Sacramento area community musical theater (esp. DMTC in Davis, 2000-2020); Liberal politics; Meteorology; "Breaking Bad," "Better Call Saul," and Albuquerque movie filming locations; New Mexico and California arcana, and general weirdness.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Answering Questions No One Asked
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin ... made a ... weird statement about how the nation’s six largest banks have more than enough credit to extend to businesses and households. ... No one can quite figure out why “Mnuchin answered a question that no one seemed to be asking.” ... “It’s like sending out a message saying our space shields can intercept incoming asteroids. Uh, I didn’t know there were any coming our way.”
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin left many Wall Street insiders scratching their heads Sunday after he made a series of unusual phone calls that led to a weird statement about how the nation’s six largest banks have more than enough credit to extend to businesses and households. That could be seen as a bland vote of confidence in an economy after the worst selloff for U.S. markets in a decade. But the problem is that no one can quite figure out why “Mnuchin answered a question that no one seemed to be asking,” as Bloomberg puts it. Liquidity was not seen as a problem in the economy now and some wondered whether the phone calls signaled that it in fact could become a problem in the near future.
Jill Stein's Bad Judgement
One of the sad things about the 2016 election was that Russia was everywhere, pulling strings wherever they could. When you are sitting next to Michael Flynn and Vladimir Putin, you should start asking why:
Building support for Stein was one of a “roster of themes” the Moscow-sanctioned internet trolls “turned to repeatedly” in their effort to disrupt the election, according to a research team led by the New Knowledge cybersecurity firm. The researchers also found that the campaign to bolster Stein gained in intensity in the final days of the presidential campaign and largely targeted African-American voters.
The reports, prepared by separate groups of cyber experts, add to the growing body of evidence that the Russians worked to boost the Stein campaign as part of the effort to siphon support away from Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and tilt the election to Trump.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
22 Musicals in 12 Minutes - The Late, Late Show
Love the 22 musicals in 12 minutes. Even though I have the Into the Woods movie DVD, I didn't realize that was Emily Blunt. I associate her with the Sicario movies, which I've watched very closely (because many scenes were filmed in the Albuquerque area). Despite the cinematography, I don't much like those movies or Emily Blunt in them.
But I do like Emily Blunt here.
I Can't Turn Off What Turns Me On - My Favorite Artist This Year, St. Vincent
I wish I had known about her earlier. I just watch the wrong stuff.
I love everything Anne Clark and band do, particularly Los Ageless, Masseduction at 9:30, Pills, Digital Witness, Rattlesnake (maybe a good hiking song?), and Slow Disco (or is that Fast Slow Disco?). Someone who chose NOT to finish at the Berklee College of Music in Boston (where Utsav is studying right now). A Texan native playing in Texas.
Apparently David Bowie is an influence. Has echoes of Kylie Minogue in my mind (but she may be distant enough not to be a strong influence).
I love everything Anne Clark and band do, particularly Los Ageless, Masseduction at 9:30, Pills, Digital Witness, Rattlesnake (maybe a good hiking song?), and Slow Disco (or is that Fast Slow Disco?). Someone who chose NOT to finish at the Berklee College of Music in Boston (where Utsav is studying right now). A Texan native playing in Texas.
Apparently David Bowie is an influence. Has echoes of Kylie Minogue in my mind (but she may be distant enough not to be a strong influence).
Follow the power lines back from the road
No one around so I take off my clothes
Am I the only one in the only world?
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, whoa
I see the snake holes dotted in the sand
As if the Seurat painted the Rio Grande
Am I the only the one in the only world?
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, whoa
Sweatin', sweatin'
No one is behind me
Sweatin' sweatin'
No one will ever find me
The only sound out here is my own breath
And my feet stuttering to make a path
Am I the only one in the only world?
Is that the wind finally picking up?
Is that a rattle sounding from the brush?
I'm not the only one in the only world
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, whoa
If People Can Figure It Out, So Can a Parrot
Talk about a captive audience. Rocco, an apparently lonely and, uh, peckish African Grey parrot in Berkshire UK, has become so used to hearing his owners talk to Amazon's Alexa, he started doing it himself when they were out of the house. So far, the feathered fowl has ordered watermelon, strawberries, raisins, ice cream and even broccoli. The bird has also commanded the home robot to tell him jokes and play love songs.
