Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"Breaking Bad" Filming Locations - Season 5b

This post is the seventh of eight posts regarding "Breaking Bad" filming locations and focuses on Season 5b filming locations (last updated March 14, 2025).

The Blog Sidebar contains links to Filming Location posts.  These include:
  • Eight "Breaking Bad" filming location posts;
  • Four additional posts regarding "Breaking Bad" related subjects;
  • Eight "Better Call Saul" filming location posts;
  • Two additional posts regarding "Better Call Saul" related subjects;
  • One additional post regarding Surrealist artistic influences in "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul";
  • One post regarding "El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie";
  • Three links to OldeSaultie's Google maps of "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" filming location sites. These are the best filming location maps on the Web! The KML files available at these addresses are particularly useful for importing locations into GPS-equipped devices.

Let me know if you have any problems or questions (E-Mail address:


To avoid unnecessary friction, I have redacted the addresses of all single-family homes in these books. (These addresses are still available at Marc Valdez Weblog, however.)  The pictures in the print editions are black-and-white, in order to keep costs down. 

"A Guidebook To 'Breaking Bad' Filming Locations: Including 'Better Call Saul' - Albuquerque as Physical Setting and Indispensable Character" (Sixth Edition)

Purchase book at the link.                                                                                                                  
This book outlines thirty-three circuits that the avid fan can travel in order to visit up to 679 different filming locations for "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" in the Albuquerque area.  Some background is provided for each site, including other movies that might have also used the site for filming.

"‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols: Reading Meaning into Sets, Props, and Filming Locations” (Second Edition)

Purchase book at the link.                                                                                                        “‘Breaking Bad’ Signs and Symbols,” aims to understand some of the symbolism embedded in the backgrounds of “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul,” in order to decode messages and stories Vince Gilligan and crew have hidden there.                                                                                                    A series of tables are used to isolate how certain (particularly architectural) features are used: Gentle Arches, Tin Ceilings, Five-Pointed Stars, Octagons, etc. Daylighting innovations that were either pioneered or promoted in Chicago are examined: Glass Block Windows, Luxfer Prismatic Tile Windows, and Plate Glass Windows.

Certain symbols advance the plot: foreshadowing symbols like Pueblo Deco Arches, or danger symbols like bell shapes and stagger symbols. Other features, like Glass Block Windows or Parallel Beams in the Ceiling, tell stories about the legacies and corruptions of modernity, particularly those best-displayed at Chicago’s “Century of Progress” (1933-34). 

In addition, a number of scenes in the show are modeled after Early Surrealist artworks. The traces of various artists can be tracked in both shows, including: Comte de Lautréamont, Giorgio De Chirico, Man Ray, Max Ernst, Leonora Carrington, René Magritte, Toyen, Yves Tanguy, Remedios Varo, Paul Klee, and in particular, Salvador Dalí.

Southwestern Gothic

According to Salon, this wonderful image, named "The Heisenbergs", is by Brian DeYoung.

Tours Of Breaking Bad Sites

On Friday, June 29, 2012, E. from Albuquerque wrote with some important information regarding a new tour offered by Albuquerque Trolley, just for "Breaking Bad":
Hello Marc, KOB-TV Albuquerque aired an interesting BrBa report yesterday, thought you might be interested. You can find it at
Fantastic! That is great news!

As of October, 2013, there is now a new tour in town. Frank and Jackie Sandoval bought a Bounder RV, and are just starting to offer RV tours of Breaking Bad sites (Facebook page - phone no.: 505-514-5686). Give them a call!

Frank Sandoval inside the Bounder RV.

Trundling along the streets of Albuquerque on November 7, 2014 with Frank and Jackie Sandoval.

Inside the RV.

Dan Crocker from the UK at Jesse and Jane's house.

Facebook Group

(July, 2012) There is now an Albuquerque-based Facebook group, called the Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour (UBBFT), dedicated to offering "Breaking Bad" fans informal tours of "Breaking Bad" locations. It was formerly run by Ed Candelaria and Marq Smith and now is operated by Dave Layman, and operates much like a club. It can be found here: Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour (UBBFT).

Marq Smith's and Ed Candelaria's "Breaking Bad" wall.

Instagram Page and Locations Apps

(May, 2013) Miguel Jaramillo, who also belongs to the Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour (UBBFT), hosts an Instagram Page full of pictures of "Breaking Bad" sites. It can be found here: breakingbadlocations.

(August, 2013) As of August 1, 2013, there is now an actual Breaking Bad Locations App on the Web! The work is by Miguel Jaramillo and Sean McCracken. The initial release is a handy tool for the casual visitor (but it still needs a many more locations for the hard-core locations fan).

Tim Oberle notes that OldeSaultie's KML files can be imported into a Garmin GPS unit to create a very useful display featuring virtually all sites, with distances to each from your current location.

I have also noticed a new App on the Web, called Finding Bad (Lance N Etcitty) I do not have enough experience with the App to rate it.


At A Filming Location: The Grove Restaurant, March 11, 2013

"The Grove" Restaurant.  Filming for second-to-the-last episode of "Breaking Bad".  March 11, 2013.  About 75 crew and cast members were swarming over this building. I came down to observe, because it was the only time that I've ever been in Albuquerque when they were filming "Breaking Bad".

Suddenly, someone abruptly drove into the parking lot while they were filming inside.  The security guard (Jamie Mason) got excited and started peering more closely at the intruder.  Who was this arrogant intruder?  It was Bryan Cranston, dropping off a bag on his day off!

Bryan Cranston, with Marc Valdez. Instead of putting my arm around him for the photo, I insisted on shaking his hand.  "Oh, like we're opening a restaurant together," he said.

Bryan Cranston autographed my list of "Breaking Bad" locations. I had pulled my pen from the back of my sister's kitchen drawer that morning, and it failed mid-signature. "This is a crap pen," Cranston stated.

Bryan Cranston, with Sam Martinez and Jenica. Both Sam and and Jenica were very kind to me. At some point, I lost my bottle of water. Standing in the direct, warm sun for about five hours, this loss was very inconvenient. Not only did they buy me a new bottle of water, but they gave me a pen to replace the crap pen I had. (I also got a second pen from other fans present). Sam and Jenica (and their friend Desiree) are just the best!

Bryan Cranston with Milissa Ross Greenberg, fellow member of the "Unofficial Breaking Bad Fan Tour" Facebook group.

Bryan Cranston, with fan.

Bryan Cranston, with owner of Mexicanismo Restaurant.

Jesse Plemons (Todd).

Jesse Plemons (Todd) with Marc Valdez. I told him, "We have something in common - we both like large spiders." It took him about five seconds to turn towards me with a quizzical look and softly say: "r-i-g-h-t!"

Laura Fraser (Lydia Rodarte-Quayle).

Laura Fraser (Lydia Rodarte-Quayle), with Marc Valdez. Laura was very friendly. I told her: "You know, Walt can be outwitted." She stood upright for a second with what appeared to be surprise, and then she let go of a deep, dark laugh.

Bryan Cranston, with fan.


