BrBa Semiotics Tables
Table 12b - Less-Common Grids - Ceilings or Floors
Series Episode Scene
"Breaking Bad" Pilot Krazy-8's floor
Crazy Handful of Nothin' Tuco's HQ's linoleum floor; Wash Tub Laundry ceiling and floor tiles
Bit by a Dead Bee Linoleum tile of Jerry's Market
Breakage Montage - Drug drop - bathroom floor
Peekaboo Floor grid at Savoy Restaurant
Mandala Linoleum floor grid in Jesse's kitchen
Phoenix Community center dinette tile floor
Caballo sin Nombre Floor of room where Jesse negotiates with parents
Green Light, Más Heated tile floor at Beneke's Romantic Pad
Kafkaesque Floor at Dailie's Deli
Full Measure Floor at games arcade
Box Cutter Floor tile at Louie's Bar
Cornered Car Wash cashier's area dropped ceiling grid
Problem Dog Ceiling grid in Gus' Chicken Farm office
Bug Ceiling at IRS office
Bug, Madrigal Brick grid at base of Jesse's fireplace
Salud Walt's condo's floor; Floors of Don Eladio's Hacienda
Crawl Space Tile in Mexican MASH unit
Face Off Many tiles missing in grid ceiling at DEA, plus grid floor; Superlab's coffered ceiling
Madrigal Ceiling and bathroom floor tile at Madrigal Elecktromotive in Hanover; Ceiling in Lydia's home; Linoleum floor at Mike's house
Hazard Pay Tile floor in MDC lobby and holding area; Tile floor in tented house dining area
Fifty-One Lydia's office carpet
Say My Name Ceiling in Hank's DEA office
Gliding Over All Cell's coffer ceiling grid as Dennis bursts into flame
Confessions Route 66 Café floor; Car Wash sales area grid ceiling and brick-grid floor
Rabid Dog Barely-discernible floor grid in Staycation hotel room, Grid of Civic Plaza itself
To'hajiilee Tile floor grid where Huell is left behind; Counter grid at Uncle Jack's clubhouse
Felina Grid of Elliot's and Gretchen's floor, Skyler's new apartment floor
"El Camino" Jesse's pit cage bars, in flashback
Bricks in Skinny P's back yard
Living-room grid carpet in Todd's apartment
Bricks in Pinkman family back yard
"Better Call Saul" Nacho, Bingo Kettleman home floor tile
Five-O Train station lobby and bathroom tile floor
Bingo Suite 801 Potential Law Office ceiling
RICO, Rebecca Grid in coffered ceiling recesses in Chuck's Office
Marco Grid ceiling and floor tile at Arno's Bar
Marco Grid linoleum floor tile at Marco's place
Cobbler Grid of fluorescent lights on ceiling at Upholstery Shop
Rebecca Parking garage concrete ceiling grids, as seen during rainy "A mi manera" scene
Inflatable, Slip Ceiling at Chicago convenience store
Fifi Ceiling grid at HHM
Mabel Five J's water-stained ceiling tile
Sunk Costs Floor tile in patio outside Wexler/McGill
Chicanery, Winner Unusually-striped ceiling tile of the hearing room (see 'An Emphasis on Ceilings,' page 248)
Expenses Weak ceiling grid at Duke City Recliners; Ceiling grid at Santa Rosa Insurance Group
Expenses, Slip Tiled ceiling at 'ABQ In Tune'
Smoke Ceiling tile in medical clinic where Gene goes; Madrigal Electromotive ceiling tiles
Breathe Medical instrumentation in Hector's room
Breathe, Something Beautiful Neff Copiers ceiling tiles
Mabel, Something Beautiful Ceiling and floor tile at Mesa Verde
Talk CC Mobile ceiling tile, lights, and carpet blocks
Quite a Ride PPD check-in ceiling tile; Ceiling grid of Saul's Office
Piñata, Wiedersehen Security trailer ceiling
Coushatta Ceiling in office of assistants to ADA Ericsen; Floor grid at Jimmy's potential new law office
Wiedersehen Floor and tile at Lubbock City Hall; Ceiling tile at Law License Review Board, and in hallway
Winner Monte Carlo Steakhouse ceiling; TravelWire ceiling
50% Off Tile floor in modern home for sale
The Guy For This Tucumcari Call Center concrete pads
Namaste Grid floor at Bethlehem Thrift Shop
Wexler v. Goodman San Pedro Branch Library; Coffered ceiling at Level 8 in the parking garage; Police HQ ceiling
JMM Marriage office ceiling; Stained courtroom ceiling; Lalo's jail-cell bunk-bed 'ceiling'; a kind of tumbleweed pavement grid at cattle-yard meet location; Ceiling of Kevin's office and outer area at Mesa Verde; Grid-like carpet pattern at Sandia Resort Casino hotel, and a coffered ceiling
Bad Choice Road Bolsa's office's big ceiling grid
Something Unforgivable Tile of Hotel Andaluz lobby; Ragged ceiling Courthouse file room
Wine and Roses ABQ Country Club: Gridded floors; gridded ceiling circle and gridded ceilings in locker room
Wine and Roses; Fun and Games Saul's House: Griddish mirror above bed, grid linoleum floor; interlocked squares on bathroom floor
Plan and Execution; Fun and Games Saul's Office: Floor grid
Carrot and Stick, Rock and Hard Place Ceiling of Gus' Chicken Farm office
Rock and Hard Place Ceiling of DA Ericsen's office; Grill screening the lights above Nacho as he eats his Last Supper
Black and Blue Indented ceiling in German Bar; Carpet in Sandpiper Crossing meeting room
Fun and Games Grid of HHM parking garage ceiling; Grids of floors and ceilings in a department store, Floor tile in wine bar
Nippy Floor and ceiling grids at supermarket, Griddish sidewalk Marion rolls across, Ceiling grid and parquet floor at department store, Practice grid on snowy field
Breaking Bad Delmar house: Griddish floor; Coffered ceiling;
Waterworks Ceiling of Palm Coast Sprinkler offices; Floor at Saul's Office and lobby
Saul Gone Coffered ceiling of courtroom, Grid of ceiling at Chuck's House, grid of prison courtyard
Table 13b - Less-Common Grids - Walls, Windows, and Doors
Series Episode Scene
"Breaking Bad" Cat's in the Bag Jesse's garage door
Gray Matter Backdrop behind Jesse's job interviewer, and building facade
Crazy Handful of Nothin' Façade of Express Inn; Bathroom wall tile at school
Grilled Neighbor's garage door seen in Search For Walt montage; Windows at Tuco's country place
Bit by a Dead Bee Silver Ave. parking-garage façade
Peekaboo Façade of Rio Grande Fruits and Vegetables Market; French windows on Spooge and Skank's back door; Windows at Savoy Restaurant
Better Call Saul Wilshire Police Station façade
4 Days Out Tile grid in bathroom at Oncology Partners
Over Grid tile on the wall of kitchenette at Beneke Fabricators
Mandala Wall tile in Jesse's kitchen
Phoenix Window coverings at De Anza Motel; Grid of windows at hospital
I.F.T. Cinder block façade at Bingo parlor building (Silva Lanes)
Sunset Grid of windows at Mrs. Peyketewa's house
I See You Cafeteria tile grid in wall, featuring frieze of blue and orange tiles
Half Measures Grid of wall behind Wendy's motel room headboard
Open House Kitchen windows in Spoon House
Shotgun Glass walls at the Rail Yards
Bullet Points Grid of windows at Jesse's house
Cornered Screen door and 2x4 grid of squares on door at Tucker's House
Problem Dog, Face Off Sidelong view of Alvarado Square building facade outside DEA office
Hermanos Amy Biehl School: Windows in conference room and pattern above elevator
Bug The Bank of the West Tower façade; grid of squares on façade of Antique Specialty Mall, near Loyola's
Salud Windows and 5x3 grid doors at Don Eladio's Hacienda
End Times Hospital's security glass grids
Crawl Space Kitchen tile in Ted's house, and tile frieze around fireplace; Grid of windows on Schwartzmann facility clerestory and inside its door
Face Off Windows in hallway outside Tio's room at Casa Tranquila; Many-windowed white house 2x4 door grids
Live Free or Die, Felina Bathroom and/or kitchen tile at Denny's Restaurant
Madrigal Wall grid at Lydia's house - living room and bedroom; 5x2 grid inside of Chow's door
Hazard Pay Grid tile in lobby and holding area of MDC
Hazard Pay, Say My Name Grid of second garage door at Vamonos Pest