It's a Wonderful Trump
And the "Real Scandal":
President Donald Trump woke up in a bad mood Sunday morning and knew just where to aim his ire: his good old friends in the media. Mere hours after Saturday Night Live aired a sketch in which it imagined a magical world in which Trump was never president, the commander in chief blasted his critics in the media and wondered why criticizing him was legal in the first place. We know he was mad at Saturday Night Live because he specifically mentioned the show in his tweet.
“A REAL scandal is the one sided coverage, hour by hour, of networks like NBC & Democrat spin machines like Saturday Night Live,” Trump wrote on Twitter. “It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion?”
The Urge To Nap
Walking Jasper on a quiet upscale neighborhood street, I saw what at first appeared to be a set of golf clubs, but was soon revealed to be a man sleeping - feet in the gutter and head in the middle of the street. He didn’t appear to be homeless- no possessions. He just looked to be overwhelmed by the urge to nap.
I remember 31 years ago, in Tucson, in a similar situation. I called the cops and they overreacted, sending an ambulance with a loud siren. Best not to call the cops. Still.... An unwary motorist could come around the corner and drive over him. So, I put in a call, and I hope the guy’s OK.
I remember 31 years ago, in Tucson, in a similar situation. I called the cops and they overreacted, sending an ambulance with a loud siren. Best not to call the cops. Still.... An unwary motorist could come around the corner and drive over him. So, I put in a call, and I hope the guy’s OK.
Thursday, December 13, 2018
"Annie" - Rocklin Community Theatre

Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Sudden Smoke Inhalation
Over the last year, one thing I noticed when I turned on the heater in my truck was a small whiff of smoke. Not much; just a little. Something was hot, and burning. But like many wonky things in life, I just got used to it.
Tonight, driving home, and a short distance from my house, whatever it was in the heating system started smoldering. I quickly stopped, turned off the heater, and turned off the truck's engine.
In a few minutes, the smoke dissipated. So, now I guess I can't use the heater. Which I suppose I can get used to as well.
Tonight, driving home, and a short distance from my house, whatever it was in the heating system started smoldering. I quickly stopped, turned off the heater, and turned off the truck's engine.
In a few minutes, the smoke dissipated. So, now I guess I can't use the heater. Which I suppose I can get used to as well.
Trump Goes After The Vietnamese
So now, what has often been a Republican constituency - think SoCal Vietnamese - will get the boot:
The Trump administration is resuming its efforts to deport certain protected Vietnamese immigrants who have lived in the United States for decades—many of them having fled the country during the Vietnam War.
This is the latest move in the president’s long record of prioritizing harsh immigration and asylum restrictions, and one that’s sure to raise eyebrows—the White House had hesitantly backed off the plan in August before reversing course. In essence, the administration has now decided that Vietnamese immigrants who arrived in the country before the establishment of diplomatic ties between the United States and Vietnam are subject to standard immigration law—meaning they are all eligible for deportation.
Scientists Discover Gold Literally Growing on Trees in the Outback
Shake some trees Down Under:
Money might not grow on trees, but scientists have confirmed that gold is found in the leaves of some plants.
Scientists from Australia’s national science agency, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), have proved that the leaves of certain eucalyptus trees contain minute amounts of the precious metal that have been naturally absorbed.
Eucalypts in the Kalgoorlie region of Western Australia and the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia are drawing up water containing gold particles from the earth via their roots and depositing it in their leaves and branches.
Saturday, December 08, 2018
In Defense of Diversity
Noble elitism is excellent, but it's easy to slide into depraved elitism without any friction whatsoever, and that's exactly what happened in the United States:
I was primed, after reading the George Bush-inspired Ross Douthat celebration of the days of elite WASP rule, to immediately pipe up with the same dunkings that echoed around the rest of the internet. Upon reflection, though, that seemed both rude and juvenile. Douthat's nostalgic premise of an elite upper-crust that ruled us kindly and competently before their successors botched things up does not deserve such knee-jerk mockery. It deserves worse. It deserves worse, and ought to get it good and hard.
...The problem with the overarching theme of Douthat's piece is that it is wrong. It is not just a little wrong, but confidently and arrogantly and self-assuredly wrong.
...There was a sense of public duty, Douthat suggests, back when women were at home, white protestant men were in power, and individuals sporting z's somewhere in their names were few and far between in the top schools. The downfall of that sense must therefore have been, purely as coincidence, due to the same people that make New York Times opinion columnist Ross Douthat upset in every other setting, the (ticks down the list) Meritocrats, and the Diverse, and the Secularists.
