Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Beware Beaches

Arrive at your vacation destination, run into the water, and die:
“The three arrived with their group of friends in Bay County (Friday) just before 8 p.m.,” the sheriff’s office said. 
“They checked into their rental and rushed out to get into the water. The three men were caught in a rip current shortly after entering the water.” 

Lost in the Wilderness For Ten Days

This is a mystery. How do you get so, so lost in an area adjacent to the Bay Area? There are people around. Walk enough in any direction and you'll eventually run into them:
“I left with just a pair of my pants and my pair of hiking shoes and a hat,” McClish told ABC News. “I had a flashlight and pair of folding scissors — like a Leatherman tool — and that was about it.” 
He said he lost 30 pounds in those 10 days he was lost, drinking water from streams and waterfalls to stay alive. At one point, a mountain lion followed him around, but he was never was too worried about surviving until the end when he started dreaming about his next meal, he told KSBW-TV News of Salinas.

On my Facebook post about this subject, a commenter noted that he read elsewhere that the lost man was blind. That is very pertinent, and likely explains why he got lost. It's a surprise that the LA Times article didn't mention it.

Journalism is in such a pickle these days.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Russian on the Roof

Last March and April, we had several windy rainstorms, and I found various shingles blown off the roof near the front of my house. There was roof damage that needed attending to. I dallied. 

In May, I went up on the roof, but I couldn't repair the damage. The pitch was too steep there. I could hold on for dear life with both hands, but I couldn't free them up to fix anything. 

I talked to the landlord of the apartments next door. He said, "Why not hire someone to do that work? Maybe a middle-aged man (by which he diplomatically meant old man) such as yourself shouldn't be on the roof." Upon reflection, I agreed. I put the call out on Angi.com for roof repair. 

I used Angi once before for electrical work, and I wasn't that pleased. It was a kind of a shot in the dark to call on them again. 9The next day I received a text that Aleksandr would be accepting the job. The following day, I received a text that Igor would be accepting the job. The following day, I received a text that Sergei would be accepting the job. I was getting nervous. 

I was pleased with Sergei's approach to the job. He made a harness for himself, attached a rope to it, draped the rope over the roof ridge, and attached it to the porch balustrade, which freed his hands to do the repair. This was clever. I learned that Sergei had been a civil aviation pilot in Russia, so he was both motivated and smart. (The Russian diaspora in Sacramento is so large!) 

I eventually need to replace the roof. I've had one (expensive) quote already. Sergei says he has a friend who does roofs. So on Monday, I'll talk to Vladimir about roofs.

Low Rider Saturday on Broadway

My dog Jasper came into the house from the back yard and stared at the back door while sitting nervously under my legs. That meant he was afraid. Truth be told, there was enormous caterwauling outside, accentuated by explosive booms. What was going on? 

In the afternoon, an enormous assemblage of low rider vehicles had gathered on Broadway, which passes two blocks away from my house here in Sacramento. This was the biggest low-rider gathering I had ever seen on Broadway. The organization involved must be incredible! 

Recently, these low-rider gatherings were made legal again, after having been made illegal in the dark, dim, prehistoric past - oh, about twenty years ago. These days, we are a much more tolerant people than our barbaric ancestors were two decades ago, when MySpace was all the rage. Let's tolerate anew! 

But now there was a helicopter circling above my house and shining its spotlight on the tattooed vatos down below, and saying something like, "The car show is over. This gathering is illegal. Leave immediately. You risk having your car impounded and getting arrested, including your passengers." And there were technical problems too, so the announcement from the helicopter started sounding like the teacher in Charlie Brown cartoons: "Wah, wah, wah, wah." And the denizens down below responded with blasts from M-80s, lots and lots of engine revving, and the hideous scream of metal on pavement as the low riders departed down unfamiliar streets and scraped against unexpected speed humps. 

Well, it is about 10 p.m. All good things must end. And maybe we aren't quite as tolerant as we think.

I Need AI To Dramatize My Nightly Dreams

Vaccination Games

Here’s a really interesting story of how the U.S. desire to get even with the Chinese led to an antivax psyop campaign in the Philippines that, of course, undermined trust in vaccines in general, not just in SE Asia, but worldwide. 

