Tev shared this on Facebook.
People don't really seem to understand this very well. The interior states (mostly Red States) sponge off the rest of the country, and have always done so. There is no good reason for any of them to favor less federal government.
I'm happy to report my home state of New Mexico leads the list. Without the feds, NM would barely exist!
For example, what is the purpose of Albuquerque, New Mexico's largest city? Does it serve a critical function? No. Does it provide an irreplaceable resource? No. Economically speaking, it's a crossroads on the high desert plateaus, and not much more. As far as the rest of the country is concerned Albuquerque could function just as well with 50,000 residents as with 500,000. Without the federal government's direction and interest it would barely have any purpose at all!
As a New Mexico native, I'm grateful to the federal government!
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