Friday, May 12, 2023

May The Fourth Be With You

A tale of two kids. One kid had the Star Wars theme playing on infinite loop, and another kid became annoyed by the repeitive music and lashed out by calling it Fart Wars. The 12-year-old in me now wants to know how the Fart Wars saga turned out.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Cleaning The Floor

Spring cleaning time. I've been dusting bookshelves, cleaning wood floors, and putting a polish on them. First time I've ever done the polish part, and I've lived here 28 years.

Gabe's Cats


An Afternoon at Skyzone - May 6, 2023

What could be more relaxing than a Saturday afternoon in the company of hundreds of children and teens in rooms filled with dozens of trampolines?

Reminder: April is Procrastination Awareness Month

First Arabesque. The Struggle Is Real

Lara Downes Concert - Mondavi Center - May 5, 2023

Gabe called again and asked if I wanted to see the Lara Downes and John McWhorter concert at the Mondavi Center in Davis.  I said yes.  So, off we went.
Lara Downes is a DJ at a San Francisco radio station (KDFC), and holds a position at Columbia University in New York City.  She is a kind of evangelist for the works of Scott Joplin.  One hundred years ago, there was an impressive movement to bring popular music and classical music together, exemplified by Scott Joplin, the musical "Shuffle Along," and the works of the Gershwins.  One hundred years later, there is an opening for that movement again, and we should take it!

Tuesday, May 09, 2023

Jasper's Fifth Birthday - April 29. 2023

Sacramento Philharmonic - April 29, 2023

Gabe McAuliffe suggested going to the Sacramento Philharmonic. I was surprised, but willing. To be truthful, I had never seen the Sacramento Philharmonic. So, off we went to SAFE Performing Arts Center. It was nice! Saw Erika from dance making the scene, plus one of my neighbors, who is an usher there.

In The Jungle, The Mighty Jungle...

In the jungle, 
the mighty jungle 
The lion [doesn't] sleep tonight 
In the jungle the quiet jungle 
The lion [doesn't] sleep tonight 

Wee heeheehee weeoh aweem away 
Wee heeheehee weeoh aweem away

Best News Site I've Seen With News From Ukraine

This is great news! May more great news follow!
Watch on TikTok

Prigozhin Is Nuts

Prigozhin's recent tirade featuring Wagner corpses was bonkers. His loud threats to leave Bakhmut seemed empty, but recent reports suggest his troops are actually withdrawing. Which, if true, is great!


Sunday, May 07, 2023

Four Delayed Posts Now Posted

These four dramatic posts were originally posted just after New Year's Day, 2023. I was petsitting at Gabe and Eleanor McAuliffe's house, and a few minutes before I arrived for my first visit, howling winds toppled a huge neighbor's tree into their driveway. Gabe asked me to temporarily withdraw the posts, because of sensitive negotiations with the neighbor regarding insurance payments, and the like. That restriction is now lifted. 

In retrospect, it's good the tree fell during this particular windstorm, with winds from the north, and not the windstorm the following week, with winds from the south.  A north-falling tree would have smashed the neighbor's house into smithereens, and maybe killed people!

Which reminds, me, I'm petsitting for Gabe and Eleanor once again this weekend!

The Professionals Arrive

[Originally published 1/3/23, 1:37 a.m.] 

The crew had just arrived (about 9:50 a.m., January 2, 2023) as I entered the house to tend the pets. 

Twenty-five minutes later, when I emerged, the crew had already dispatched with about 2/3 of the tree. My little path vaporized! 

I understand Gabe and Eleanor arrived later in the afternoon. There is damage on the gutter on the front of the garage. I don't know about the roof of the garage - possibly some damage there. 

But considering the possibilities, Gabe and Eleanor escaped harm! Their car and home were unscathed. No one was hurt or killed. 

Here is an obituary of the man who planted the tree, about 1960. By the end, the tree was about 80 feet tall, and a notable landmark along California’s Highway 99:
Adam was born in New Mexico and graduated from Lyda Patterson Institute High School in El Paso, Texas. He joined the U.S. Navy immediately after high school, at the height of WW II. He served in combat in the Pacific Theater and was proud to have been a witness to the surrender of the Japanese from his ship, the USS Pasadena, anchored in Tokyo Bay in 1945.

Making A Little Path

[Originally published 1/3/23, 1:18 a.m.]

Some people are made to change the world. Not me. I adapt to it. Throw down a huge tree in front of me, and I’ll make a little hobbit residence of it. (Home owners will return soon- they may have a different philosophy).

Pet-Sitting Adventures

[Originally published 1/3/23, 1:12 a.m.] 

Happy New Year?

A Huge, Fallen Tree Blocks The Path

[Originally published 1/3/23, 12:49 a.m.]

Well, this is a conundrum! I went to a dog sitting assignment tonight (New Year's Eve, Dec. 31, 2022) at Gabe and Eleanor's house, only to discover an immense tree had fallen and blocked the path! A nearly-impenetrable wall of leaves and wood! 

It took 15 minutes of desperate jungle parkour through the fallen tree canopy in the rain and wind to get through the driveway to the front door. (This is when the ballet training comes in handy - keeping my balance under duress.)

Inside, complacent pets wanted food and attention.