Here are some images from Friday, July 13th, opening night.
Left: Young Tommy, Adult Tommy, and Teen Tommy (Maya Rothman, Jon Jackson, and Sabrina Schloss). In background, French Horn player Scott Sablan and Hal Wright on Bass Guitar.
Sacramento area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis, 2000-2020); Liberal politics; Meteorology; "Breaking Bad," "Better Call Saul," and Albuquerque movie filming locations; New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.
That doesn't even remotely resemble a best fit curve. They've drawn the line straight-through an outlier. And look how steep it is at the right hand side. They're asking us to believe that the marginal impact of increasing corporate income tax rates above the Norwegian level is not only negative, but massively negative in a way that none of the non-Norway data bears out. It's an insult to everyone's intelligence.
So here we are 2 years later and the media is full of articles about the seemingly never ending decline in CD sales and the inability of digital sales to close the gap. Can anyone be surprised ?
When was the last time you saw anyone listening to music on a CD Player ? At the gym ? No. At the Mall, maybe only some of the senior walkers at 9am. On downtown streets at lunch ? No.
Does anyone even know what percent of music is listened to via CD any longer ?
I would say the music industry has put itself in the position of being incredibly stupid. They are dependent on a format, the CD, that few people listen to. Although this is a guess, my guess is that the majority of CD purchases are then put in a PC and imported into an MP3 or other format for consumption on a mobile device. Few people buy a CD and just listen to it. Which means you can say goodbye to impulse buying of CDs.
We are in a market where, whether we like it or not, the music industry has tethered us to our PCs. The easiest way to buy, the easiest way to get the greatest utillity of their products is via the PC. Thats a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE mistake. Did i say that it was a huge mistake to make the PC an inevitable part of the music buying process.
...Can the music industry be saved ? Yep. It would be so easy its scary. Make music available anywhere and everywhere.
...I would find a manufacturer of cash machines, the ones you see in every bar, restaurant, mini-mart and retail outlet and work with them to reconfigure the machines so that they can hold a hard drive that can be updated with new songs via wired or wireless internet access and whose screen can offer a simple interface for people to select music. The consumer plugs in their SD card from their phone, or plugs the USB cable attached to the machine into their IPod or similar device and the music selected, downloaded and debited to the customers credit or debit card. Pay the machine host a commission, or a per transaction and everyone goes home happy.
Why wouldnt the music industry do this ? I understand the difficulty of getting an entire industry to do anything, particularly the music industry where the fault is always someone elses'. But this is a matter of survival and the solution is simple.
...None of this is rocket science. In fact, its easy. Music Kiosks have been proposed for years and years. Kiosks have been developed time and again. They haven't worked because they have been over engineered and music labels haven't made enough content available.
...The only difficult part of the music equation is buying it. Sitting in front of your PC works sometimes, but it isn't optimal all the time. Where ever you see people listening to music, they should be able to buy and immediately listen to their new music. Why can't the music industry get that we should be able to buy music when we want, where we want, in the format in which we consume it, on our IPods and comparable devices. Until that happens, total music sales will continue to decline and quickly.
A few years ago, we predicted that the spread of DVRs was going to change advertising culture, as viewers gained the ability to jump past commercials and free themselves from scheduled broadcasting times. Now a new study from the University of Oregon has found that local news broadcasts are being infiltrated by advertising at around the same rate that DVR users skip ads.
The fact that DVRs allow viewers to skip adverts is seen as one of their biggest benefits by users, but advertisers—and the TV networks that depend on them—are not so happy. Ad buyers don't want to pay full price for slots that viewers will never see, and TV networks are going as far as asking fans not to watch timeshifted programs but instead watch them live, lest the show in question get canceled.
Since the economies we live in depend on consumer spending, those on the selling side of the equation need a way to get the message out regarding their new product, and if viewers aren't prepared to watch the adverts, then some other way of reaching them will be used. The researchers looked at 17 different TV stations in the US over a four-month period in 2004. The study, published in Electronic News, monitored 2 newscasts a month for each station and looked for instances where 'stealth adverts' crept into the news reporting. A stealth advert, according to Jim Upshaw, one of the authors of the report, is when a commercial message promoting a product is "cloaked in some other garment than a normal commercial."
