Monday, October 14, 2024

RIP, Donnakay Ohmburger

From Albuquerque comes news that Donnakay Ohmburger passed away. A Court-Appointed Special Advocate and a former middle-school teacher, she was among the hardest core of "Breaking Bad"/"Better Call Saul" fans in Albuquerque. She will be missed!

Donnakay Ohmburger, aka Kim Wexler, at Forque Restaurant in the Hyatt Regency Hotel, July 1, 2016.

Donnakay Ohmburger, aka Kim Wexler, together with James Gelet, July 1, 2016.

Donnakay Ohmburger brings her bench to Washington Park in Albuquerque. Just then, the Breaking Bad RV arrives on its tour, August 21, 2016.

Donnakay Ohmburger brings her bench to Washington Park. Just then, the Breaking Bad RV arrives on its tour, August 21, 2016. Lots of people here: Sam Hughes, Jackie Sandoval, Nicole Bynum, Kelly Tow, Adam Ramirez, among others.

Donnakay Ohmburger, with KT Yeung, at Washington Park, August 21, 2016.

I asked my friend Rachel Rycerz to sing “Ave Maria”in Donnakay’s honor.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Regarding Hurricane Milton

I discovered I had more connections to Tampa, Florida.  Two weeks ago, one of my cousins purchased a condo in Clearwater, Florida. (smh  Just hit my head with a hammer!)

A Facebook friend in the UK worried about a cousin who was going to ride the storm out in Palm Harbor.  That place has some elevation - up to 80 feet above sea level! - but if the storm surge is big she could be isolated for weeks.

Fortunately the storm surge was not as large as feared, because the eye of the hurricane crossed the coast south of Sarasota and the winds in Tampa Bay and vicinity were mostly from the east, which greatly limited the potential damage.

There's still a lot of damage, though.

My friend Dwight reported on Thu, Oct 10, 2:15 PM:
Thanks again for all your guidance. The good news is that according to our next-door neighbor, there was no damage to our building, and we did not lose power. I'm planning on taking a quick run home tomorrow to check it out.

Good for Dwight!  Linda still needs attention from the surgeon, however.  Now that the storm has passed I hope that surgery can get scheduled.

To flesh out the record, here are two E-Mails I sent Dwight as the storm approached.

On Wed, Oct 9, 2:20 PM, I wrote:
I hope all is well, under the circumstances. 
The storm now has what they call a sheared structure, with the rains and winds to the north of the eye and the eye open to the south. The storm has weakened to a Category 3, but it has also expanded in size. Radar shows you are getting heavy rain at this moment. There are numerous tornado warnings as well. 
It looks like there was a subtle shift in direction too, with the eye heading towards just south of Tampa Bay. Eyewall should reach the coast in about 2 hours (7:20 pm EDT), with the eye arriving in almost 5 hours (10 pm, or so).

On Tue, Oct 8, 1:07 AM, I wrote:
Hurricane Milton hit major milestones today, with the fifth-lowest central pressure on record for an Atlantic hurricane (897 millibars), and reaching and sustaining Category 5 strength. It's very difficult for a hurricane to sustain Category 5 strength, since just about anything will disrupt it. Tonight it's at Category 4 as it goes through an eyewall replacement cycle. 
As it encounters drier air with more shear tomorrow, it should weaken to Category 3 (the closest analogy is Hurricane Katrina, in 2005, which did the same thing). The hurricane should expand in size as it weakens, however, which will just endanger even more people as it rolls onto land. 
Best guess right now is that the eye will come ashore just south of Tampa Bay. In general, it's better to be north of the eye, since the motion of the storm subtracts from the wind speed rather than adds to it. People are rightfully anxious about many things. One is that people have been putting belongings that got waterlogged during Hurricane Helene into piles on the street, which will serve as plentiful projectiles when wind speeds are high. Stay away from easily-punctured exterior walls if possible. All the usual caveats apply. Stay away from the shoreline, if possible, due to storm surge. Have plenty of supplies, particularly water. 
Praying that you and all your friends and relations will come through this OK.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

He's Back!

