Writing to inspire and encourage is different than other kinds of writing. I really like Atlas' use of language - economical, vivid, and bright!
So, from time to time, for inspiration, I'll post snippets from Charles Atlas.
Today, a few bits from Lesson 1:
To be successful you must be persistent, and the first secret of persistence is a good start. You have started this course because you desire HEALTH and STRENGTH. Constantly review the motives you had in taking up this System. Never work at cross purposes. Here you are given advice to achieve the results you want. At all times, therefore, see that ALL your habits are now in accord with the health promoting principles I am providing. Avoid all dissipations and injurious habits that you know to be wrong. You cannot build health and tear it down at the same time. Be master of your own will. Choose as your companions people who are clean, mentally and physically. People who are optimistic and congenial. Keep out of the backyards, get into the sunshine amid beautiful surroundings. Live in an atmosphere of beauty, and when compelled to go through unlovely places, close the mind's eye to the surroundings and occupy the imagination with delightful scenery. At all times switch the mind from unpleasant to pleasant things. The mental influence plays a larger part in the promotion of health than most people are willing to realize. "As a man thinketh, so is he."
Do not overlook the value of good music. Like attracts like. Music is pure and clean. Good music inspires and lifts you into higher realms. I very strongly recommend that you take what I will call a "MUSIC BATH" daily. If you do not own a musical instrument, buy one as soon as you can, and let its beneficent harmonies elevate and refresh your mind, body and soul. It should be as much a part of your regular day's routine as working, eating or sleeping. See that you listen to good music. Too much of the new "swing" stuff tends to lower the tone of mind. Good music is to the soul what the water bath is to the body. Make it a point to hear it often.
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