The two young women riding by on bicycles gaped in disbelief and slowed to a halt. One asked: "Is that your chicken?" I replied: "No, the chicken starting coming around last Friday." She replied: "That is HILARIOUS! That's a leghorn chicken! Persuade her to stay in your yard and she'll lay eggs for you!"
The chicken is adapting to the neighborhood, and in turn, the neighborhood is adapting to the chicken.

Later, I heard a big chicken commotion next door. I saw the chicken run up the roof on the shed next door, pursued by an aggressive cat. The panicked chicken leaped from the rooftop over the fence, landing onto a branch of the oak tree hanging over my back yard, and then blundered through the tree's canopy and fluttered into the comparative solace of my back yard. The chicken quickly accustomed herself to the yard.
Cute creature!
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