Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Open House at "The Ballet Studio" - September 29, 2024

Celebrating graduation of the “First Position” class at “The Ballet Studio,” plus an Open House, with conversation, food, and memories.

Founder Bobbi Bader (left) taught all the classes back in the day.  Memories were a bit hazy about when the studio started.  The studio was in full bloom at this location when I first arrived in August, 1990.  There was a prior, triangular studio located somewhere near Folsom and La Riviera Drives.  The best anyone could come up with was "The Ballet Studio" started sometime in the Eighties.

Bobbi Bader as "The Doll" in Sacramento Ballet's 1973 Nutcracker.

Bobbi Bader in "Clown Alley."

Celebrating Barbie last year.


Sunday class.

Bobbi Bader.

Wednesday class celebrating Barbie, plus my Mojo Dojo Casa House.


The studio has been in a quiet succession crisis for much of the year.  Eighteen years after Bobbi's untimely death, the collective leadership that has since guided the studio would have to pass on to others.  At the gathering, Katie Rogers announced that, with Patrice's and Maricar's help, she would henceforth lead the studio.  This is the best resolution!  

Listening to Katie, and telling our own stories of how we came to The Ballet Studio.

Second Viewing of "Titanic, The Musical" - Lincoln Theatre Company - September 27, 2024

Sacramento Signs

My Nephew and His Young Daughter

Sixth Anniversary of Getting Jasper

Jasper joined me six years ago, today, October 1st. Jasper was so brave, riding in my lap as I drove him down from Placerville, in order to become a city dog.

"Titanic, The Musical" Cast Party - Lincoln Theatre Company - September 22, 2024

Handing out little "golden tissue box" prizes to the actors for evoking an emotional response from the audience.

My Yard Sign Arrived!

And my T-Shirt arrived too!

I Recognize These Turkeys

Last week, they were on Vallejo Way, nearly 3/4 mile away, across the railroad in Land Park. One of them (the one facing downwards here) has a severe limp, presumably from some accident. It’s hard to be a crippled wild animal. The best you can do is gather your mates around for company, support, and protection, and soldier on.