Chaos is not the same as freedom, and people get hurt:
The U.S. military’s anti-vax effort began in the spring of 2020 and expanded beyond Southeast Asia before it was terminated in mid-2021, Reuters determined. Tailoring the propaganda campaign to local audiences across Central Asia and the Middle East, the Pentagon used a combination of fake social media accounts on multiple platforms to spread fear of China’s vaccines among Muslims at a time when the virus was killing tens of thousands of people each day. A key part of the strategy: amplify the disputed contention that, because vaccines sometimes contain pork gelatin, China’s shots could be considered forbidden under Islamic law.

The Rich Pay Absurdly-Low Taxes

What To Do?

Friday, June 21, 2024

Is The Turning Point Approach a Failure?

This article suggests that turning out the base is going to be a failure for Trump and the Republicans. Will it be? 

The base turnout strategy worked pretty good in 2016, and would have worked even better in 2020, given the high turnout of the Republicans, except that the Democrats succeeded in turning out their base too. Turning Point apparently wants to rely on megachurches to boost their turnout. My opinion is that I basically agree with the author here - megachurches will not be enough. The megachurch turnout is pretty high already, but not that many Americans belong to megachurches.  And Turning Point doesn't have enough experience doing this:
CNN reported that “Donald Trump’s campaign is taking a vastly different approach to 2024 compared with 2020, with plans for fewer staff and expenses [and instead] relying on wealthy conservative groups for data, infrastructure, and significant bank accounts.” It further noted that one of the most important of these groups is Turning Point Action, part of the Turning Point network that began with Turning Point USA.
Turning Point USA is a right-wing student group founded in 2012 by Charlie Kirk, an 18-year-old soon-to-be college dropout, and Bill Montgomery, an elderly Tea Party activist.
...In 2022, the Turning Point network entered the ground game business, mainly in Arizona, where it is headquartered. As the Arizona Republic reported, “Turning Point PAC, the political action committee started by Turning Point USA, spent $494,105 during the 2022 election cycle, including the primary elections. The bulk of that, $377,201, went towards the general election races for U.S. Senate, governor, and Secretary of State in Arizona.” Turning Point’s candidates lost all of those races.
What did Turning Point do to help on the ground? Per the Arizona Republic:
Outside of money, Turning Point Action, the advocacy arm of the parent non-profit, Turning Point USA, held a string of rallies in key legislative districts. Volunteers who showed up were handed materials provided by Turning Point PAC and sent out to knock on doors and engage voters.
And, though it did not advocate certain candidates, Turning Point USA, the parent non-profit, started its Turning Point Faith initiative in August 2021 that aimed at persuading Christians to become more civic-minded.
At monthly events held at a Phoenix megachurch, Kirk would speak about current events and cast political involvement as a spiritual duty to protect the nation from falling under the control of Satan. Excerpts of those events played as part of a half-hour radio show that began airing on dozens of Christian radio stations.
None of this had any discernible impact. In the Arizona gubernatorial race, Turning Point’s preferred candidate, Kari Lake, led the Democratic nominee, Katie Hobbs, by 2.4 percentage points in the final FiveThirtyEight poll average. Yet Hobbs won by a 0.7 percentage point margin. Underperforming the polls by 3 points indicates that Lake and her Turning Point comrades got beat on the ground.

Too Low

This story reminded me of a flight I took to Albuquerque in 2011. Apparently low altitude was the problem:
The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating a Southwest Airlines flight that descended to just 525 feet above ground as it approached Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City on Wednesday, triggering an altitude warning from air traffic control that it was getting too low.
Southwest flight 4069 was about 9 miles from the airport, over Yukon, Oklahoma, when it descended to the low altitude just after midnight on Wednesday, flight tracking information from FlightRadar24 shows. 
“Southwest 4069 low altitude alert,” a controller is heard saying in an air traffic control recording by LiveATC.net. “You good out there?”

I recognize that airport too. When I worked at Sierra, I did some modeling for that airport in 2015/16.

I remember a low-altitude flight into Albuquerque in May, 2011.  I thought that was really low, but I can see from the photo below that we must have been at least 2,000 feet above the ground.  So, not a crisis.  But still, a memory!

The airliner was jumping all over the place!

One tactic pilots have of dealing with turbulence is to descend to lower altitudes (where eddy sizes tend to be smaller). So, we descended, but we kept the lower altitude even as we approached the city. We passed over ABQ at a surprisingly-low altitude, making an alarmingly-low-altitude arc over the city's northern suburbs as the plane bucked and kicked. 

Here's Cottonwood Mall, on the left. The pilot seemed intent that we should fly through the mall. 