This evening, as Jasper and I concluded the evening walk, we encountered two neighbors in the parking area just outside my back gate. They were both aghast. A dead pigeon was on the ground; it's chest expertly carved out. They asked if I could do something. I had my pooper scooper with me, so I quickly scooped the pigeon away. 

What happened to this pigeon? It must be one of my birds. Then I remembered, the pigeon fell directly under the neighbors' eucalyptus tree, where I observed this guy on September 21st eyeing the spot where I feed all the local pigeons.

He's back!

I Recommend The Knitting Cult Lady

I've been watching a lot of The Knitting Cult Lady's videos on TikTok, and I recommend them. Many institutions in society work or act like cults, and it's important to see them for what they are, for your own sanity, if nothing else.

Mr. Not-A-Meteorologist Keeps Yammering Away

“The wind, the wind. It sounds so wonderful,” Trump meandered on. “The wind, the wind, the wind is, the wind is bullshit. I'll tell you. It's horrible.”

When Meteorology Meets The Real World

@theallinpod Warming Oceans, Stronger Hurricanes, Higher Property Damage: Florida’s home insurance market is in crisis, and what happens next will impact everyone. #hurricanemilton #florida #floridainsurance #homeinsurance #insurance ♬ original sound - theallinpod

Tropicana Hotel Implosion

The departure of an old friend and important landmark - the Tropicana Hotel and Casino (as apparently seen from Mandalay Bay’s Foundation Room).

Interesting Times


Saw this film last weekend, at the Tower Theater, on Friday, October 4th:


I was eager to see this movie since I had read about Lee Miller when studying Surrealist artists for my various "Breaking Bad" talks.  She had been Man Ray's lover in the 1920s.  Later, in World War 2, she became well-known for her photography of the war.  Lee Miller was famous, for example, for bathing in Hitler's bathtub.  Kate Winslet played her in the movie.

The movie starts in 1938, at a picnic near the French Mediterranean.  I remember reading about this picnic - it was a regularly-scheduled event among the Surrealist artists, where the women were frequently topless.  I expected to see Salvador Dali - he was a regular here - but by 1938 he had made off with the host Paul Eluard's wife.  So, no Salvador Dali.

The movie attacks misogyny, which, of course, was rife under wartime circumstances.  The most-interesting episode shown in the movie was a quick kangaroo court arranged by French villagers immediately after liberation.  Numerous young women who had been in various relationships with occupying Nazis were seized and humiliated by having all their hair cut off.  One woman is shown explaining to Miller that her relationship was "different":  the Nazi had humanity.  Lee Miller yells at an American soldier reveling in the women's humiliation.

I wondered, is this imposing the values of the future on the past?  These Nazi-affiliated women ensconced in village life no doubt inflicted much pain:  indulging in petty vendettas under Nazi protection; spying on others; getting all kinds of people killed - especially Resistance fighters.  What would I have done under this circumstance?  I probably would have gotten yelled at by Lee Miller.

I had some minor disappointments in the movie.  It's a World War 2 movie, after all, and I would have liked to see a bigger spectacle, but budgets are budgets.  

Nevertheless, the ending of the movie is very strong - probably the best ending of any movie I've seen in years.

Go see it.  Good movie.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Hurricane Milton Approaches

I do a bit of hurricane weather forecasting for friends north of Tampa. Things are looking grim right now regarding Hurricane Milton. 

“The forecasts don’t look good. On Wednesday evening, October 10th, you will suffer a direct hit by a hurricane traveling east-northeast on areas north of Tampa - the eye of the storm, basically. There will be plenty of rain in advance, so there will be nowhere for the hurricane floodwaters to go. Strength looks like a Category 3 storm - strong enough to cause serious damage. The track looks like it’ll head towards areas south of Jacksonville.”