Upshaw and his colleagues found that 90 percent of the newscasts contained at least one instance of stealth advertising, including product placement within stories or on the anchors' desks, and sponsored segments. Small-to-medium sized stations were more susceptible to the trend than those serving larger markets.
BarebonesIt's interesting that they will dance at Natomas Charter School's new theater. Sort of break the place in! Tickets can be purchased on-line at C.O.R.E.'s Web Site.
August 10th & 11th 2007
Benvenuti Performing Arts Center
4600 Blackrock Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95835
General Admission $16.00
But there are bigger things going on, frankly. Speaking of Alan Levin, maybe you caught his front-page story earlier this week on the nightly tarmac gridlock at Kennedy airport. The situation at JFK has reached a breaking point, and it is symptomatic of a nationwide crisis. Maybe Levin was distracted by 787 fever, but like almost everyone else who has written about the worsening problem of congestion and delays, he neglects to acknowledge the elephant in the room: the hundreds of small regional planes -- those "Express" and "Connection" code-share flights -- that are jockeying for space, both on the ground and aloft, with larger planes.
These code-share arrangements have been around for decades but have spread tremendously in recent years thanks to the advent of fast and efficient regional jets, or RJs. Their small size and large numbers add up to a disproportionate impact on traffic flow. From an airspace point of view, a plane is a plane is a plane, regardless of how many chairs are on board. At some airports, regionals make up half of total traffic while carrying only a quarter of the passengers. Not to hammer this topic more than is due -- we gave it a good going over back in June -- but with summer delays at record levels it's worth reiterating, particularly since neither the carriers nor the FAA seem interested in taking the matter seriously, choosing instead to blame "weather" and air-traffic-control equipment shortcomings for what in truth is an airline scheduling issue.
I recently returned to airline flying after a nearly six-year hiatus. Obviously the business has been transformed since 2001, from security to salaries, but two unpleasant changes have jumped out at me.
First is the weather. This is wholly anecdotal and by no means a scientific observation, but the number and strength of thunderstorms and convective activity seem drastically worse than in years past. This is especially true in and around the crowded Northeast corridor. I spent several years based in New York and Boston in the early and mid-1990s. Summer thunderstorms were at worst an occasional, maybe weekly occurrence. Now they are hitting almost every afternoon, with lines of majestically sculpted cumulonimbus clouds ripping through New England as if it were tropical Africa.
Regardless of what is or isn't causing this climatic weirdness, its impact wouldn't be half so bad if not for the staggering volume of air traffic attempting to navigate through and around it. I've never seen anything like it. Long waits and holding patterns are routine now, even on clear sunny days. And an ever-growing percentage of that traffic is made up of regionals. Check out those evening conga lines at Kennedy, and you're liable to spot a 500-passenger Boeing 747 sandwiched between four 50-seaters. Elsewhere it's similar. At LaGuardia and Washington-National, the number of RJs and, to a lesser extent, turboprop feeder craft, is astonishing, often outnumbering the Boeings and Airbuses of the majors.
...Your attention please: With scattered exceptions, there is no such thing as a weather delay. They are traffic delays. Your flight was not late because of the weather. It was late because there are too many small airplanes carrying too few people, end of story.
Watching the mass defections from the McCain camp, I couldn’t help but think of King Lear. As the play (Shakespeare’s darkest) progresses, Lear consistently loses half of his army (or “train”) -- it dwindles from 100 to 50 to 25 on down to nothing. The loss mirrors his own descent from powerful king to senility and death.
...Here’s a man whose daughter – daughter – was viciously slandered by the GOP political machine in South Carolina, which included the social conservative hierarchy. Here’s a man who endured unspeakable torture. Here’s a man who, for better or worse, came to prominence through high-profile dissents from party orthodoxy. And in the past three years, he’s abandoned it all.
...But fast forward a few years, and we see McCain kissing up to the very people who slandered his daughter. He speaks at their commencements. He publicly hugs the man whose campaign personally and viciously attacked him and his family. It’s utter humiliation.
Same deal with torture. It's not possible for me to know what McCain endured in Vietnam, and I won't pretend to. I’ll only guess that it left a tremendous impact on him, and that he must privately detests torture. Fast forward to 2006 though and we see him betray that conviction for political expediency. Despite some initial high-profile dissent, McCain ultimately supported what everyone knew was an official sanction of state torture. Because the NRO/Reynolds/Falwell wing of the party is what it is, he decided he had to support torture in order to be president. And on this, he was right.
