Sacramento area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis, 2000-2020); Liberal politics; Meteorology; "Breaking Bad," "Better Call Saul," and Albuquerque movie filming locations; New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
DMTC Master Cast List, Version 2.0
Several years ago, as Davis Musical Theatre Company (DMTC) Historian, I compiled a Master Cast List for DMTC in an Excel spreadsheet.
Tonight, I completed an update (Version 2.0) to that Master Cast List. That list will be provided to DMTC Producer Steve Isaacson, who hopes to make it available, to all, as a database accessible online from the DMTC Web Site. The list represents all regular-season DMTC Main Stage and Young Performers’ shows (but not yet irregular shows, such as Summer Workshops, Teen Cabarets, etc.), and is 99% complete (there are a few missing programs from the 90’s).
Nevertheless, I would like to gauge the interest people might have in receiving a copy of their own, as an Excel spreadsheet. I need to complete a write-up describing the list, so I’m still a few days from making it available.
The Master Cast List (Excel spreadsheet size = 8,345 KB) contains 18,600 lines, representing the efforts of 3,785 people in 270 shows spanning 27 seasons, from June, 1984 to November, 2011. That is actually a surprisingly-small number of people: only 14 new people, on average, are introduced to the theater per show, indicating how many people return again and again to DMTC, and thus just how much fun it is doing community theater shows.
Let me know, in comments, if you are interested in receiving your own list, and I will get back in touch. Then, once I make it available, I can start on Version 3.0 of the Master Cast List, which will contain irregular shows, such as Summer Workshops, Teen Cabarets, etc.
Tonight, I completed an update (Version 2.0) to that Master Cast List. That list will be provided to DMTC Producer Steve Isaacson, who hopes to make it available, to all, as a database accessible online from the DMTC Web Site. The list represents all regular-season DMTC Main Stage and Young Performers’ shows (but not yet irregular shows, such as Summer Workshops, Teen Cabarets, etc.), and is 99% complete (there are a few missing programs from the 90’s).
Nevertheless, I would like to gauge the interest people might have in receiving a copy of their own, as an Excel spreadsheet. I need to complete a write-up describing the list, so I’m still a few days from making it available.
The Master Cast List (Excel spreadsheet size = 8,345 KB) contains 18,600 lines, representing the efforts of 3,785 people in 270 shows spanning 27 seasons, from June, 1984 to November, 2011. That is actually a surprisingly-small number of people: only 14 new people, on average, are introduced to the theater per show, indicating how many people return again and again to DMTC, and thus just how much fun it is doing community theater shows.
Let me know, in comments, if you are interested in receiving your own list, and I will get back in touch. Then, once I make it available, I can start on Version 3.0 of the Master Cast List, which will contain irregular shows, such as Summer Workshops, Teen Cabarets, etc.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Awkward Time To Bring Up The GPA
So apparently Dr. Doug Brinkley is a well-known historian from Rice University, whereas Rep. Don Young (AK - R) once went to Yuba College:
Things went south when Young called Brinkley “Mr. Rice” and said his testimony is “garbage.” Brinkley then goes on the attack: “It’s Dr. Brinkley. Rice is a university. I know you went to Yuba College and couldn’t graduate.”
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Surreptitious Bag Exchange Late At Night In The Home Depot Parking Lot
J.: So, you brought the Quikcrete?
M.: Yes. Sorry I first brought the Sancrete. Damn, that bag is heavy!
J.: I need it for dry wall.
M.: The security guard is looking at us.
J.: I better leave.
M.: Yes. Sorry I first brought the Sancrete. Damn, that bag is heavy!
J.: I need it for dry wall.
M.: The security guard is looking at us.
J.: I better leave.
Secretary of State Dianna Duran Found The Only Person In New Mexico Committing Voter Fraud, And Ran Him Over
Or so it seemed to me, reading the news:
New Mexico Secretary of State Dianna Duran said earlier this year that her state had a “culture of corruption” and referred 64,000 voter registration records to police that she thought were possible cases of voter fraud.Then:
...Duran’s interim report now alleges that 104 voters — about one for every 10,577 on the rolls — were illegally registered to vote. Of that group, just 19 — or approximately one for every 57,894 registered voters — actually allegedly cast a ballot they shouldn’t have.
