Tonight, Season 4 of "Breaking Bad" premiered! Yay! The long wait is over!
Workplace dynamics were a bit awkward in tonight's episode. Reminded me of workplace dynamics wherever you go in America.
Which may have been one of the points of the episode.
In any event, there were several familiar locations shown on the teevee, and several unfamiliar locations too.
Familiar locations include:
- Studio locations (Superlab, and Gale's Apartment);
- Saul Goodman's office;
- Walt's new single apartment; and,
- the White & Schrader residences.
New and unfamiliar locations include:
- Parking lot (Victor catches Jesse);
- Parking lot (Barrel of corrosives removed); and,
- Circle where Skyler parks Walt's car.
There were also several locations that looked familiar enough to hazard location guesses:
- Time lapse of ABQ at night (looked like the I-40 Bridge over the Rio Grande, looking east);
- Zia Motor Lodge sign (4611 Central Ave. NE; Central & Madison); and,
- Denny's (probably across from the University of New Mexico, at 2608 Central Ave. SE).
Regarding the fate of dear Victor, it reminded me of Albuquerque New Year's Eve, 1995, when I witnessed something along the same lines.
Life in Albuquerque can end abruptly.
As it can wherever you go in America.
[Crosspost: "Breaking Bad" locations - Part IV]
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