Blood Money,Hank's anxiety attacks return
J.P. Wynne High School (3),Eldorado High School,1,7,m,A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal,"Since Season 2, many school scenes"
, 11300 Montgomery Blvd. NE,,,,, were shot at this location
Monumental tombstones,"John B. Robert Dam Park, ",5,11,-,Confessions,Jesse realizes he's been betrayed
, Dam overflow outfall on Bear ,5,14,,Ozymandias, Walt leaves town
," Canyon Arroyo, Juan Tabo Blvd.",,,,,
, and Osuna Road NE,,,,,
Laser Tag arcade,Hinkle Family Fun Center,3,13,m,Full Measure,Jesse hides out here. Exteriors at
, 12931 Indian School Rd. NE,5,3,,Hazard Pay, western building; most interiors
,,,,,, probably shot in eastern building
Walt's single apt.,Mountain Vista Apartments,3,1,w,No M s,"Cast away by Skyler, Walt takes refuge"
, 1501 Tramway Blvd. NE,3,2,,Caballo sin Nombre," here, at the 'Beachcomber'"
Paul's Monterrey Inn,1000 Juan Tabo Blvd. NE,3,12,m,Half Measures,Jesse & Walt discuss killing thugs
, (since demolished),,,,,
LWYRUP,"Indian School Rd. NE, between ",3,13,OS,Full Measure,Saul takes Walt on a trip
, Zena Lona & Chelwood Park,,,,,
Northeast Heights (N. Of Osuna),,,,,,
Albuquerque Fire Station 20,7520 Corona Ave. NE,5,14,,Ozymandias,Walt surrenders Holly to the firemen
NE Heights - view of Sandias,Holbrook St. & Alameda Blvd. NE,1,6,m,Crazy Handful of Nothin',Time lapse (part 7)
," (35.184350ø, -106.532984ø)",,,,,
NE Heights Sunset,Near Paseo del Norte Blvd. &,1,6,m,Crazy Handful of Nothin',Time lapse (part 1)
, Lowell Drive NE; Inside face,2,10,m,Over,Time lapse (part 2)
, of Domingo Baca Dam,,,,,
," (35.172985ø, -106.509091ø)",,,,,
Hank won't answer calls,Simms Park Rd.,3,4,m,Green Light,Hank drives this stretch heading to Big
," (35.160905ø, -106.477327ø)",,,,, Chief gas station
Reverse Sunset,View from base of the Tramway,3,7,m,One Minute,At night time - time lapse shots
Time Lapse, 30 Tramway Rd. NE,5,8,m,Gliding Over All," ""Crystal Blue Persuasion"" montage"
, (Cross-listed in Sandia &,,,,,
, Manzano Mtn Locations),,,,,
Sandia Mtn. time lapse,Near 13724 Elena Gallegos Pl.,5,7,"m,CD",Say My Name,"Nighttime, and rotating stars!"
," (35.154709ø, -106.475249ø)",,,,,
Lower Northeast Heights (W. of Wyoming) & Lomas Blvd. Corridor,,,,,,
Huell's Safe House,2909 Utah St. NE,5,15,-,Granite State,Huell is still there
"Alley, supposedly behind","Behind Chez Axel, 6209",5,10,OS,Buried,Walt drives away with barrels of cash
Saul's office, Montgomery Blvd. NE,,,,,
," (35.131777ø, -106.576749ø)",,,,,
Bank of the West Tower,5301 Central Ave. NE,4,9,m,Bug,Featured in Montage 2
Go Karts,Albuquerque Indoor Karting ,4,3,m,Open House,Jesse's PTSD
, 5110 Copper Avenue NE,,,,,
Skyler's New Apartment,4949 Roma Ave. NE,5,16,OS,Felina,Walt and Skyler talk after long absence
,,,,,, (Interior filmed at studio?)
Danny's Auto,5018 Lomas Blvd. NE,1,4,w,Cancer Man,Walt blows up KenWins' BMW
,,2,5,,Breakage, Montage (part 3)
Clark's Pet Emporium,4914 Lomas Blvd. NE,1,4,w,Cancer Man,Walt eyes KenWins' BMW from near here
,,2,5,,Breakage, Montage (part 7)
Pudge Brothers Pizza,5003 Lomas Blvd. NE,1,4,w,Cancer Man,"Montage (part 1, in front of Clark's Pets)"
(formerly known as Amadeo's,,2,5,,Breakage, Montage (parts 9 & 11)
& now known as Little Lobos,,,,,,
Express Pet Spa and Grooming),,,,,,
Obscure place on Lomas,4607 Lomas Blvd. NE,2,5,w,Breakage,Combo hands off money to Jesse
, (4603 Lomas is now Jane's,,,,, Montage (part 12)
, Salon and Vintage),,,,,
Affordable Car Sales,4525 Lomas Blvd. NE,4,6,OS,Cornered,Walt dotes on his son - Second half of
,,,,,, scene at unknown location
A-1 Trophy Center,4305 Lomas Blvd. NE,2,5,w,Breakage,Skinny Pete stands here
,,,,,, Montage (part 13)
Party house,Patio Plaza Office Building,2,5,m,Breakage,Montage (part 17)
, 5000 Marble NE (door is at,,,,,
, approx. 671 Manzano St. NE),,,,,
Badger and his yellow car,Action Disability Representatives,2,5,OS,Breakage,Visible in montage background
, 630 Manzano St. NE,,,,,
Jesse's phone call,631 Manzano St. NE. Behind,2,5,OS,Breakage,Montage (part 6) - Jesse stashes crystal
," Flea Mart, 5015 Lomas Blvd. NE",,,,, in drain pipe
Jesse drives to collect cash,Heading S. on the 600 block,2,5,OS,Breakage,Montage (part 10)
, of Truman towards Lomas,,,,,
Gus Fring's House,1213 Jefferson St. NE,3,11,m,Abiqui£,Gus and Walt eat 'paila marina'
,,4,2,,Thirty Eight Snub, Walt lurks outside
,,4,9,,Bug, Gus answers Jesse's questions
Parked Car beside house,4507 Robin Ave. NE,3,11,m,Abiqui£,Jesse & Jane discuss Georgia O'Keeffe
'One Minute' Parking Lot,The Shoe Dept.,3,7,m,One Minute,Hank ambushed here. Near Menaul
, 4600 Cutler Ave. NE,,,,, & Washington
Bar with tin ceiling,Louie's Pub and Grill,4,2,w,Thirty Eight Snub,Mike doesn't see eye-to-eye with Walt
, 5603 Menaul Blvd. NE,,,,,
Gardu¤o's Mexican,2100 Louisiana Blvd. NE,5,11,-,Confessions,A very awkward lunch for all
Restaurant, Winrock Center,,,,,
Fair West Apartments,317 Palomas Drive NE,-,-,OS,El Camino,"Todd's ""dingbat"" apartment building"
Central Avenue,Looking west from RR overpass,5,1,m,Live Free Or Die,Time lapse 1
, along Central Avenue,,,,,
Sunrise Bank Building,219 Central Ave. NW,2,4,w,Down,Mr. and Mrs. Pinkman's lawyer's office
,,2,11,,Mandala, Mural used in the opening montage
,,3,2,,Caballo sin Nombre,
KiMo Theatre,423 Central Ave. NW,2,3,w,Bit By A Dead Bee,"Seen behind Walt, through bus window"
4th & Central,4th & Central Ave.,3,5,m,M s,"Montage, looking east"
Rooftop,Gizmo Store,4,12,OS,End Times,Walt can feel the fear!
, 410 Central Ave. SW,,,,,
Family 1st Clothing Store,Holocaust & Intolerance,1,1,w,Pilot,Address above door flipped to show '919'
, Museum of New Mexico,,,,,
, 616 Central Ave. SW,,,,,
City Council Chambers,Vincent E. Griego Council ,4,3,,Open House,Hank watches proceedings on Cable TV
," Chambers, basement level of ",,,,,
, Albuquerque/Bernalillo County ,,,,,
," Government Center, ",,,,,
, 1 Civic Plaza NW,,,,,
Walt Drives Like A Maniac,1400-1700 blocks of 1st St. NW,4,5,OS,Shotgun,What's with Walt and his driving?
," (35.097231ø, -106.645532ø)",,,,,
Warehouse Basement,"Disc-It, 900 First St. NW",5,5,G,Dead Freight,Lydia's interrogation
Railroad crossing,Lomas @ Railroad; looking W,5,8,m,Gliding Over All,Time lapse (2)
Under twin overpass,Commercial St. NE: Marquette,5,7,m,Say My Name,"Mike calls Saul for help, and gets Walt's"
, Ave. & Dr. Martin Luther King,,,,, help instead.
