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Last updated: March 27, 2023
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Quick Summary:
(From imdb) Set in the last week of 1999, best friends Kelly and Miguel find themselves on the cusp of their future. Kelly has been floating through life after her parent's death. Drowning herself in alcohol and drugs. When her inheritance money runs out, Kelly is slapped with the realities of her actions. Her best friend Miguel is torn between his immigrant parent's expectations and his dream to become a comedian. The pressure to pursue his dreams while defying the sacrifices his parents made for him pushes Miguel to the brink. Together, Kelly and Miguel along the rest of the world find themselves wondering what's next.
Notes on Individual Scenes
Various news clips
Police Station - James Dwyer Police Station
Looks like Calvary Skatepark - 4001 Osuna Rd. NE
Convenience store - North Heights Food Mart, aka Shop N Go, 11928 Candelaria Rd. NE
Vulcan Video Store, 4411 Russell Drive, Austin, TX
Miguel's House
Launchpad club, downtown near 7th & Central
Outside El Rey Theater, SW corner
The Pic, Moonlight Lounge, 120 Central Ave. SW
Miguel and ex-girlfriend meet on sidewalk just in front of Launchpad
Getting in vehicle - U Public TV Parking Lot, 912 3rd St. NW
Towing Place - Acme Towing and Recovery Inc., 8705 Broadway Blvd. SE A
Storage Unit
In alley and parking lot just behind Launchpad
Ex's house
Kelly's House - 2840 Rhode Island St. NE
Drive away towards I-35 - about 7920 Claremont Ave. NE.
(Credits thank AAA - U-Lock It and Self Storage. Three possible places where that could be.)