The infinitely-loathsome Dan Lungren is right at the precipice, but it will require a little bit more effort to secure Ami Bera's right to a fair and just recount!
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The odious Rep. Dan Lungren is almost, almost ousted. But not yet. Dr. Ami Bera has the tiniest of leads against him in this Sacramento-area seat, just 186 votes as of late last night.
A close registration split between the two parties and a flood of outside spending rendered the battle between Lungren and Bera one of the country's most competitive and costly congressional contests. [...]
Sacramento County Registrar Jill LaVine said Wednesday that the U.S. Committee on House Administration, which is chaired by Lungren, told her it is sending observers to monitor the count in what it called the closest congressional race in the country.
The call came from the committee's deputy general counsel Peter Schalestock, who she said told her "We'll be arriving (Thursday) to observe" with two Republicans and two Democrats from Washington, D.C.

Lungren loves to fight losing legal battles. He's the guy who authorized the $1.5 million in taxpayer dollars spent to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, after the administration decided to stop pursuing a law they had determined was unconstitutional. Of course, DOMA has been Lungren's baby from the beginning. That's one of the key reasons we targeted Lungren, and the fact that Bera is a fantastic progressive was icing.
This could get pretty damned expensive for Ami Bera, so we're helping him get ready.
Please contribute $3 to Bera's recount fund.
The race for the east Sacramento County seat is far from over. Election officials said Wednesday that they still need to process 162,000 absentee and 31,000 provisional ballots cast countywide.
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