, Jr. Ave. NE,,,,,
," (35.086616ø, -106.645793ø)",,,,,
Pay phone & parking garage,"Silver Ave. SW, between",2,3,m,Bit By A Dead Bee,Bed-bound Walt gets a call from Jesse
, 1st & 2nd Streets,,,,,
Railroad overpass,On Lead Ave.,5,13,,To'hajiilee,Walt races west to To'hajiilee
1st Methodist Episcopal Church,314 Lead Ave. SW,1,6,w,Crazy Handful of Nothin',Time lapse (part 2). Visible at other
,,5,13,,To'hajiilee," times: e.g., Walt's race west"
"Parking garage, rooftop level",Silver & 4th St. SW,5,6,m,Buyout,Saul buys Mike 24 hours
Oncology Clinic (2; exterior),Alvarado Plaza,2,5,OS,Breakage,Walt tosses away HOPE pin
, 484 Silver Ave. SW,,,,,
Federal Bldg (DEA),Simms Building,1,4,f/w,Cancer Man,DEA office scenes early in series
, 4th and Gold Ave. SW,,,,, (Seasons 2 - 3)
Texas office site, also Simms Building,2,7,-,Negro y Azul, Hank's uncomfortable desk
Interview Room,Old Post Office Building,4,8,OS,Hermanos,DEA interviews Gus Fring
, Amy Biehl Charter High,,,,,
," School, 123 4th St. SW",,,,,
NM Bank & Trust Building,320 Gold Ave. SW,4,7,m,Problem Dog,Adjacent to the Simms Building
,,,,,, DEA office scenes in Seasons 4-5
Burt's Tiki Lounge,313 Gold Ave. SW,2,5,w,Breakage,Montage (part 4): Combo slings crystal
Badger's probation job,Occidental Building,1,5,w,Gray Matter,Badger works as a sign waver
, 3rd and Gold Ave. SW,,,,,
Jesse's job interview,"Currently, Halflife Digital",1,5,w,Gray Matter,Across street from Occidental Bldg
, 3rd and Gold Ave. SW,,,,, (label on door: Arroyo Realty)
Alley,Between Central and Gold SW,1,5,w,Gray Matter,Jesse and Badger smoke a joint
, Behind The Library Bar,2,5,,Breakage," Montage part 5. End of montage, "
, 313 Gold Ave. SW,,,,, Skinny Pete gets robbed
Parking Garage,"Copper Ave., between 4th & 5th",4,12,OS,End Times,Gus can sense the danger!
,,4,13,,Face Off,
,,5,1,,Live Free Or Die,
Old Bernalillo County Courthouse,Corner of 5th and Tijeras NW,1,6,w/OS,Crazy Handful of Nothin',Time lapse (part 3 - Sunrise)
,,3,2,w,Caballo sin Nombre, Walter is released after attacking cop
,,4,13,,Face Off, Jesse is released after ricin theory fails
Sunrise over Bernalillo County ,Between 5th and 6th Streets,1,6,"w,OS",Crazy Handful of Nothin',Time lapse (part 3 - Sunrise)
Courthouse," (35.087750ø, -106.653099ø)",,,,,
, View fr. ABQ Petroleum Bldg.,,,,,
, 500 Marquette Avenue NW,,,,,
Hyatt Regency Hotel and,330 Tijeras Ave. NW,4,13,,Face Off,In background of parking garage scene
Albuquerque Plaza Bldg,201 Third Street NW,5,1,OS,Live Free Or Die,Time lapse 3
Skyler's Lawyer's Office,3rd and Tijeras Ave. NW,3,1,w,No M s,Skyler decides against taking her
,,3,3,,I.F.T., lawyer's advice
,,3,5,,M s,
,,4,13,,Face Off, (Exterior only)
Albuquerque Civic Plaza,1 Civic Plaza NW,5,12,-,Rabid Dog,Jesse refuses to meet Walt
, Marquette & Fourth St. NW,,,,,
,"Just NW of Civic Plaza, on",,,,, Hank wires up Jesse
, Marquette.,,,,,
,"In front of Convention Center, ",,,,, Gomie appears to be in front of
," on 3rd, on SE side of plaza.",,,,, Convention Center.
,"On 4th St., just south of Roma",,,,," Hank picks up Jesse, walking."
,"North on 5th, from Marquette ",,,,, Hank angrily drives off with Jesse.
, to Roma; right turn at Roma.,,,,,
Police Dept.,400 Roma Ave. NW,5,12,-,Rabid Dog,Visible in background as Jesse walks
Jailhouse,Regional Correctional Center,5,3,-,Hazard Pay,Mike fortifies Dennis' DEA resistance.
, 415 Roma Ave. NW,5,8,,Gliding Over All," Ostensibly, Metropolitan Detention"
,,,,,, Center (which moved out-of-town to
,,,,,, 100 Deputy Dean Miera Dr. SW)
Octagonal cupola,The Albuquerque Federal Bldg.,2,13,,ABQ,Visible outside DEA office windows
, & United States Courthouse,5,15,,Granite State,Visible behind Skyler in DEA interview
, 421 Gold Ave. SW,,,,,
Parking Garage,Albuquerque Convention Center,-,-,OS,El Camino,Time-lapse view east on Marquette
, Parking Garage,,,,,
," (35.085735ø, -106.647167ø)",,,,,
Pete V. Domenici,333 Lomas Blvd. NW,-,-,-,El Camino,A press opportunity
U.S. Courthouse,,,,,,
Quonset Hut,1904 5th St. NW,-,-,-,El Camino,Enslaved Jesse's reprise
Downtown West and Old Town,,,,,,
Express Inn,1020 Central Ave. SW,1,6,w,Crazy Handful of Nothin',Hank and Gomez meet to exchange info
,,,,,, Montage - Part 1. Jesse sells drugs
Wash Tub Laundry,1105 Central Ave. NW,1,6,w,Crazy Handful of Nothin',Montage - Part 5
The Dog House,1216 Central Ave. SW,1,6,w,Crazy Handful of Nothin',Montage - Part 4
,,2,1,,737, Jesse buys a gun
,,5,9,,Blood Money, Jesse hands cash to homeless man
Spooge's house - exterior,13th and Marquette Ave. NW,2,6,w,Peekaboo,Jesse prepares to get rough
Mr. and Mrs. Pinkman's house,11th and Roma Ave. NW,1,4,w,Cancer Man,Pinkman House exterior
, 501 11th St. NW,2,2,,Grilled,
,,-,-,-,El Camino,Exterior only
Aircraft crash fire footage,"15th & Central, fire at Huning",3,1,m,No M s,"As seen on TV reports (KOB TV-4),"
& eyewitness interview," Castle Apartments, August 4,",,,,, representing crashes of Wayfarer 515
, 2009. New building at site:,,,,, and King Air 350
, Southwest Capital Bank,,,,,
Garcia's Caf‚,1736 Central Ave. SW,1,6,w,Crazy Handful of Nothin',Montage - Part 3
,,4,4,,Bullet Points,
Party house,"Behind Garcia's Caf‚, Apts. 4 & 5",1,6,-,Crazy Handful of Nothin',Montage - Part 2
Chinese restaurant,Liu's Chinese Restaurant,1,4,w,Cancer Man,Combo calls Jesse while in front
, 2056 Central Ave. SW,,,,,
, (Now called Central Grill &,,,,,
, Coffee House),,,,,
Jesse & Walt meet near ,Old Town Parking Garage,2,7,m,Negro y Azul,"""We're not charging enough. Corner "
Nuclear Museum, 20th & Mountain Rd. NW,,,,, the market then raise the price.
, top level,,,,," Simple economics."""
Hank and Gomey get coffee,Approx. 887 20th St. NW,3,3,m,I.F.T.,"Behind Old Town Parking Garage,"
,,,,,, looking east
National Museum of Nuclear,Currently: 601 Eubank Blvd. SE,2,7,w,Negro y Azul,Scene was shot at old Atomic Museum in
Science & History,Filmed @ 1905 Mountain Rd. NW,,,,, Old Town before they moved museum
,,,,,, to new location in February 2009.
New Cantillo Home,1011 Forrester Ave. NW,4,8,m,Hermanos,Andrea's more-upscale digs
,,5,13,m,To'hajiilee, Walt tries to get in touch with Jesse
,,5,15,,Granite State, Todd pays a visit
Mike calls Gus,Between 7th & 8th Sts. NW,4,8,m,Hermanos,Mike knows Hank has no evidence
, Approx. 1885 8th St. NW,,,,,
Huning Castle & ABQ Country Club,,,,,,
Gretchen drives her Bentley,"Tingley Dr. SW, in the general ",2,6,m/OS,Peekaboo,Skyler's gratitude bewilders Gretchen
, vicinity of Alcalde Pl. SW,,,,,
Kit Carson Park,Kit Carson and Alcalde Pl. SW,3,2,w,Caballo sin Nombre,Mike's granddaughter played here
Aircraft crash TV coverage,KOB Eyewitness News 4,3,1,m,No M s,KOB is home of anchors Marla Tellez
, 4 Broadcast Plaza SW,,,,, & Jeff Maher. Also shown: Univision's
,,,,,, KISS 97.3 DJ Dana Cortez & truTV's
,,,,,, Open Court's Ashleigh Banfield.