Buyout Inside of garage door at Vamonos Pest
Say My Name Cradock Marine Bank's 5x3 front windows grid; Battery of safe deposit boxes and carpet outside room
Rabid Dog Albuquerque Police Department façade; Isleta Casino hotel façade; Doubletree Hotel facade
Ozymandias Windows at To'hajiilee house; Grid of rollup door windows and bars at ABQ Fire Station 20
Felina Windows in Skyler's new apartment
"El Camino" Front door grid at Todd's apartment
Front door grid at Pinkman home
Grids on windows and door at Kandy Welding
Shower tile at Skinny P's
"Better Call Saul" Uno Grid elements on walls near Café Lush ambush site; Garage door at Abuelita's house
Mijo Grid of bathroom tile at Vintage 423; Grid of jail bars at Courthouse
Nacho Cook Co. jail bars combined with Venetian blinds; Kettleman home's back windows; Security glass in window of door to interview room
Five-O Albuquerque train station tile; Front windows and diagonal lattice in the back yard fence at Stacey's house; Exterior block of Lindy's Diner
Bingo Grid of Albuquerque Convention Center facade; Windows at 2 Park Plaza, particularly in the lobby, and across street at Marriott Hotel
RICO, Inflatable Schweikart and Cokeley - Old Bank of America Building exterior façade
Marco Grid of door at St. John's Cathedral
Marco, Bali Ha'i Grids of doors and porches across street from Mike's house
Rebecca, Inflatable, and other episodes HHM's women's bathroom tile walls
Rebecca, Inflatable Building facades near Hotel Blue
Inflatable Façades of buildings outside Schweikart and Cokeley
Fifi, Nailed Grids on exterior of Valliant Printing
Klick Chuck's garage grid pattern
Klick, Mabel Chuck's Faraday Cage of taped-together Mylar sheet folds
Witness Garage doors at Albuquerque Auto Outlet
Sunk Costs BCDC jail door
Chicanery Tile at Carpenters Union building entrance
Chicanery, Winner Façades of Old Albuquerque City Hall and Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center
Fall Grid of kitchen wall tile at Nacho's father's house
Smoke Barry Hedberg's garage door
Something Beautiful Window in makeshift Vet Surgery
Talk Windows at Westward Ho Motel; Doors at Madrigal Warehouse
Piñata HHM cubicle walls; Grid on door on apartment across the street from Wash Tub Laundry; Patterned cinder-block grid at Express Inn
Something Stupid French doors at aspirational W/M office
Coushatta Pegboard outside Jimmy's potential new law office, including key mural; Painting in Nacho's bedroom with grids and small dots
Coushatta, Point and Shoot Protective grids for lights in Superlab pit
Wiedersehen Building facades NW and south of Simms Building parking garage
Winner TravelWire Office façade
Magic Man Windows in Missouri Diner (Grandma's K&I Diner)
50% Off Grid linoleum floor at modern house; Grid of garage door at crashed-car place; French windows and small tile grids at modern home for sale; Grids of windows at La Fonda
Dedicado a Max Window panes at El Rancho de las Golondrinas
JMM Marriage courtroom's cascade of overlapping notices on wall
Bad Choice Road Gridded facade at Alejo Travel center
Something Unforgivable Western grid display in Hotel Andaluz lobby; Gentle grid on south wall of hotel room; Grid-like outer walls at Lalo's compound; Tile grid in Lalo's bathroom
Wine and Roses Tiled bathroom walls at ABQ Country Club
Rock and Hard Place Grid of service-station window; Grid of parking levels in parking garage; Façade of Bank of the West
Hit and Run Grid of windows on Presbyterian Hospital façade, Grid of Crossroads Motel façade
Black and Blue Vault-like glass window in German Bar; Grid of wood paneling over cinder block outside Margarethe's apartment
Axe and Grind, Waterworks Diamond tile in Howard's kitchen
Point and Shoot Grid façade in Superlab Pit
Nippy Grid wallpaper behind supermarket meat counter, Grid of front door on house near street corner plus nearby grid of gates, Grid of security screens, Department store tiled bathroom walls
Breaking Bad In RV: gridded curtains; Grids of windows at Savoy Restaurant; Puzzling grid of windows on Awake and Aware Building near Savoy; Delmar house: Griddish windows of entryway; Grid of windows at Eldorado High School
Waterworks Kitchen tile and garage door at Kim's Florida house; Car rental facility façade; Window grids and their shadows, plus 5x3 grid on front door, at Cancer Man's house; Grid of kitchen windows at Marion's house
Table 14b - Less-Common Other Occurrences of Grids
Series Episode Scene
"Breaking Bad" Pilot Grid of nursery room paint swatches; Mosaic folk art
Cat's in the Bag School chemical storeroom cage
Cancer Man Pinkman home kitchen cabinet doors; Pool skimmer
Crazy Handful of Nothin' Chain link fence over I-25 at Odelia Rd.; Lawn chairs at cook site; Tuco's Grill; Tuco's HQ's safe's buttons
No Rough Stuff Type Deal Wine rack seen end-on at Pinkmans' house
Grilled Whites' wine rack; Boards behind Tuco's country place
Down Security glass at the Sunrise Bldg., Chain link fence at Crank-It-Up, Chair thatch in Twaughthammer friend's apartment
Breakage On side of Oncology Clinic printer
Peekaboo Chain link fences outside Rail Yards, ATM buttons grid
Negro y Azul Music video grid fade, and jumbled letters; Lawn chairs in the White back yard
Negro y Azul, Better Call Saul Jesse's mattress
Negro y Azul, Mandala Scheduling board at Beneke Fabricators
Better Call Saul Button grid in elevator during Hank's panic attack
4 Days Out, Sunset Lawn chair backs
Over Display at RAKs Building Supply
Phoenix Tire hits telephone with its grid of buttons
ABQ Jane's body-bag fabric grid
ABQ, I.F.T. Holly sits on grid blanket
ABQ, I See You Security glass at the hospital
Caballo sin Nombre Inside Beachcomber drier portals; Chain link fence around swimming pool; grid of electric meters
I.F.T. Curtain at the Sandia Bar where Tortuga is beheaded
I.F.T., Live Free or Die Quilted grid of Walt's blanket
Green Light Beneke receptionist Margaret's calendar; Saul's tape-recorder speaker dots; Security glass at Benekes'; Four 2x2 grids on high school "Science" sign
Green Light, Más Mazelike squares in bedspread at Beneke's Romantic Pad
Sunset Grid on chair and chessboard at Superlab
One Minute Fluorescent light cover above Saul at the hospital
One Minute, I See You Jesse's dot smock at the hospital
I See You Superlab's test-tube rack and grid of lit buttons
I See You, Kafkaesque Chair coverings in the hospital waiting room
Kafkaesque Inside plastic lids of meth packing boxes
Fly Grid of circuit breakers for Industrial Laundry
Abiquiú Georgia O'Keeffe's "Door"; Quilt at the Cantillo residence
Full Measure Fencing at corral; Methylamine container grid; Business-card grid; Chow's Golden Moth warehouse whiteboard
Open House Telephone with buttons in Hank's bedroom; Grid wall-hanging in Jesse's living room
Bullet Points, Cornered Grid of Los Pollos buckets in refrigerated truck
Shotgun Cell phone buttons as Walt calls Skyler from car; Buttons of White family phone
Shotgun, Buried Buttons of Hank and Marie's wall phone
Cornered Grid pillow in White bedroom; Beehive-like light at Tucker's House
Problem Dog Radiator grill of vehicle at Car Wash; Grid of dollar bills, Bulb shields on portable lights in Jesse's living room; Food baskets at Los Pollos Hermanos, Grid of water glasses at Gus' Chicken Farm office; Grid of Jesse's cigarette pack
Problem Dog, Gliding Over All Grid of Coke cans that Walt wheels in
Hermanos Skyler's shrink-wrapped money; White dinner placemats
Bug, Salud Walt's sheets and pillowcases - mandalas!