Broncho was killed Thursday night on New Mexico 599 as he was walking alone near Camino La Tierra.
His body was then hit by at least three other vehicles, including that of Secretary of State Dianna Duran.
Duran released a statement saying she was shocked at learning she had run over a person and not an animal.
Occupy UC Davis Rally, Noontime, 11/21/11
Here's a video I took at the noontime Occupy UC Davis Rally on Monday, November 21.
Just before UCD Chancellor Linda Katehi was to speak, very popular (and Untenured) Assistant Professor of English Nathan Brown vigorously-dissected Chancellor Katehi's recent public proclamations, excoriating her blame-shifting.
The video starts in the middle of Brown's speech. People lean in to capture pictures of Chancellor Katehi's facial reactions. Calls of "Resign!" filled the air.
In her speech, Katehi apologized, but did not resign.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Occupy UC Davis Rally, Noon On The Quad, November 21, 2011
I had to participate in a workplace conference call in Sacramento at 11 a.m., but it ended earlier than I expected, so I had enough time to catch much of the noontime rally at the Quad on the University of California, Davis (UCD) campus.
Things have been pretty much in an uproar at UCD since Friday, when UC Davis cops casually hosed down protesters with pepper spray in an astonishing display of police violence. Videos went viral worldwide. Calls for UCD Chancellor Linda Katehi's resignation have been resounding since then.
Chancellor Katehi was scheduled to speak at the rally too, which made it even more interesting, since I couldn't figure out how she would resist the resignation calls and still maintain her dignity. Very unlike life in places like the UK, where officials resign all the time for transgressions big and small, and sometimes for no transgressions at all, but for points of honor.
In American public life, officials almost never resign, no matter how odious their conduct. Resignation is akin to annihilation. People never, ever resign willingly, ever! So, what would Katehi do?
As it happened, I was standing not far from the speaker's stand, when Chancellor Katehi quietly sidled up close: not more than twelve feet away. As time passed, and her speaking time approached, more and more photographers from the news media clustered around to take photos. So, I had an unusual vantage point at this rally: able to see her, the speakers, and the crowd virtually simultaneously....
Various speakers who had been either arrested or pepper-sprayed on Friday spoke about their tribulations.
As an introduction to Chancellor Katehi's speech, very popular (and Untenured) Assistant Professor of English Nathan Brown roasted and vigorously-dissected Chancellor Katehi's recent public proclamations, analyzing and disparaging her blame-shifting and flights of fancy. People leaned in to capture pictures of Katehi's reactions. Calls of "Resign!" filled the air.
As it happened, my camera's memory filled to the brim just as Katehi started speaking, so I have no record of that, but it hardly matters. Her speech was so anticlimactic, even pathetic, that it made me wonder if she is just a figurehead for the real power at UCD, which might very well reside in its police forces.
Chancellor Katehi apologized to the students, in a fashion. Quoting from here:
But Katehi did not resign. Instead, she declared her willingness to dialog with students, and to get to know the students better, for which there would be more opportunities over the next several weeks. Then she made a feeble effort to assert solidarity with the students. "Do you know that plaque over there?" she asked, while pointing vaguely northwards. "November 17, 1973. I was there!"
I'm not familiar with the history of UCD: presumably the plaque in question honored a past demonstration? So, it was time to check around.
Cloudminder indicates that it was the Athens Polytechnic Uprising: not a UCD demonstration. Which just begs the question, why would UCD students give Katehi 'street cred' for the martyrs of 11/17/73, when there were more-immediate near-martyrs available, standing right in front of everyone, for 11/18/11? The disconnect was painful to witness!
And that was that! Afterwards, more speakers spoke, and the Occupy UCD organizers got down to the more quotidian (but essential) business of passing resolutions, including a demand to disband the UCD Police Force.
How does Katehi recover from this? Respect, once totally lost, is very hard to gain back.
I'm impressed by the organization of the Occupy UC Davis protesters. They are coordinating closely with their counterparts in Oakland and Berkeley, so there is fertile sharing of experience. The emergence of cell phone and Internet technology over the last two decades, and creative use of older methods (e.g., the 'human microphone'), enables much-tighter control over large audiences than protesters in the Sixties were able to manage. Less time wasted too. Even new protest lingo is emerging (e.g., 'stack', for the list of speakers).