At Mike Faris' Used Car Lot

Mike Faris' Used Car Lot sign, 6714 4th St NW #A, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107.

Possibly the most enjoyable time of this trip was spending time at, and talking with, Mike Faris.  It was the first time I ever met him.  Mike Faris is a distant cousin of mine - by marriage (he's related to cousin Cynthia's mother Arlene's side of the family).  He descends from several of the great Syrian and Lebanese merchants who settled near Santo Domingo Pueblo and Bernalillo in the late 19th Century (among Old West merchants represented indirectly by Rodger's & Hammerstein's character of 'Ali Hakim' in their musical 'Oklahoma!')

His and her caps at Mike Faris' Used Car Lot.  Mike Faris provides cars for the TV series "Breaking Bad".

Beauty salon pictures said to have been used as set dressing for "Breaking Bad" at Mike Faris' Used Car Lot.

Jesse's car, for sale at Mike Faris' Used Car Lot, 6714 4th St NW #A, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, NM 87107 (photos taken on March 12, 2013).  "Make an offer"!

Typically, two identical cars are provided by Mike Faris to the Breaking Bad cast and crew.

Jesse's car, for sale at Mike Faris' Used Car Lot.

[UPDATE] Holy s***! First time ever that information that I placed on the Web was considered important enough to carry on TMZ!

The photos on TMZ aren't mine (I posted my photos in this post). The information got picked up by a Toyota Tercel specialty Web Site on Saturday, then somehow got over to TMZ on Sunday. Now, the UK's Daily Mail has it! Hot information can sure travel fast on the Web!

Mike Faris also showed me another famous Breaking Bad car that he was keeping for resale later this summer. He swore me to secrecy regarding the exact identity of this car until the summer premiere. Nevertheless, Mike Faris decided to release that information on Sunday to TMZ. Why did he do that? Well, because the 800-lb gorilla of Hollywood, TMZ, was calling! I'm sure he wants to make a killing with his two cars, and there is no better way to do that than talking to TMZ!

Mike's car.

Mike's car.  Interior, with fake blood stains.

[UPDATE: August 23, 2013. Amazed that both "Breaking Bad" cars offered for auction on EBay by Mike Faris in Albuquerque sold cheap (Jesse's Toyota Tercel for $4,550: Mike's car for less than $2,000). I thought they'd go for $100,000+ each: that will be their eventual worth! Aaargghhh! I could have been a player, but I took my eye off the ball! I could have put both of them on my credit card, for chrissakes! Money DOES grow on trees, but you have to watch the right trees!.]


"Breaking Bad" Season 5, Episode 14, 'Ozymandias'

"Breaking Bad" - Bryan Cranston Reads Percy Shelley's "Ozymandias"


New Season 5b Filming Locations

Northeast Heights (E. of Wyoming, W. of Juan Tabo, S. of Osuna)

Hank and Marie's drive just prior to the accident starts on Morris St. NE, heading south at Stevens Dr. (end as yet uncertain).

Hank and Marie's drive just prior to the accident starts on Morris St. NE, heading south at Stevens Dr. (end as yet uncertain).

Hank and Marie's drive just prior to the accident starts on Morris St. NE, heading south at Stevens Dr. (end as yet uncertain).

Jesse and Hank depart Walt's house, on Orlando Pl., from Parsifal St. to Harwood Ave. (Season 5b, episode 12, 'Rabid Dog'). Hank takes Jesse under his protection.

Upper Northeast Heights (E. of Juan Tabo)

Hank's Anxiety Attack and Subsequent Front-Yard Auto Accident, 11505 Nassau Dr. NE (Season 5b, episode 9, 'Blood Money'). Image from Miguel Jaramillo and his Instagram site.

Hank's Anxiety Attack and Subsequent Front-Yard Auto Accident, 11505 Nassau Dr. NE (Season 5b, episode 9, 'Blood Money'). My image.

John B. Robert Dam Park, Dam overflow outfall on Bear Canyon Arroyo, Juan Tabo Blvd. and Osuna Road NE (Season 5b, episode 11, 'Confessions'). Jesse realizes he's been betrayed.

Based on the Google search terms used to end up at this page, it occurred to me that people don't understand what they are looking at when looking at the tombstone-like concrete projections on the dam face. What the heck are they?

If water flows over the top of the dam (which, in years of extraordinary-drought, occurs almost never) the concrete projections break the flow of water, so it can't gain too much kinetic energy, and thus blunts water's power to undermine the dam and cause damage downstream. They look like a very-clever engineering adaptation to solve a problem that is particularly acute when dealing with water flow in the unconsolidated sand and gravel that compose much of the soil on the mesas bordering the Rio Grande Valley.

Engineers in other locations need not always worry about water's erosional power to this extent, but there are other cautionary tales in the Albuquerque area to show what happens when you don't think ahead. Look towards Rio Rancho, which has always been run by idiots (especially their former mayor, Napoleonic Jim Owen, who planned to make Rio Rancho bigger than Los Angeles). For example, in the summer of 2013, the TV people reported on flooding in Corrales, which is downhill of Rio Rancho: particularly the flooding around Loma del Oro (and presumably Valle Vista too). This was all predictable. Hell, I predicted it, back when I was in high school.

They first started tinkering with dams, earthen berms, and the like, on the Rio Rancho hills near Loma del Oro back around 1973, in order to control the destabilization of the landscape caused by the presence of the Corrales Heights subdivision. The act of creating a dam just created new flooding opportunities, however, from water pouring off the steepened face of the dam, if from nothing else. I remember one rainstorm in 1974 produced a 25-deep channel overnight! You can't stop water when it's allowed to get this aggressive.

The harder they try to control the water flow, the more flooding they will cause. It's not a matter of levee maintenance. No amount of maintenance will ever suffice.
Blame the levee all you like: it's not the responsible party.
Joyce Daza's garage is filled up with about half a foot of mud. She says this is the 2nd time since she's lived here that flooding has damaged her home. This time it's worse because that levee we think broke and the levee is made of Earth, so, it brought all of the mud this time NOW FACING 100 THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF DAMAGE, DAZA IS TURNING TO NEIGHBORS FOR HELP... CLEARING DIRT FROM FRONT YARDS AND USING SANDBAGS TO PROTECT HOMES FROM THE NEXT MAJOR RAINFALL to shore up the houses for the next onslaught that's coming from the South. NEIGHBORS SAY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT WAS HERE TODAY... ASSESSING THE DAMAGE AND TRYING TO FIND THE BEST WAY TO CLEAR STREETS. IN CORRALES LAURA THOREN KOAT ACTION 7 NEWS. ACTION 7 NEWS REACHED OUT TO THE CORRALES' MAYOR'S OFFICE TO FIND OUT WHY THE LEVEE WAS NOT MAINTAINED... OUR CALLS WERE NOT ANSWERED.
Even if they made the levee out of concrete, the water will eat through the sandy soil and undermine the concrete foundations.

The folks along Bear Canyon Arroyo in the Northeast Heights had better engineers at work, and will face fewer problems, in part, because of these concrete tombstone-like projections. Maybe the folks on Loma del Oro need concrete projections too.