In short, you have a man forced to swallow his pride, to repress deeply-felt emotions, and to essentially repudiate his entire being to be President.
...That’s what makes running for president such a high-stakes gamble. To gain it all, you risk it all. McCain’s soul-selling will be remembered (forever) in one of two very different ways. On the one hand, it could be remembered as the shrewd political calculation that won him the nomination and then the presidency. More likely, it will be remembered as pathetic hypocrisy that will accompany his permanent, eternal humiliation. He will soon go from media darling to “pathetic loser.” Dukakis: Welcome to the club.
...But that’s the cost. Running for president isn’t for the weak at heart. It’s a high-stakes bet. For a chance at political greatness and immortality, you risk a great deal. McCain did just that, but it looks like he lost.
Runaway Stage Productions' Storybook Children's Theatre will present "The Princess and the Pea."
This interactive and whimsical production, written by Lillian Baxter, is an original adaptation of the Hans Christian Andersen classic fairy tale.
When: Noon and 2 p.m.
Saturday, July 21 and 28
Where: 24th Street Theatre
2791 24th St., Curtis Park
Cost: $5 per person
Contact: (916) 207-1226
Civic pride forces me to point out that unlike the original, our Colosseum is not a ruin and still hosts Celine Dion (call it a draw on that one) with bonus points for the weeks Elton John performs. In fact, the Las Vegas Strip was not even a nominee among the 21 choices. Yet, among the nominees we have three replicas: a pyramid (improved by a giant light bulb on top), an Eiffel Tower and a Statue of Liberty. That leaves out freaks of nature like the massive MGM Grand resort. How about the endless pool at the Flamingo. I mean, what would an alien coming to Earth think of Vegas? The entire bizarre Strip with its lakes and a volcano erupting nightly and lights reaching into the heavens and all of it built on the same street in the middle of nowhere and for no visible reason. Hello! Who wouldn't be left in wonder? Imitate enough you truly create something original. And, everyone agrees, there is no place like Vegas.
Yet, somehow the Sidney Opera House was a finalist and not the Las Vegas Strip. Maybe we are too familiar for people to give us the wonder we deserve? ...Unlike the other wonders, which are fixed to the time and date of their construction, the wonder of the Strip skyline is ever changing. But doesn't that make it even more unique among humanity's creations? There is also plenty to wonder at already. I don't see how the engineering and architectural billions poured into a tiny remote part of the Nevada desert can not be considered one of the wondrous achievements outside nature's own?
...All that aside, there is a spot near my home where after sunset I can get a clear view of the Strip all lit up. I am awed every time. Yet even from a quiet distance, you know, the frantic human activity that is always thriving under those lights. Anyway, though not a finalist and a bit late, I cast my vote for the Las Vegas Strip as one of the 7 new wonders of the world.
Florida state Representative Bob Allen (R), who is co-chairman of McCain's Florida campaign, was arrested in a Titusville park restroom on charges of solicitation after he approached a plain clothes police officer and offered to perform oral sex on the officer for $20.
...Late Update: TPM Reader JP notes, perhaps not surprisingly, that the Rainbow Democratic Club, a Dem gay rights group in Central Florida gave Allen its "worst of the worst" rating for his votes on gay issues.
The former Arkansas governor told reporters in a conference call Wednesday that he hasn't seen and probably won't see Moore's documentary "Sicko," which calls for an overhaul of America's health care system.
"Frankly, Michael Moore is an example of why the health care system costs so much in this country. He clearly is one of the reasons that we have a very expensive system. I know that from my own personal experience," said Huckabee, who lost more than 110 pounds and became an avid runner after he was diagnosed with diabetes.
"I know how much more my health care cost when I didn't take care of myself than when I do take care of myself, not only in terms of doctor visits but regular diseases, illnesses, chronic things that come up, monthly prescription bills," Huckabee said. "All of those things have gone dramatically down since I've taken care of myself and worked to live a healthier lifestyle."
No comment could be obtained from Moore, but Meghan O'Hara, producer of "Sicko," questioned Huckabee's motives in criticizing Moore.