Drew Sharp missing,,5,6,,Buyout, Antionette Antonio reports for KOB.
Jail killings coverage,,5,8,,Gliding Over All, Antionette Antonio reports for KOB.
Walt & Skyler on the drive to ,"Laguna Blvd. SW, heading SW,",1,5,m,Gray Matter,Gift-wrapped ramen
Elliott and Gretchen's party, from about Chacoma to about ,,,,,
, San Carlos Dr. SW.,,,,,
Walt & Flynn drive,"Laguna Blvd. SW, heading NE, ",2,6,m,Peekaboo,Fire ants and scorpions
, from about intersection with ,,,,,
, San Pasquale & Park Ave. SW,,,,,
Spoon House,1701 Chacoma Pl. SW,4,3,m,Open House,Marie gets inventive
Beneke's Romantic Hideaway,200 16th St. SW,3,4,G,Green Light,Interior
,,3,5,,M s, Interior & exterior
House behind Jesse's house,314 16th St. SW,1,3,,...And the Bag's in the River,Octagonal cupola & Byzantine windows
Jesse Pinkman's house,322 16th St. SW,1,1,f/w,Pilot,Jesse's original home; returns in Season 3
,,,,,, Address in series is: 9809 Margo St.
Krazy-8 runs into a tree,16th & Silver Ave. SW,1,2,OS,The Cat's In The Bag,North corner
Badger arrested,Washington Park,2,8,w,Better Call Saul,Badger sells meth from a bench
, 10th and Park Ave. SW,,,,, between two park pillars
Tuco's HQ,Downtown Java Joe's Caf‚,1,6,w,Crazy Handful of Nothin',Colorful mural!
, 906 Park Ave. SW,,,,,
Community Center & Caf‚,Barelas Community Center,2,12,-,Phoenix,Jane's self-help group
, 801 Barelas Road SW,,,,, Jane & Donald Margolis eat
Greek Orthodox Mural,4th and Hazeldine Ave. SW,2,11,w,Mandala,Tomas bicycles past this location
Combo sells on wrong corner,2nd and Hazeldine Ave. SW,2,11,w,Mandala,Combo is shot here
,,3,11,,Abiqui£, Jesse scouts the site for drugs
,,3,12,,Half Measures, Jesse tries to avenge Tomas' death
Railyards,Second St. SW,2,6,w,Peekaboo,Skinny Pete & Jesse talk about Spooge
, (seen here from west side),4,5,,Shotgun, Dead drop #2
Combo gathers friends here,3rd and Santa Fe Ave. SW,2,11,w,Mandala,Combo and others stand on this corner
Old Cantillo House,424 Cromwell Ave. SW,3,11,m,Abiqui£,Little Yellow House
,,3,12,,Half Measures,
Eddie Garcia Park,8th and Eroy St. SW,3,12,w,Half Measures,Tomas Cantillo found dead here
,,,,,, (TV news says 4700 block of 8th Ave.)
Motorcade,3rd St. & Santa Fe Ave. SW,-,-,-,El Camino,Zia symbol when seen from above
Huning Highlands/ Martineztown,,,,,,
Mike's House,204 Edith Blvd. NE,5,2,-,Madrigal,Walt and Jesse pitch a plan to Mike
,,5,7,,Say My Name, Mike endures a search of his home
Chow's House,306 Edith Blvd. SE,5,2,OS,Madrigal,Chou and Chris meet a sad end
Restaurant,Grove Caf‚ & Market,5,8,m,Gliding Over All,Walt & Lydia form a partnership
," 600 Central Ave. SE, Suite A",,,,," Crystal Blue Persuasion (14,18,23)"
,,5,15,,Granite State, Lydia and Todd discuss Skyler
,,5,16,,Felina, Walt makes a pitch to Lydia & Todd
View of Downtown,TriCore Reference Laboratories,3,8,m,I See You,"View of downtown, from vicinity of "
Time Lapse, 1001 Woodward Pl. NE,,,,, Walter & Marble Ave. NE
Mike under Surveillance,Martineztown Park,5,6,m,Buyout,Mike's feeling annoyed and trapped
, Edith & Roma Ave. NE,,,,,
Pinkman Residence,123 Walter St. SE,-,-,m,El Camino,Interior only
University Area & Near Presbyterian Hospital,,,,,,
Shooting gallery/crack house,202 Cornell Dr. SE,2,13,w,ABQ,Exterior only
Jesse's self-help group,University Heights United,3,9,m,Kafkaesque,Jesse & friends corrupt group's purpose
, Methodist Church,3,11,,Abiqui£,
, 2210 Silver Ave. SE,4,7,,Problem Dog,
Annapurna?s World Vegetarian,2201 Silver Ave. SE,3,11,m,Abiqui£,Seen in background; adjacent to Church
Caf‚, (Silver & Yale),,,,, where self-help group meets
Tri-H Convenience Store,225 Yale Blvd. SE,1,5,w,Gray Matter,Flynn gets caught trying to buy beer
,,2,4,,Down, Walt and Jesse meet;
,,,,,, Jesse's bike stolen; Skyler smokes
Quarters,801 Yale Blvd. SE,2,12,w,Phoenix,Walter and Donald Margolis talk
Skyler's natal doctor,UNM Science and Technology,2,11,w,Mandala,Post-sonogram parking lot talk
," Park, 800 Bradbury Dr. SE",1,2,,The Cat's In The Bag, (interior shot in studio?)
Roosevelt Park,Coal Ave. & Spruce St. SE,5,10,m,Buried,Jesse's cash journey ends in park.
," 512 Sycamore St., SE",,,,, House from which man emerges to
,,,,,, start truck
Don Margolis Drive ,"Part 1, SB on Terrace, from",2,13,m,ABQ,"""No excuses"""
, Gold SE to almost Lead.,,,,,
," Part 2, EB on Silver SE, from",,,,,
, about Sycamore to Pine.,,,,,
Jane and Jesse's Duplex,323 & 325 Terrace St. SE,2,5,"f,w",Breakage,"Evicted from home, Jesse moves here"
, Terrace and Lead Ave. SE,,,,,
Denny's Restaurant (& Central,2608 Central Ave. SE,4,1,m,Boxcutter,Breakfast is the most important meal
Ave. just outside), (across from UNM; closed,5,1,,Live Free Or Die, of the day!
," Thanksgiving, 2014)",5,16,OS,Felina, Flashback
Crossroads Motel,1001 Central Ave. NE,1,3,w,Bag's In The River,Hank warns Walter Jr about pot
, (Central Ave and I-25),2,3,,Bit By A Dead Bee, Jesse gets arrested here
Alley behind Crossroads Motel,1001 Central Ave. NE,3,12,OS,Half Measures," ""Windy"": Wendy's Alley"
Lydia's House,1105 Marquette Pl. NE,5,2,m,Madrigal,Mike & Lydia rendezvous a second time
,,5,5,,Dead Freight,
,,5,16,,Felina, (Likely studio for Lydia's deathbed)
City Montage,Rooftop of Total Community,4,6,"m,OS",Cornered,ABQ at night
," Care, 904-A Las Lomas Rd. NE",,,,,
Madrigal Electromotive,Scott & Kienzle's Law Offices,5,4,-,Fifty-One,Lydia and her mis-matched shoes
Houston Office, 1011 Las Lomas Rd. NE,,,,,
Nighttime freeway,Odelia Rd. NE and I-25 (Looking,1,6,m,Crazy Handful of Nothin',Time lapse (part 4)
(Views 1 & 2)," N., then S., from N. side)",,,,, Time lapse (part 6)
Beneke's House,1401 Harvard Dr. NE,4,11,G,Crawl Space,Different than Ted's Season 3 hideaway
Tented House I,2600 Morrow Rd. NE,5,3,-,Hazard Pay,Across the street from the park
Hank & Marie drive to Walt &,Drive's 1st part EB on Sigma,5,4,m,Fifty-One,Marie spills the beans about Skyler
Skyler's (1), Chi Rd. NE,,,,,
Hank & Marie drive to Walt &,Second part has turn W. on Las,5,4,m,Fifty-One,Marie spills the beans about Skyler
Skyler's (2), Lomas Rd. at University Blvd.,,,,,
Yellow Houses,210 Mulberry St. NE,1,3,OS,...And the Bag's in the River,Hank arrests druggies & talks to Marie
Nob Hill,,,,,,
J.P. Wynne High School (4),Highland High School Gym,3,1,w,No M s,Walt discusses Tenerife's double jumbo
Gymnasium, 4700 Coal Ave. SE,,,,, jet catastrophe
Walt's new single apt.,Silver & Morningside Dr. SE,3,6,f/m,Sunset,Walt takes the model unit (apparently
, near 3932 Silver Ave. SE,,,,, this is Vince Gilligan's condo)
Jesse's friend's apartment,Aliso Dr. & Arlote Ave. SE,2,4,m,Down,Jesse can't sell friend's wife on a
,,,,,, reunion of TwaughtHammer. Across
,,,,,, street from Walt's new single apt.
