During most of the run of "Damn Yankees", as Stage Manager, I felt busy enough as to be uncomfortable with taking any photos at all, but on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon, I took a few photos (Jenny Plasse took a few photos as well).

On Friday evening, concern was paramount regarding when Adam Sartain would arrive at the theater. He had been in Los Angeles for work, but with stormy weather (plus other impediments) his return was delayed. Steve suggested in his initial warning phone call that I might have to go on in Adam's place for the first two musical numbers, and I began preparing to do so, but Director Rand punctured my bubble, indicating that he preferred that Adam's place remain vacant, if need be (which makes better sense for choreographic purposes). As it turned out, Adam missed the first two numbers, and barely-arrived in time for the third (and he went onstage
sans baseball cap, in his haste).
There was a bit of a problem with a couple of actors not going on stage this weekend because they just didn't feel like it. In part because of privacy concerns, I wasn't able to fully-establish whether there was a malingering edge to the complaints, or genuine concern about collapse on stage, but it just goes to show how hard it is sometimes to do community theater, when there aren't enough resources, like understudies, and 'swings', to combat illness and injury amongst the cast.

On Saturday night, as Stage Manager, I whipped around a blind corner during a blackout to view and possibly-assist with a set change, when I collided with Danielle DeBow (Lola) exiting the stage in the dark, momentarily stunning her with my outstretched hand in her décolletage.
Afterwards, after apologizing to her, I confessed to the baseball players my error, and they were very understanding.
Of course, it was a mistake!
Easy to do in the dark! They make
exactly these kinds of mistakes all the time!
A also forgot to open the curtain at the proper time during "Who's Got The Pain?" Fortunately, it didn't cause any problems (I was pretty spacy Saturday night).

On Sunday afternoon, after repeated strikes over the four-weekend run, the 2x4 I was using for making baseball-crack sound effects in the wings finally split. I had previously-noticed the deteriorating condition of the bat, so I had a backup 2x4 ready that I brought from home. Unfortunately, the backup 2x4 was shorter in length, so when I used it for the final thwack of the run, I got only a muffled crack out of it, because I had also struck my knuckle!

The baseball players got thoroughly discombobulated while singing "The Game" Sunday afternoon: wrong verse, abruptly-stopped singing, etc. Sounded very odd!
During strike, Lee Ann tripped and fell over a falling mop handle in the janitor's closet, and ended up with a twisted knee and two twisted ankles.
Afterwards, dinner at Sudwerks!
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