"Looks like Mike Huckabee is auditioning for some insurance company dough, since he's raised just about no money and sparked zero interest since jumping into the race," O'Hara said in a response provided by Moore's production office. "I wonder what the good governor would say to the French, who drink more, smoke more, eat more cheese and still live longer than us despite paying less for health care?"
...Tuesday, Republican candidate Rudy Giuliani cited the filmmaker when he said promises of universal health care are hollow and simply not manageable.
"If you try to do socialized medicine, a la Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Barack Obama or Michael Moore, you're going to end up with a disaster," the former New York mayor said.
O'Hara said the comments by Huckabee and Giuliani illustrated problems with the GOP approach to reducing health-care costs.
"No wonder the Republicans are in such trouble - their entire plan to fix the health care system in this country is to tell people to lose weight," she said. "Maybe if Mike Huckabee and his Republican friends stopped sucking up to health-insurance campaign contributors they wouldn't feel the need to blame Americans for this crisis. Just because he stopped eating Twinkies by the bushel doesn't make that an outline for a national health care plan.
Aliens are everywhere. They're on T-shirts, postcards, socks and keychains. There is an Army-themed restaurant called the Cover-Up Cafe ("where all the recipes are secret"). Green, two-toed footprints meander down Main Street to the local souvenir shop. The McDonald's restaurant mimics a UFO and another eatery has a sign out the front proclaiming: "Aliens Welcome."
About 35,000 people descended on Roswell at the weekend – nearly doubling the southeast New Mexico town's population – for the annual Amazing Roswell UFO Festival. The event was set up in the 1990s to debate what really happened when a supposed flying saucer (later officially claimed to be a top-secret weather balloon) crashed on a nearby ranch in July, 1947.
Besides concerts and costume parades, attendees were treated to lectures on topics such as "UFO files from the United Kingdom and government surveillance of ufologists" to cater for those who believe the US military is still hiding the truth about the crash and the existence of alien life.
It's an enduring mystery; evidence is inconclusive but tantalising enough to fuel the fervour of believers.
It all started on July 8, 1947, when the Roswell Army Air Field issued – and later retracted – a press release about a "flying disc" it had recovered from the nearby ranch.
The US military maintained it was instead a weather balloon, and fitting debris was displayed to quell the drama.
More than 30 years passed and the incident was generally forgotten.
But then, an Army officer who took part in the recovery of the debris, Major Jesse Marcel, came forward to assert that it had been from an alien spacecraft, and that the government had engaged in a cover-up.
Eventually, the Air Force disclosed it had been part of Project Mogul, a top-secret effort to monitor Soviet-era nuclear testing. But that story never satisfied believers who advanced tales of alien bodies recovered in the desert.
The Roswell Incident was born and, with it, a fascination that spread from supermarket tabloids to the popular imagination. Last month, the true believers' cause received a boost when Lieutenant Walter Haut, the public relations officer at the base in 1947 who issued the conflicting press releases, made a posthumous declaration that not only was the weather ballon story a cover up, he had actually seen the alien bodies.
It's a stunning claim, one sure to fire further fascination in the desert site – a fascination that a few hardy entrepreneurs hope will prove a money-spinner.
One keen American duo have a dream: Earth Station Roswell, a $78 million resort and conference centre for UFO enthusiasts featuring a 1000-seat concert centre, an exhibit hall, fine-dining restaurant, cafe, delicatessen, lounge, a 400-seat theatre and lecture hall, a lagoon-style swimming pool and a massive underground parking garage.
The anchor would be the "Mothership", a 23m high, 300-room hotel that one of the hopeful developers, Gene Frazier, calls "the world's largest replica of a flying saucer".
It's not just Roswell's business people who see dollar signs on space aliens.
The city is accepting proposals for a builder-operator to run the UFO amusement park, a multimillion-dollar project that could open by 2010.
The local UFO boom really began in 1992, when Walter Haut and Glenn Dennis – a local mortician who claimed a nurse on the base had told him of autopsies performed on aliens taken from the wreckage – founded the International UFO Museum and Research Centre.
Now the resort proposal and the plan by city officials to build a UFO-themed amusement park – complete with an indoor roller coaster that would take passengers on a simulated alien abduction – have fuelled talk: How much should Roswell exploit its little green men?