Bug, Madrigal Jesse's pack of cigarettes
Salud Seeing through blindfold grid
Crawl Space Folded towels of Mexican medical team; Grid of medical cabinet; Blue grid pillow at Hank and Marie's
Face Off Grill exit from crawl space
End Times Grid of money in Saul's safe; Hank's keyboard; Gus' keyboard
Face Off Grid of Saul's phone; Grid of fluorescent lights in interrogation room; Gus' grid of surveillance on his laptop screen; Reflected grid on Gus' auto's rear window as he waits outside Casa Tranquila; Grid of parked cars where Walt listens to radio report
Live Free or Die Police cage at NW Command; Grid entry pad of buttons; Grid of Walt's watch
Madrigal Parallel ceiling beams in Jesse's living room seen against supports in couch make a grid; Calendar grid at Mike's house; Milk-carton crates in Jesse's living room; At Loyola's, vertical lines of blue building in distance, together with Venetian blinds, makes a grid; Quilt on Stacey's couch
Madrigal, Say My Name Cabinets in DEA's conference room
Hazard Pay Grid cage of Warehouse #2; Scarface's TV grid; Grid of stacks of money and grid of business cards
Hazard Pay, To'hajiilee Grids on face mask respirators
Hazard Pay, Buyout Vamonos Pest's screw cabinet
Fifty-One Lydia's secretary's phone grid
Fifty-One, Say My Name Fabric in tent used for meth manufacture
Fifty-One, Gliding Over All Grids of boxes and barrels at Madrigal Warehouse
Dead Freight Lydia's basement and wood pallets at south entrance of building
Buyout Vamonos Pest tool cubbyholes; Milk-carton crates; Tented house grid desktop and countertop with TV screen kelp jars; Walt's teeth; Security glass of interview room door
Buyout, Say My Name DEA bug scanner
Buyout, Gliding Over All Grid of bugs poster
Say My Name Gun disposal hole cover; Grids of portable lights at Vamonos Pest; Light grid at Vamonos Pest; Grid of DEA bank surveillance photos
Gliding Over All Chair backs outside Grove Restaurant; Passing bus window grid; Under prisoners' beds, prison shower drain, plus unusual prison bar H-patterns at MDC; Buttons on watch display; Grid of notices on corkboard; Grid of dollar-bill packets; Skyler's grid paper at Car Wash
Gliding Over All, Buried Pile of currency
Buried Window grids at house of man who discovers Jesse; Pencil holders in Car Wash office; Puckered seats in restaurant where Hank meets Skyler; Grid of Walt's barrels, Hamper basket grid at the White's house
Confessions Close-up Walt's Confession showing TV-screen dots; Grid of money; Blocks behind Skyler in Staycation hotel room
Rabid Dog Grid of portable fan; Grid of Dave's curtains; Pillars in Albuquerque Civic Plaza
To'hajiilee Andrea's silly-girl grid
To'hajiilee, Felina Windows and cages surrounding methylamine containers at Quonset Hut; Cage-like grid in clubhouse
Ozymandias Chessboard at the fire station
Ozymandias, Granite State Grill on top of Jesse's Pit
Granite State Grid of Carmen's phone buttons; Chain link fence at Uncle Jack's clubhouse; Buttons of NH Bar's wall phone
Felina Grid of easy-chair back at Uncle Jack's clubhouse
"El Camino" Grid-like pillow coverings and shower tile at Skinny P's
Junkyard fly swatter and phone buttons; Tow-truck radiator grill
Radiator grill, chain link fence, calculator grid, and grids over windows and doors at Kandy Welding
Jesse's Pit cage grill; Round Quonset Hut ventilator grids; Grid of barrels and grid on Quonset hut's ceiling
Electric meter and box spring grids at Todd's apartment
Todd's carpet, pegboard cabinets, and pastel blue grid placemats; Grid of money in refrigerator
At the Pinkman house - Wallpaper grid in stairwell, Grids of circles in front windows, Pegboard grid of tools in entryway, 3 x 6 grid of squares on front door, Phone-button grid
"Better Call Saul" Mijo Grids of thread spools, upholstery on chair, and portable lawn chairs in garage at Abuelita's house
Nacho Grid of hooks at Cook Co. jail
Hero Clothing store's grids of boxes, plus shirt cubbyholes
Alpine Shepherd Boy Jello grid at Casa Tranquila, quilt grid, Grid of security glass in windows at hospital
Five-O Round-table grid in Stacey's back yard, Police car cage
Bingo Grid of wanted posters at the Courthouse; Grids of fluorescent lights at Jimmy's potential law office
RICO Underside of mail cart, grids of carpet and cubicles at HHM, mail room boxes; Plastic milk-carton crates outside dumpster; Rabbit in cage at vet
Pimento Grid of oven mitt and phone at Chuck's
Switch Tile grid at edge of Oxbow Pool; Vintage 423's bottles on waterfall shelves
Switch, Rebecca Chair seats in Jimmy's Davis & Main office
Cobbler Security glass grid on interview room at police headquarters
Amarillo Armadillo tile where Jimmy meets bus; Security glass present in Davis and Main bullpen; phone display grid; Grid of fabric of Stacey's couch
Gloves Off Grid carpet on floor of HHM lobby; Grid of file cabinets in Doc review; Grid of hammer on pistol, and "Wheels" sign in background
Rebecca Single squares on the 2nd and 3rd floor landings at Hotel Blue, plus pool-edge tile
Bali Ha'i Grid of shelves in Mike's kitchen
Inflatable, Slip Jimmy's dad's store: Film cubbyholes and pegboard for candy; Cigarette pack and carton grids
Fifi Regalo Helado truck cargo; gridded windows on B-29 bomber Fifi; Grid of tile on columns outside Wexler/McGill offices; Grid of wooden shingles on Chuck's roof; Grid embedded in Mike's garden hose
Fifi, Nailed Copy Shop grids: Table top, paper cubbyholes, and copier buttons
Fifi, Nailed, Sunk Costs Grills of Thermal Refrigeration Units (TRUs) atop Regalo Helado trucks
Nailed Grid of beads in Regalo Helado driver's seat cover; Grid of supporting lumber on back of aging billboard; Playground net and chain link fence at W. H. Mauldin Elementary
Klick Rifle target
Mabel Mike's vehicle's radiator grill and parking booth cash register, Grid of Kim's editing pixels
Mabel, Smoke Mikes drapes at home
Sunk Costs Grid door and photo grid at BCDC jail; Kim's spreadsheet and calculator, and grid of ovals on chair
Sabrosito Food basket grids at Los Pollos Hermanos; Grid upholstery of chair in Stacey's house; Kim's office phone
Chicanery Tile at Carpenters Union bldg. entrance
Chicanery, Lantern Chuck's twin architectural-drawing posters
Off Brand Tower antenna lattice; Warehouse boxes and truck floorboards
Expenses Ventilation grid at Duke City Recliners, Mixing board at ABQ in Tune
Fall Grid of lattice covering entrances to closed stores in Coronado Mall; Jimmy's Esteem's radiator grill plus trunk of shoeboxes
Lantern Fence at Regalo Helado warehouse; Laying out money; Rack of VHS tapes at Blockbuster, Chuck's laundry basket, Chair Yoga room painting of rollercoaster support; Grid of Chuck's books
Smoke EKG scanner grid, Grid of boxes for medical papers, Clerk's keyboard, Lattice near where taxi driver lets Gene out; Grid on treadmill control; Grill on light underneath Marquette Overpass at parking booth; Grid over cabinets of books at Mike's house; Madrigal Electromotive cubicles and warehouse racks
Breathe Pickup grid and pegboard in Upholstery Shop
Breathe, Something Beautiful Neff Copiers: Grid of pictures and desk-side pegboard
Something Beautiful Model banks and their glass windows; Phone grid, Reference to "Time-Management Matrix"; Periodic chart in Gale's lab
Talk Grid of cell phone buttons
Quite A Ride Square cage of balls, Images of gridded balloons and cash register grid at CC Mobile; Burlap bag hoods and gridded steps on van; Grid of red dining basket at the Dog House; Keyboard at PPD check-in
Piñata Grid of HHM library books
Something Stupid Bobcat cab grid at Superlab pit; Lockers at the German Warehouse, Shopping cart, pens, and pegboard at Clampitt Paper; Controls on Sony Handycam; Cage inside of cop's car
Coushatta Griddish painting in Nacho's bedroom; Disco ball mirror grid at strip club; Cell phone grid on Jimmy's desk and Drama Girl's blouse; Telephone number grid in office of assistants to ADA Ericsen; Nacho's meth girlfriend with remote
Wiedersehen Top of rack in Gus' office, Volleyball net, Grid of lockers
Winner TravelWire scheduling grid
Magic Man, Saul Gone Police scanner grid
Magic Man Checkered tablecloths and curtains in Missouri Diner; Security glass at NM State Bar; Security glass and other grids at drug sale place, Lalo's radiator grill
50% Off Grid of cubbyholes in closet; Nacho's car's radiator grill
The Guy For This At Nacho's: Rubik's Cube and basket of toys, Lockers at MDC; Courtroom dais; Electric substation
Namaste, JMM Various Los Pollos Hermanos fryer baskets
Dedicado a Max Unique fountain design of three superimposed squares when seen in plan view; Cell phone grid at El Rancho de las Golondrinas; Mesa Verde horse grid; Pixelated views of horse and cowboy
JMM Grid of Lalo's phone; Broken feed-lot parking lot
Bagman Bloody car seat grids, plus shelves, and wallpaper grids at Cartel Counting House; Mike says: "It looks like they're doing a grid search"
Bad Choice Road BrBa periodic-chart symbol created with fluorescent light, plus another light's reflection; Security glass at bond office; Bolsa's whiteboard
Something Unforgivable Array of niches in hotel room, Chain link grid around Los Pollos dumpster, Griddish table at Don Eladio's
Wine and Roses Saul's House: Fine gold grid on toilet and throne, grid of shoe racks, and gridded jeweled ball; Sconce at Juan Bolsas's home; Phone buttons at Motel Ocotillo, Chain link fence, gridded front doors and gridded lockers at ABQ Country Club. Kim's watch band and blouse.