Kelly's Brew Pub,3222 Central Ave. SE,1,7,w,No Rough Stuff Type Deal,Skyler stands outside Zachary's
Gertrude Zachary's,3300 Central Ave. SE,1,7,w,No Rough Stuff Type Deal,Marie shoplifts the tiara
Trendy clothing store,Revolver Vintage Clothing,1,7,m,No Rough Stuff Type Deal,Marie & Skyler discuss the shoplifting
, 3507 Central Ave. NE,,,,,
Fina Gas Station,3801 Central Ave. NE,3,12,m,Half Measures,Time lapse images near (now gone)
, (Now called Alon),,,,," Aztec Motel, 3821 Central Ave. SE"
De Anza Motor Lodge,4301 Central Ave. NE,2,12,w,Phoenix,Walt throws out his spare tire
,,,,,, $1.2 million drug sale
Archway across Central,Approx. 4416 Central Ave. NE,4,9,m,Bug,Montages 1 & 2
Custom Tattoo,4519 Central Avenue NE,4,9,m,Bug,featured in Montage 1
Loyola's Family Restaurant,4500 Central Avenue SE,4,6,OS,Cornered,Mike and Jesse refuel; Jesse meets Gus
,,5,2,,Madrigal, Mike and Lydia rendezvous
Zia Motor Lodge Sign,4611 Central Ave. NE,4,1,m,Boxcutter,Saul appears to be fleeing
, (Central & Madison),,,,,
"South Valley (W. of River), Southwest ABQ & Pajarito Mesa",,,,,,
Walt goes naked,Jerry's Market,2,3,w,Bit By A Dead Bee,Interior scene for Walt going naked
, 7553 Isleta Blvd. SW,,,,,
Underground Meth Lab/ ,"(34.948495ø, -106.717401ø)",5,10,m,Buried,Todd and Lydia team up in order to
Buried Bus, Adjacent to Isleta Indian Res.,,,,, cause Declan's downfall
Madrigal Headquarters,Atrisco Heritage Academy,5,2,m,Madrigal,"Madrigal Headquarters, in Hanover, "
," High School, 10800 Senator",,,,, Germany
, Dennis Chavez Blvd. SW,,,,,
Walt & Hank's drive,Starts near 3901 Martin Rd. SW.,4,8,m,Hermanos,Hank surprises Walt with a detour
, A right turn on Camino del ,,,,,
," Valle, and another right turn",,,,,
, onto Isleta Blvd. SW.,,,,,
Los Pollos Hermanos,Twisters,2,11,f/w,Mandala,Walt first meets Gus here
, 4257 Isleta Blvd. SW,,,,,
Auto Repair Shop,El Gallo Llantera & Automotive,5,4,-,Fifty-One,Walt sells the Aztec for $50.00
, 843 Isleta Blvd. SW,,,,,
Farmer's Market Store,Rio Grande Market,2,6,w,Peekaboo,ATM theft site
, 1403 Isleta Blvd. SW,,,,,
Mesa Credit Union,South Valley Economic,1,4,w,Cancer Man,Ken Wins takes Walt's parking space
, Development Center,,,,,
, 318 Isleta Blvd. SW,,,,,
Sand Dune," (34.995928ø, -106.863600ø)",5,11,m,Confessions,"Walt, Jesse, and Saul rendezvous"
San Jos‚ Neighborhood & South Valley (E. of River),,,,,,
Mexican Meth Factory,"Delta Power Co., LLC",4,10,m,Salud,Building made to look bombed out
, 725 Electric Ave. SE,,,,,
Old Joe's Salvage Yard (2),Ace Metals,5,1,-,Live Free Or Die,BIG Magnet!
, 5711 Broadway Blvd. SE,,,,,
Junkyard,All Mini Trucks,1,7,w,No Rough Stuff,"""Heisenberg""/Tuco rendezvous"
, 5500 Broadway Blvd. SE,2,1,,737,
Combo Ortega's mom's house,1915 Edith Blvd. SE,3,5,m,M s,Hank looks over Combo's bedroom
Jesse's Money-Tossing Drive,Arno St. SE,5,9,,Blood Money,
, About 2005 Arno St. SE,,,MJ,,"Between Thaxton and Anderson Ave., SE"
, About 1807 Arno St. SE,,,m,," Between Smith and Kathryn Ave., SE"
, 1935 Arno St. SE,,,OS,, House with the deer
Railyards,Commercial and Pacific Ave. SE,2,6,w,Peekaboo,Skinny Pete & Jesse talk about Spooge
, (seen here from east side),4,5,,Shotgun, Dead drop #2
Reynold's Auto Service,120 Woodward Street SW,2,3,w,Bit By A Dead Bee,RV storage yard
, (2nd & Woodward),2,4,,Down,
Mexican MASH Unit ,About 3301 Second St. SW,4,11,m,Crawl Space,"""Six miles from 'Texas'"""
, Across from city limits sign,5,1,,Live Free Or Die, Mike hears the news of Gus' death
," (35.039705ø, -106.658902ø)",,,,,
Southwest Aniline,Southside Water Reclamation,1,7,OS,No Rough Stuff Type Deal,Walt & Jesse steal methylamine barrel
, Plant (SWRP) Cogeneration,2,1,,737,
," Facility, west side of bldg.",2,3,,Bit By A Dead Bee,
, 4021 Second St. SW,5,9,,Blood Money,
Hardware Store,RAKS Building Supply,1,2,w,The Cat's In The Bag,Jesse checks out the plastic tubs
, 205 Rio Bravo Blvd. SW,,,,,
Old Joe's Salvage Yard (1),Bones Towing and Salvage,3,6,m,Sunset,RV Terminated here
, 105 Dale Ave. SE,,,,,
Walt drives Jesse back to ,The drive is approximately,3,12,OS,Half Measures,Walt chides Jesse regarding his actions
his car, 5500 Broadway Blvd. SE,,,,,
Michael & Jesse's drive to and,Drive there starts at about 8500,4,7,m,Problem Dog,"""Loyalty"""
from Chicken Ranch, Broadway Blvd. SE: return is ,,,,,
, on Cal-Maine Foods Road,,,,,
Walt drives Jesse back to ,Karler Meat Packing Plant,3,12,m,Half Measures,Image flipped horizontally; building
his car, 9111 Broadway Blvd. SE,,,,," burned down on June 11, 2010"
The Sniper's Nest,Pile of paving debris just NE of ,4,9,m,Bug,Gus stares down assassin
, Cal-Maine Foods,,,,,
Gus' Chicken Farm,Cal-Maine Foods,3,3,f/m,I.F.T.,Gus' all-important distribution center
, 9615 Broadway Blvd. SE,,,,, (now closed)
Jesse's Rehab,Isleta Resort and Casino,2,13,w,ABQ,The spa
, (formerly Hard Rock Casino),3,1,,No M s,
, 11000 Broadway Blvd. SE,5,12,-,Rabid Dog,The Whites go on a 'staycation'
Highway Overpass over RR,Interstate-25 at the railroad,4,12,OS,End Times,Time lapse
," (34.951118ø, -106.672459ø)",,,,,
"""Casa Tranquila"" Nursing",Mountain View Community Ctr.,3,2,m,Caballo sin Nombre,Cousins interview Tio Hector Salamanca
Home (1), 201 Prosperity Avenue SE,4,8,,Hermanos, Gus and Tio Hector Salamanca meet
,,4,11,,Crawl Space, to talk about old times
Under an overpass,Caesar Chavez Overpass over ,-,-,m,El Camino,
," Commercial St. SE, east side",,,,,
Southeast Heights,,,,,,
Restaurant,Chips & Salsa,5,10,OS,Buried,Hank tries to persuade Skyler to turn
, 9901 Central Ave. NE,,,,, State's evidence but fails
Hospital,Gibson Medical Center,2,13,f/m,ABQ,Walt gets lung surgery here
, (formerly Lovelace),,,,,
, 5400 Gibson Blvd. SE,,,,,
Chapel, (Part of Gibson Medical Center),4,12,DVD,End Times,Gus and Jesse meet here
Bus stop,Just west of Gibson Hospital,2,3,m,Bit By A Dead Bee,Neon backdrop from the McDonald's
,,,,,, at San Mateo & Gibson
Are We Safe?' parking lot,,3,9,,Kafkaesque,Near Gibson Hospital
Vamonos Pest Control,2016 Ridgecrest Dr. SE,5,3,-,Hazard Pay,Experts with dangerous chemicals
Tweaker House,1400 San Jos‚ Avenue SE,4,6,m,Cornered,"""Tucker! Tucker!"""