There are those, like Haut's daughter Julie Shuster, director of the UFO museum he co-founded, who question if UFO exploitation has gone too far.
"Greed and ego are rampant among the UFO field and among everybody who is trying to capitalise on it," she says, shaking her head.
Julie Shuster grew up in Roswell. She describes its residents as cautious people. The town's economy once relied on petroleum exploration, banking, dairy, ranching and the military, at least until the air force base closed in 1967.
They didn't talk about the UFO affair.
"People were told – people in the military, in particular – if you want a loan or government assistance for you, your kids or your grandkids, you won't say anything about it now or ever," she says.
In the face of official denials, she says the point of her father's museum is not to prove that an alien spacecraft really crashed, but simply to present information from both sides of the debate and let visitors make up their own minds.
The museum has greeted 2.5 million visitors in the 15 years since its founding.
According to one analysis, it generates $40 million in indirect spending each year for the city of 50,000 residents.
Larry and Sharon Welz, owners of the Roswell Space Centre souvenir shop, lament that Roswell has not done even more to embrace the UFO phenomenon.
"The signs coming into town say, 'Welcome to Roswell, Dairy Capital of the Southwest'," Sharon Welz says.
"Are you kidding? You should exploit the UFO thing. It's a commodity.
"When you say Roswell, everyone thinks about aliens."
But all this has produced its cynics.
"We're beginning to wonder," says one tourist, Brian Lewis of California, passing through Roswell recently with his family, "if the real conspiracy is to draw in all the tourists."
Like Mike! Dante, Whassup man? Woo woo!
Fun clip, hip hop style.
Last weekend, Kent Couch settled down in his lawn chair with some snacks -- and a parachute. Attached to his lawn chair were 105 large helium balloons.
...With instruments to measure his altitude and speed, a global positioning system device in his pocket, and about four plastic bags holding five gallons of water each to act as ballast -- he could turn a spigot, release water and rise -- Couch headed into the Oregon sky.
Nearly nine hours later, the 47-year-old gas station owner came back to earth in a farmer's field near Union, short of Idaho but about 193 miles from home.
Ride it on out like a bird in the sky ways
Ride it on out like if you were a bird
Fly it all out like an eagle in a sunbeam
Ride it on out like if you were a bird
Wear a tall hat like a druid in the old days
Wear a tall hat and a tatooed gown
Ride a white swan like the people of the Beltane
Wear your hair long, babe you can't go wrong
Catch a bright star and a place it on your fore-head
Say a few spells and baby, there you go
Take a black cat and sit it on your shoulder
And in the morning you'll know all you know, oh
Wear a tall hat like a druid in the old days
Wear a tall hat and a tatooed gown
Ride a white swan like the people of the Beltane
Wear your hair long, babe you can't go wrong
Da-da-di-di-da, da-da-di-di-da ....
John McCain's campaign manager, chief strategist and other senior aides quit Tuesday, the second major staff shake-up in a week for the Republican presidential candidate who trails his rivals in money and polls.
...McCain's fortunes soured considerably this year as he embraced President Bush's troop increase for the Iraq war, an unpopular conflict with the public but one supported by most Republicans, and a bipartisan immigration bill that has divided the GOP.
Over the past six months, his donors and supporters were turned off by what they viewed as McCain embracing the policies of a lame-duck president with abysmal approval ratings. That caused McCain's polling and fundraising to suffer.
...McCain's support in national polls has slipped. He is in single digits in some surveys in Iowa and South Carolina, trailing Giuliani, the former New York mayor; Romney, the ex-governor of Massachusetts, and Fred Thompson, the actor and former Tennessee senator who hasn't officially entered the race.
Joke comprehension may decrease with age
A new psychology study at Washington University was no laughing matter: It found that older adults may have a harder time getting jokes because of an age-related decline in certain memory and reasoning abilities.
The research suggested that because older adults may have greater difficulty with cognitive flexibility, abstract reasoning and short-term memory, they also have greater difficulty with tests of humor comprehension.
Researchers tested about 40 healthy adults over age 65 and 40 undergraduate students with exercises in which they had to complete jokes and stories. Participants also had to choose the correct punch line for verbal jokes and select the funny ending to series of cartoon panels.
