Saturday, October 20, 2018

Mary Young's Car Accident

On Tuesday morning, longtime community musical theater enthusiast Mary Young was driving on northbound Interstate 5 to her job as a mathematics instructor at Woodland Community College, when she failed to notice the traffic ahead of her was at a dead stop. She plowed into a stationary work van at 70 mph.

Mary scrambled out of the smoking car, fearful that it might catch fire. The vehicle didn't ignite, but Mary was grievously injured: broken sternum, clavicle, 3 ribs, injured vertebrae, etc. She was transported to Kaiser South. The two people in the work van were not hurt.

Wednesday afternoon, I saw Mary in the hospital. Her first priority, apart from healing, was to get a substitute to teach her math classes. I put my name into consideration, and that afternoon I was notified I was chosen.

On Thursday morning I went to Woodland to teach her 2-hour long Math 50 class. Interesting morning: I was dismissed halfway through the class. Apparently administrators decided to move in a different direction.

Saturday afternoon, Mary moved to a nursing residence in Roseville. The best of healing to her!

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