"Breaking Bad" has often focused on the things that are wrong or bad in American society. The dam they featured in "Confessions" contradicts that theme. They show what can be done right, with adequate resources, when idiots aren't in charge.

John B. Robert Dam.

John B. Robert Dam (February 2020).

The high school where Flynn receives Walt's desperate call from New Hampshire is, once again, Eldorado High School, 11300 Montgomery Blvd. NE, according to Miguel Jaramillo (see 'The High Schools of Breaking Bad', in my Season 1 post.)

Northeast Heights (N. Of Osuna)

Albuquerque Fire Station Twenty, 7520 Corona Ave. NE (Season 5b, episode 14, 'Ozymandias'). Walt surrenders Holly to the firemen.

Albuquerque Fire Station Twenty, 7520 Corona Ave. NE (Season 5b, episode 14, 'Ozymandias'). Walt surrenders Holly to the firemen.

The crew of Breaking Bad placed lights on this wall that looked especially pretty during Walt's last phone call to Skyler. That beautiful and mesmerizing row of lights isn't there now.

Lower Northeast Heights (W. of Wyoming), & Lomas Blvd. Corridor

Alley, supposedly behind Saul's office, Montgomery Blvd. NE between San Pedro and Roberta Pl. (35.131777ø, -106.576749ø) Behind Chez Axel, 6209 Montgomery Blvd. NE (Season 5b, episode 10, 'Buried'). Image from Christian Diaz de Bedoya.

Alley, supposedly behind Saul's office, Montgomery Blvd. NE between San Pedro and Roberta Pl. (35.131777ø, -106.576749ø) Behind Chez Axel, 6209 Montgomery Blvd. NE (Season 5b, episode 10, 'Buried'). My own image.

Garduño's Mexican Restaurant, 2100 Louisiana Blvd. NE, Winrock Center (Season 5b, episode 11, 'Confessions'). A very awkward lunch for all.

Correspondent stevecrye notes:
BTW, it is not actually at 2100 Louisiana, there is another restaurant there. You have to go a little ways behind Louisiana (east) to find it.

That's right: this restaurant is in a satellite building that orbits Winrock Shopping Center, and, indeed, is set back from Louisiana Blvd. proper.

Garduño's Mexican Restaurant, 2100 Louisiana Blvd. NE, Winrock Center (Season 5b, episode 11, 'Confessions'). A very awkward lunch for all.

Garduño's Mexican Restaurant.

Garduño's Mexican Restaurant.

Skyler's new apartment is at 4949 Roma Ave. NE (Season 5b, episode 16, 'Felina').

Skyler's new apartment is at 4949 Roma Ave. NE (Season 5b, episode 16, 'Felina').

Skyler's new apartment is at 4949 Roma Ave. NE (Season 5b, episode 16, 'Felina'). Jesus lives in the apartment the Breaking Bad folks chose to represent Skyler's new apartment. He is proud of his favorite drill, which he has retired, because it was signed by Bryan Cranston.

Skyler's new apartment is at 4949 Roma Ave. NE (Season 5b, episode 16, 'Felina').

The laundry room.

Skyler's new apartment is at 4949 Roma Ave. NE (Season 5b, episode 16, 'Felina')

Here is where the school bus drops Flynn off.

Skyler's Apartment (February 2020).

Laundry Room window (February 2020).

Huell's Safe House, 2909 Utah St. NE (Season 5b, episode 15, 'Granite State').

Huell is still there.


Lattice work in the Albuquerque Civic Plaza (Season 5b, episode 12, 'Rabid Dog').

Albuquerque Civic Plaza
1 Civic Plaza NW
Marquette Ave. & Fourth St. NW

Civic Plaza canopy.

Albuquerque Plaza, 201 Third Street NW (on the left), and Albuquerque Hyatt Regency Hotel, 330 Tijeras Ave. NW (on the right) (Season 5b, episode 12, 'Rabid Dog').

Albuquerque Plaza, 201 Third Street NW (Season 5b, episode 12, 'Rabid Dog').

Albuquerque Plaza, 201 Third Street NW (Season 5b, episode 12, 'Rabid Dog').

Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center (Season 5b, episode 12, 'Rabid Dog'). Used as a stagger danger symbol in a backdrop for Jesse.

Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center (Season 5b, episode 12, 'Rabid Dog').

Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center (Season 5b, episode 12, 'Rabid Dog').

Making a grid from available materials.

Civic Plaza Fountain (since closed).

Also (from Season 5b, episode 12, 'Rabid Dog'):

Hank wires up Jesse. Just NW of Civic Plaza, on Marquette Ave.

Gomie appears to be in front of Convention Center, on 3rd St., on SE side of plaza.

Hank drives off with Jesse. North on 5th, from Marquette Ave. to Roma Ave.; right turn at Roma Ave.

Hank picks up Jesse. Walking on 4th St., just south of Roma Ave.

Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center (Season 5b, episode 12, 'Rabid Dog').

Police Dept., 400 Roma Ave. NW, as seen from Marquette Avenue. The Police Dept. is seen in the background when Jesse approaches Albuquerque Civic Plaza from the northwest (Season 5b, episode 12, 'Rabid Dog').

Freeway Underpass, located where First Street NW meets Interstate 40 (Season 5b, episode 13, 'To'hajiilee'). Jesse describes his plan to Hank and Gomie. View from the north.

Freeway Underpass, located where First Street NW meets Interstate 40 (Season 5b, episode 13, 'To'hajiilee'). Jesse describes his plan to Hank and Gomie.

Freeway Underpass, located where First Street NW meets Interstate 40 (Season 5b, episode 13, 'To'hajiilee'). Jesse describes his plan to Hank and Gomie. View from the south.

Lead Avenue Overpass over the railroad (Season 5b, episode 13, 'To'hajiilee'). Walt races west to To'hajiilee.

Lead Avenue overpass.

Old Albuquerque Federal Courthouse. Seen in the background as the DEA interviews Skyler about Walt's business affairs (Season 5b, episode 15, 'Granite State').

"The Man Who Fell To Earth" - David Bowie

Interestingly, much of David Bowie's 1976 movie "The Man Who Fell To Earth" was filmed in New Mexico, with significant locations in Albuquerque, White Sands, Artesia and Fenton Lake, and includes a number of views of the (then newly refurbished) Albuquerque Civic Plaza. The movie had an outsized effect on popular culture. This mash-up video accompaniment of 'Once In A Lifetime' by the Talking Heads is a perfect fit with the movie.


For an alternate view of Albuquerque's Civic Plaza, what about the Society Scene in the movie "Gamer", starring Gerard Butler? It was fun, in 2009, wandering around the bombed-out set in downtown ABQ. It was interesting to see them use some of the same spaces "Breaking Bad" used, but to utterly different effect, such as this scene:

Skyler As Godzilla

Here's a strange "Breaking Bad" animated fan video, featuring the actual Albuquerque skyline (or at least the Hyatt Regency Hotel) too!

Downtown West and Old Town

Glimpses of Central Avenue, 5500 block of Central Ave. SW (Season 5b, episode 13, 'To'hajiilee'). Walt races west to To'hajiilee.