There are also suggestions that a follow-up hurricane might occur, but no indication at this time where it might hit - Tampa, Ft. Myers, Cuba, Miami, and the Bahamas are all possibilities.

Disaster Rant

I love this rant about the federal response to natural disasters:

Budgeting a Deportation

What it would cost to do a mass deportation of illegals in this country.


short answer, this would be an expensive disaster.

♬ original sound - b-boy boo-eebaisse👻

Overheard in Target

“If you want a place where people have no concept of spatial awareness, go to Costco.”

Ding Dong - Normal Pree

Infectious Dancehall song.


Friday, October 04, 2024

Jimmy Carter Memory

In 1976, 48 years ago, I was living in Englewood, Colorado, a suburb of Denver. In the evenings I would go to downtown Denver and do phone-banking for the “Jimmy Carter for President” campaign. Although I did some campaign work in 1972, 1976 was the first presidential election year I was eligible to vote. Although I voted for Congressman Mo Udall from Arizona in the primaries, I thought evangelical Georgia Governor Carter was the perfect candidate to bridge the differences between the North and South following the difficult Watergate and Civil Rights years. 

Phone-banking was strange – cold-calling people, some of them hostile. My fellow callers were kind of unknowable people – professionals mostly; mainly lawyers. When I referred to the woman companion of the phone-bank leader as his wife, I was swiftly corrected by one of the other volunteers, who warned me that we didn’t want any “faux pas.” Oh, now we speak French! Life in the big city has so many levels of complexity. 

On October 4, 1976, Jimmy Carter came to Denver for a downtown rally. I arrived at the rally to help out. As I recall, Carter was speaking from the steps of the Federal building, but it was difficult for anyone to see him, because the national media had set up tables and placed big television cameras directly in front of him. I got angry, and along with others, started yelling at the national media. That felt good. I was pleased that in newcasts that evening you could hear our inarticulate shouts in the background. The hostile local media (after all, in 1976, Colorado was a Republican state) reported that the audience was only 4,000 people. I’m sure that the crowd was bigger than that (although, to be truthful, the downtown buildings did hem in the audience and prevent it from being even bigger). 

After the rally, I returned late to the phone bank headquarters. The leader was closing up shop. “Do you want to come with me to the airport?” he asked. I thought, “Sure, why not?” Only later did I think to ask why we were going to the airport. “We’re going to say farewell to Jimmy Carter,” he replied. Oh boy! 

We barely arrived in time at the foot of the stairs out on the tarmac at Stapleton International Airport. The limousine arrived, Jimmy Carter stepped out, shook hands all around (including mine) and posed for a few photos with the lady volunteers. Given the “lust in his heart” controversy at the time, I thought it notable that he placed his arm around their waists while posing for photos. Then the entire traveling entourage climbed up the steps into the jet aircraft and they headed out for another city. 

Happy 100th birthday to Jimmy Carter!:
As a candidate, Carter’s faith had endeared him to many fellow white evangelicals and cultural conservatives. That made him a difficult foil for Republicans, who wanted to cast Democrats as out-of-step with most of America. The flip side, Scheer noted, was the many young voters and urban liberals — key Democratic constituencies — who “wondered if he was this Southern square.”
“Hamilton Jordan (Carter’s campaign manager) had always called Carter’s faith ‘the weirdo factor,’” said media historian Amber Roessner, a University of Tennessee professor who has written extensively on Carter. “Talking to Playboy was their way to prove he wasn’t some kind of prude.”
Scheer, who was with Carter as part of his traveling press corps, said Playboy’s early text release sparked a frenzy. 
“Reporters were scrambling, asking me, ‘Bob, what is this?” he recalled.

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Open House at "The Ballet Studio" - September 29, 2024

Celebrating graduation of the “First Position” class at “The Ballet Studio,” plus an Open House, with conversation, food, and memories.