,,,,,, (Within 'Kirtland Community')
Hotel Room,Vagabond Inn Executive,2,7,m,Negro y Azul,The DEA interviews 'Tortuga' here
, Albuquerque (Airport),,,,, Incidental non-mesa scenes in 'Negro
, 1901 University Blvd. SE,,,,, y Azul' video are filmed out front
Parking Garage,At the ABQ Sunport,2,9,-,Four Day's Out,Walt places a phone call - Blue bars
, On Level 4,3,4,m,Green Light, Gus & Mike discuss Walt & Jesse
,,5,7,,Say My Name," Walt retrieves Mike's ""go"" bag"
Albuquerque Sunport,"The airport, itself",2,9,m,Four Day's Out,Walt leaves on fake trip
,,3,4,,Green Light,
Tortilla Making Facility,Foods of New Mexico Distributors,5,3,-,Hazard Pay,Subject to surprise inspections; thus
, 3041 University Blvd. SE,,,,, unsuitable for the new enterprise.
Walt & Flynn drive,"University Blvd. SE, northbound",3,6,m,Sunset,Walt is optimistic about the future
," from Q Studios, from about",,,,, (shot in discontinuous segments)
, Spirit Rd. to just north of ,,,,,
, Clark Carr Rd. SE,,,,,
Parking Lot,S. of Sunport; W. of University,4,13,OS,Face Off,Walt gets good news
," (35.046662ø, -106.631981ø)",,,,,
National Museum of Nuclear,Currently: 601 Eubank Blvd. SE,2,7,w,Negro y Azul,Scene was shot at old Atomic Musuem
Science & History, Once: 1905 Mountain Rd. NW,,,,, in Old Town before they moved here
,,,,,, to their new location in February 2009
"Near ""Q"" Studios",,,,,,
I-25 Overpass,Bobby Foster Rd. SE & I-25,1,3,m,...And the Bag's in the River,Walt reflects here after killing Krazy 8
Underpass,Los Picaros Dr. SE,4,4,m,Bullet Points,Mike takes Jesse on a ride
," (35.008233ø, -106.625899ø)",,,,,
Mike & Jesse drive past,Los Picaros Dr. SE,4,4,m,Bullet Points,Mike takes Jesse on a ride
," (35.011717ø, -106.619376ø)",,,,,
Mike & Jesse drive past, (Slightly-different location),4,5,m,Shotgun,On the way to first dead drop
," (35.012633ø, -106.617243ø)",,,,,
Motorcycle offroad area,"Tijeras Arroyo, N side",5,5,m,Dead Freight,Offroad biker finds a tarantula (but
," (35.021705ø, -106.615063ø)",,,,, they don't live in this part of ABQ)
Jesse Drop-Off Point,Dragway Rd. SE,4,12,OS,End Times,Power Lines
, (aka La Semilla Rd. SE),,,,,
," (35.011458ø, -106.596565ø)",,,,,
Trudging through the desert,Bobby Foster Rd. SE,2,3,m,Bit By A Dead Bee,Sites are in a very tight cluster. Earliest
after escaping Tuco,,,,,, sites unclear; Later sites clearer.
," (34.989131ø, -106.644681ø)",,,,,Camera location
," (34.988314ø, -106.645265ø)",,,,,Desert Road
," (34.988945ø, -106.644804ø)",,,,,View with Elm Tree
," (34.989851ø, -106.646201ø)",,,,,Pickup location
Refrigerated Truck Stop,Bobby Foster Rd. SE,4,4,m,Bullet Points,Mike defends Gus's meth shipment
," (34.986424ø, -106.637737ø)",4,6,,Cornered, Mike's successors didn't fare as well
Stretch of Highway,Bobby Foster Rd. SE,3,2,m,Caballo sin Nombre,Walt gets belligerent with policeman
,,3,9,,Kafkaesque, Walt speeds
,,4,6,,Cornered, Skyler begins her trip to Four Corners
"Meeting between Mike, Jesse,",Near Bobby Foster Road SE,5,6,JG,Buyout,Soil seriously disturbed here at this
and Declan from Phoenix," (34.983993ø, -106.638106ø)",5,7,,Say My Name, eerie place.
,,5,8,,Gliding Over All,"Crystal Blue Persuasion (3, 13)"
Parking lot,Parking lot behind Aperture ,3,7,m,One Minute,The Cousins buy some guns
," Center, Behind ""Q"" Studios",,,,,
," (34.986016ø, -106.612136ø)",,,,,
Desert locations,Plains south of Q Studios,1,5,f,Gray Matter,"Numerous, scattered locations"
, Manzano Mts. backdrop,,,,, (Most desert locations are on the
,,,,,, East Mesa south of Q Studios
Season 2 Cook Site,"(34.975790ø, -106.618718ø)",2,-,-,,Season 2 Cook Site
Season 3 E1 Truck Blows Up,"(34.961404ø, -106.627035ø)",3,1,JG,No M s,James Gelet's recently-corrected coord.
,,,,,, The Cousins decide to walk instead
Near-collision,Possibly near Season 3 E1 Truck,5,1,,Live Free Or Die,Mike meets up again with Walt & Jesse
, blow-up site,,,,,
," (34.968002ø, -106.613922ø)",,,,,
Aircraft landing place,Camera at:,4,8,m,Hermanos,James Gelet's best estimates
,"(34.990460ø, -106.593971ø)",,,,,
,Standing at:,,,,,
,"(34.991001ø, -106.587766ø)",,,,,
Corral,"(34.970349ø, -106.622158ø)",3,13,m,Full Measure,Gus is quite irritated with Walt
Parking lot,The Pavilion Parking Lot,2,4,OS,Down,Driving lesson.
, 5601 University Blvd. SE,4,7,,Problem Dog,
Opening sequence,View from hill shot from:,3,2,m,Caballo sin Nombre,Walt drives to meet the nice policeman
," (35.005323ø,-106.625996ø)",,,,,
, Looking down @ Los Picaros Rd.,,,,,
Road scene,"University Blvd. SE, southbound,",1,4,m,Cancer Man,Paranoid Walt thinks he's pursued
, towards Q Studios,,,,,
," (35.014162ø, -106.634510ø)",,,,,
Saul's burial pit,"Likely located near ""Q"" Studios",2,8,m,Better Call Saul,Saul gets two new but difficult clients
," (34.986461ø, -106.618266ø)",,,,,
Sunset,"On edge of East Mesa, ENE of",3,6,m,Sunset,Gus appeases the Cousins w. Hank
," Chicken Farm, at",,,,,
," (34.967546ø, -106.639169ø) ",,,,,
Jesse and Jane reunited,"(34.989141ø, -106.645636ø)",-,-,m,El Camino,Where Kim had her car accident in
,,,,,," BCS, but looking east instead of west"
"""Q"" Studios",,,,,,
Oncology Clinic,"""Q"" Studios",1,1,-,Pilot,Seen in many Season 1 & 2 episodes
,,,,,, Also revisited in Season 5b
Superlab,"""Q"" Studios",3,5,"f,DVD",M s,Located at Q Studios
Air Traffic Control Center,"""Q"" Studios",2,13,DVD,ABQ,Donald Margolis makes a fateful mistake
Margolis scrum,"Outside ""Q"" Studios",3,1,OS,No M s,Seen on TV reports of aircraft crashes
Hank's physical therapy,"""Q"" Studios",3,11,,Abiqui£,Hank's physical therapy; ID'ed by Asst.
, Physical therapy room,,,,, Locations Mgr. Alex Gianopoulos as
,,,,,," being located at ""Q"" Studios"
Motel Room,"""Q"" Studios",4,2,DVD,Thirty Eight Snub,Supernatural's Bobby Singer
New Beneke Office,"""Q"" Studios",4,10,w,Salud,Red feature surrounding building
,,,,,," is present at ""Q"" Studios"
Ted's Hospital Room,"""Q"" Studios",5,1,,Live Free Or Die,"View out window looks like ""Q"" Studios"
Interrogation Room,"""Q"" Studios",4,13,,Face Off,Jesse calls for Saul's help; ID'ed by Asst.
,,,,,, Locations Mgr. Alex Gianopoulos as
,,,,,," being located at ""Q"" Studios"
Suburb,"Probably ""Q"" Studios",5,8,,Gliding Over All,Aerial shot. CGI initial image doesn't
,,,,,, seem to be based on ABQ - perhaps
,,,,,, based on Inland Empire of California?
Underground Meth Lab/ ,"""Q"" Studios for Interior",5,10,m,Buried,Todd and Lydia team up in order to
Buried Bus,,,,,, cause Declan's downfall
Koala Kare Station,,5,14,J,Ozymandias,Holly calls out for mama
"I-25 Corridor, North",,,,,,
Storage Locker,Extra Space Storage (formerly,5,8,m,Gliding Over All,Huge stack of cash!
, Devon Self Storage),5,10,m,Buried, Huell and Kuby revel with the pile
, 4801 San Mateo Blvd. NE,,,,,
Quiznos,"4500 Osuna Rd. NE, Suite 155",3,9,m,Kafkaesque,"Jesse, Badger, & Skinny Pete want to"
,,,,,, start selling again
Zen Nail Salon,"4500 Osuna Rd. NE, Suite 135",3,9,m,Kafkaesque,Saul proposes this place to Jesse as
,,,,,, an ideal investment opportunity
Cardboard Box Making Facility,Fed Ex Ground,5,3,-,Hazard Pay,Steam and salt make this place
, 4511 Paseo del Norte Blvd. NE,,,,, unsuitable for the new enterprise.