...The research conducted by graduate student Wingyun Mak and psychology professor Brian Carpenter showed that the younger adults did 6 percent better on the verbal jokes and 14 percent better on the comic portion than did older participants, Mak said.
The researchers, citing past work in the field, wrote that humor research is "rooted in the philosophical notion that humor arises from a sense of incongruity, a conflict between the expected and the actual."
"Successful comprehension of humor occurs upon resolving something that is seemingly incongruous with a logical but less obvious explanation."
..."There are basic cognitive mechanisms to understanding what's going on in a joke. Older adults, because they may have deficits in some of those cognitive areas, may have a harder time understanding what a joke is about."
Mak said humor comprehension merits further study because of the potential physical and psychological benefits of humor.
"I think it's really important to note this doesn't mean older adults aren't funny or don't understand humor," Mak, who is from Los Angeles, said.
She said humor comprehension and humor appreciation are tested in different ways. The Washington University study didn't delve into humor appreciation. In fact, Mak said, older study participants who may have picked the wrong answers may also have been laughing at their choices at the time.
I fully expect that when we withdraw and things go to hell, people will blame the withdrawal and those who advocated it. That will happen, but it will be completely wrong. One reason is that, as I've said, I see no reason to think that our presence in Iraq does more than delay the moment when things fall apart. But the more important reason is that the real reason why things will go to hell is not our withdrawal, but the fact that we invaded in the first place. Specifically:
- Before we invaded, Iraq was not, and would not become, a sanctuary for al Qaeda. Now it is.
- Before we invaded, Iraq was not about to descend into civil war; it is now in the middle of one.
- Saddam was horrendous to his people, and I have never tried to minimize that fact, but I think that the life of an ordinary Iraqi now is plainly worse than it was under his regime.
- Before we invaded, there was no real prospect of a regional war: Saddam was effectively contained, but not so weak as to tempt his neighbors to invade. Now, a regional war is a serious possibility.
- Before we invaded, Saddam posed no significant threat to us. He had been disarmed and contained, and had we given the inspectors enough time to finish their work, we would have known that. Now the blowback from this war has reached the United Kingdom, and it is only thanks to the incompetence of the would-be terrorists that no one was killed. It will undoubtedly reach other countries as well, possibly including our own.
- Before we invaded, Iran was in a much weaker position than it is in today, and it was seeking negotiations with us. The invasion has undone decades of work trying to contain Iranian influence in the region.
- Moreover, the invasion has threatened the stability of a number of nearby countries, including allies like Jordan.
We created all these problems -- along with others, like the immense damage to our moral standing caused by the abuses at Abu Ghraib and elsewhere -- when we invaded and then failed to act immediately to restore order and security for Iraq's citizens. We have been trying to fix them for years, without anything remotely resembling success. When we leave, those problems will probably get a lot worse. If we leave soon, they will get a lot worse soon; if we stick around to keep a lid on them, they will get a lot worse when we eventually give up.
The timing of our withdrawal will determine when the Iraqi people will be plunged into a deeper hell than the one they are already in. But that that will happen is not the result of the withdrawal. It is the result of what we set in motion when we had the clever idea of invading a complicated country without either a good reason or a clear idea of what we were going to do once we got there.
We sowed the wind. The Iraqi people are about to reap the whirlwind. We can delay this, at a terrible cost, but we cannot prevent it.
Asked by an interviewer in 2000 whether she could forgive her husband if she learned he'd had an extramarital affair, as Hillary Clinton and Bob Livingston's wife had done, Wendy Vitter told the Times-Picayune: "I'm a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary. If he does something like that, I'm walking away with one thing, and it's not alimony, trust me."
From the start of this conflict, al Qaeda's strategy has been to take maximum advantage of Western sensibilities and institutions, including public opinion and legal rules which limit what states can do in their own defense....Detaining captured al Qaeda and Taliban operatives as enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay was, and remains, a central aspect of [Bush Administration wartime paradigm] policy and there is little doubt that abandoning it will be seen by al Qaeda as a failure of American nerve and a vindication of their strategic vision.This is raw fear masquerading as analysis. There is no evidence for such far-sighted strategic thinking by Al Qaeda, and much evidence to argue the opposite. 9/11, for example, was not a brilliant public relations maneuver for Al Qaeda in the West.