Approximate camera location on Nine-Mile Hill from where Walt’s car is filmed racing west on Central Avenue to To’hajiilee (see 'West Mesa Locations', below).
(35.065050ø, -106.777190ø).

Huning Castle & ABQ Country Club

(no new locations offered with this update)


(no new locations offered with this update)

Huning Highlands/ Martineztown Locations

(no new locations offered in this update)

University Area & Near Presbyterian Hospital

Roosevelt Park, Coal Ave. and Spruce St. SE (Season 5b, episode 10, 'Buried'). Jesse's cash journey ends in park.

Roosevelt Park, Coal Ave. and Spruce St. SE

House from which man emerges to start truck, 512 Sycamore St. SE.

Nob Hill

(no new locations offered in this update)

South Valley (West of River), Southwest Albuquerque and Pajarito Mesa

Underground Meth Lab/ Buried Bus (34.948495ø, -106.717401ø). Adjacent to Isleta Indian Reservation (Season 5b, episode 10, 'Buried').

Todd and Lydia team up in order to cause Declan's downfall. (Panoramic image from Christian Diaz de Bedoya.)

View of the Underground Meth Lab/ Buried Bus Compound, from below. (Christian Diaz de Bedoya indicates the owners are armed, and thus surreptitious entry is not recommended.)

View of the Underground Meth Lab/ Buried Bus Compound, from below. (Christian Diaz de Bedoya indicates the owners are armed, and thus surreptitious entry is not recommended.)

On June 23, 2016, I flew into Albuquerque. I was pleased with the pilot's unorthodox landing approach, zig-zagging over the city, allowing me to get an aerial photo of Declan's underground school bus meth lab site.

Aerial view of the Underground Meth Lab/ Buried Bus Compound.

The oblivion of Pajarito Mesa.

Remote Sand Dune (Season 5b, episode 11, 'Confessions'). Way, way, way, way out, at the end of a very rough, bumpy and sandy Los Padillas Rd. SW.

At first, I thought this was where Walt, Jesse and Saul rendezvoused. Upon returning to Sacramento and reviewing the geography, I realized I missed the actual location.

The correct sand dune is at:

(34.995928°, -106.863600°)

The one I took considerable risks to travel to was this one.
(34.981448°, -106.865869°)

I could have wrecked the Ford Fiesta econo-car on these terrible roads! Dagnabit!

I'm so ronery; Oh, so ronery!

Curses, Christian Diaz de Bedoya!

Breaking Bad's "Confessions" Sand Dune

In August, 2015, I finally succeeded in reaching the correct sand dune. Since I didn't have a four-wheel-drive vehicle or a mountain bike, I chose to park at the Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC), and walk. Since I first had to pass through the prison's infrastructure, it was no surprise that I was stopped by prison security. Nevertheless, I did reach my destination! Met off-road bikers too.

Detail of old corral seen in the distance of the scene.

San Jose Neighborhood and South Valley (East of River)

Jesse's Money-Tossing Drive, Arno St. SE (Season 5b, episode 9, 'Blood Money').

About 2005 Arno St. SE (Between Thaxton Ave. and Anderson Ave. SE)
About 1807 Arno St. SE (Between Smith Ave. and Kathryn Ave. SE)
1935 Arno St. SE (House with the deer)

Image from Miguel Jaramillo and his Instagram site.

Jesse's Money-Tossing Drive, Arno St. SE (Season 5b, episode 9, 'Blood Money'). My image.

Jesse's Money-Tossing Drive, Arno St. SE (Season 5b, episode 9, 'Blood Money'). My image.

Jesse's Money-Tossing Drive, Arno St. SE (Season 5b, episode 9, 'Blood Money'). My image.

More Details

"OldeSaultie" has helpfully provided links to screen-capture images and Google Map images of the locations that were part of Jesse's Money-Tossing Drive:

Swing - (screen cap image) (Google Map image - not yet available)

Dog - (screen cap image) (Google Map image)

Jesse's car - (screen cap image) (Google Map image)

Meh - (screen cap image) (Google Map image)

Deer - (screen cap image) (Google Map image)

Bush - (screen cap image) (Google Map image)

Fence - (screen cap image) (Google Map image)

2005 - (screen cap image) (Google Map image)

2003 - (screen cap image) (Google Map image)

Drain - (screen cap image) (Google Map image)

Return to a favorite site! Isleta Hotel and Casino (formerly the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino), 11000 Broadway Blvd. SE. The casino is operated by Isleta Pueblo. (Season 5, episode 12, 'Rabid Dog').

Previously used as the site of Jesse's Rehab (Season 2, episode 13, 'ABQ'; and Season 3, episode 1, 'No Mas')

Ladders are used several times in "Breaking Bad," and may indicate a siege mentality. Rooms in New Mexico Pueblos, particularly ancient Pueblos, can only be had via rooftop ladders.

The Staycation hotel room in the episode ‘Rabid Dog’ features several pictures of precipitous New Mexico mesa edges. Spanish sieges of Puebloan mesa tops occurred all-too-often in New Mexico history: e.g. the Battle of Acoma, or the Battle of Astialakwa in the Jemez Valley.

Isleta Casino.

Southeast Heights

Restaurant, 9901 Central Ave. NE. (Season 5b, episode 10, 'Buried'). Hank tries to persuade Skyler to turn State's evidence but fails. This diner is known by various names, such as Chips & Salsa, Perea's, Mi Casita, El Tapatio, & Andy's. Image from Miguel Jaramillo and his Instagram site.

Restaurant, 9901 Central Ave., NE. (Season 5b, episode 10, 'Buried'). Hank tries to persuade Skyler to turn State's evidence but fails. This diner is known by various names, such as Chips & Salsa, Perea's, Mi Casita, El Tapatio, & Andy's. My image.

(July 2014: This restaurant now appears to be closed again, and will presumably reopen in the future with a different name.)

Restaurant, 9901 Central Ave., NE. (Season 5b, episode 10, 'Buried'). Hank tries to persuade Skyler to turn State's evidence but fails. This diner is known by various names, such as Chips & Salsa, Perea's, Mi Casita, El Tapatio, & Andy's. My image.

(August, 2015)

Near "Q" Studios

(no new locations offered with this update)

"Q" Studios

The 'Underground' Meth Lab - Buried Bus was built at "Q" Studios (Season 5b, episode 10, 'Buried'). If I'm not mistaken, this set is mentioned in DVD commentary. I also saw a round-table discussion at the Kimo Theater on October 4, 2013 where the construction of this set was discussed at length.

Koala Kare Station (Season 5b, episode 14, 'Ozymandias'). Holly calls out for mama.

Reader "Jo in the UK" noted she had heard this set was built in the studio. She is correct: this set is mentioned in the DVD commentary for 'Ozymandias'.

I-25 Corridor, North

(no new locations offered with this update)

North Valley

Best Quality Vacuum, On The Spot Vacuum Sales and Service, 2714 Fourth St. NW (Season 5b, episode 15, 'Granite State'). New identities and temporary refuge for Walt and Saul.