Carrot and Stick Chain link fence, and telephone buttons at Sweet Liberty Tax Services; Chair upholstery and bathroom tile in Nacho's motel room; Gate to yard at Motel Ocotillo
Rock and Hard Place Grid of phone buttons plus folder carrier near window in DA Ericsen's office, Shrink-wrapped boxes, loading ramp, and truck floorboards in Los Pollos Warehouse; Nacho's unique mazelike shirt with grid of dots and crosses; Mike's sniper reticule grid
Hit and Run Wall telephone button grid at Gus' neighbors' house; Makeshift door opener for Howard's car; overturned shopping cart at Crossroads Motel; Grid of Wendy's stockings
Hit and Run, Waterworks Grids of tabletops, seats, and pillars outside Courthouse
Hit and Run, Fun and Games Grids of Gus' laundry basket, storage containers, and electrical switches in his basement
Black and Blue Grids of Lucite-baking kiln trays, plus grid used for engraving; Various grids in Los Pollos' kitchen, including chicken and tortillas; Chain link fence outside boxing place; Grid of lights above ring; grid of PI's taillight; Gus brushes neighbor's bathroom tile grid with toothbrush; Superlab Pit light bulb covers
Axe and Grind Store manager's scheduling grid and small trellises; PI's grids of photos; Grid of computer keyboard and phone in Saul's Office; The water feature in Saul's Office; Chain link fence in German mountain cabin and dog kennel; Grid of alley's electric meters; Grid of storage containers in garage across street from Stacey's house; Grid picnic blanket; Racks of wine at Jubilation
Plan and Execution Grids on lights near UNM Media Lab, Grid of photos on dark room bulletin board, Grid of cans; Grid of legal pads on HHM Conference Table, Various artistic griddish sculptures on walls at HHM, Grid of couches and square-in-a-square in Howard's office; Lalo's milk carton; Hector's phone grid
Fun and Games Saul's Office Bookcase grid; Grid of phone buttons in motel room, Baseball backstop netting grid
Nippy Grid of supermarket grid display, Grid of flat-roof dormer window, Marion's curtains and cabinets and pots-and-pans wallpaper, Grid of police radio, Circles of chair upholstery in security office, Grid of circles in department store
Breaking Bad In RV: Grid of fabric over Saul's head, folded lawn chair; Grid of fencing across street from Marion's house; Grids of liquor bottles at Savoy Restaurant; Grid on hot water bottle, plus bulb; Delmar house: Gridded screen in living room, gridded pillow, laying IDs on gridded table in a grid; Gene's house: Gridded bedspread; Gridded disco ball;
Waterworks Windshield sunscreen; Grid of cup stand; Grid of computer keyboard; Poster of irrigation pipe fittings; Grid patterns on Cheryl's chairs and tile grids; Office chair backs and grid of diplomas at Cancer Man's house
Saul Gone Gene jumps chain link fence and hides in dumpster next to chain link fence, grid of phone buttons, grid of cage lining walkway at police HQ, grid of binders in interview room, Remarkable rectangles of neon lights and one-way mirror in Police HQ Interview Room
Table 17b - Other Occurrences of Stagger Symbols (Warning)
Series Episode Scene
"Breaking Bad" Pilot Family First Clothing Store window; Shelf at Krazy-8's home; Arrangement of boxes in Jesse's garage
Pilot, Más Mesa Credit Union Symbol
Cat's in the Bag; And the Bag's in the River Jesse's basement stairway
Cancer Man Back porch step at Jesse's parents
Gray Matter Profile of stairs seen from Gretchen's kitchen
Down In Jesse's ash tray
Peekaboo Internal wall at Savoy Restaurant
Better Call Saul On Silver Moon Lodge across from Washington Park
Mandala Counter base at Jesse's apartment
Phoenix Stair step at De Anza Motel
I.F.T. Footrest at Sandia Bar
Sunset Stagger symbols at Los Pollos Hermanos; Subtle stagger symbols at Industrial Laundry
One Minute Stagger of boxes in 53 foot truck where the Cousins buy vests
I See You Jesse's hospital room wall; Staggered walls at Juan Bolsa's hacienda; Pedestrian walkway across Gibson Blvd.
Fly Superlab's food service foil
Abiquiú Staggered trellises on front yard wall of house in front of which Jesse and Jane park and discuss Georgia O'Keeffe's art; Parapet of building adjacent to CVS Pharmacy
Half Measures Brief view of profile of Karler Meat Facility
38 Snub Staggered boxes of minerals wheeled into Hank and Marie's house
Open House Bookend
Bullet Points Stagger formed by big screen TV and doorway behind Walt in Hank's bedroom
Cornered In Car Wash waiting area; Yard wall at Tucker's place
Problem Dog Steps on stairway in the Simms Building lobby (DEA HQ)
Hermanos, Bug Stagger of lower steps at Jesse's house (which Jesse obscures with his arm in 'Live Free or Die");
Hermanos, Granite State Stairway steps at Andrea's new house
Bug Pile of stereo amps at Jesse's place; Stagger of distant rooflines near Los Pollos Hermanos; View of stagger in doorway behind Walt at Hank's house; Stagger of boxes at Los Pollos Hermanos warehouse; Stagger seen through window at Gus' house; Staggers at IRS Offices
Salud Kitchen cabinets in Walt's apartment; Staggered roofline of Mexican Meth Lab, Stagger of plastic box in front of safe
Crawl Space Roofline of Schwartzman Slaughterhouse - Mexican MASH unit - plus stagger roofline on opposite building (and obscured in 'Live Free or Die' by doctor)
Crawl Space Stairway at Ted Beneke's home; Hank's home - bedroom
End Times Arrangement of brick outside Hank and Marie's front door; Roof wall at KiMo Theater as seen from roof of Gizmo store
Face Off Stagger of boxes and missing ceiling tiles in DEA Office; Stagger of dumpsters outside Tio's window
Live Free or Die Denny's Restaurant façade and Coffeemaker PDA; Police HQ yard wall
Madrigal Staggered metalwork in Hanover, Germany labs; Stagger of boxes on Jesse's shelf with the hungry hippo; Stagger of chair arms at Chow's house
Hazard Pay Steps outside tented house; Arrangement of pictures at house to be bombed
Fifty-One Seen on Hank and Marie's drive
Dead Freight SFSR locomotive shape and its staggered stairway; Staggered beams adjacent to train trestle
Buyout Staggered stairway inside house to be bombed; Seen with Saul on parking garage roof
Buyout, Buried Concrete pattern on floor of Vamonos Pest's garage
Say My Name Staggered shape of pipes at Vamonos Pest
Gliding Over All Days Inn staggered façade as seen through north windows of The Grove; Stagger of cash piles at Vamonos Pest
Buried Alley roofline supposedly behind Saul's Office
Rabid Dog Wood block wall and pictures of mesas at Staycation Hotel; White family staggered kitchen counter; Beside scary-looking guy lurking at ABQ Civic Plaza; Stagger of Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center, and maybe Old Bernalillo Co. Courthouse too
To'hajiilee Where Quonset hut end wall meets cylindrical shell; Embankment under I-40
Ozymandias Row of lights across from Fire Station 20
Granite State Clubhouse steps; Ponderosa Bar (NH Bar) staggered fence; Safe house basement steps
Felina Staggered stairway in Skyler's new apartment
"El Camino" Slightly-staggered wall at Skinny P's yard
Staggered, altar-like headboard in Todd's bedroom
Staggered wall north of Vacuum Cleaner Shop
"Better Call Saul" Mijo Blue-green cabinet at Abuelita's, plus her stairway
Nacho, Bingo Kettlemans' back-yard wall near gate
Hero Small staggered stairs outside Chuck's house; Freeway soundwall near billboard; Interesting stagger built into ladder to billboard
Alpine Shepherd Boy Mrs. Strauss' stairway
Bingo Stagger of boxes on dolly in HHM elevator
Marco Stairway stagger at Marco's place; On roof above entrance to St. John's Cathedral
Switch Wall at Oxbow Pool
Switch, Inflatable Stepped-Earth symbol above main entrance at Davis & Main
Amarillo Jimmy framed by a Stepped-Earth stagger symbol as he sits on couch in his corporate apartment
Rebecca HHM lobby security station
Bali Ha'i Stairway at Jimmy's corporate apartment
Inflatable Stagger of façade of ABQ Convention Center; Exterior stagger on corner of Nail Salon façade
Fifi Chuck leans on stagger symbol on living room table; Small stagger symbol in HHM lobby
Klick Shape of 'Patient Rooms' sign hanging in hospital hallway
Mabel Cut in cardboard box in Kim's office; Near ceiling of Mesa Verde lobby
Witness Chuck's back yard wall on Howard's back yard journey
Sabrosito, Something Unforgivable La Hacienda de Placitas - roofline and background
Sabrosito Building near Mike's parking booth
Chicanery Mesa shapes in courtroom mural; Shape of the Prosaic Pueblo Deco Arches just inside the Carpenters Union building entrance when seen from the lobby
Off Brand Carpet store building stagger; At support-group church meeting for lost and dead people
Expenses Building arrangement near Natal Clinic/Media Labs dome
Slip Shape of El Michoacano Restaurant, as seen from near A/C unit; Juan Tabo Hills bridge supports
Fall Stagger-shapes on Sandpiper Crossing sign
Fall, Lantern Seen in corner of Chair Yoga room
Lantern Small steps into Chuck's living room
Something Beautiful Corner of Loyola's Restaurant's mural; Room of architectural models is apparently behind the visible stagger above the Mesa Verde lobby
Piñata Roofline of an apartment across from Wash Tub Laundry
Something Stupid Mesa Verde boxes
Wiedersehen Boxes near ceiling exit of German worker housing warehouse