Nonsense. It was the WASPs that killed those things. It was the WASPs of conservative monument-building that killed those things dead, without any help from the common rabble, and that is even if you accept the premise that any of it was "better" in the before times, rather than just "better" because those that objected would get their comeuppance at the business end of a water cannon. It was George Herbert Walker Bush, the last American aristocrat, who helped the upper caste discard unpleasantries like noblesse oblige in favor of a new, more brutish era of I've got mine, and you've got nothing. It did not happen because we began letting the Ethnic People into our Harvards.
If America rebelled against sending its sons and daughters to war, a generation after George Bush had willingly volunteered himself, it was because America was infinitely more skeptical of the WASP-promoted, WASP-planned Vietnam conflict as worthy of bloodshed than they were of the battles against Nazis or those that killed Americans at Pearl Harbor. And it was the WASPs of America who were both granted sweeping exemptions from bearing the cost of the new wars and who eagerly, and frantically, sought them.
If America began to lose faith in government as force for good, or as guardian of top knowledge, and top architect of our grandest national plans, it was because Ronald Reagan and his then-sidekick, in an obsessive effort to relieve the true American aristocracy of tax burdens that their parents could pay willingly, but they themselves chafed bitterly at, stood on public stages and insisted that government was not good, and government was not competent, and government could not be the force behind moon landings and megaprojects, both civic and scientific, or pave the roads or deliver the mail or do the slightest bit of anything else.
It was George Bush, patriot, who went from objecting to notions of unshackling the rich from their obligations as nonsensical voodoo economics to championing the same, even as the sweeping negative effects became apparent.
It was Bill Clinton who attempted to return the federal budget to something resembling competence again; it was the WASPs, and in particular George, son of George, and the same conservative aristocracy that met those attempts with tantrumming outrage. It is not the government's money, the younger Bush and his aristocratic underlings bellowed in response to the dangers of a plan to whittle away at deficits. It is your money! And with that, they cut taxes on the WASP aristocracy still more steeply.
It was Nixon who demonstrated that our elites were self-obsessed and corrupt. It was Reagan and his allies who made it clear that the laws the little people might live by, the laws the little people assumed to be sacrosanct, were little more than passing irritants to the governing upper class. And it was Ford and Bush who made clear that consequences for criminality among the upper class were a wound that, according to the upper class, could not be suffered lest it bring all of America down around us. It was the would-be aristocrats that sang the praises of imperialism and interventionism, and would-be aristocrats that botched each such attempt at the expense of other people's children. It was the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant Arabists and China hands and their self-self-evident expertise who wrote white papers and appeared on television shows to explain the Diverse portions of the world to us all, and how the natives would, in the end, celebrate our carpet-bombings and greet us as their white Protestant liberators.
The Diverse and the Secular were not prominent in those decisions. The Diverse and the Secular were not invited onto those television shows. Presuming that faith in government eroded because the Diverse showed up, uninvited and with too many consonants, or that governmental competence dwindled not because of white Protestant demands to sever the federal arteries and let each program bleed out in agonizing public fashion, but instead because the public sphere began to see churchgoers and non-churchgoers intermingle in an unhealthy manner, is not an argument. It is not sincere.
Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper - I'll Never Love Again (A Star Is Born)
Saw this movie last at the IMAX theater, with its big screen. Excellent film, and an Oscar contender.
I liked both Lady Gaga's and Bradley Cooper's acting. There was a risk of their romance seeming implausible, so they took great pains to lay it out carefully. Visually it was great. The rock concert footage they got at real rock concerts, where they swapped in the movie team as a warmup act for the real show, so the footage looks just amazing. There are mild problems with the movie - Lady Gaga is too angelic towards the end - but really, a solid movie.
Since Lady Gaga is now a Very Famous Person, an effort has to be made to make her seem like a normal human again. Fortunately, they are aware of the problem and take the requisite time. Fortunately, Lady Gaga is a good actress. (I recently watched Madonna's 'Swept Away,' often cited as among the worst movies ever. The contrast in capability between the two music stars is stark.) Also difficult is that Cooper is presented as a country and western star and Gaga as an aspiring pop singer. The movie has to straddle that divide too (which they do well).
A little awkward they present the Palm Springs area as Arizona (but that's the geographer in me talking).
I liked both Lady Gaga's and Bradley Cooper's acting. There was a risk of their romance seeming implausible, so they took great pains to lay it out carefully. Visually it was great. The rock concert footage they got at real rock concerts, where they swapped in the movie team as a warmup act for the real show, so the footage looks just amazing. There are mild problems with the movie - Lady Gaga is too angelic towards the end - but really, a solid movie.