"""Casa Tranquila"" Nursing",Valle Norte Caring Center,4,13,m,Face Off,Gus & Hector meet one last time
Home (2), 8820 Horizon Blvd. NE,,,,,
, (now called Fiesta Park,,,,,
, Medical Resort),,,,,
"""Human Body"" Classroom &",Anderson-Abruzzo Albuquerque,1,3,"d,OS",...And the Bag's in the River,Walt & Gretchen discuss body chemistry
Marie's Shoe Store, International Balloon Museum ,,,,, Marie shoplifts a pair of shoes
, 9201 Balloon Museum Dr. NE,,,,,
, Pugash Hall,,,,,
Gus's Laundry,"""Lavanderia Brillante""",3,2,"f,m",Caballo sin Nombre,Surface disguise for Superlab
, Delta Uniform and Linen,,,,," ""Signs"" sign nearby"
, 1617 Candelaria Rd. NE,,,,,
Freeway Underpass,"First Street, under Interstate 40",5,13,OS,To'hajiilee,Jesse describes his plan to Hank and
,,,,,, Gomie
Underpass,Indian School & Commercial NE,3,4,w,Green Light,Victor gives Jesse only half of cash
Salteydogg Metal Fab,2101 Commercial St. NE,3,4,w,Green Light,A U-turn and Glass Block Windows
Madrigal Houston Warehouse,Sysco Warehouse,5,4,-,Fifty-One,Trouble with lights
,601 Comanche Rd. NE ,5,8,,Gliding Over All, Crystal Blue Persuasion (5)
White Many-Windowed House,3421 Pan American Fwy. NE,4,13,m,Face Off,Saul and Walt chit-chat here.
," (35.119356ø, -106.629272ø)",,,,, What strange history here? A former
,,,,,, girl's school?
Auto accident,Girard Blvd. & Los Arboles NE,4,11,OS,Crawl Space,Crash judgment
Beneke Fabricators,Gonzalez Mechanical,2,7,f/w,Negro y Azul,Beautiful glass block windows
, 2241 Phoenix Ave. NE,,,,,
Golden Moth Warehouse,"Maxtek Contractors, Inc.",3,13,m,Full Measure,Chow's chemical warehouse
, 2201 Phoenix Ave. NE,,,,, (changed considerably recently)
"The ""Big-I"" highway",View from below,1,1,m,Pilot,Walt's ambulance trip passes through
intersection of I-40 & I-25, Looking south from about,5,1,m,Live Free Or Die, Time lapse 2
," (35.107774ø, -106.630090ø)",,,,,
The Querque Hotel (formerly,1760 Menaul Blvd NE,-,-,-,El Camino,Walt and Jesse prepare to eat
Fairfield Inn by Marriott),,,,,, Walt comes out of Room 244
North Valley,,,,,,
Walt Goes Naked,Hi-Lo Market,2,3,w,Bit By A Dead Bee,"Exterior only - Interior at Jerry's Market,"
, 2513 4th Street NW,,,,, 7553 Isleta Blvd. SW
Best Quality Vacuum,On The Spot Vacuum Sales and,5,15,,Granite State,Temporary refuge for Walt and Saul
," Service, 2714 Fourth St. NW",-,-,-,El Camino, Jesse tries to get refuge too
Sleazy Bar,"Leo's Bar, 1119 Candelaria NW",3,3,w,I.F.T.,Hank picks a fight!
Railroad view (looking north),Near Griegos Rd. RR Crossing,1,6,m,Crazy Handful of Nothin',Time lapse (part 5)
," (35.129232ø, -106.635109ø)",,,,,
Birthday party,"5001 Rio Grande Lane NW,",1,5,d,Gray Matter,Whites attend Elliot's birthday party
, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque,,,,, (also Gretchen's kitchen phone call?)
Don Bolsa's Mexican Hacienda,Hacienda Antigua Inn,3,8,m,I See You,Gus betrays Don Juan Bolsa
," Bed and Breakfast,",,,,, (B&B since closed)
, 6708 Tierra Drive NW,,,,,
Sawmill compound,"Off of Daniel, next to railroad, ",5,13,,To'hajiilee,"Todd, his Uncle Jack, and the colorful"
, near 2nd & Los Ranchos NW,,,,, Nazi crowd make their home here.
,,5,14,,Ozymandias, Todd tortures and enslaves Jesse
,,5,15,,Granite State, Jesse momentarily escapes
,,5,16,,Felina, Walt takes revenge; Jesse goes free
Gretchen and Elliot Schwartz's,1251 Bona Terra Loop NW,5,16,,Felina,Beautiful and elaborate place
new home,,,,,,
Northwest Albuquerque,,,,,,
Guitar Showroom,Grandma's Music & Sound,5,3,-,Hazard Pay,Skinny Pete plays Mozart!
, 9310 Coors Blvd. NW,,,,,
Tented House II,10527 Box Canyon Place NW,5,3,-,Hazard Pay,Walt & Jesse's new cooking approach
," (35.201494ø, -106.751956ø)",,,,, (House across street may have also
,,,,,, been used)
"Cancer Support Group, &",Central NM Westside Campus,1,6,-,Crazy Handful of Nothin',"Walt talks about enjoying ""the nature""."
J.P. Wynne High School (2), 10549 Universe Blvd. NW,,,,, Hank arrests Mr. Archuleta.
," (34.968475ø, -106.617935ø)",5,8,,Gliding Over All, Bathroom later revisited.
Fortified Police Station,ABQ Northwest Area Command,5,1,m,Live Free Or Die,Down the hill from Honda dealership
, 10401 Cibola Loop NW ,,,,,
Fence during nighttime drive,"Fence for ""Vistas at Seven Bar ",5,1,m,Live Free Or Die,Quick getaway
," Ranch Apartments,""",,,,,
, 10600 Cibola Loop NW.,,,,,
," (35.208344ø, -106.661802ø)",,,,,
Rio Rancho,,,,,,
J.P. Wynne High School (1),Scimatics Building,1,1,w,Pilot,Walt's School (used in Season 1 & parts
, Rio Rancho High School,1,2,,The Cat's In The Bag, of Season 2)
, 301 Loma Colorado Dr. NE,,,,,
Mesa Credit Union,Loma Colorado Library,1,1,w,Pilot,Walt withdraws his cash to buy an RV
, 755 Loma Colorado Dr. NE,3,5,,M s, Walt feels 'alive'
Jesse & Emilio's Sage House,3416 Lockerbie Drive,1,1,JC,Pilot,'Sage' cook house is at end of block
," Rio Rancho, NM",,,,,
Jesse falls out the window,3412 Lockerbie Drive,1,1,JC,Pilot,Walt recognizes Jesse Pinkman
," Rio Rancho, NM",,,,,
Driveway outside Oncology,Presbyterian Primary Care,1,4,m,Cancer Man,Interesting pillars and building!
clinic," Clinic, 4005 High Resort Blvd.,",,,,,
," Rio Rancho, NM",,,,,
," (35.250746ø, -106.656049ø)",,,,,
Jesse hides from the cops,5th Ave NE near 1st St. NE,-,-,-,El Camino,"(35.265433,-106.7352288)"
Seedy Mexican Bar,"Sandia Bar, Corrales Rd. & West",3,3,m,I.F.T.,'Tortuga' beheaded here
," Ella Dr., 4445 Corrales Rd.",,,,,
," Corrales, NM 87048",,,,,
West Mesa (except Pajarito Mesa),,,,,,
Motel Hacienda,6214 Central Avenue SW,5,8,m,Gliding Over All,Walt conspires on Jailhouse murders
Glimpses of Central Avenue,5600 block of Central Ave. SW,5,13,m,To'hajiilee,Walt races west to To'hajiilee
, Proposed Nine-Mile Hill ,,,,, Walt approaches I-40
, approximate camera location,,,,,
," (35.065050ø, -106.777190ø)",,,,,
Green Light,Unser Blvd. & Sage Rd. SW,3,4,m,Green Light,Victor tosses Walt his half of the cash
Old Route 66 Caf‚,Caf‚ 66,5,11,OS,Confessions,Todd & associates freshen up before
, 9200 Central Avenue SW,,,,, returning to NM from AZ
, (near Bridge & Central SW),,,,,
Nine-Mile Hill,Nine-Mile Hill approximate,5,13,,To'hajiilee,Walt races west to To'hajiilee
, camera location,,,,,
," (35.065050ø, -106.777190ø)",,,,,
Collection Drive,Central Avenue & I-40,4,5,m,Shotgun,West on Central & onto I-40.