The best to them!
Various protesters who were pepper-sprayed on Friday, or arrested, or both, testify about their painful experiences.
This is the Occupy protester who suffered the nerve damage to his left hand (clearly visible). Quoting from Boing-Boing:
As an introduction to Chancellor Katehi's speech, very popular (and Untenured) Assistant Professor of English Nathan Brown excoriated Chancellor Katehi's recent public proclamations, and analyzed her blame-shifting and evasions.
I was mystified by this balloon. I understand that Occupy UC Berkeley is using balloons to float tents above Sproul Hall, in order to creatively evade anti-camping rules. Is something like that being considered here as well?
Things have been pretty much in an uproar at UCD since Friday, when UC Davis cops casually hosed down protesters with pepper spray in an astonishing display of police violence. Videos went viral worldwide. Calls for UCD Chancellor Linda Katehi's resignation have been resounding since then.
Chancellor Katehi was scheduled to speak at the rally too, which made it even more interesting, since I couldn't figure out how she would resist the resignation calls and still maintain her dignity. Very unlike life in places like the UK, where officials resign all the time for transgressions big and small, and sometimes for no transgressions at all, but for points of honor.
In American public life, officials almost never resign, no matter how odious their conduct. Resignation is akin to annihilation. People never, ever resign willingly, ever! So, what would Katehi do?
As it happened, I was standing not far from the speaker's stand, when Chancellor Katehi quietly sidled up close: not more than twelve feet away. As time passed, and her speaking time approached, more and more photographers from the news media clustered around to take photos. So, I had an unusual vantage point at this rally: able to see her, the speakers, and the crowd virtually simultaneously....
Various speakers who had been either arrested or pepper-sprayed on Friday spoke about their tribulations.
As an introduction to Chancellor Katehi's speech, very popular (and Untenured) Assistant Professor of English Nathan Brown roasted and vigorously-dissected Chancellor Katehi's recent public proclamations, analyzing and disparaging her blame-shifting and flights of fancy. People leaned in to capture pictures of Katehi's reactions. Calls of "Resign!" filled the air.
As it happened, my camera's memory filled to the brim just as Katehi started speaking, so I have no record of that, but it hardly matters. Her speech was so anticlimactic, even pathetic, that it made me wonder if she is just a figurehead for the real power at UCD, which might very well reside in its police forces.
Chancellor Katehi apologized to the students, in a fashion. Quoting from here:
“I am here to apologize,” she said. “I feel horrible. I don’t want to be the chancellor of the university we had on Friday.”Sounds like an easy-to-remedy problem there! Resign! Just resign! I started shouting "Resign!" along with many others.
But Katehi did not resign. Instead, she declared her willingness to dialog with students, and to get to know the students better, for which there would be more opportunities over the next several weeks. Then she made a feeble effort to assert solidarity with the students. "Do you know that plaque over there?" she asked, while pointing vaguely northwards. "November 17, 1973. I was there!"
I'm not familiar with the history of UCD: presumably the plaque in question honored a past demonstration? So, it was time to check around.
Cloudminder indicates that it was the Athens Polytechnic Uprising: not a UCD demonstration. Which just begs the question, why would UCD students give Katehi 'street cred' for the martyrs of 11/17/73, when there were more-immediate near-martyrs available, standing right in front of everyone, for 11/18/11? The disconnect was painful to witness!
And that was that! Afterwards, more speakers spoke, and the Occupy UCD organizers got down to the more quotidian (but essential) business of passing resolutions, including a demand to disband the UCD Police Force.
How does Katehi recover from this? Respect, once totally lost, is very hard to gain back.
I'm impressed by the organization of the Occupy UC Davis protesters. They are coordinating closely with their counterparts in Oakland and Berkeley, so there is fertile sharing of experience. The emergence of cell phone and Internet technology over the last two decades, and creative use of older methods (e.g., the 'human microphone'), enables much-tighter control over large audiences than protesters in the Sixties were able to manage. Less time wasted too. Even new protest lingo is emerging (e.g., 'stack', for the list of speakers).
The best to them!