On The Spot Vacuum Sales and Service, 2714 Fourth St. NW (Feb. 18, 2017).

On The Spot Vacuum Sales and Service, 2714 Fourth St. NW (Feb. 18, 2017).

The owner of the shop stated the Vacuum Cleaner's Basement location was set up in the garage here.

This location is currently for sale. Originally priced at $380,000, it is now discounted to $340,000. Own a piece of "Breaking Bad" history!

Glass Block Windows at the Vacuum Cleaner's store.

The "Breaking Bad" crew staged a very elaborate tribute to Alfred Hitchcock's film "North by Northwest" in the basement location here (see "Streamline Moderne and Jimmy McGill").

(February 2019)

Vacuum cleaner shop, February 2020.

Uncle Jack's Compound. Near Second St. and Los Ranchos Rd. More precisely, off Daniel Rd. NW, just west of the railroad tracks. (Season 5b; episode 13, 'To'hajiilee', episode 14, 'Ozymandias', episode 15, 'Granite State', and episode 16, 'Felina').

Todd, his Uncle Jack, and the rest of the colorful, White-Supremacist, Nazi, biker-type crowd make their home here. Todd tortures and enslaves Jesse.

About a mile from where my Dad used to live.

Uncle Jack's Compound (Season 5b; episode 13, 'To'hajiilee', episode 14, 'Ozymandias', episode 15, 'Granite State', and episode 16, 'Felina').

Uncle Jack's Compound (Season 5b; episode 13, 'To'hajiilee', episode 14, 'Ozymandias', episode 15, 'Granite State', and episode 16, 'Felina').

Uncle Jack's Compound (Season 5b; episode 13, 'To'hajiilee', episode 14, 'Ozymandias', episode 15, 'Granite State', and episode 16, 'Felina').

I could see someone in the doorway running a power saw.  If I could see him, he could see me, so I tried to stay hidden.

Jesse's Pit

Jesse's Pit.

Remains of the White Supremacist Clubhouse.

Here is a Google Earth image (courtesy of Joseph Sherwood) with marked up geography. Note that several tiny little outbuildings - shacks, really - shown here in the immediate vicinity of Jesse's Pit, were removed before filming.

A second rendering.

Uncle Jack's Compound undergoing demolition (July 2014). Condos are to be built here.

Uncle Jack's Compound undergoing demolition (July 2014).

Uncle Jack's Compound undergoing demolition (July 2014).

Uncle Jack's Compound undergoing demolition (July 2014).

Uncle Jack's Compound undergoing demolition (July 2014). Just the sawmill furnace remains.

(August, 2015)

Location of Uncle Jack's Compound, in August, 2022.

North Valley Love

Jay Ferguson - Thunder Island

"Breaking Bad" writer George Mastras:
"You’re not really playing with a full deck if you have a crush on Lydia."

Well, society may not approve, and the UBBFT may not approve, but when Lydia comes into the room, something tingly happens all up inside me (something about the Christian Louboutins, or something). Our love will live on, and endure (well, at least until episode 516, or so).

Weird Al's "Albuquerque": the Breaking Bad music video mashup

From Weird Al's Song "Albuquerque" and the craziest Breaking Bad mashup video ever:
I ran out into the street
With these flesh-eating weasels all over my face
Wavin' my arms all around and just runnin'
Runnin', runnin', runnin' like a constipated wiener dog
And as luck would have it
That's exactly when I ran into the girl of my dreams
Her name was Zelda
She was a caligraphy enthusiast
With a slight overbite
And hair the color of strained peaches
I'll never forget the very first thing she said to me
She said, Hey, you've got weasels on your face

That's when I knew it was true love
We were inseparable after that
Aw, we ate together
We bathed together
We even shared the same piece
Of mint-flavored dental floss
The world was our burrito
So we got married
And we bought us a house
And had two beautiful children, Nathaniel and Superfly
Oh we were so very, very, very happy, oh yeah.
But then, one fateful night, Zelda said to me
She said, Sweetie pumpkin?
Do you wanna join the Columbia Record Club?
I said, Woah!
Hold on now, baby!
I'm just not ready for that kind of a commitment!

So we broke up, and I never saw her again
But that's just the way things go

In Albuquerque!

Iggy Azalea - Work

I'm a fool for any song that discusses place, and one that also discusses Christian Louboutins is a plus. Even though Australian rapper Iggy Azalea ends up in the Mojave Desert in this video, she also discusses her hometown of Mullumbimby, New South Wales, and also Miami, FL.

Gretchen and Elliot's new home (Season 5b, episode 16, 'Felina'). 1251 Bona Terra Loop. In the vicinity of Alameda & Rio Grande Blvd. I took this picture from just outside their fence.

Please note this is not the same place as Elliott and Gretchen's house in Season 1 (see Season 1 post).

I wanted to get better pictures, but was afraid to trespass. My companion on this jaunt had fewer qualms, however, and took these three (not terribly revealing) shots with his mobile phone.

Northwest Albuquerque

(no new locations offered with this update)

Rio Rancho

(no new locations offered with this update)


(no new locations offered with this update)

West Mesa Locations (except Pajarito Mesa)

Café 66, 9200 Central Avenue SW (Season 5, episode 11, 'Confessions'). Located where Bridge Blvd. meets Central Avenue (old Route 66). According to "OldeSaultie", the diner used to be called "Duke City Lights" and "Grandpa's Grill", and was used in the television series "The Lost Room" and "The Astronaut Farmer". Todd, his father, and various associates freshen up before heading back from their Arizona meeting with Declan.

Walt's Big Trip West included portions on the West Mesa (Season 5b, episode 13, 'To'hajiilee'):

Walt's Big Trip west:

Lead Avenue Overpass over the railroad.

Glimpse of West Central at about the 5500 block.

Approximate camera location on Nine-Mile Hill from where Walt’s car is filmed racing west on Central Avenue to To’hajiilee (see 'West Mesa Locations', below).

(35.065050°, -106.777190°)

Long shot of Interstate 40 likely taken from Overpass where Highway 6 meets Interstate-40.

Shot of car passing under overpass likely taken where the road to To'hajiilee meets Interstate-40.

Very approximate pavement-level view
(35.023920°, -107.098750°)

View just before turnoff to Trail 7089, approximately:
(35.091742°, -107.111977°)

View where turnoff to the right, where Highway 57 meets the main road, aka Cañoncito School Road. (interestingly, a bit misleading here).

Trail 7089.

Southwest Albuquerque

(no new locations offered with this update)

Sandia And Manzano Mountains

New Hampshire Road and Gate. Crest Trail leading to the Kiwanis Cabin (Season 5b, episode 15, 'Granite State'). Screenshot, and snapshot of the likely location, courtesy of Miguel Jaramillo (35.208600ø, -106.447033ø).

Referring to his trip of December 21, 2013, Miguel wrote:
"I explored around the Sandia Crest today trying to find the New Hampshire mountain scene locations. I think I found the "road" that is shown leading to Walt's cabin (see comparison pics). It's the Crest Trail leading to the Kiwanis Cabin."

I understand that the gate on the road was some distance from the cabin. The Kiwanis Cabin Trail would fit that description.

