Daniel Watts (former 2003 California Gubernatorial candidate, and Davis City Council candidate too), his girl friend Kayla, and Alexis Padilla (daughter of Leonard Padilla, also former 2003 California Gubernatorial candidate), came over and said "hi!" We had a nostalgic 2003 good-ol-time! Daniel is now a Sacramento attorney. Julie Padilla now lives in Denver. When I mentioned my book, they were like, "we will totally read your book, like, if it's available on Kindle!" I was like "I'm totally from the dead-tree old-school generation, but I will make my book available on Kindle!" (And, in fact, I have done so.)
The heat was truly beastly: on the order of 108 degrees F. in the late afternoon. I looked up Phoenix, AZ, temperatures and they were the same, so we were in the same boat as the Phoenicians.
There is a weather station that reports for Slide Hill Park in Davis on Weather Underground, and they showed temperatures above 100 degrees from about noon to about 6:30 p.m., peaking at 109.4 degrees shortly before 4 p.m. We were out in the elements from about 1 p.m. to about 11:00 p.m.
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