They handcuffed the students so tightly. One kid, later on they were unable to cut off his ties, they'd been tied so tight. One of the other students couldn't feel his hands they were so purple, his circulation was cut off so badly for so long. He took himself to the hospital after he was released from the zip-tie restraints. They told him he had nerve damage and not to expect to be able to feel his hands for the next week. He has to come back next week to see if there was permanent nerve damage in his wrists.

Sunday, November 20, 2011
UC Davis Decides To Start Playing Rough

So here's the woman that Atrios helpfully labels "The Worst Person In The World".
And I have to agree. Not for a moment do I think the University of California at Davis (UC Davis, or UCD) police pepper-sprayed the students on their own authority. No, this order to get rough came from the top. And the reason the Administration is getting rough is that Occupy UC Davis finally got their attention, and they want to hurt them.
University Administrators do not live in the same community that faculty and students do. For decades now, Administrators have had their own job track, which is quite divorced from everyone else's, and has little to do with either learning or teaching. Administrators don't really know many students, and thus, to them, students seem shadowy creatures; subhuman perhaps, or, more accurately, almost human. Students don't become fully-human until they become fully-employed alumni, at which time they can contribute to the Annual Fund.
The rapid acceleration in the cost of education of the last decade is of little concern to Administrators, since they benefit from that acceleration, so the sacrifices that that acceleration is causing among students seem of little moment. It is exasperating to students and faculty alike that when they speak to Administrators, it's like speaking to deaf people. What hurts students helps Administrators, and vice-versa.
So, Administrators and Students stare across a rapidly-growing gulf of misunderstanding. Students and faculty labor under the impression they have more clout than they really do. Administrators understand, however, that the role of faculty and students is to obey. Obey them, specifically.
So, the various protests at UC Davis over the last three years have only served to irritate the Administration. So, what do Administrators do when faced with insolent refusals to obey?
Administrators do what bureaucrats often do in this situation. They carefully-calibrate escalating punishments so as to dissuade further inconvenience. Because, to Administrators, the proper course of action is quite logical and clear: it's just a matter of compelling people, with increasingly-forceful methods if need be, to obey.
The targets of persuasion are usually quite bewildered, however. To them, the recommendations of the Authorities are often illogical and haphazard. Instead of compliance, obstreperous rebellion results.
The classic case of escalation failing in application, of course, is Vietnam. The Johnson Administration thought its actions in support of the South Vietnamese people were quite reasonable, balancing careful applications of force with efforts not to offend the Soviet Union or the Chinese. As historical records have made clear, however, the North Vietnamese never understood at all what the United States was doing. To them, it looked liked foreign conquest, pure and simple. They resisted. Before long, the United States had dropped more bombs on Southeast Asia than they had ever dropped in Europe in WWII. Compliance did not result: quite the opposite.
But there were other examples where escalation was practiced domestically: specifically, and more to the point, the Free Speech Movement at UC Berkeley in the mid-60's. Reasonable people on both sides were soon literally at each other's throats:
Blogger Digby has been warning for years now that the militarization of police forces following 9/11 (tasers, bean bag guns, pepper spray, sound cannons, water cannons, etc.) has given them unwarranted confidence that they can indeed escalate dangerous situations without harm or consequences to themselves. The consequences will be increasing threats to our democracy from unaccountable, even fascistic, police forces. She's right! The UCD incident on Friday is a prime example of this development.
Most of my information this weekend came from Facebook.
Christina was here, at the Walk of Shame, where Chancellor Katehi left Surge II hours after originally scheduled and walked to her car, but only after an agreement was negotiated to allow the students to gather on just one side of the walkway.
(As an aside, I have to admire the way that UCD alumnus Christina usually ends up on both sides of any arbitrary division she encounters in the human race: both in the Greek system, and outside of it; both sides of the town/gown divide in Davis - DMTC (town) and UCD (gown); both an actor and on the Board at DMTC. I'm sure the only reason she isn't an Administrator herself, as well as an alumnus, is that she's just been busy lately. In any event, it makes her an unusually well-informed participant in, and reporter of, events at UCD.)