Here is my photo of Kiwanis Trail (a possible candidate for the road to Walt's Cabin).

Walt's New Hampshire Cabin screenshot (Season 5b, episode 15, 'Granite State').

Walt's New Hampshire Cabin, about 1/4 mile N. of Hwy 536 (the road leading to Sandia Crest) on the Ellis Trail (map of Sandia Mountain trails).

"Breaking Bad" Locations Manager Christian Diaz de Bedoya posted an intriguing picture on Facebook that showed a clear view towards Santa Fe Baldy in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. That suggests they were very near Sandia Crest, with unobstructed views far to the northeast.

If there is one thing Richard Besser from Tijeras likes better than "Breaking Bad", it's snowshoeing in the Sandia Mountains. On January 21, 2014, he went snowshoeing on the Ellis Trail, about 1/4 mile north of Hwy 536 (the road to Sandia Crest) and snapped this photo. (I read the camera location on Google Earth as approximately 35.211379°, -106.443491°). No cabin, or fuzzy Mr. Lambert, but everything else is there!

Richard lists different coordinate locations: Camera location (35.21212ø, 106.44404ø); Cabin (35.21133ø, 106.44366ø), but it doesn't really matter.

Here is my photo of Walt's Cabin Site.

Life zones on northern Arizona's San Francisco Peaks (similar to other Southwestern mountains, like the Sandias.

At first, it might seem strange that there is a place so close to desert-like Albuquerque that could be mistaken by the casual observer for New Hampshire, but there you go! Six of the seven life zones are present in New Mexico - at least four in the nearly-mile-high Sandias alone! Walt's cabin elevation would be about 3,126 meters (10,256) above mean sea level, squarely in the Spruce-fir zone (subalpine forest, Hudsonian and Canadian Life Zones).

New Hampshire Bar, Ponderosa Eatery & Saloon, 10676 S. HWY 14/337, Tijeras, NM 87059 (South of Tijeras, NM). (Season 5b, episode 15, 'Granite State'). Walt was never a fan of 'The Charlie Rose Show'.

This bar is not far from Chilili, and situated considerably below an elevation that would pass for New Hampshire. There is even a desert-lily-type plant out in front of the bar that is appropriate for desert-like conditions. They painted that thing white, as if it were covered in rime ice, as well as generated fake snow for the scene (since there wasn't nearly-enough around when they filmed).

New Hampshire Bar, Ponderosa Eatery & Saloon, 10676 S. HWY 14/337, Tijeras, NM 87059 (South of Tijeras, NM). (Season 5b, episode 15, 'Granite State'). Walt was never a fan of 'The Charlie Rose Show'.

New Hampshire Bar, Ponderosa Eatery & Saloon, 10676 S. HWY 14/337, Tijeras, NM 87059 (South of Tijeras, NM). (Season 5b, episode 15, 'Granite State'). Walt was never a fan of 'The Charlie Rose Show'.

(November 10, 2014) Adam Ramirez visited the Ponderosa Bar.

(Photo from the Ponderosa by Sam Muha)

(June 16, 2016) "Breaking Bad" filming location sites seem unusually vulnerable to fire. Today, it's the Dog Head Fire. This photo was taken in the immediate vicinity of the Ponderosa Bar and Grill, the setting of the New Hampshire bar in "Breaking Bad".

Someone needs to go and see if the Ponderosa survived.

Ponderosa Bar, February 15, 2017.

It looks like the Ponderosa survived. Surprisingly, evidence of the fire is lacking when viewed from the main road. Presentation is everything, I guess.

Walt picks up Badger and Skinny Pete on a deserted road (Season 5b, episode 16, 'Felina'). The best hit men west of the Mississippi River. Near the intersection of Anaya Rd. and Camino Medio, a short distance north of the Ponderosa Bar.

Walt picks up Badger and Skinny Pete on a deserted road (Season 5b, episode 16, 'Felina'). The best hit men west of the Mississippi River. Near the intersection of Anaya Rd. and Camino Medio, a short distance north of the Ponderosa Bar.


(Season 5b, episode 13, 'To'hajiilee'). Where Highway 57 meets the main road, aka Cañoncito School Road. Interestingly, a bit misleading here. For some reason, Walt is shown turning right onto Trail 57 at this cattle guard (instead of the real turn, to the left).

"Welcome to New Mexico" (Season 5, episode 11, 'Confessions'). On the road from To'hajiilee (35.007113ø, -107.098639ø). Todd and his father's gang return from Arizona after dealing with Declan.

Shot of car passing under overpass taken where the road to To'hajiilee meets Interstate-40, looking west.

Walt is shown impatiently changing lanes from this same overpass, but looking east instead.

Walt's Proving Ground (Season 5b, episode 16, 'Felina'). Walt hums Marty Robbins' song while tinkering with a garage-door opener. The location is To'hajiilee. The specific location appears to be:

(35.046514°, -107.116381°)

Cañoncito Gas, aka To'hajiilee Market (Season 5b, episode 16, 'Felina'). "Breaking Bad" returns to To'hajiilee (Season 5b, episode 10, 'Buried')!

Walt calls from this telephone booth, posing as a New York Times reporter. I was shocked when I saw this location appear in the Finale, since we had been in the store just six hours before.

When Walt runs out of gas and is forced to roll his remaining barrel of money, he acts much like Egyptian Dung Beetles, rolling their little balls that they make from dung they collect and hoard. Hence, I call the place Walt first starts rolling his barrel "Dung Beetle Valley". What the locals call the valley, I don't know (Season 5b, episode 14, 'Ozymandias').

Road in the Dung Beetle Valley (35.116649°, -107.132928°).

Looking south along road in the Dung Beetle Valley.

Road in Dung Beetle Valley.

Horses. Once again, there are many horses out here, and they are vulnerable to being struck by vehicles. Be cautious!

Horses cross road in Dung Beetle Valley.

Horses cross road in Dung Beetle Valley.

The stretch of road in Dung Beetle Valley where Walt and the RV careen 33 seconds into the Pilot episode ("Breaking Bad", Season 1, episode 1, 'Pilot')....

....Is the same stretch of road where Walt runs out of gas ("Breaking Bad", Season 5b, episode 14, 'Ozymandias'). (35.116649°, -107.132928°)

House where Walt buys a pickup truck (35.118578ø, -107.134828ø). (Season 5b, episode 14, 'Ozymandias'). Even though this house (built in 1936) is currently unoccupied, there is another house on the same property where people currently live. Do not trespass!

Fence at the house.

Cow skull on the fence at the house.

Looking northwest from the house.

Looking north from the house.

There is another location out here, the last view of Walt rolling the barrel before reaching the house. The camera is located approximately (35.112202°, -107.128960°) and Walt is located approximately (35.108406°, -107.129541°).