Winner TravelWire Stepped-Earth and staggered roofline; Staggered wall at Dulce Vega resort
Magic Man Stair stagger near NM State Bar office; Wall at warehouse roofline
The Guy For This Staggered boxes in courtroom
Namaste, Waterworks Entrance gate to Howard's home
Dedicado a Max Dresser top at El Rancho de las Golondrinas; Exterior corner stagger at Nail Salon; Fountain steps in Mexican village
Wexler v. Goodman Stagger of boxes in Jimmy's Nail Salon office
JMM Courtroom signs staggered
Bad Choice Road Roofline of Bank of the West building at 5th & Marquette NW
Something Unforgivable Stagger of roofline at Don Eladio's Hacienda
Rock and Hard Place On buildings adjacent to parking garage where Jimmy and Huell meet
Hit and Run Stagger visible as Howard drives; Stagger of steps at Howard's therapist
Hit and Run Little staggers visible on ceiling light at El Camino Dining Room; Understated stagger of El Camino Motor Hotel's south wall roofline
Black and Blue Staggers of books in Kim and Jimmy's apartment's bookshelf; Steps into boxing ring; Stagger of steps in Margarethe's apartment
Axe and Grind File cabinet stagger in store manager's office
Point and Shoot, Fun and Games Stairs in basement of Gus' house
Nippy, Waterworks Marion's kitchen cabinets
Breaking Bad Shape of Savoy Restaurant's profile
Saul Gone Combined Stagger and Stepped Earth symbol on the pinnacle of the parking garage
Table 25b - Other Occurrences of Gentle Arches
(A Woman's Sphere of Authority)
Series Episode Scene
"Breaking Bad" Pilot High school's outer windows; Hanging garlands for Walt's 50th birthday; Swooping arches of the Big-I
And the Bag's in the River House with Byzantine cross
Cancer Man Project Icebreaker whiteboard; Cavalcade of Gentle Arches near Danny's Auto Service
Gray Matter At Elliott and Gretchen's party; Above stove in Gretchen's kitchen
Crazy Handful of Nothin' Overhead as Walt talks with the clerk at Oncology Associates; During therapy session for cancer victims and their families
No Rough Stuff Type Deal Meth = Death presentation board
Grilled Gate for property located on Orlando Dr., near the White residence
Breakage Walt's chemo chair top; Gentle Arches at supermarket on Lomas Blvd. as Jesse drives
Peekaboo Metal-impressed shells at Savoy Restaurant
Negro y Azul In Beneke's lobby, behind Skyler, when she first sits with Ted
Mandala Beneke Fabricators' shop
No Más Arch seen with Oncology Associates clerk but now seen from outside during press scrum; Arches visible in Skyler's lawyer's couch
Caballo sin Nombre Beachcomber drier portals
I.F.T. Leo's Bar
Green Light Half-barrel vault in Ted's love nest painting
Más Three-center arches outside Four's Cabaret; Crescent moon on Holly's nursery's wall
Sunset, One Minute Gentle Arch of Walt's new apartment building façade
I See You What may be three-center arches above pedestrian walkway
Abiquiú Front gate for house where Jesse and Jane park and discuss Georgia O'Keeffe's art; CVS Pharmacy as seen from Car Wash
Half Measures Plexiglas mount of clock on Saul's desk
Full Measure Hinkle's Amusement Park east building; Gale's Apartment
Box Cutter Partially-seen Round Arches outside Saul's Office; Menus at Denny's Restaurant
38 Snub & Blood Money Car Wash Tunnel
Bug View of Gentle Arch in doorway behind Walt at Hank's house; Benches with gentle arches outside IRS offices
Crawl Space Beneke home: Above living room window and partially-seen round arches outside; Gentle Arch of auto rooftop outside Jesse's house
End Times Shape of Very Special Arts Garage as seen from roof of Gizmo store; Alibi Bldg. roofline
Face Off Gentle arch of roofline of Walt's car; Gentle arch of chair against wall in Tio's room
Live Free Or Die Skyler framed by gentle roofline of automobile profile as seen through Car Wash Office window
Madrigal, Buyout Under table in Mike's kitchen
Hazard Pay Outside and inside of house to be 'bombed'
Fifty-One Gentle Arch of Hank and Marie's car top and windshield; Pool edge
Gliding Over All At the Grove Restaurant (also in the melon slice there); MRI Arches as they intersect and merge
Blood Money Chair back in White dining area, which can be either a Gentle Arch or a Round Arch, depending on distance and illumination
Confessions Gentle Arches at Garduños; Gentle Arch of the sand dune
Rabid Dog Gentle Arch of Jesse's dashboard
Ozymandias Sector of Quonset hut cross-section; Gentle Arch of car roof profile at Car Wash
Granite State Two Gentle Arches at Vacuum Cleaner shop; Grove Restaurant chairs
"El Camino" Gentle Arch of door canopies at Vacuum Cleaner shop
"Better Call Saul" Uno Dinosaur tail at skate park; Near Café Lush ambush site
Uno, Mijo On Abuelita's garage door
Uno, Bingo Crazy crescents hanging over Betsy Kettleman at Loyola's Restaurant
Nacho Crescents of the grama grass seen on Jimmy's hike
Alpine Shepherd Boy On ceiling and gates at Ricky Sipes' house; Chair backs at Loyola's Restaurant; Crescent driveway at Stacey's
Alpine Shepherd Boy, Amarillo Fan on wall at Mrs. Strauss' home
Five-O 2nd-floor window above Lindy's Restaurant; Interior archway and behind bar at Two Fools Bar; Room divider at Albuquerque Transit Center/Train station
Bingo Partial Round Arch seen behind Jimmy at Loyola's Restaurant; HHM hallway; Kim's HHM bookcase
Switch At Cinnabon Eatery; Daniel Wormald's house (more like a 3-circle arch); Double-arched tent at Oxbow Pool
Switch, Expenses Across from Daniel Wormald's house
Amarillo Gentle Arch of roof at SW corner of Monroe and Central
Gloves Off Gentle Arches on stores near El Michoacano Restaurant
Inflatable Bay window at Stacey's new place
Fifi Conference-call device in HHM conference room; Semi-trailer wheel well at Regalo Helado warehouse
Fifi, Nailed Plate Glass Windows at Valliant Printing
Nailed St. Mary's School playground
Klick CAT scan gentle arches; Reflection in hospital TV
Mabel Pool in Mesa Verde lobby; Painting over half of the rainbow on the Wexler-McGill lobby wall; Kaylee's drawing on Mike's fridge featuring crescent moon
Witness Gates and fence on north side of road near Los Pollos Hermanos; Armrests on Jimmy's chair, plus letter container
Sunk Costs Clínica Gratuita doorway & windows; Telephone lines
Chicanery, Winner Gentle crescents in murals in hearing room
Off Brand Behind Drama Girl and Tower Antenna
Expenses Very slight lateral arch at I-40 bridge; Near Natal Clinic/Media Lab dome; Partial views of Round Arches at support-group
Expenses, Something Beautiful Shape of building map sign near elevator at Mesa Verde
Fall Mrs. Landry's chair back
Smoke Windows of house adjacent to Mike's house
Breathe Curving wall associated with Lydia outside Hotel Chaco's Sandia Room; Gentle roofline of building adjacent to HHM
Something Beautiful Taco Bell arch; Gentle arch above car park seen as Ira & Jimmy flee; Arches under the Lead Ave. underpass
Coushatta Crazy crescents on bus upholstery
Winner Room where Jimmy and Chuck stay; Balloon crescent at karaoke place, Arrises and Gentle Arches over windows at the National Hispanic Cultural Center; Gentle Arches at Dulce Vega Resort
Magic Man At Vacuum Cleaner shop
50% Off At modern house for sale
Namaste, Waterworks Entrance gate to Howard's home
Dedicado a Max, Bad Choice Road Gentle Arch of cabinet behind Kim's desk
Something Unforgivable Gentle Arches of closet and room door, plus on wall of Hotel Andaluz room; Gentle Arch above doors at Lalo's estate
Wine and Roses Gentle arches are present above closets and mirrors in Saul's House and in hallway and above entrance at Lalo's estate
Hit and Run Both gentle arches on façade at the Crossroads Motel
Black and Blue Erin at Sandpiper Crossing, with partially-seen round window frame; Doorway arch in German Bar; Crescent of ceiling lamp in Margarethe's apartment
Axe and Grind, Waterworks In Howard's house
Point and Shoot Kim drives through Big-I, with its gentle curves
Fun and Games Don Eladio's swimming pool; Light fixture at HHM
Nippy Gentle arch near Pear's Massage
Breaking Bad Gentle hanging garlands of light bulbs at Savoy Restaurant, and the arc above the bar
Table 26b - Other Occurrences of Round Arches (Natural Order; The Mandate of Heaven)
Series Episode Scene
"Breaking Bad" Pilot Window of medical offices, plus MRI bed; At Jesse and Emilio's sage-house meth lab
Cat's in the Bag Bike lock used to imprison Krazy-8
Gray Matter Ventilation hood above stove in Gretchen's kitchen
Grilled Mailbox in Walt's neighborhood; Round arch atop bus stop shelter
Down Rack in Twaughthammer friend's apartment
Peekaboo Round arches in rack and on wall hanging in kid's bedroom
Negro y Azul Arcade of arches outside Tortuga's Motel Room
ABQ Faucet in Walt's surgery; Silhouette at DEA office featuring Walt's picture
Caballo sin Nombre Gentle/Round Arch hybrid in dryer door at the Beachcomber
I.F.T. At Leo's Bar; Wall hanging behind Skyler's head in her kitchen
Más, Sunset Next to Four's Cabaret
Más At entrance to the Industrial Laundry
I See You Pie rack in hospital cafeteria
Kafkaesque Folding chairs in church basement circle
Half Measures Above bar in Paul's Monterey Inn; Playground where Tomas Cantillo's body is found
Full Measure House across street from Stacey and Kaylee's house; Horns on Gale's bookcase arranged in an arch; Hinkle's Amusement Park east building and the theater in-between the east and west bldgs.
