Sunday, June 02, 2024

So They Arrested *One* Guy

This is a major scandal here. Assembling a mob that attacked for hours and then dissolved away with no consequences whatsoever:
A pro-Israeli counterprotester was arrested Thursday morning by UCLA police, weeks after he allegedly assaulted occupants of a campus protest encampment with a wooden pole.
...A law enforcement source confirmed to The Times that the man is Edan On, who was identified by CNN last week as a counterprotester wearing a white hoodie and a mask in widely shared images and videos that showed him repeatedly hitting a pro-Palestinian protester with the pole. On is also listed on the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department arrest log.
In a deleted Facebook post, On’s mother, Sharon On-Siboni, shared a photo of her son from a Fox 11 news segment at UCLA that she captioned in Hebrew, “Edan went to bully the Palestinian students in the tents at UCLA and played the song that they played to the Nukhba terrorists in prison!” according to a law enforcement source.
...Protesters who erected a Palestine solidarity encampment came under attack by hundreds of pro-Israel counterprotesters armed with fireworks, a gas irritant and blunt objects. For hours, the violence intensified as private security guards and campus police watched from a distance.
...Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) said the images from UCLA were “appalling,” but even worse was “that it was completely preventable.” She told Block multiple times during the hearing that he should be “ashamed” for the injuries that took place under his watch.
“You, the UCLA leadership and law enforcement stood by for hours as the mob of agitators gathered near the encampment with a clear intention to cause violence,” she said. “I would like to know if you are truly committed to keeping your students safe. How did you fail these students at many critical points where you could’ve intervened?”
“Thank you for the question, but I’m sorry but I reject the premise,” Block replied, saying that UCLA is working with the LAPD to identify attackers. He said the university “tried to to get police there as quickly as possible.”

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