Since Lady Gaga is now a Very Famous Person, an effort has to be made to make her seem like a normal human again. Fortunately, they are aware of the problem and take the requisite time. Fortunately, Lady Gaga is a good actress. (I recently watched Madonna's 'Swept Away,' often cited as among the worst movies ever. The contrast in capability between the two music stars is stark.) Also difficult is that Cooper is presented as a country and western star and Gaga as an aspiring pop singer. The movie has to straddle that divide too (which they do well).
A little awkward they present the Palm Springs area as Arizona (but that's the geographer in me talking).
Cut To The Bigger Picture
An intriguing suggestion:
Obstruction of justice, it turns out, is difficult to prove. Is one tweet enough? Two? Six? See what I mean? Put so much as a single toe into that rabbit hole, and you’re quickly sucked in.
...But Mueller has another option. He can bring an indictment against Trump.
I know, I know. There are two opinions by the Office of Legal Counsel in the Department of Justice that a president cannot be indicted, and it’s said that Robert Muller has always been one to “follow the rules.” But that’s just it. The “rule” against indicting a sitting president is a rule, not a law. If Mueller were to bring an indictment against Trump, it would certainly be tested in the courts by Trump’s lawyers. Opinions are mixed about what would happen if and when the case reached the Supreme Court.
I think the case would depend on what crime Mueller seeks an indictment for. There is plenty of evidence that Trump has obstructed justice. And more evidence recently emerged that the Trump campaign conspired with Russians in the manipulation of Democratic Party emails to win the election of 2016.
...But I don’t think Mueller should bother with these crimes he committed in conspiracies with others. Rather, he should indict Trump for committing a crime only Trump, as President of the United States, can commit. He should indict Trump for violating the “Faithful Execution Clause” of the United States Constitution, which states in Article II, Section Three, that “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”
Printz v. United States, decided in 1997 in a challenge to the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act, left little doubt as to who has the authority and responsibility to execute the laws of the United States: “The Constitution does not leave to speculation who is to administer the laws enacted by Congress; the President, it says, "shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed," Art. II, §3, personally and through officers whom he appoints (save for such inferior officers as Congress may authorize to be appointed by the "Courts of Law" or by "the Heads of Departments" who with other presidential appointees), Art. II, §2.”
...Suffice to say, there is ample law to back up the notion that the Constitution requires the president to not only “execute” the laws, but to follow them as well. In taking numerous acts to break the law, whether by tampering with witnesses, or overtly obstructing justice, or conspiring with a foreign power to steal the election of 2016, Trump has demonstrably not “taken care that the laws be faithfully executed.”
It’s a crime only Trump, as president of the United States, can commit, because it involves a legal requirement on the president set forth not in U.S. Codes, but in the Constitution itself.
If Mueller were to indict Trump for violating this clause of the Constitution, he would not only be forcing the issue of whether a president is above the law as written for everyone else in the U.S. Code, but whether the president is subject to the law of the land as set forth in the Constitution itself. It would be an indictment for violating a law specifically written to apply to the president and no one else.
Such an indictment by Mueller would be throwing the entire matter into the lap of the Supreme Court without delay. It would be an unavoidable constitutional question, because it is a uniquely constitutional crime. It forces the issue of whether or not the laws apply to the president by making the law in question the constitution itself.
Some have said that the Founders always knew that this country would one day face the threat of a demagogue set on subverting the country by subverting its democracy. Well, they provided not one, but two ways of dealing with the situation. Not only can such a demagogue be impeached, he can be prosecuted for failing to “faithfully execute” the laws.
It’s almost as if the founders had in mind an out of control lying authoritarian monster like Donald Trump himself, isn’t it?
Hateful People? Ya Think?
Ammon Bundy wanders off the reservation:
Bundy, a central figure in the anti-government militia movement, recently criticized Trump’s rhetoric towards the migrant caravan at America’s southern border. Following the sharing of his opinions, which was surprising to his supporters, Bundy told BuzzFeed News that he was the instant target of a heavy backlash. Some wished he was dead or that they never supported his family during the standoffs and others claimed he was paid to switch political sides.
While he expected to get some pushback, he thought he could explain to critics why he took the positions that he did. However, his speculation that people aligned with him for reasons other than his principles and weren’t really listening was confirmed by the backlash he received.