, Near 102nd & Central Ave. NW,,,,, Rio Night Club sign visible
Burned-Out Abandoned Gas,"15157 Historic Route 66, Near",4,5,m,Shotgun,Dead Drop #3 on 'Nine Mile Hill'
Station, Central Avenue & Atrisco Vista,,,,,
," Blvd. NW, @ I-40",,,,,
," (35.063113ø, -106.785035ø)",,,,,
Power line intersection,Unser Blvd. NW,5,8,m,Gliding Over All,Time lapse (3); Reverse sunrise
," (35.105916ø, -106.730296ø)",,,,,
Volcano Cliffs and Rocks,Petroglyph National Monument,3,2,m,Caballo sin Nombre,Opening sequence
, Unser Blvd. & St. Josephs,,,,,
, Ave. NW. Rinconada Canyon,,,,,
," (35.125710, -106.733971)",,,,,
,Rocks with thunderhead,,,,,(A Guesstimate)
," (35.128684, -106.723808)",,,,,
Krazy Eight's Place,4900 El Aguila Pl. NW,1,1,-,Pilot,Jesse catches Krazy Eight's attention
Hank's Interview Site,"2708 Vista Grande Dr. NW,",1,1,m,Pilot,Meth Lab Seizure
, with Meth Lab seizure about,,,,,
, 4915 Paseo del Rey NW,,,,,
Time lapse - ABQ freeway,I-40 Bridge over Rio Grande,4,1,m,Boxcutter,"Looking east, at night"
Time lapse - Central Avenue,On 9 Mile Hill,-,-,-,El Camino,"(35.065624ø, -106.773793ø)"
Sandia & Manzano Mountains,,,,,,
Reverse Sunset,View from base of the Tramway,3,7,m,One Minute,At night time - time lapse shots
Time Lapse, 30 Tramway Rd. NE,5,8,m,Gliding Over All," ""Crystal Blue Persuasion"" montage"
, (Cross-listed in Upper NE Hts.,,,,,
, E. of Juan Tabo; S. of Osuna),,,,,
Sandia Crest,Shot near Tramway's top,1,7,m,No Rough Stuff Type Deal,Time lapse shot near tramway's top
," (35.196356ø, -106.434221ø)",,,,,
Roadside Stop,Coyote Springs Rd. SE,4,5,m,Shotgun,"""You are NOT the guy!"""
," (35.041702ø, -106.453010ø)",,,,,
New Hampshire Road & Gate,Likely location: Crest Trail,5,15,MJ,Granite State,
, leading to the Kiwanis Cabin,,,,,
," (35.208600ø, -106.447033ø)",,,,,
Walt's New Hampshire Cabin,About 1/4 mile N. of Hwy 536,5,15,RB,Granite State,A refuge from the DEA. (Richard lists
, on the Ellis Trail,,,,, different coords: Camera location -
," (35.211379ø, -106.443491ø)",,,,," (35.21212ø, 106.44404ø); Cabin -"
,,,,,," (35.21133ø, 106.44366ø), but it"
,,,,,, doesn't really matter.)
New Hampshire Bar,Ponderosa Eatery & Saloon,5,15,,Granite State,Walt was never a fan of 'The Charlie
, 10676 S. Hwy 14/337,,,,, Rose Show'
," Tijeras, NM, 87059",,,,,
," (South of Tijeras, near Chilili)",,,,,
Badger & Skinny Pete pickup,Intersection of Anaya Rd. &,5,16,JL,Felina,The best hit men west of the
place," Camino Medio, just north of",,,,, Mississippi River!
, Ponderosa Eatery & Saloon,,,,,
Alaska Parking Lot,10K Trailhead,-,-,-,El Camino,The Disappearer briefs Jesse
," (35.209621ø, -106.435584ø)",,,,,
"Interstate 40, heading west",Interstate 40,5,13,,To'hajiilee,Walt races west to To'hajiilee
Walt's Big Trip West,Likely taken where the road to,5,13,m,To'hajiilee,Shot of car passing under overpass (W.)
, To'hajiilee meets I-40,,,,," Also, Long shot of Interstate 40 (E.)"
Welcome to New Mexico,On the road from To'hajiilee,5,11,-,Confessions,Todd and his father's gang return from
," (35.007113?, -107.098639?)",,,,, Arizona after dealing with Declan.
,,5,13,m,To'hajiilee,Same road. Walt races to find Jesse.
," (35.023920ø, -107.098750ø)",,,,, Approximate pavement-level view
Ca¤oncito Gas,To'hajiilee Market,5,16,,Felina,Walt pretends he's a NY Times reporter
Walt's Proving Ground,To'hajiilee,5,16,m,Felina,Walt hums Marty Robbins' song
," (35.046514ø, -107.116381ø)",,,,,
Cattle Guard - General View,"Turnoff to right, where Hwy 57",5,13,m,To'hajiilee,View just before turnoff to Trail 7089
, meets Ca¤oncito School Rd.,,,m,, (Misleading turn there)
," (35.091742ø, -107.111977ø)",,,,,
To'hajiilee,To'hajiilee Reservation of the,1,1,m,Pilot,"""OldSaultie"" suggested To'hajiilee,"
RV Cook Site (1)," Navajo Nation. On Trail 7039,",1,2,,The Cat's In The Bag, based on the notations on the Flickr
, 1.4 miles W of To'hajiilee ,1,3,,Bag's In The River, photo collection for first shoot.
, Community School ,5,10,,Buried, Walt buries the cash in a pit.
," (35.101197ø, -107.135481ø)",5,13,,To'hajiilee, Armed Confrontation in the desert.
,,5,14,,Ozymandias, Uncle Jack takes control.
Dung Beetle Valley," (35.121506ø, -107.131145ø)",5,14,,Ozymandias,Walt starts rolling the barrel
Last long-distance view of Walt,Camera's location approx.:,5,14,,Ozymandias,Off Trail 7089. Walt's location approx.:
rolling the barrel.," (35.112202ø, -107.128960ø) ",,,,," (35.108406ø, -107.129541ø). "
Walt buys a truck," (35.118578ø, -107.134828ø)",5,14,,Ozymandias,Up on the mesa
"Zia, San Ysidro & Cabezon",,,,,,
Border landscape,"On Cabezon Road, about 4.5",2,7,m,Negro y Azul,"""What's the matter, Schrader? You act"
, miles SW of San Ysidro,,,,, like you've never seen a severed
," (35.501973ø, -106.818708ø)",,,,," human head on a tortoise before!"""
Truck Stop,Big Chief Truck Stop,3,4,m,Green Light,RV photographed by ATM Machine
," (35.494607ø, -106.728325ø)",,,,, Near Zia Pueblo turnoff from Hwy 550
Mexican Village with Shrine,Cabezon Town Site,3,1,m,No M s,Exteriors of the upper Rio Puerco Valley
, (closed to the public),3,7,,One Minute, Interior scene (at the studio?)
Santa Ana Pueblo & Algodones,,,,,,
Stone House & dirt road,"Off Jemez Dam Road, near",3,6,m,Sunset,Mrs. Peyketewa & Santa Ana cop killed
, Tamaya Blvd. & Tuyuna Trail,,,,,
," (35.356133ø, -106.564967ø)",,,,,
Rio Grande River,Santa Ana Pueblo,2,5,-,Breakage,Illegals find Tuco's grill
," (35.358692ø, -106.516228ø)",5,8,,Gliding Over All, Time lapse (1)
Powerline rendezvous,Santa Ana Pueblo,2,5,m,Breakage,Walt & Jesse meet under power lines
," (35.365010ø, -106.533869ø)",,,,, to cook meth
Desert rendezvous,Santa Ana Pueblo,2,5,m,Breakage,Walt & Jesse meet and discuss
," (35.369786ø, -106.546615ø)",,,,," ""Breakage"" (site needs confirmation)"
Firearms Disposal Pit,On Santa Ana Pueblo land,5,7,m,Say My Name,Mike prepares his exit
," (35.370617ø, -106.512221ø)",,,,,
Mike's riverside stop,On San Felipe Pueblo land,5,7,m,Say My Name,Mike crosses the River Styx
," (35.380657ø, -106.505815ø)",,,,,
," (35.380418ø, -106.509616ø) ",-,-,-,El Camino,They're a bit farther downstream
Bernalillo and Placitas,,,,,,
Rio Grande River,Highway 550 bridge over river,2,5,-,Breakage,Hank throws away Tuco's grill
," (35.321884ø, -106.558289ø)",,,,,
Don Eladio's Hacienda,Hacienda de Placitas Inn and,4,8,RK,Hermanos,Gus & Maxs' business pitch goes badly
," Gallery, 491 Highway 165,",4,10,,Salud, Gus' revenge
," Placitas, NM, 87043",,,,,
Kandy Welding,"Amfab Steel, 101-A Calle Industrial",-,-,m,El Camino,
"Santo Domingo, Cochiti, and La Bajada Hill",,,,,,
Santa Fe & Lamy,,,,,,
Georgia O?Keeffe Museum,Georgia O?Keeffe Museum,3,11,m,Abiqui£,Jesse & Jane discuss Georgia O'Keefe's
, 217 Johnson St.,,,,," ""My Last Door"", oil on canvas"
," Santa Fe, NM, 87501",,,,," 48 by 84 in., 1952-1954"
,,,,,," Yet, the painting was not there on my"
,,,,,," October 8, 2011 visit"
Railroad trestle & crossing,Spur Ranch Rd. at NM Southern,5,5,OS,Dead Freight,In the radio dead zone
," Railway crossing, near Lamy,",,,,,
," NM, south of Santa Fe",,,,,
," (35.498826ø, -105.916656ø)",,,,,
Near Los Lunas and Belen,,,,,,
Big Box Hardware Store,RAKS Building Supply Store,2,10,m,Over,Walt intimidates competing meth
, 108 Carson Dr. SE,,,,, cooks here
," Los Lunas, NM",,,,,
RV under surveillance,"River Park, 1660 Main Street SE,",3,5,m,M s,Just SE of where Highway 6 crosses
," Los Lunas, NM",,,,, the Rio Grande at Los Lunas
," (34.802423ø, -106.716016ø)",,,,,
Isolated Windmill,Just east of Los Lunas,4,5,m,Shotgun,"Dead drop #1. Is that cgi, or did"
," (34.804438ø,-106.658829ø)",,,,, or did they build a new road east?