As I was saying, what is not so clear in the video (but as Christina relays) is that Katehi made eye contact with each and every student lining the walkway, and vice-versa. The shaming was complete from the students' perspective: from the Administrators' perspective, however, we still don't know. For all we know, Katehi may have silently pitied what she might have thought were these poor, misguided Morlochs. But if it's any consolation, Digby (and many others) give the highest credit to the UCD students:
I have to give the students at UC Davis a big round of applause. Not only did they show tremendous restraint and maturity in enduring that pepper spray assault, they skillfully organized the most effective possible response
The best reporting so far seems to be coming from Boing-Boing (h/t Karina). It's clear that there was plenty of dialog between the police and the students. There was no misunderstanding between them, or indeed, any police overreaction in the press of events. The police didn't panic. No, they were acting under orders. And those orders were to cause pain.
Much has been made of the fact that the police felt compelled to act because they were surrounded. But this was no siege: it wasn't something from the movie 'Zulu'. Being surrounded doesn't mean being aggressively surrounded; it just means being encircled. (This ambiguity may have escaped the Administrators' attention, but it certainly didn't escape the attention of the police).
To the police, being surrounded was important as a bureaucratic check box. Once the police were 'surrounded', they had carte blanche to do whatever they pleased to whomever they wished. And it's simple choreography to get surrounded: you just walk into a group of people. Once you are 'surrounded' your actions are completely covered and you can do any depraved thing without consequence. Like hurting people. With military-grade weaponry. As they had been instructed to do. Because Occupy UC Davis won't obey, and must be taught a lesson:
W. tells Boing Boing that Pike sprayed them at close range with military-grade pepper spray, in a punitive manner. Pike knew the students by name from Thursday night when they "occupied" a campus plaza. The students offered Pike food and coffee and chatted with him and other officers while setting up tents. On Friday, UC Davis chancellor Linda Katehi told students they had to remove their #OWS tents for unspecified "health and safety" reasons.So, where do we go from here?
"Move or we're going to shoot you," Pike is reported to have yelled at one student right before delivering pepper spray. Then, turning to his fellow officers and brandishing the can in the air, "Don't worry, I'm going to spray these kids down."
...So the Tuesday protest was one of the biggest rallies on the campus since tuition hikes in 2009. That protest ended with a march around the campus, which led us to the administrative building. Sort of spontaneously, we all decided to occupy an area on the grounds and we stayed the night. The administration allowed it. I had a wonderful conversation with Lieutenant Pike that night. I dialogued with him for a while. He was cordial to me. He knew me by name. We offered him coffee and food.
On Wednesday there was the big protest in San Francisco, and striking at the UC regents meeting over the proposed 81% tuition increase next year. The regents actually canceled their meeting because they knew we were coming, and they have since decided to do it by teleconference next Monday so we can't disrupt them.
UC Davis police cleared out the 15 or so protesters who remained in Mrak Hall while the rest of the occupiers had left for the demonstration in San Francisco.
We had another rally on Thursday, with a big General Assembly. We decided to have an occupation against the injustices we were facing, and on Thursday night there were 35 tents set up, with more planning on coming.
...So, everyone removed the tents, and they were in the process of arresting more people. A collective decision was made on the fly to just sit in a circle arms linked legs crossed, with police officers and "prisoners" in the middle because we didn't want them arresting only 3 of us. It wasn't fair that 50 of us were there, and only a few arrested who hadn't volunteered to be arrested. There was still one walkway open that the police were going to use to walk the arrestees out. I saw some friends of mine sit down there, and they were my friends, so I joined them. We linked arms, legs crossed.
We were never warned that we were going to be pepper-sprayed.
Lt. Pike walked up to my friend, and I am told that he said, "Move or we're going to shoot you."
Then he went back and talked to a few of his police officer friends. A couple of other officers started to remove people who were sitting there, blocking exit. Pike could have easily removed us, just picked us up and removed us. We were just sitting there, nonviolent civil disobedience.
But Pike turned around and I am told that he said to the other officers, "Don't worry about it, I'm going to spray these kids down."
He lifts the can, spins it around in a circle to show it off to everybody.
Then he sprays us three times.
As if one time of being sprayed at point blank wasn't enough.
Interesting! The UCD incident is big on BBC at the moment. If it bleeds; it leads!
There is the big rally at noon on Monday (I want to be there, but I forgot about a 11 a.m. conference call I'm supposed to be in on.) So, I might have to lean on Facebook again to understand what is actually going on there.
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