Friday, February 26, 2021

DMTC Featured on FOX40 News

Trying to weather the pandemic:
With the pandemic taking away live audiences, the theater went virtual.
Live shows are performed by actors at home with musical numbers performed on stage, one actor at a time, then spliced together through the magic of editing.
“(Steve) didn’t feel comfortable charging because he was new with the editing,” Jan Isaacson explained.
But the Isaacsons said their small-business loan of $100,000 is running out, meaning the fate of the Davis Musical Theater Company is uncertain. “Rent is $11,000 a month,” Steve Isaacson explained. 
Unlike movie theaters, indoor live-action theater is not coming back to Yolo County Wednesday under the state’s coronavirus red tier.

Middle Of The Road - Sacramento (A Wonderful Town) (1972)

Apparently 'Middle of the Road' was a Danish band. I have no idea how they ended up with this tune:


Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Can't Get Enough of This Blog

If only I was this good:
Poor Tedward forgot he doesn’t have a certain Velveeta Vulgarian’s scandal-cannon Twitter feed to change the subject and bail him out anymore. Far from it, Thursday was one of the slowest news days in a good long while, and there was little else to do but watch him step, with miraculous precision, on every single rake in the known universe, one after the other.

Monday, February 22, 2021

The Influence of Salvador Dalí in “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul”

Here is my presentation today to the 42nd Annual Southwest Popular/American Cultural Association regarding "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul." Comments are welcome. Enjoy! I started this project because I noticed Dalinian influence with an image of Jimmy's Nail Salon Office, and also because Joseph Michael Oland posted last spring in the BCS 3 Strikes Facebook Group about Season 5 Dalinian ants. Turns out there's lots of Dali in both TV series!:


This Martian Landing Video is the Best Thing Ever!

Unbelievable! Such engineering!:

If It’s On The Internet, It Must Be True

Conspiracy nuts think Bill Gates helped Biden generate 'synthetic snow' to make Texas look bad:
As The Independent reports, several viral videos on social media sites including TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook have been claiming that the storm that hit Texas was a hoax concocted by the federal government to undermine Texas's state sovereignty.
The conspiracy theorists have seized on the fact that snowballs they make do not instantly melt when they hold them up to cigarette lighters. 
"This goes out to our government and Bill Gates," said one woman who filmed herself using a lighter to try and melt a snowball. "Thank you Bill Gates for trying to f*cking trick us that this is real snow!"

Suspended Animation

Turning Texans into a Rampaging Mob of Socialists

Jackpot! Time for Texans to pay, and pay some more:
"Obviously, this week is like hitting the jackpot." That's what Roland Burns, president and chief financial officer of Comstock Resources, Inc., a shale drilling company, told investors on an earnings call earlier this week, according to NPR. 
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said Thursday that Burns' comments are a reminder of why the fossil fuel industry and aligned politicians are opposed to the Green New Deal even as its necessity becomes clearer.
The (severe) downside of having your electric bill automatically deducted from your bank account. Praying that a similar situation never evolves here. SMUD held it together in Sacramento through the 2000/1 electricity crisis, but there’s always tomorrow. And there’s always PG&E to worry about, should they ever get tired of burning down entire counties. The system is working exactly as designed. At this rate, Texas will be an enraged mob of rampaging socialists by May. Make Antifa look like amateurs:
Dallas resident DeAndre Upshaw said it was "very shocking" when he opened his latest electricity bill.
"While I'm trying to get gas and groceries and make sure that my pipes don't explode, the last thing I'm thinking about is a $7,000 bill from my utility company," Upshaw told CNN's Fredricka Whitfield via Skype Saturday.

Did the Second Covid Shot Doom Rudy?

I did not know Rudy personally, but knew of him. His friends and family will greatly miss him. My understanding is this accident happened immediately after he got his second Covid shot. I'm wondering whether or not his reaction to the shot contributed to the accident in some way? How quickly do reactions set in after that second shot? Are they strong enough to impair a driver?
An 82-year-old Sacramento County man died Thursday morning after the pickup he was driving struck a guardrail and a sign pole along Interstate 80 in the North Highlands area, the California Highway Patrol reported.
Ellsworth Rudy, of Rio Linda, died in the crash along I-80 near Longview Drive, the Sacramento County Coroner’s Office reported Friday. 
Rudy was pronounced dead at the scene, the CHP North Sacramento Area Office announced in a news release. The crash was reported about 8:40 a.m. Thursday on the Longview exit ramp.

Mike Zolensky is Featured in an Article in The Atlantic!

So cool!:
When Mike Zolensky saw the night sky over the Australian desert glow red in June of 2010, he knew: The long-awaited object had plunged through the atmosphere and fallen to Earth.
Zolensky, a curator of astromaterials, and dozens of others leapt into action. The team dispatched a helicopter to find the fallen object in the darkness. At daybreak, elders from the local indigenous population arrived to check whether it had landed on any sacred sites. The next visitors wore helmets and protective gear, should the object explode, and carried spermicidal spray, in case it had cracked, releasing something alive. On top of everything else, they all had to watch out for kangaroos. “They’re all over the place,” Zolensky told me.
Later that day, the crew retrieved what had tumbled from the sky: tiny dust grains from a rocky asteroid tucked inside a little spaceship built by humans specifically to protect them. 
These are the lengths that researchers have gone to in order to obtain a piece of the wonders beyond Earth, even microscopic particles about as small as a single human blood cell. And though these so-called sample-return missions are risky, with no guarantee of success, they’re booming. JAXA, the Japanese space agency, which retrieved those asteroid grains in 2010, made a second catch in Australia in 2018, from a different asteroid. China brought home moon samples last year. A NASA spacecraft will deliver more asteroid pieces in 2023, and a JAXA mission to Phobos, Mars’s largest moon, is already in development.


I was musing just last night that, even though I put out food for the birds, and we have a turkey overpopulation problem in California, I’ve never seen a turkey in this neighborhood. Lo and behold, this morning at the end of the driveway, a turkey! Jasper has never seen a turkey in his vast 3-year experience of the world, so he’s going ape. Here, Jasper’s standing on his hind legs and warning everyone in the neighborhood about the extreme danger presented by this feathered velociraptor wannabe. I’m worried I don’t have near enough bird food for it and the pigeons too.