Saturday, July 16, 2022

Intrusion (2021)

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Last updated: February 11, 2023

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Quick Summary:
(From imdb) After a deadly home invasion at a couple's new dream house, the traumatized wife searches for answers - and learns the real danger is just beginning. As she is trying to process the horror of what happened during the invasion and is trying to find peace in her own home again, she starts to realize that she might not know the people around her as well as she thought she did.( Laura_Ratings)

I found this movie to be very interesting - even hilarious at times, since I'm a native of Corrales, NM.  I was taken aback by the aerial views of the center of Corrales, featuring Sandoval Elementary School.  Even though I had spent SEVERAL YEARS of my life within the frame of the views, it took me a few seconds to recognize the place.  Didn't even really connect as a small town.  The storyline of Corrales as a small town collided head on with the big-city accoutrements of the film, plus the modern architecture of the main house, plus the current tourist fakery of the real Corrales these days.  I loved that cringing collision of values!

Freida Pinto - wasn't she in Slumdog Millionaire?  Great Movie!

Notes on Individual Scenes

View of Manzanos from Q Studios

Jogger on roads out there

Modern House.  Roughly 9319 Signal Ave. NE  (35.183276°, -106.537105°)

Pix include Old Town Bandshell



School Counselor

View of Sandias from Q Studios

Morse of Corrales P.D.

Wife's office appears to be in the Aperture Center


Town of Corrales!  (Sandoval Elementary & Mr. Works)

Ex Novo Brewing Co., 4895 Corrales Rd.

Ex Novo Brewing Co., 4895 Corrales Rd.

Driving at night

Bobby Foster Road

Downtown Corrales/ St. Mary's Hospital sign - Crash

Workplace - 1600 ....

Driving to Eagle Point - roughly 6374 Desert Rd. SE (34.990213°, -106.655971°)

Mobile Home Park - Academy North Mobile Home Park, 6400 Caramel Dr. NE

View of South Valley

View of tower on West Mesa

Corrales PD - 205 N. Grant Ave.

Aerial of Corrales center


Dennis Chavez Blvd. (Google Earth crapped out before I got exact location, so this is approximate: (35.024336°, -106.778030°)

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Zoo Babies

Rumor had it that there were new babies at the Sacramento Zoo. Sure, enough, there is a new baby flamingo, who spent some time practicing standing on one leg.  We could also see an egg, so maybe more flamingos are coming....

Here is a new momma mongoose lemur in her enclosure. Her baby was stuck like glue to her fur (and unfortunately, on her opposite side in this picture).

No Gum Recession

Time for the teeth cleaning. Patti the Dental Hygienist stepped aside to let Dr. Woo inspect her work in my open mouth. Dr. Woo gasped and exclaimed "No gum recession!" 
Like, it should be different? Maybe it is for many people! 

When my mother first took me to the dentist in the early Sixties, she took pains to make my visit as pleasant as possible. Her own dental experiences were miserable. Armed with dental diligence for her own kids, she wanted to kill that karma once and for all. 

No gum recession. It's a small victory, but many decades in the making, and I'll take it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Deadly Illusions (2021)

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Last updated: February 11, 2023

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Quick Summary:
(From imdb) A bestselling novelist, suffering from writer's block, hires an innocent young woman to watch over her twin children. As the novelist dangerously indulges in her new best seller, the line between the life she's writing and the one she's living becomes blurred.
Notes on Individual Scenes

Water - San Francisco area 

Copperfield's Books - According to imdb, the location is: 850 4th St, San Rafael, California, but it seems to be at 1200 4th St.

School entrance - ABQ Country Club


Morrison House - Felina House from Breaking Bad! 


 Somewhere in Marin 

 Huntsman Enterprises 

 Elevator (Isleta Casino) 


 Fundraiser (probably Rancher's Club) 

 School performance 

 School again 

 Shopping Strip 

 Les Chantilly Fine Pastries and Cafe, 8216 Menaul Blvd. NE, at Hoffmantown Shopping Center (plus adjacent TLC Intimate Apparel) 

 Home again 

 Biking along Rio Grande 

 Seashore NW of the Golden Gate 

 ABQ Main Library! 

 Bay Area views 

 Elaine Fuller's Office 

 Body wheeled off 

ABQ Police Dept. exterior
Office for interview 


Bobby Foster Rd. 

Grace's Aunt - 533 Dakota St. SE



Mental Hospital - Gibson Hospital 

Various thanks in credits to possible filming locations: 
Hotel Parq 
Isleta Casino 
Laguna Blvd. 
ABQ Country Club 
Amy Biehl High School 
Bobby Foster Road 
Gibson Medical Center 
Hotel Chaco 
Kit Carson Park 
Journal Publishing 
Le Chantilly 
TLC Intimate Apparel 
Towneplace Suites 
Ranchers Club 
Crowne Plaza 
CABQ Riverside Park