This area is subject to road impasses from rain, snow, etc. In September, 2013, for example, heavy rains fell here. In October, 2013, Nick Gerlich noted that a principal path to these sites was affected:
Google Maps shows both Trail 7089 and Trail 7039 taking us back to our sacred site, but it is only sign posted for 7039. Also, the crossing at (35.110448,-107.139339) is completely washed out, so to get to where Walt ran out of gas, as well as the home Walt pushed his barrel to (and where he bought the old man's truck), you must drive around from the east and north (see: 35.119619,-107.121957). Well, if you're driving a minivan, you must go this way. A stout 4WD could probably plow through the washout.

Walt's Big Trip west includes:

Very approximate pavement-level view
(35.023920°, -107.098750°)

View just before turnoff to Trail 7089, approximately:
(35.091742°, -107.111977°)

Return to To'hajiilee

On August 3, 2015, I flew on an airliner from Albuquerque to Phoenix. The airliner passed near To'hajiilee. This photo allows us to better appreciate the geographic setting of “Breaking Bad”.

Opened up my brand-new Chrysalis Tarot card deck. Here is the Ace of Stones:

"The Ace of Stones depicts a sacred megalith like those found in Stone Age circles located in many parts of the world. The Ace of Stones reaches into the morning sky warmed by brush strokes of soft sunlight heralding the beginning of a new day or cycle. The sacred stone appears as an outcrop on a hillock covered by lush, spring flora. It's a scene bristling with the energies of fresh beginnings and the promises of endless possibilities. In your reading, this very positive, affirming card indicates abundance. You can expect to attain your immediate goals with thoughtful planning and flexibility."

A new venture.

End game.

February 16, 2017 visit to To'hajiilee

To'hajiilee puppies.

These puppies were in the company of this Rottweiler (their mom?) but she headed north to join other dogs, leaving the puppies behind. People live just a short distance north.

Nick Gerlich and the puppies.

Walt hides behind this rock where Nick Gerlich stands.

Veteran Sergeant First Class Charles Portero (who lives a short distance north of here) rides on his motorcycle. Sergeant Portero offered much information about this place. For example he said that the sandstone feature here is called the "choo-choo" train by locals.

Deanna Pickens and the To'hajiilee puppies.

Fan-Made Filming Location Video

Chris Dunlop's amazingly-good work!

Zia, San Ysidro, and Cabezon

(no new locations offered in this update)

Santa Ana Pueblo & Algodones

(no new locations offered with this update)

Bernalillo and Placitas

(no new locations offered in this update)

Santa Fe & Lamy

(no new locations offered with this update)

Near Los Lunas And Belen

(no new locations offered in this update)

More Distant Locations

New York studio of 'The Charlie Rose Show'. (Season 5b, episode 15, 'Granite State'). Gretchen and Eliot have distinctly-different memories about the foundation of Grey Matter Technologies than Walt does.


James Gelet at my sister's descanso!

The Breaking Bad Store in Old Town has a display honoring the Breaking Bad Descanso! Thanks, Marq and Ed!


  1. Walt's house has fake greenery on the trees and his neighbors have roses in full bloom. (It's January 13, 2013 with a low of 10 degrees tonight.) The house numbers are not 308 yet. Drive by and check it out!

  2. where was that intersection where Jesse stood to wait for the new identity guy in 511 Confessions?

    1. In this case, just like Saul said, Juan Tabo & Osuna, NE. Usually people driving past on Juan Tabo focus on their driving, and barely notice what a strange look this place has. In contrast, the "Breaking Bad" people noticed.

  3. Anonymous6:08 PM

    When are you going to add more season 5 locations on the google maps page?

  4. I use Google maps produced by "OldeSaultie", and he hasn't posted anything yet. We haven't discussed it, either: I trust he will post something when he is ready.

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Thanks Marc! I have to say that I love your site and have it up every day looking for new stuff!

    2. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Also, if you go to and look at the upcoming episodes of BB you will see who they cast for parts in the upcoming episodes etc. You will see that Jane and Tuco and a few others are being cast in one or two of them. Which may mean they will be flashbacks or somethimg.

  5. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Jess has a stunt double cast in the final episode as well meaning that he will make it to the last episode. I can't be the only one that figured this out by using imdb.

  6. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Any idea where the "luxury hotel" scene was filmed at in the most recent episode?

    1. The luxury hotel is an old favorite site, The Isleta Hotel and Casino, 11000 Broadway SE (formerly known as the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino).

  7. Anonymous10:25 PM

    The time-lapse night-time image of the Sandias was almost certainly taken from the Trailhead on Trailhead Rd NE (off Glenwood Hills Dr NE), just up the hill from Hank's House on Cumbre del sur Ct. The lights to the left are from the High Desert Place NE neighbourhood

    1. Hi Colin:

      Changes made per our E-Mail discussion. Your picture is now up on post for Season 5a.

  8. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Thanks so much for the work you've put into this list! Outstanding job!

    1. Thanks! Aim to serve BrBa fans!

  9. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Hi Marc,

    Do you have the exact coordinates where the shootout took place and where Walt burried the money? We're planning a roadtrip to the US and want to visit scene locations as much as possible.


    1. I have more information in my Season 1 post. The area used in the opening scenes of "Breaking Bad", and now in Season 5, is about 1.4 miles west of the To'hajiilee Community School. On Google Earth, the road is labelled Trail 7089. The turnoff is unmarked, however, so caution is required to avoid getting mixed up. Approximately 35 deg, 06 min, 06 sec; 107 deg 08 min 09 sec.

    2. Anonymous1:28 AM

      Thanks so much Mark, I really admire the way you're doing this job. My name is Eddy and I'm from The Netherlands. Overhere the series was showed on tv only from 2012. From that moment on I'm a real BB-addict. Last year, my wife and I, made a roadtrip through the US, starting in Washington DC and ending up at Los Angeles. On the way we visited Santa Fe, by coming from Ruidoso heading up by riding the Turquoise Trail, not knowing we just passed Breaking Bad land. We already planned the trip early 2011, without being aware of Breaking Bad even excisting. Only after being back home we became aware of the fact we totally missed Albuquerque and with that the various filming locations of Breaking Bad and we very much regretted that. Now we're planning a new roadtrip and for sure we will have a stop in Albuquerque this time, whatever it takes.
      Anyway, to come back the area I asked you about, I've seen some pics from rock formations on your Season 1 post which were actually filmed and broadcasted, so I assume this must be the place where Walter hid the money and eventually the shooting took place. I've looked it up on Google Earth and I've noticed the trail 7089 but is there any way to go and find the actual location where those scenes have been filmed? Also, since this is Canoncito territory, is it allowed to cross this land at all, or do I need to ask permission?

      Many thanks,

  10. Hi Eddy: The actual locations are right next to Trail 7089. Can't miss them!

    To my limited knowledge, it's not necessary to inform anyone of your presence, but surprisingly, the place is quite close to people's homes, so prudence and a light touch are highly-recommended. No driving off road, no intrusive hunts for Cowhouses, etc. And by all means, be friendly, wave to, and talk with any residents that pass you by. If you are inadvertently crossing some line, they will inform you.

    1. Anonymous1:14 AM

      Thanks Mark.