Abiquiú Mailbox outside Andrea's house
Full Measure, Box Cutter Round Arch of Gale's tea kettle
38 Snub Round Arches of chairs sitting on floor of Louie's Bar
Shotgun A1A sign
Cornered Tank visible just west of Industrial Laundry
Bug Arch across the street from Loyola's Restaurant at Ron Peterson's Firearms; Round Arch of UV lamp at Los Pollos Warehouse
Crawl Space Ted Beneke's home; Folding chair at Mexican MASH unit
Face Off Casa Tranquila's entrance: portal, tombstone-like sign and back of bus
Madrigal Garbage can lid in the bathroom at Madrigal Elektromotive HQ
Gliding Over All Several instances at the Grove Restaurant; Running along the edge of Hank and Marie's coffee table; MRI bed arch; Chair-back arch in White's back yard; Toilet seat at the White residence
Confessions Garduño's Mexican Restaurant; Round top garbage can in Route 66 Café bathroom
Rabid Dog Dashboard of Walt's car as he puts hit on Jesse
Ozymandias Quonset hut cross-section
Granite State At vacuum-cleaner shop; Faucet at Ponderosa Bar sink
Felina Gas pump guards; Round Arch of hose at Elliott & Gretchen's house
"Better Call Saul" Uno Apartments and gate across the street from Café Lush ambush site; Above doors and windows at house next-door to the Kettlemans
Uno & Nacho Same street as the Kettlemans; next door and nearby
Uno, Lantern Chuck's faucet
Mijo Duke City Urgent Care parking signs; Windows at Abuelita's house
Alpine Shepherd Boy At door of Ricky Sipes' house; Mailbox at Roland Jaycock's house
Alpine Shepherd Boy, Amarillo Fan on Mrs. Strauss' wall
Five-O, Pimento, Coushatta Albuquerque Transit Center windows, bathroom doorway, and external arches
RICO Fan drawing on wall just outside Sandpiper Crossing's lobby
Marco Bingo Hall
Amarillo Davis & Main lobby ceiling light fixtures
Gloves Off Above northern entrance to El Michoacano Restaurant; Conference table arches are gone!
Rebecca, Bali Ha'i Fireplace opening at Davis & Main
Inflatable Basketball-hoop back stop and narrow arches in kitchen cabinets at Stacey's new place, plus faucets; U.S. Federal Courthouse cupola
Nailed, Klick Rainbow arches at Wexler-McGill, and their reflection
Sunk Costs Clínica Gratuita doorway
Sabrosito Gus stands directly under basketball hoop backboard arch in distance!
Chicanery Carpenters Union hall entrance when seen from inside; Great Seal of the State of NM framed by two hearing members on das
Off Brand & Expenses At support-group church meeting for lost & dead people
Expenses Gail Ryba bridge arch next to I-40 bridge; Near parking booth; Behind the distant bus at Natal Clinic/Media Lab dome
Fall, Lantern Double-mace revealed on HHM conference table!
Smoke Round Arches of chairs in Madrigal's kitchen; Round arches of St. John's Cathedral
Breathe McDonald's arch visible through hospital room window
Piñata House across street from Stacey and Kaylee's house
Something Stupid Arch of faucet in Gus' kitchen
Coushatta Fantasy World strip club doorway canopy
Magic Man Over mall entrance near J. C. Penney's; Circus Tent "windows"; Faucet arch at Kim and Jimmy's place
Magic Man, 50% Off Over windows next door to drug sales
The Guy For This Round Arch of mailbox where Mike meets thugs
Namaste Two domes - lights? - near fryer at Los Pollos Hermanos
JMM Faucet arch in Stacey's kitchen
Something Unforgivable At Hotel Andaluz: Arcade of arches in the lobby and wall niches in room; Arch of portable toilet at Los Pollos Hermanos Los Lunas
Wine and Roses Round Arches above doors, niches, and windows at Saul's House; Arch-like lights in Kim and Jimmy's bathroom; Round Arches of windows and doors at ABQ Country Club, including near-Ogive Arch above steps
Carrot and Stick Round Arch formed on Nacho's floor by red dominoes
Hit and Run Round arches on balcony outside Howard's therapist's office
Axe and Grind, Waterworks In Howard's house
Plan and Execution Curious round arches in Lalo's shirt pocket while in sewer
Point and Shoot Round arch on fence for Industrial Laundry
Fun and Games Wine bar; Distantly-visible lit arch at HHM
Nippy Neglected basketball hoop outside Marion's and Jeff's garage
Breaking Bad Seen while driving away from Marion's place; Arches over windows at Delmar place
Table 31b - Other Occurrences of Classic Bell Shapes (Danger)
Series Episode Scene
"Breaking Bad" Cat's in the Bag; And the Bag's in the River Basement lights above toilet and stairs at Jesse's house
Down Baby bottle in Holly's nursery
Over Bell-shaped lights at RAKS Los Lunas
ABQ & No Más Jesse's rehabilitation among bell shapes at the bell-shaped Jar Spa
Caballo sin Nombre Lights in Walt's Beachcomber apartment; Light in Flynn's room
I See You Jesse: "I think that does ring a tiny bell"; Light at Juan Bolsa's hacienda
Kafkaesque Spanish mission bell and bell peppers in Los Pollos Hermanos advertisement; Zen Nail Salon
Fly Bell lights on pole in Superlab
Bullet Points Regular and portable lamp fixtures in Jesse's stairwell
Shotgun Bell-shaped lights in Hank and Marie's kitchen area
Hermanos Up-and-downturned lamps inside Amy Biehl School's conference room
Salud Interior of Mexican meth lab
End Times Hanging laundry bundles at the Industrial Laundry look like bells
Hazard Pay Bell shapes hanging beside front door of house to be bombed; In Warehouse #2 with the tortillas
Hazard Pay, Gliding Over All Light shades inside Vamonos tent, inside house
Fifty-One Broad bell-shaped lights at Sysco Warehouse
Dead Freight ASAC Schrader's new office
Say My Name Bell-shaped light in Mike's house ("Double Indemnity" plays on TV)
Gliding Over All Some light fixtures high up at the Grove Restaurant
Buried Lamp in underground meth lab bus
Granite State Bell-shaped light in New Hampshire bar
Felina In Quonset Hut; In woodworking shop; Pole of lights in Uncle Jack's Clubhouse
"El Camino" Bell-shaped heat lamp for terrarium in Todd's apartment
Casey's bell-shaped flashlight lamp
Bell-shaped lamps at Vacuum Shop
"Better Call Saul" Mijo Upward-facing bell lamps at Abuelita's house
Nacho Upward-Facing Lamps in Kettleman son's bedroom, and in hallway
Nacho, Bingo Kettleman stairway downward-facing bell-shaped lights
Five-O Lights at Albuquerque train station
Pimento Light at Algodones power plant
Marco Broad bell-shaped lights at Chicago's Arno's Bar
Inflatable Bell just inside door of Chicago store
Chicanery Upward facing bells in Chuck's chandelier
Slip In fruits and vegetables area at Triangle Grocery in Cedar Crest
Fall Hanging over Varga family kitchen table; Dark, bell-shaped lights at Hector's meet in the rain
Lantern On counter at Upholstery Shop
Off Brand Upward-Facing Lamps in Jimmy's office; Shadow from upward-facing circular lamp at Kim's Apartment
Something Beautiful Very shallow bell shape at Taco Bell seen as Ira & Jimmy flee
Talk Bell-shaped lights in Madrigal Warehouse
Quite a Ride Standing lamppost at PPD check-in; Bell-shaped light at CC Mobile
Coushatta Stylish lamp in Nacho's living room; In office of assistants to ADA Ericsen
Wiedersehen, Axe and Grind Hanging laundry bundles at the Industrial Laundry look like bells
Magic Man Lamps in Missouri Diner (Grandma's K&I Diner)
50% Off Blue cone-shaped (or maybe slightly-bellshaped) lamps at modern house for sale
Namaste Thrift shop bells at door
Something Unforgivable Reading lamps and bell-shaped lights above sink in Hotel Andaluz room
Wine and Roses Bell-shaped lights in the ABQ Country Club
Rock and Hard Place Opening sequence featuring a Desert Bluebell
Black and Blue Gus makes a bell shape by lifting up switch box and cords in Superlab Pit; Werner's bell-shaped drafting lamp
Nippy Gene's bullhorn
Saul Gone Reference to Blue Bell ice cream, Bell-shaped lamps on a pole at Central Florida Legal Aid
Table 37b - Other Examples of Arrays of Vertical Lines
Series Episode Scene
"Breaking Bad" Pilot Jesse and Emilio's sage-house lab's hanging plastic strips
Cancer Man Mesa Credit Union windows
Gray Matter Blinds at Jesse's job interview; Iron gate in alley; Couch at Elliott and Gretchen's
Gray Matter, Down Façade of Tri-H convenience market
Crazy Handful of Nothin' Iron bars on the Dog House windows; Windows at Tuco's HQ
No Rough Stuff Type Deal Exterior texture of Southside Water Reclamation Plant (SWRP) building
737 Jail cell at DEA headquarters
Down In Twaughthammer friend's apartment
Breakage Bars on baby crib
Peekaboo Porch railing at Spooge and Skank's place; Bars on façade of Rio Grande Fruits and Vegetables Market
Negro y Azul At Beneke Fabricators; Vertical ripple of walls at Nuclear Museum
Better Call Saul Blinds in interrogation room
4 Days Out, ABQ Vertical strips of Jesse's bedroom wall
Mandala Iron fence outside Beneke Fabricators
Phoenix Vertical railings at De Anza Motel; Interior walls at Quarters
No Más, Caballo sin Nombre Lines in couch at Walt's Beachcomber apartment