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Trump's Memory

Fire Fatality in Ruidoso

How do you keep cool little mountain towns from getting nuked by rampaging forest fires? I don't know. It seems to be their fate. 

This fellow couldn't get out in time. He could be any of us:
One of the structures lost was the Swiss Chalet, built in 1962 and nestled among the picturesque mountain vistas that were covered by a thick blanket of smoke as Ruidoso residents fled their homes during the fires.
It’s where Pearson was living when the fires crept at first into town, then exploded, tripling in size over Monday night. He was still healing from a recent out of town surgery after breaking his leg and returning to the Chalet on June 10.
Pearson had arranged a ride out of town with friends, but it was too late as that vehicle was denied entry to Ruidoso as the highways were shut down.
So, he appeared to set out on foot, Mallak said, using a walker. Eventually, she said the smoke appeared to become too much for Pearson. He was found curled up in a fetal position in the hotel’s parking lot. 
"I know he was in pain already with his leg being broken," Zach Pearson said. "Being in a walker trying to escape all that couldn't have been easy. I just hope he didn't suffer for so long."

Happy Summer Solstice (Northern Hemisphere)!

And we are still approaching major lunar standstill. Right now, the declination of the full moon is -27 degrees, so it's almost as far south as it can get.
In addition to the April 8 total solar eclipse and vibrant displays of auroras, there's another celestial treat for skywatchers this year: the first "major lunar standstill" since 2006. During this event, the moon rises and sets at its most extreme northerly and southerly positions on the horizon, reaching its highest and lowest points in the 18.6-year lunar cycle.
This is possible because the moon doesn't follow the same path as the sun. Its rising and setting positions on the horizon change constantly due to the movements of Earth and the moon. The solar system is flat, with the planets orbiting the sun on the same plane, known as the ecliptic. Earth rotates on an axis tilted by 23.4 degrees with respect to this ecliptic, causing the sun to rise and set within almost 47 degrees — a range it gradually covers over an entire year. The moon's orbit is tilted by 5.1 degrees relative to the ecliptic, allowing it to rise and set within a 57-degree range in any given month.
This explains why the moon can sometimes rise and set at points on the horizon farther north and south than the sun can. 
A major lunar standstill, or lunistice, occurs when the tilts of both Earth and the moon are at their maximum. During this period, the moon rises and sets at the extremes of its range. It rises at its very highest northeasterly point and sets at its very highest northwesterly point. During this period, it also rises at its most southeasterly point and sets at its most southwesterly point.

A Classmate's Side Hustle

Or maybe it's her main hustle these days. Nice!


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Bob Fosse Documentary

The "Great Performances" documentary about Bob Fosse. 

The only reason I got interested in musicals at all was because of Bob's movie "All That Jazz,"  which I recall seeing alone at the Lobo Theater in Albuquerque in 1979.

James Gelet Does The Best Work!

James is so generous when he gives credit (where I appear).  

James talks about me on location 75, shows me in location 61, and mentions me in location 32.


Here is James' video regarding Nacho's death in "Better Call Saul." 

First Meeting of Gabe's Book Club - Emily Wilson's Translation of "The Iliad" - June 11, 2024

The first online meeting of the book club Gabe has assembled went well. There are four of us. I was surprised to learn the two Christinas in the group knew each other as classics students at the University of Arizona (which is also my alma mater). 

We didn't get into too much detail at this first meeting. I had completely read through the work (an excellent translation!), but apparently we are going back and will cover the work in great detail, starting at the next meeting (July 9th). 

On the way, they mentioned the work of classics student (and standup comedienne) Natalie Haynes, so I had to look that up.


Introducing Myself to Flo Cofer, Candidate for Sacramento Mayor

I stopped to talk with Dr. Flo Cofer, candidate for Sacramento Mayor, at her booth at Sacramento Pride 2024. She was trying to finish her lunch, and meeting supporters. I wanted to know more about her. Apparently there are ties between Bernie Sander's progressivism, and hers. I was surprised she placed first in the June primary election. There is an excellent chance she will be Sacramento's new mayor.  Last I understood, her opponent will be Kevin McCarty, who is also a progressive.  I need to decide whom to support among these two excellent candidates.

Sacramento Pride 2024 - June 8, 2024

Sacramento Dancelab


Samba performers on the Faces Stage.

A variety of drag karaoke-style performers

Sacramento's Capitol Mall on Pride weekend.

