Two pigeons enjoy the company of a plaster scare-owl.

Cigarettes Are Back!!!

Giselle's Grill

Ken Sanchez is campaigning again for a City Council seat in today's Albuquerque elections. I never really knew him at West Mesa High School, but he is a classmate, from the class of 1974.
It's disturbing to think that our generation now runs things!

At the Standard Diner.

What people are really thinking about in early Fall 2013.

Complete Lanscaping.

'Lynette' wondered 'how it ended up like that.'


West Central Ave. and Old Coors Rd. has some of the most-interesting-looking places in Albuquerque.



This very-badly rusted image of a Musketeer has been on North Fourth Street for as long as I can remember - all my life. It used to herald the services of a motel, but it's been dysfunctional, and getting more-so, since the 1970's. It's still there! Someone needs to renovate it!

Junk In The Trunk
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