Caballo sin Nombre Vertical slats of roof overhang at Saul's Office; Railings up steps to Walt's apartment
Sunset Bones Towing and Salvage
One Minute Treehouse railing at Tio's place
Kafkaesque, Bug Vertical plastic curtains and ribbed walls at Los Pollos Hermanos Warehouse
Kafkaesque Vertical slats of chairs in church basement circle
Fly Hanging fly strips
Full Measure Golden Moth Chemical Warehouse vertical ribs
Abiquiú Picket fence outside Andrea's house
Half Measures Vertical blinds in Wendy's motel room
Box Cutter Railings outside Mesa Verde Apartments
Box Cutter, Salud Vertical bars in gate outside Walt's condo
Open House A hanging in Hank and Marie's bedroom
Hermanos Mike calls Gus from railroad siding with ribbed building nearby; Vertical folds in oncology clinic curtain
Bug Vertical slats in benches just outside IRS offices; Vertical columns on portico at Gus' house
Salud Portion of exterior of Mexican Meth Lab; Vertical bars of gates at Don Eladio's Hacienda
Crawl Space Vertical ribbing of portions of Mexican MASH building; Railings in Ted's house
Face Off Walt's back yard gate bars; Casa Tranquila cage bars; Vertical blinds in Tio's room at Casa Tranquila
Live Free or Die Vertical ribs inside truck body, Vertical bars of fence seen as Walt, Jesse, and Mike flee
Madrigal Vertical bars of end of couch at Jesse's house, Beaded curtains at end of Jesse's stairway; Picket fence across street from Chow's house
Hazard Pay Vertical ribs of first house being tented; Vertical rails of second house stairway being tented
Hazard Pay, Fifty-One Predominantly-vertical, green-and-yellow tent on second and subsequent tented houses
Fifty-One Vertical ribs of exterior of auto repair shop
Fifty-One, Say My Name Vertical lines of the meth tent fabric
Dead Freight Vertical beams of train trestle; Vertical ribs of building to south of Disc-It
Buyout Vertical lines of garbage cans in Martineztown Park; Vertical lines of dripping paint on TV
Say My Name Vertical lines of fence posts at Say My Name site; Vertical slats of benches in La Palomita Park
Gliding Over All Vertical bars and H's and railings at MDC
Gliding Over All, Buried Vertical ribs of money storage locker
Blood Money Picket fence that Hank drives through while suffering his panic attack
Buried Vertical railings and pillar at house across from Roosevelt Park; Vertical wood paneling and seat folds at restaurant where Hank meets Skyler; White railings at Declan's desert compound; Vertical lines of old Dodge radiator
Confessions Wood paneling and north wall stripes at Route 66 Café, Squiggly chair back slats and vertical lines of Taqueria canopy at Garduños
Rabid Dog Vertical railings and falling water at Isleta Casino; Vertical slats of benches at Civic Plaza, Vertical ribs of walls at ABQ Convention Center
To'hajiilee, Ozymandias Vertical ribs of door at Quonset Hut
To'hajiilee Vertical ribs of building to NW of 1st St. and I-40 overpass
To'hajiilee, Granite State Vertical railings of porch and blinds at Andrea's
Granite State Blinds in Carmen's Office; Wood paneling in Walt's cabin; Vertical shadows in Jesse's Pit; Vertical ribs of buildings in the compound; Vertical railings of second level inside Best Quality Vacuum; Jesse's vertically-oriented sleeping pad
Granite State, Felina Vertical bars at Uncle Jack's clubhouse plus Venetian blinds make a grid;
Felina Vertical ribs of Cañoncito Gas; Railings of Holly's crib and wood paneling in Skyler's new apartment
"El Camino" Vertical hanging beads and thin drapes at Skinny Pete's place, Vertical lines of gate into back yard and fence
Vertically-appearing lines of exterior of Quonset Hut
Stairway railings with vertical bars, plus vertical blinds on windows and sliding glass door at Todd's apartment building
Vertical slats of fence segment, bars on gate, and exterior ribbing at Kandy Welding
Vertical fence railings at the Vacuum Shop
Wallpaper strips and stairway railings at the Pinkman home
"Better Call Saul" Uno Vertical gaps in jury box; Vertical lines of bench at Abuelita's house
Mijo Stairway railings at Abuelita's house; Vertical lines of drapes at Kettleman house
Hero Wood paneling in Judge's office - Hamlindigo Blue
Alpine Shepherd Boy Roland Jaycocks' stair railing; Mrs. Strauss' stair railing
Five-O Vertical lines of the Rail Yards - Nicetown shoot site
Bingo Second-level railings at the Kettlemans' house
Marco Wood paneling at Arno's Bar; Vertical lines of building on First Street, as seen down the alley
Switch Vertical metal ribs in upper section of room in which Gene is trapped; Window shades seen at Old Bernalillo Co. Courthouse; Burning Tiki torches at Tamaya resort
Amarillo Vertical ribs of building at SW corner of Monroe and Central; Vertical folds of Mrs. Strauss' drapes
Amarillo, Gloves Off "Lightning Field" bars at Rail Yards
Gloves Off, Rebecca Doc Review vertical window bars
Rebecca Drapes in Chuck's office; Windows on building near the parking booth on First Street; The falling rain in "a mi manera" scene
Rebecca, Bali Ha'i Hotel Blue pool fence railings and vertical window shades
Rebecca, Lantern Vertical lines of lampshade in Chuck's bedroom
Bali Ha'i Vertical shades seen from outside at Kim's apartment building
Inflatable Vertical lines of counter and wood paneling above refrigerators at Jimmy's father's store; Vertical bagpipe pipes; Bay window panes at Stacey's new house; Vertical bars on windows at the Dog House
Fifi Popsicle stick graveyard; Regalo Helado Warehouse façade; Vertical stripes of wall paper in new Wexler/McGill personal offices
Nailed Vertical lines of building at Rail Yards reflected in Mike's windshield; Canopy at St. Mary's School playground
Klick Vertical lines on seats in hospital lobby
Mabel Vertical fence posts along Mike's panicked drive; Five J's Auto Parts façade, plus air filter lines
Mabel, Witness Rods of wooden chair backs in W/M offices
Witness Plastic strips of dead drop at the Rail Yards; Vertical poles of fence at Los Pollos Hermanos, plus fence across street
Bali Ha'i, Sunk Costs Vertical reflection pillars in back of courtroom
Sunk Costs Row of telephone poles
Sabrosito Hector Salamanca's shirt vertical lines; chair slats in Kim's office
Chicanery Chuck's cabinet pattern; Budgie cage bars
Off Brand Carpet store carpet rolls and building exterior; Vertical ribs observable at antenna yard; Vertical ribs inside delivery truck
Expenses Vertical ribs of school portable building near self-help group; Vertical columns at Duke City Recliners
Slip Fence and vertical ribs of building at Allen's Automotive
Expenses, Slip Vertical emphasis of guitar displays at ABQ in Tune
Fall Window shades at Mrs. Landry's; Plastic strips where Gus & Hector meet in the rain; Railings at Coronado Mall
Smoke Folds in door at medical clinic; Bridge pilings where Nacho throws away medicine; Rods in chair backs in Mike's kitchen
Something Beautiful Fence railings at mural behind Loyola's Restaurant; Stripes in elevator at Mesa Verde
Talk Strips of hanging cloth at abandoned warehouse
Quite a Ride Interior vents inside the Industrial Laundry; Vertical bars on front of Denise's place; Vertical bars at the Dog House (plus Mohawk haircut!); Window shades at PPD check-in
Piñata Yard bars where Jimmy is 'trapped' by thugs
Something Stupid Vertical bars on potential new law office on Lomas; Vertical zipper on plastic sheeting in Industrial Laundry; Vertical poles in Superlab construction pit; Arches under Coal Ave. overpass make an array of vertical lines; Concrete vertical corrugations in parking lot behind ABQ Convention Center
Coushatta Blinds in office of assistants to ADA Ericsen; Tinsel curtains at strip club; Ribs on building behind strip club
Wiedersehen Building exteriors near Industrial Laundry
Winner Vertical stripes on Chuck's and Jimmy's pillows; Vertical bars at Dulce Vega resort
Magic Man Wall paneling inside and out at Grandma's K&I diner; Vertical stripes of Jimmy's circus tent; Vertical beams in Los Pollos' chicken chiller under construction; Vertical ribs inside truck transporting German workers
50% Off Vertical strips of chair back at Stacey's house; Chains on swings in Stacey's back yard; vertical stripes within Courthouse elevator
Magic Man, 50% Off Vertical 2x4s in apartment where drugs are sold
The Guy For This, Namaste Slats of Mr. Acker's fence
Namaste Vertical bars in door of thrift shop; Vertical bars of fence poles outside Forque Restaurant
Dedicado a Max Vertical strips on window at El Rancho de las Golondrinas
JMM Vertical Plate Glass Windows on way to Kevin's office at Mesa Verde; Wood paneling in Kevin's office; Wood paneling in conference room; Vertically-striped lampshade at hotel meeting; Vertical emphasis of cabinets in Stacey's kitchen
JMM, Something Unforgivable Vertical seat back ridges at Los Pollos (Los Lunas)