"It's like being in a room full of people in here, trying to teach, and no one is listening," Bundy told BuzzFeed News. "The vast majority seemed to hang on to what seemed like hate, and fear, and almost warmongering, and I don't want to associate myself with warmongers."
Details of the Carr Fire Tornado
Well, this is scary as hell. As if dealing with a conflagration wasn't bad enough, having to deal with a tornado at the same time is too much. Details of the Carr Fire Tornado, Redding, CA, July 26, 2018.
The field around him was a sea of rippling orange, the embers and flames seemingly alive. He couldn’t breathe from the smoke. He flagged down Andrews and Jones and led them back to Buenaventura Boulevard. He figured they could wait between the steep banks on either side of the road. The air would be clear, and the dozer engines could cool down.
But as they drove north, the tornado descended again, its edges glowing red. It whipped rocks into Cummings’ windshield like bullets, shattering the glass. It was as dark as midnight. Then it picked up the front of his 25-ton bulldozer, pivoting it clockwise and dropping it on the hood of a nearby truck, which was crushed and aflame.
The driver must be dead, Cummings thought.
He reached for the fire shelter tucked behind his seat, but nabbed his gear bag by accident. He held it in front of his face to protect his airways. White blisters bubbled on his fingertips. His skin felt like it was melting. He screamed in pain.
“No Lord,” he screamed. “Not like this!”
Now, it seemed, he was going to die the way his family had. The tornado sucked Cummings halfway out the shattered window, his body drawn by a gravity he didn’t understand. He gripped the window frame. Jagged glass pierced his left leg as he pulled himself back inside.
Reaching up, he tried to unfold the fire curtains over his dozer’s open windows. But the third-degree burns on his fingers prevented him from undoing the clasps. He grabbed a knife and cut them. Finally reaching his fire shelter, he pulled its cord as best he could.
“Be calm. Don’t make mistakes,” he repeated to himself. “Be calm. Don’t make mistakes.”
A Warning
To those that told me (and you know who you are) that any protesters on the freeway pose a threat to public safety and therefore should be run down by righteous drivers, a warning:
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (AP) — A man who drove his car into a crowd of counterprotesters at a white nationalist rally in Virginia was convicted Friday of first-degree murder for killing a woman in an attack that inflamed long-simmering racial and political tensions across the country.
A state jury rejected arguments that James Alex Fields Jr. acted in self-defense during a “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville on Aug. 12, 2017. Jurors also convicted Fields of eight other charges, including aggravated malicious wounding and hit and run.
I like the quote:Trump emerged from a crowded GOP presidential field because of his expressions of public loathing against demographic groups that conservatives fear and his promises to use the power of the state against them. But the Democratic Party is simply too reliant on a base that is both ideologically and ethnically diverse to support a candidate who is a negative image of Trump. It is not that Democrats are more virtuous. It is that the Democratic Party’s viability rests on too many different types of people to run campaigns that rely entirely on promises to crush the other side.
...When Democrats trash Republican-leaning constituencies, it’s a political catastrophe. When Republicans trash Democratic-leaning constituencies, it’s Tuesday.
...When Democrats trash Republican-leaning constituencies, it’s a political catastrophe. When Republicans trash Democratic-leaning constituencies, it’s Tuesday.
Wednesday, December 05, 2018
Marc Valdez Scenes, "Annie," Act 2 - Cabinet Scene and Warbucks Mansion
Here I am, playing Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Davis Musical Theatre Company's (DMTC's) 2018 production of "Annie." With me are Katarina Detrick (Annie), Gannon Styles (Oliver Warbucks), David Ewey (Harold Ickes), Amy Woodman (Morganthau), Jan Isaacson (Perkins), and Sierra Winter (Cordell Hull).
People had a lot of praise for my performance. Myself, I thought my performance was adequate, but it seems better than it was, just because Donald Trump is doing just the worst job possible these days. People want, and NEED, inspiring leadership again!
People had a lot of praise for my performance. Myself, I thought my performance was adequate, but it seems better than it was, just because Donald Trump is doing just the worst job possible these days. People want, and NEED, inspiring leadership again!
Millennials Have Less Money
The consequences of letting the rich keep getting richer and richer. Millennials have less money:
Since millennials first started entering the workforce, their spending habits have been blamed for killing off industries ranging from casual restaurant dining to starter houses. However, a new study by the Federal Reserve suggests it might be less about how they are spending their money and more about not having any to spend.