Tio Salamanca's Hacienda,"1570 West Bosque Loop,",3,7,m,One Minute,Tio teaches cousins about 'familia'
," Bosque Farms, NM",,,,,
Tuco's desert house,"Dailies Road, Dailies, NM",2,2,m,Grilled,"On Dalies Road, west of Los Lunas"
," (34.800059ø, -106.849620ø)",,,,,
More Distant Locations,,,,,,
Spinning auto,Outside of AT&T Stadium in ,2,8,m,Better Call Saul,Saul's introductory TV ad
, San Francisco's China Basin,,,,,
," neighborhood, including view of",,,,,
, the Lefty O'Doul Bridge,,,,,
Building with horizontal stripes,"Wilshire Community Police Stn.,",2,8,MJ,Better Call Saul,Saul Goodman becomes Badger's lawyer
," 4861 W. Venice Blvd.,",,,,,
," Los Angeles, CA 90019",,,,,
View of Mt. Taylor on horizon,NW New Mexico,2,10,m,Over,Time lapse (part 1)
,,3,6,,Sunset,Gus talks to the Cousins
,,4,4,,Bullet Points,Seen through refrigeration truck doors
Four Corners Monument,NW corner of NM,4,6,w,Cornered,Skyler is in a quandary
'The Charlie Rose Show',NY studios of Charlie Rose,5,15,,Granite State,Walt was never a fan of Charlie Rose
Sharing the Night Together,"North of Holbrook, AZ",-,-,m,El Camino,Dr. Hook's earworm
, Driving south,,,,,"(35.370617ø, -110.062224ø)"
," Turnoff, driving north",,,,,"(35.394191ø, -110.064761ø)"
, Burial Site,,,,,"(35.187203ø, -110.174447ø)"
Wish List & Guesstimates,,,,,,
Breaking Bad Pilot,Set,1,1,-,Pilot,Vince Gilligan mentions in Season 1 DVD
Walter White home,,,,,," commentary for ""Better Call Saul"" "
,,,,,, episode 10 (Marco) that portions of the
,,,,,, Pilot episode were filmed in a
,,,,,, warehouse near Hamlin's Office.
,,,,,," Is that I-25 Studios, 1.5 miles from"
,,,,,, the Hamlin offices?
Gretchen and Elliott's kitchen,,1,5,,Gray Matter,Gretchen calls Walt
Opening sequence - plain,"Maybe near ""Q"" Studios?",3,2,,Caballo sin Nombre,Time lapse & montage scenes at start
, Other possiblities are Atrisco,,,,,
, Vista Rd. near Double Eagle,,,,,
," Airport, and I-25 north of Belen",,,,,
Opening sequence - rocks,Petroglyphs Nat'l Monument,3,2,,Caballo sin Nombre,Time lapse & montage scenes at start
Opening sequence - plain,,3,2,,Caballo sin Nombre,Time lapse & montage scenes at start
,,4,4,,Bullet Points,Mike and Jesse drive
,,4,5,,Shotgun,Mike and Jesse drive
Andrea's bedroom,,3,11,,Abiqui£,
Interior of Gale's Apartment,Strongly resembles inside of,3,13,,Full Measure,Possibly Jesse and Jane's place
, Jesse and Jane's duplex,4,1,,Boxcutter, 323 & 325 Terrace St. SE
First of the 3 houses Marie,Interior shots only. ,4,3,,Open House,"""Michael Killmore"" - what a name!"
visits,"On November 7, 2014 I received",,,,, General vicinity of 8503 La Sala
, a tip that correct location is the,,,,, Grande NE?
, large house at about,,,,,
, 5133 Sunningdale Ave. NE.,,,,,
Walt's gambling therapy,,4,4,,Bullet Points,Walt can barely stay awake
Affordable Car Sales,,4,6,,Cornered,Walt dotes on his son - Second half of
,,,,,, scene at unknown location
Drive to Los Pollos,,4,9,,Bug,Verify drive
Los Pollos Warehouse,,4,9,,Bug,Interior
Nighttime Drive,,5,1,,Live Free Or Die,Perhaps on Coors Blvd. NW?
Kaylee's Bedroom,,5,2,,Madrigal,Same as Dave's Office?
Mike's Interrogation,,5,6,,Buyout,Studio?
Tented houses,(Various),5,7,,Say My Name,Interior
,,5,8,,Gliding Over All,"Crystal Blue Persuasion (1,7,10,12,20"
,,,,,, 26) interior
Razor wire fence,,5,8,,Gliding Over All,Part of montage at sunset
Airports,Jumbo jet takeoff is likely LAX,5,8,,Gliding Over All,"Crystal Blue Persuasion (6,17)"
, rest unknown,,,,,
Marie's Counselor Dave's place,,5,12,,Rabid Dog,Resembles Huning Highlands house
,,,,,, Same as Kaylee's Bedroom?
Jesse's Woodworking Shop,Studio?,5,16,,Felina,Jesse's Reverie
Saw Brian Cranston At Flying Star this morning!
ReplyDeleteThat's wonderful!
DeleteDo you know if any filming was done in Socorro County?
ReplyDeleteTo my knowledge, no filming was done in Socorro County. Breaking Bad rarely wanders more than 40 miles from Albuquerque.
ReplyDeleteBut there are reasons to hope. Several months ago, as part of the Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour (UBBFT) sign giveaway contest, Locations Manager Christian de la Boya squirreled away one sign at the Trinity Site turnoff from Highway 380, which is in Socorro County. Very odd. Why would he do that if the location hadn't been used, or at least under consideration? So, we'll see if that place pops up in the final installment of eight episodes.
The time-lapse night-time image of the Sandias was almost certainly taken from the Trailhead on Trailhead Rd NE (off Glenwood Hills Dr NE), just up the hill from Hank's House on Cumbre del sur Ct. The lights to the left are from the High Desert Place NE neighbourhood
ReplyDeleteKoala Kare Station,,5,14,,Ozymandias,Holly calls out for mama - this was filmed in the studio. They built a set for this. It's mentioned in "Inside Breaking Bad" on the DVD.
ReplyDeleteNot on "Inside Breaking Bad" for Ozymandias. Elsewhere?
DeleteI'll try to find it again and let you know. Maybe it was on the audio commentary. I'd never listened to one of those before, but Ozymandias was such an incredible episode! I definitely heard it somewhere, I remembered being surprised that they built a whole set for such a short scene; I guess real bathrooms are too small to shoot in!
DeleteI'll check too. Yes, most bathrooms are too small for easy filming. I liked particularly that the toilet Gus knelt before in Season 4's "Salud" was a prop: that room has a big bathtub, but no toilet, and the space used for the prop toilet is actually a doorway.
DeleteAha! There is a discussion on the DVD commentary for Ozymandias. They state that it was a small set built for that purpose. Now, they don't say WHERE the set was located, but they wouldn't have put anywhere else than Q Studios. So, that's it! Thank you for the heads up!
DeleteGlad to have been able to help! I hope I will get the chance to visit Albuquerque one day, and see some of the locations - using your book to find them, of course!
DeleteHello Jo, UK: Thank you! I should have that particular discussion: I must have overlooked it.
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I used to visit New Mexico, every summer for years because we have friends there and love it! Haven't been able to travel there for the last 4 years but we have so enjoyed seeing Breaking Bad and all the wonderful scenery. It is just so beautiful there and I hope some other show will use it for their set too. I'm from South Florida and it can't compare to NM. I'm enjoying your Weblog to see where they filmed. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Sandra! It will be interesting to see the premiere of "Better Call Saul" in February!
ReplyDeleteMice blog and comments shared are awesome.
I'm so glad that I found your BrBa location blog! I think it's amazing, and it really takes me back home, or really, near to home, as I'm from El Paso. I love the pictures because now I don't live in such a beautiful place, and it's great to put me in a good mood. Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteThank you!