      Keep on doing the good work !!
      Btw, have you read this:

    2. Anonymous1:35 AM

  11. Anonymous12:36 PM

    The site of the Vacuum cleaner repair shop!
    2714 4th St NW, Albuquerque, NM

    1. I took lots of pictures of the Car Wash across the street, because I thought THAT was going to be the site. Fooled!

    2. Anonymous3:35 PM

      I was wondering why you had pictures of the "second car wash"

  12. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Marc, Im betting that Vacuum Repair shop was the same place used in the 2007 movie Sunshine Cleaning with Emily Blunt and Amy Adams!
    Joe S....

    1. Really? I must check. I think I have the DVD at home.

  13. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Went to the To'hajilee site today...scored some sweet memoriabilia, a bunch of pieces of the Suburban, a 12 gauge shotgun shell from either Gomie's shotgun or the Nazi's AA-12, 5 9mm bullet shell casings and a 5.56x45 from one of the assault rifles..thanks for the location!

    1. Wow! We were there on Sunday and picked up mostly pretty crumble glass. If anything, we are cleaning the place even better.

  14. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Marc, I have some Questions about your Breaking bad locations, could you email me at please? Joe S. ABQ,NM

  15. Marc,

    First, thanks so much for your blog. I used it as my source of locations when I went to NM with my son in March of this year and it helped us get to where we were able to witness some filming at the Ponderosa Restaurant in Tejaris and (as the capper of all cappers to our trip) to meet Bryan and RJ on set. I greatly appreciate all the work you put into this blog.

    I'll give you a little tidbit in return for all you gave to me and my son with your information. When we were on set, one of the crew gave us a copy of the call sheet for the day. Because of that, we know the exact location where Walt met with Badger and Skinny Pete in the finale. It's really close to the Ponderosa Restaurant. You go north on Anaya Road -- immediately to the west of the restaurant and the scene was filmed at the corner of Anaya and Camino Medio, I know it's a country road at night and they could have filmed it anywhere in New Mexico, but that's where the filmed it. You can add this to your list of filming locations.

    --Joel & Zach Lillo

    1. Joel and Zach:

      That totally blows me away! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm heading there tomorrow with Miguel Jaramillo! We will get pix!


  16. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Marc, I see you loaded more pictures. Did you take that trip to the To'hajilee site? Where there anything left behind from the filming?

  17. Yes, we went to To'hajiilee. There was quite a bit of crumble glass from shattered windows, and assorted other debris. We collected some for souvenirs, and did a little cleanup. I still have more photos to upload,

  18. Marc, @ the Ponderosa Eatery & Saloon you can see in the widow from your picture that they left up the "Crawford Notch" signs over the bar that they used in the episode. That was the name of the town he was in in NH. Also, when viewing the google map location for Jack's compound I can see two buildings that would look like the clubhouse but can not figure out which one it is. In the show they had a fence with barbed wire (AMC must have put that up for the show) I can not find that on google map location "Jack's compound" That was nice that they let you in to take photos. Were you able to ask any questions about the filming?

    1. Hi Rich: Did not know that! That IS cool! We talked briefly with the owner (place is for sale).

      Regarding Jack's Nazi compound, we sneaked in (the south fence is mostly absent). Felt jumpy: the metal pops and creaks in the sun and wind. Glad we weren't challenged.

  19. Hi Marc!

    This is the BEST BB blog on the net!

    I had independently, using Google Earth and painstaking comparisons with episodes, determined the location of Walt's money to be right off Rt 7039 / Trail 7089 just west of Canoncito. The big clue was the water tank on top of the mesa nearby.

    I then googled for " Walt's Money 7039" and found your blog! I am very impressed by your dedication and the info.

    I live in El Paso and I am planning on driving up to find the burial site tomorrow (1.3.14) . I'm a little nervous about snooping around on the Reservation - do I need to obtain permission, check in, etc? I respect Native Americans and want to tread lightly.



  20. Hi;

    Sorry I posted a question 2 days ago that had already been answered in the blog.

    I went out yesterday, had no trouble finding the To'hajiilee site.

    Although the area is rural and not deserted, only one car drove by on Trail 7089 during the two hours I spent taking photos and videos. The vibe on the tribal land seems pretty mellow. I tried my best to leave no trace other than footprints and tire tracks.

    The site is pretty much picked clean. I was able to find two shell casings, blanks, one a 9mm and another a 5.56, near where Hank was shot. The biggest pieces of the cars were smaller than 1/2".

    It is a beautiful, peaceful place. Here is a photo I took:

    I amused myself by re-creating some of the scenes from Episode 5.13 - Walt running from his car across the little wash to where he hid from Hank, and also I set up my tripod and shot my car turning off from 7089 into the area. Pretty fun!

    I left a little before sunset and when to AlbQQ and had dinner at Gardunos. BTW, it is not actually at 2100 Louisiana, there is another restaurant there. You have to go a little ways behind Louisiana (east) to find it. I had to get home after that, so it will have to be another day to drive back up and check out the other sites. Thanks again, Marc!

  21. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Thanks so much for all this info! I was searching for the NH cabin since I live in Nh, I was hoping to go snowshoeing and find it somehow. I thought it was nearby, around Crawford Notch. What a bummer! I can't believe they fooled this Granite Stater!
    Rock on with your bad self!

    1. Ha! I'm so sorry to break the news! It's impressive that this location in the Sandia Mountains, which is plausibly similar to NH, is only about 20 miles from "Q" Studios. In the West, climate can change over short distances due to elevation changes.

      Yes, "Breaking Bad" never had the kind of budget to allow much travel. They had to make do. Other people were disappointed before: the episode in Hanover, Germany (actually in SW ABQ), or scenes along the border (30 miles NW of town). I was always sad they never tried to go to Las Vegas, NV. Oh well!

  22. WOW!!! I envy you that you even had a picture with Bryan Cranston and Laura Fraser! You even had the time touring around the filming locations that the Breaking Bad took place. Anyway, thank you for doing this blog and informing us about the locations it was filmed and for the photos too. Great blog! Thumbs up for you!

    1. Thanks, Georgia!

      (Sigh) Laura!

  23. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Hi Marc. Thanks for all the fantastic information. We visited To'Hajiilee in July 2016. We found 5 spent blank shell casings (four 9mm and one 5.56) right at the shootout location. I'm wondering if you and others think they'd be from the shootout, all these years later. They were in fairly plain sight, just lying in the dirt and scrub. On one hand, I'm surprised they wouldn't have been found by fans earlier, but on the other hand, I'd be surprised if people would go there just to fire blanks... Any thoughts?


    1. Hi Chris:

      I think it's highly-likely they are from the shootout. There were a lot of blanks fired, and much debris. They cleaned up after themselves, but fans have had no trouble finding debris since then, and there may be pockets that have been overlooked. Congratulations!


    2. Thanks Marc. That's what I was hoping to hear!

    3. I spent several hours there in mid-2015 the days after finishing my BBad binge. Really really scoured the place and found a few 9mm casings. Felt like CSI and took dozens of pictures. Chips of green paint and bondo from squibs on Hank's SUV, etc. So very cool!

  24. In case you are interested, I made an "on-location" video of To'hajiilee.

    1. Very well done video, Chris! Congratulations!