A study published this month by Christopher Kurz, Geng Li and Daniel J. Vine found millennials are less financially well-off than members of earlier generations when they were the same ages, with "lower earnings, fewer assets and less wealth."
Their finances were compared with Generation X, baby boomers, the silent generation and the greatest generation.
The researchers examined spending, income, debt, net worth and demographic factors among the generations to determine "it primarily is the differences in average age and then differences in average income that explain a large and important portion of the consumption wedge between millennials and other cohorts."
One of the most important themes in "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" is the idea of imprisonment. This article fits right in there too:
Since 2013, the “Prison Inside Me” facility in northeast Hongcheon has hosted more than 2,000 inmates, many of them stressed office workers and students seeking relief from South Korea’s demanding work and academic culture.
“I was too busy,” said Park as she sat in a 5-sq-m (54-sq-foot) cell. “I shouldn’t be here right now, given the work I need to do. But I decided to pause and look back at myself for a better life.”
Saturday, December 01, 2018
Craft policies that voters like and your problems will end:
Rep. Mimi Walters (R-Laguna Beach) issued a fund-raising appeal immediately after the election, accusing Democrats of “trying to steal this Republican seat.”
Let’s be candid about this: Walters’ claim was despicable. The two-term member of Congress offered not a whit of evidence, and her bid for a recount has gone nowhere. She lost, according to the final count, by more than 11,000 votes and almost four percentage points. To smear the electoral process as your own political career is ending merely raises the question of whether you ever deserved a seat in the House to begin with.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Ammon Bundy Takes Issue With Trump
In the "a stopped clock is right twice a day" department, Ammon Bundy, of all people, is breaking with Trump's vilification of immigrants from Mexico and Central America:
“He has basically called them all criminals and said they’re not coming in here. It seems that there’s been this group stereotype,” Bundy said of Trump’s immigration rhetoric in the video. “But what about those who have come here for reasons of need?”
“What about the fathers, the mothers, the children, who have come here and are willing to go through the process to apply for asylum so they can come into this country and benefit from not having to be oppressed continually by criminals?” he added.
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
A Sarcastic Article About Bitcoin
Apparently it's been doing badly:
So people mine bitcoin because they think mainstream adoption will make the price go up a lot more, but the fact that it's going up as much as it is means that it's not going to get adopted by anyone but the most fervent believers. It's getting hoarded instead. This, in turn, creates a natural boom-bust cycle that's been amplified by what a few academics say looks like repeated price manipulation.
The result is that, since the end of last year, bitcoin has been massively outperformed by the euro, despite the fact that Europe's central bank has been printing money that whole time; badly outperformed by the Turkish lira, despite the fact that the country's central bank has been forced to keep interest rates inappropriately low by the regime; and has only modestly outperformed the Venezuelan bolivar, despite the fact that Venezuela's central bank has been irresponsible on the kind of world-historical level we haven't seen since Yugoslavia in the 1990s or Zimbabwe in the early 2000s.
Now, losing a little less value than the worthless currency of a bankrupt government run by an economically illiterate drug cartel has — Venezuela's ruling class has also gotten into the cocaine trade — might not seem like much of an accomplishment. That's because it isn't. It's something that everyone, even countries like Turkey that are undergoing currency crises of their own, have managed to do. And at the very least bitcoin has too.
So maybe some sort of congratulations are in order: Bitcoin is a better store of value than the worst store of value there is.
Coco Chanel and Igor Stravinsky (2009 movie) - The Rite of Spring
I didn't realize the English video of this segment is no longer on YouTube (but the French one still is). The dilemma of superb dancing and avant garde music in a situation where the audience is less than charitable. And this really happened too! Must have been nuts!
Jasper, Startled By His Own Reflection

Jasper loves meeting new people. One night, he was transfixed by a limping man following behind us. Soft spoken ‘Rick’ lived on the street and wore a John Elway windbreaker. He asked questions about where I lived (about which I didn’t answer). I wondered whether he was the fellow living just outside the southwest corner of the cemetery (but I didn’t ask). Sometimes better to remain vague.

Our Recent Pollution Crisis From The Camp Fire
Looking once again at the recent two-week long (11/08-11/22) air pollution episode in California's Central Valley resulting from the Camp Fire. PM2.5 levels (particulate matter under 2.5 microns in size - namely, smoke - in units of micrograms per meter cubed) reached 417.1 ug/m3 at Chico - nearly TWELVE times the health standard. Having smoke levels so high for such a long time damaged a lot of people's health.
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