Bagman Vertical corrugations at Mexican counting room building
Something Unforgivable Vertical railings of second level in lobby, and in the room, the door and the drapes at Hotel Andaluz; Vertical slats of stable doors at Lalo's estate
Wine and Roses Fences outside ABQ Country Club
Carrot and Stick Vertical ribs of exterior of Sweet Liberty Tax Services trailer and ribs of wheelchair ramp; vertical stripes of base of Statue of Liberty
Rock and Hard Place Iron bars in service station window; Lockers in Nacho's Last Supper Warehouse; Red railings in parking garage
Hit and Run Alley balcony and stairway rails; Howard's Jaguar radiator grill; Chair back at Crossroads Motel; vertical rails outside Howard's therapist's office and on balcony; Trees seen in Kim's rear-view mirror; External canopy at El Camino Dining Room; Vertical blinds on Nail Salon windows
Hit and Run, Point and Shoot Draperies in Gus' neighbors' house
Black and Blue Gus' paper basket; Wallpaper stripes at German Bar; Dog fence for Little Bear; Exterior ribs and vertical window stripes on Margarethe's apartment
Axe and Grind Façade behind Svensen's Department Store, German mountain cabin, Lid of dumpster in alley behind Saul's Office
Plan and Execution Vertical pads in UNM Film Classroom
Fun and Games Vertical railings on balcony at motel
Nippy Railings in Marion's kitchen, Railings at Cottonwood Mall
Breaking Bad Vertical folds of curtains at Savoy Restaurant and in private residence; Tinsel curtains in strip club
Waterworks At Kim's Florida House: Vertical stripes on sheets, vertical blinds, vertical ridges on home exterior. At Palm Coast Sprinkler: Vertical blinds on windows and fence of vertical rails; Vertical wallpaper stripes plus books at Cancer Man's house; Rain outside Saul's Office
Table 38b - Other Examples of Arrays of Horizontal Lines
TV Series Episode Scene
"Breaking Bad" Más Holly's closet door
Cornered Truck radiator grill at Industrial Laundry
Cornered, Problem Dog Horizontal slats on sign near cash register at Car Wash
Face Off Horizontal slats on benches outside Casa Tranquila
Live Free or Die Horizontal slats on Car Wash Manager door; Horizontal defrost lines in Mike's car's rear window
Hazard Pay Predominantly-horizontal, green-and-yellow stripes on first tented house; Bench with horizontal slats outside first tented house and horizontal trays in second tented house
Fifty-One Horizontal bars on chair in Lydia's Office
Dead Freight Drew Sharp's shirt with horizontal stripes; Side of Hank's new office's desktop
Buyout Horizontal slats of benches at Martineztown Park
Say My Name Horizontal stripes on door of safe-deposit-box room
Gliding Over All, Buried Horizontal ridges on doors at Money Storage Locker
Confessions Huell's horizontal-lined shirt
Rabid Dog Rear-window defroster of Jesse's car and car where Saul, Walt, and Kuby meet
To'hajiilee Jack's and Todds' bulletproof vest straps - Jack's has grid elements; Horizontal ridges on door at Best Quality Vacuum, and horizontal grill on heater; Cattle guard at To'hajiilee
Granite State Walt's beanie; Horizontal lines of Ponderosa Bar logs
Felina Horizontal Volvo headrest
"El Camino" Horizontal slats on bookcase and door in Skinny P's house
Horizontal slats on lawn furniture in Pinkman back yard
"Better Call Saul" Five-O Bench slats at Albuquerque train station
Marco Pallet in alley next to Marco
Switch Horizontal rib and paint in room in which Gene is trapped
Switch, Expenses Horizontal shelving at Vintage 423
Rebecca Towel on Rebecca's shoulders with horizontal lines; Horizontal emphasis of the "a mi manera" parking garage in the falling rain
Inflatable Horizontal lines of candy bags at Jimmy's father's store
Klick Bars of gate on desert road as bound driver is driven away
Klick, Winner Horizontal defrost strips in Mike's car's rear window
Mabel Horizontal Mylar strips on Chuck's walls
Expenses Horizontal lines of Albuquerque Parks Dept. building
Expenses, Slip Horizontal emphasis of wall-mounted displays at ABQ in Tune
Expenses, Breathe Horizontal defrost strips in Jimmy's car's rear window
Smoke Horizontal defrost strips in taxi; Horizontal slats of park bench; Horizontal lines of semi-trailer in the Regalo Helado yard; Bridge railings where Nacho throws away medicine
Something Beautiful Horizontal lines of door at Kim's apartment
Talk Horizontal defrost strips in the Cousins' vehicle's rear window
Something Stupid Vertical and horizontal ribs on big German warehouse
50% Off Railings at modern home for sale; Horizontal slats in hole in apartment where drugs are sold
Dedicado a Max Horizontal strips on pallet at El Rancho de las Golondrinas
Wexler v. Goodman Horizontal ridges on outside bay at Rail Yards; Ribs on building near where Lalo is arrested
JMM Horizontally-ribbed lamp at hotel meeting
Something Unforgivable Horizontal strips on door within Hotel Andaluz room
Wine and Roses Stairs at Motel Ocotillo; Floorboards in patio at Lalo's estate, Stripes on mattress in Nacho's room
Carrot and Stick A/C unit in Nacho's motel room
Carrot and Stick, Rock and Hard Place Exterior of barns at Los Pollos Chicken Farm
Rock and Hard Place Nacho's glass-ridden truck bed; Lockers in Nacho's Last Supper Warehouse
Hit and Run Concrete steps outside Howard's therapist's office
Black and Blue Ropes of boxing ring
Axe and Grind German mountain cabin
Plan and Execution Horizontal lines on garage doors near UNM Media Lab
Nippy Marion's southwestern-style vest
Breaking Bad Gene is linked with horizontal power lines at Big Pat's and Saul is linked to the same at Eldorado High School; Stripes on floor of Copper Lounge; Rear window defroster of taxi
Waterworks Horizontal stripes on chairs at Palm Coast Sprinkler, plus Kim's blouse; Power lines alongside road as Gene drives, plus rear-window defroster
Table 38d - Other Examples of Venetian Blinds (Privacy)
TV Series Episode Scene
"Breaking Bad" Crazy Handful of Nothin', Hermanos At Oncology clinic
No Más, Caballo sin Nombre In Beachcomber apartment
Green Light Russell's interrogation room
One Minute Hank's interview room
I See You In Superlab
Fly Shadow of blinds on Walt's face
Abiquiú In Physical Therapy
38 Snub Gun salesman's motel room
Open House At police station
Cornered, To'hajiilee In Car Wash office
Bug IRS offices
Crawl Space Ted Beneke's home and at Casa Tranquila
Face Off, Live Free or Die In Gus' Office
Live Free or Die Denny's Restaurant; Behind Skyler at hospital
Madrigal Merkert's Office
Hazard Pay In second house being tented
Fifty-One In Lydia's Madrigal office
Say My Name At Cradock Marine Bank and at Hacienda Motel meeting between Walt and Uncle Jack and crew
Confessions Dining room and in bathroom at Route 66 Cafe
To'hajiilee, Felina In Uncle Jack's clubhouse
Granite State Present in DEA Conference room; In Ponderosa Bar
Felina In Jesse's wood shop; In Skyler's new apartment
"El Camino" Bedroom in Skinny P's house
In Joe's junkyard office
Horizontal slats on interior south wall of Vacuum Shop
Horizontal lines on window coverings on staggered wall north of Vacuum Shop
Horizontal meth trays at Quonset hut lab
Horizontal pipe racks at Kandy Welding
"Better Call Saul" Nacho Cook County jail
Hero Clothing store where Jimmy upgrades his look; Judge's quarters - Hamlindigo Blue
Alpine Shepherd Boy Roland Jaycocks' home
Alpine Shepherd Boy, Amarillo Mrs. Strauss' home
Alpine Shepherd Boy, Klick Chuck's hospital room
Bingo Jimmy's potential new law office
RICO At Stacey's original house
Marco, Fifi At Arno's Bar in Chicago
Switch, Expenses In Pryce's house
Cobbler In police interview room
Inflatable Jimmy's office at Davis and Main; Windows of pawn shop
Klick Berwyn, IL, hospital room
Sunk Costs Horizontal blinds at Clinica Gratuita
Chicanery, Winner Hearing courtroom
Slip Lydia's office
Fall Bingo Ballroom and lobby
Breathe, Piñata Hector's hospital room
Breathe, Something Beautiful Neff Copiers office
Something Beautiful Staggered window office at Mesa Verde
Talk, Coushatta Judge Munsinger's office
Talk Self-help group; Nacho's father's house
Piñata Stacey's house - exterior
Something Stupid Jimmy's potential new law office; Courtroom
Coushatta, Rock and Hard Place ADA Ericsen's office
Coushatta At Jimmy's potential new law office
Wiedersehen At Casa Tranquila; PPD Interview room
Winner Vouching for new lawyers room
50% Off At modern home for sale, including bay windows
Wexler v. McGill San Pedro Branch Library
Wexler v. McGill, JMM Police headquarters offices hallway and offices
JMM Sacrificial Los Pollos Hermanos Los Lunas
Something Unforgivable Room at Hotel Andaluz
Hit and Run Howard's therapist's office
Black and Blue Blinds at Margarethe 's apartment
Axe and Grind In house across street from Stacey's house, In Jubilation liquor store
Fun and Games In courtroom
Waterworks In Kim's Florida House; At Cancer Man's House