Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Lost in the Wilderness For Ten Days

This is a mystery. How do you get so, so lost in an area adjacent to the Bay Area? There are people around. Walk enough in any direction and you'll eventually run into them:
“I left with just a pair of my pants and my pair of hiking shoes and a hat,” McClish told ABC News. “I had a flashlight and pair of folding scissors — like a Leatherman tool — and that was about it.” 
He said he lost 30 pounds in those 10 days he was lost, drinking water from streams and waterfalls to stay alive. At one point, a mountain lion followed him around, but he was never was too worried about surviving until the end when he started dreaming about his next meal, he told KSBW-TV News of Salinas.

On my Facebook post about this subject, a commenter noted that he read elsewhere that the lost man was blind. That is very pertinent, and likely explains why he got lost. It's a surprise that the LA Times article didn't mention it.

Journalism is in such a pickle these days.

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