Tuesday, February 18, 2020

New Mexico Hiatus

Heading to Albuquerque, to participate in the 41st Annual Southwest Popular/American Culture Association Conference, see family and friends, and take lots of pictures of Albuquerque-movie and Better Call Saul filming locations. Hope to post a little bit, with more posts after I return.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Take (1974)

Link to map

Last updated: February 11, 2021

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Notes on Individual Scenes


View of ABQ from Bluffs above river on West Mesa

Monument at Tramway & Central (35.068312, -106.496325)

County Courthouse - Annex

View of downtown



NW corner of Marquette and 5th/ Parking - view of Annex

View of bus station (where library is now)

Parking just south of Tijeras on 5th St. NW


Where Bernalillo Co. Treasurer's Office is now, behind Annex

SE corner and east and north sides of Old Town Plaza


Police Dept. - where? - booking

Office, in Annex

Saguaro House - Home for Exceptional Children

Corrales - Via Oreada & Corrales Rd.

High Mesa Paper Products - John St. NE, just NE of Glorieta Brewery

Lockers - Bus station

Police station

Indoor hotel pool at Wyndham Hotel, 2500 Carlisle Blvd. NE

Police Station

Tram midway, and at the top

SW corner of Old Town Plaza - 18 S. Plaza St. - Romero St. NW - about 2041 S. Plaza St. NW - Tiny plaza there

Victor's House on the West Mesa

Nancy Edmondson's place

Construction site - UNM campus - (35.084176, -106.621724)

Victor's house

Vantage point - David Baltz's house visible! - about (35.127920, -106.695421)

High Mesa - across street, for surveillance

2nd St. & EB I-40 S. Frontage Rd.

I-25 NB, near Isleta


Roadblock in Tijeras Arroyo near Q Studios

Bridge over Tijeras Creek - thinking Coyote Springs Rd.

I-25 (34.945669, -106.700568)

Angled crossing of freeway

Up in Sandias - winding Rd.

Sideswiping - NB I-25 (34.910139, -106.722410)

Dirt roads/ Arroyo/Calabacillas/River


Bar - Al Monte?

West 66 sign - mouth of Tijeras Canyon near I-40?

Bus station

Civic Center Parking Facility