
Garcia posted a $35,000 cash or surety bond late last night and was released.
Garcia is due in Metro Court at 1:30 pm for a felony first appearance on charges of promoting prostitution, evidence tampering and conspiracy.
Meanwhile, at UNM, an air of ... anticipation? Dread?:
I can’t wait to see the client list. Will there be more administrators, legislators, public safety directors? With over 1,000 clients and a UNM bigwig moderating the whole operation (not very well, I might add), there’s bound to be some names we recognize.Ha! If you Google "Chris Garcia, prostitution, Johns list", my Weblog pops up at the top of the list!
Let's see, who DON'T I like in the State of New Mexico? .... Who's been naughty, and who's been nice?
I'd better step back from that brink right now! This is serious stuff! Criminal charges, and all! But there will be a huge temptation for people with axes to grind to invent johns lists and scatter them on the winds of the Internet! Beware, reader!
Let's start with all the folks who persecuted UNM Roman & Greek History Professor Richard Berthold for his ill-advised comments on 9/11, and eventually forced him to retire prematurely. All those 'Patriots'! The G.W. Bush Fan Club! The Dittoheads! Yeah! That's the ticket!
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