This is Gabby, a stilletos performer.  My question is: Is this the Gabby I was familiar with years ago? Not sure.

Cre8tive Connections Fashion Show.

Mushroom-themed fashions.

Hellen Wheels.

Sacramento Dancelab performance.

Faces Stage.

Looking towards the taco trucks towards the I Street Bridge.

Capitol Mall.

High School Graduation Time (and Random Sacramento)

Ia Rycerz graduates from high school at Memorial Auditorium.

The "Lady Bird" mural, featuring Saoirse Ronan, across from the Memorial Auditorium on 16th Street.

The old Sierra Research, at 1524 I Street.  Memories!

Your name here.


Honk If You Hate Golf.

Mural on K Street.

Mural on K Street.

Helicopter Paranoia - May 31, 2024

The helicopter is speaking to me again, telling me I've got to beware, and lock my doors to avoid trouble (on a hot day too).

Reluctantly Decided to Proceed With Catheter Ablation

I've slowly come the conclusion that I should proceed with a catheter ablation in order to address my irregular heartbeat.  That's now been scheduled for July 26th.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Old Sierra Research Get-Together - June 1, 2024

It was very nice to see everyone who came out for the Old Sierra Research Get-Together at Hop Gardens on June 1st.  Thanks to Kate and Michael for organizing it.
The most interesting thing to me was talking with LW.  The acquisition of Sierra Research by Trinity Consultants wasn't a positive event for many, but LW benefitted from it greatly.  her career flourished. She's happy!  Can't ask for more than that!

So They Arrested *One* Guy

This is a major scandal here. Assembling a mob that attacked for hours and then dissolved away with no consequences whatsoever:
A pro-Israeli counterprotester was arrested Thursday morning by UCLA police, weeks after he allegedly assaulted occupants of a campus protest encampment with a wooden pole.
...A law enforcement source confirmed to The Times that the man is Edan On, who was identified by CNN last week as a counterprotester wearing a white hoodie and a mask in widely shared images and videos that showed him repeatedly hitting a pro-Palestinian protester with the pole. On is also listed on the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department arrest log.
In a deleted Facebook post, On’s mother, Sharon On-Siboni, shared a photo of her son from a Fox 11 news segment at UCLA that she captioned in Hebrew, “Edan went to bully the Palestinian students in the tents at UCLA and played the song that they played to the Nukhba terrorists in prison!” according to a law enforcement source.
...Protesters who erected a Palestine solidarity encampment came under attack by hundreds of pro-Israel counterprotesters armed with fireworks, a gas irritant and blunt objects. For hours, the violence intensified as private security guards and campus police watched from a distance.
...Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said the images from UCLA were “appalling,” but even worse was “that it was completely preventable.” She told Block multiple times during the hearing that he should be “ashamed” for the injuries that took place under his watch.
“You, the UCLA leadership and law enforcement stood by for hours as the mob of agitators gathered near the encampment with a clear intention to cause violence,” she said. “I would like to know if you are truly committed to keeping your students safe. How did you fail these students at many critical points where you could’ve intervened?”
“Thank you for the question, but I’m sorry but I reject the premise,” Block replied, saying that UCLA is working with the LAPD to identify attackers. He said the university “tried to to get police there as quickly as possible.”

My Nephew Got Married

Aaron, together with Tiffany (aka Bunny), together with Rizz the Dog, at Los Poblanos Nature Area, in Albuquerque's North Valley.

Pop Music is the Best

Impeccable logic and sense.
@maddies_mundo Spanish speakers will turn any topic into a temazo LOL #learnspanish #spanishmusic #translatingmusic ♬ sonido original - Maddie’s Mundo

Rocky T. Pug Memorial Dog Business Center

Donald J. Trump, Convicted Felon

It's finally time for some personal responsibility. Every person who remains a Republican in this country should be ashamed for tolerating and promoting MAGA and Donald Trump, convicted felon. Either leave the GOP or leave America. Just get out.


@durry.music @Pearlmania500 🕺 guilty 🕺 guilty 🕺 guilty 🕺 . It was too good it needed a beat . #trumpguilty #pearlmania500 ♬ GUILTY X 34 - Durry
@madmcferrin ON ALL 34 COUNTS!!! LFG!!! #manhattanjury #trumptrial #guilty #fyp #madisonmcferrin #looper #looping #housemusic #indieartist ♬ original sound - Madison McFerrin