...[B]ringing the detainees into the U.S. also would be no panacea. This too would be costly, involving creation of new maximum-security prison space in an already overcrowded federal system.We are spending ten billion dollars a month, just in Iraq. Tossing in a fancy prison for a hundred million dollars, something that might save our worldwide reputation (the real source of our international power) is something we can easily afford - chump change, actually.
However, Europe's real objection is not to the detainees' location at a U.S. naval base in Cuba, but to their confinement as enemy combatants in the first place. By and large, Europe has never accepted that there is a "war" on terror. Moving detainees to Afghanistan or the U.S. will not change this.Since Europe has been the site of many Al Qaeda terrorist efforts, the Europeans most certainly understand and support the concept of detaining terrorists. What Europeans object to is the torture of suspects, abandoning more than a century of hard-won Geneva Convention progress, and the surrender of human rights available to detainees even during the worst of the Middle Ages, available even when Hitler was in power. Europeans have hard experience watching dictatorships strip their citizens of rights, and that's what they see here - a new Orwellian American Fascism that will eventually threaten them as well.
If you're *not* going to eat the hot dog, a neat trick is to stick a bunch of standard LEDs into it. (Yes, this really works!) Apparently the voltage between nearby points on the hot dog is fairly low, since the LEDs don't seem to burn out.
As the hot dog cooks, the resistance of the hot dog increases and the LEDs get dimmer since less current can flow through them. If you look *very* closely (or take a time lapse movie) you can see the LEDs move further apart as the hot dog swells during cooking.
Lethal current, voltage, and fire can result from attempting this project. Just because we lived to tell about this doesn't mean that you will. That cord is called a "suicide cable" for a reason-- building one is asking to be killed by one. Do not, under any circumstances, cook hot dogs this way. We mean it.
Have a nice day. =)
George W. Bush: We got an issue in America. Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their love, with women all across the country.And this one too:
Tony Benn: Keeping people hopeless and pessimistic - see I think there are two ways in which people are controlled - first of all frighten people and secondly demoralize them.And many more not given on imdb. Michael Moore asks a Frenchwoman about the most costly things in her life. Instead of kvetching about medical bills, like an American woman might, she instead complains about the prices of fish and vegetables.
Tony Benn: An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern.
I saw on your blog that you saw Sicko. We went to see it yesterday also. I must say I wasn't as impressed with it as I was with Moore's previous films. There just seemed to be a lot of weak points that detracted from the theme. It seemed to me that it was a film about feelings more than facts and I imagine that the right wing will hone in on that.I respond as follows:
First, the parts that impressed me. Moore's look at the national health care systems in Canada, the UK and France seemed fair, and it made a very compelling case for such systems. Also, his trip to Cuba, while clearly an entertainment stunt, was effective in adding some drama to the film.
My biggest problem with Sicko is that it missed the proverbial elephant in the room which is the American tort system and the antagonistic doctor/patient relationship which has developed as a result. Physicians--even those who have never been sued--are often paying in excess of $100K per year in malpractice insurance and they are constantly having to document every detail of everything they do and say to defend themselves from frivolous lawsuits. While I personally favor a national health care system I also believe, as I have said many times before, that tort reform is absolutely critical to any move in that direction.
Secondly, while I'm sure Cuba has a decent health care system, I wonder if Moore made it look a bit more rosy than it really is. Havana has a good hospital but what happens to people in smaller towns throughout the country? Do they get the same level of health care? It seems likely to me that Cuban authorities saw Moore's presence as a good opportunity to score propaganda points against the US. That may not really be correct but it's something to bear in mind.
Also--and this may sound very cynical--I wonder how sick the people he took to Cuba really are? Some appeared to definitely have some health issues. And one firefighter clearly was having some emotional problems but we both know that there are plenty of people out there who decide that society owes them and they want to be declared disabled so they do not have to earn a living. I've seem it a number of times, including with a dentist who paid massive disability insurance for a few years and then found a psychiatrist who decided that the stress of working on teeth made him unable to work. Such things happen and, while people in such situations may need counseling, society does not owe them anything more than that.
In general, I find for-profit health care in the US overpriced, inefficient and frequently ineffective. Moore's film is good in the sense that it may begin or at least add to an important national dialogue on health care in the US, but I wish it had been produced by a less biased figure such as Tom Brokaw or Walter Cronkite.