Founder Bobbi Bader (left) taught all the classes back in the day.  Memories were a bit hazy about when the studio started.  The studio was in full bloom at this location when I first arrived in August, 1990.  There was a prior, triangular studio located somewhere near Folsom and La Riviera Drives.  The best anyone could come up with was "The Ballet Studio" started sometime in the Eighties.

Bobbi Bader as "The Doll" in Sacramento Ballet's 1973 Nutcracker.

Bobbi Bader in "Clown Alley."

Celebrating Barbie last year.


Sunday class.

Bobbi Bader.

Wednesday class celebrating Barbie, plus my Mojo Dojo Casa House.


The studio has been in a quiet succession crisis for much of the year.  Eighteen years after Bobbi's untimely death, the collective leadership that has since guided the studio would have to pass on to others.  At the gathering, Katie Rogers announced that, with Patrice's and Maricar's help, she would henceforth lead the studio.  This is the best resolution!  

Listening to Katie, and telling our own stories of how we came to The Ballet Studio.

Second Viewing of "Titanic, The Musical" - Lincoln Theatre Company - September 27, 2024

Sacramento Signs

My Nephew and His Young Daughter

Sixth Anniversary of Getting Jasper

Jasper joined me six years ago, today, October 1st. Jasper was so brave, riding in my lap as I drove him down from Placerville, in order to become a city dog.

"Titanic, The Musical" Cast Party - Lincoln Theatre Company - September 22, 2024

Handing out little "golden tissue box" prizes to the actors for evoking an emotional response from the audience.

My Yard Sign Arrived!

And my T-Shirt arrived too!

I Recognize These Turkeys

Last week, they were on Vallejo Way, nearly 3/4 mile away, across the railroad in Land Park. One of them (the one facing downwards here) has a severe limp, presumably from some accident. It’s hard to be a crippled wild animal. The best you can do is gather your mates around for company, support, and protection, and soldier on.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

"Dan Da Dan"

I decided to try something different, and watched this movie on September 20th at the Tower Theater. I know nothing about Japanese manga and figured I needed to know something. The premise looked fun: a girl who believes in ghosts and a boy who believes in aliens each trying to persuade the other of the existence of their passion. And, of course, both are right: both exist! 

The movie was fun, and very odd. I particularly liked the puzzling Americanisms that would suddenly present themselves. For example, when a giant sumo-wrestling alien appeared, they explained, in a parenthetical aside, that the monster was first noted in an American place called Flatwoods. I thought that was a brilliant name - it sounded American but didn't actually exist as a real place. I was surprised to learn later that the Flatwoods Monster is a known entity in West Virginia (but not as a sumo wrestler). I was amused by the sumo-wrestler alien's defeat by a technicality.  It happens, even to aliens.

I was also surprised when the boy, possessed by a ghost, began ending every sentence by saying "yo." It was as if the boy was suddenly possessed by the spirit of Jesse Pinkman. 

This is a fun movie, and includes a documentary about the filmmakers. Japanese culture is one strange thing.


Time For Bird Seed!

Where are the pigeons? Oh…

Cultural Touchstones of the American Heartland

@creativelyflailing I am an influential member of early 21st century society. #archeology #history #historytok #fordf100 ♬ original sound - Hedge Bette

Stock Market At All-Time Highs

With the fed rate cut today, the stock markets are now at all-time highs, and heading higher. Good economic management by Biden-Harris! 

I remember talking to my financial advisor in April, and she said, “Yup, big rate cut coming, before the election. Position yourself!” (Which I didn’t do).

The Purpose of AI

The Trains of Bernalillo

I'm feeling nostalgic. My grandmother lived next to the train tracks in Bernalillo, NM, where this video was taken. Some of my first solid memories were of watching trains right here, up to 65 years ago: the anticipation as they approached, feeling the power of the Diesel engine, hearing the horn and the metallic scream of the wheels, then sudden, abrupt silence. 

I would dream about trains too. One dream had me standing in my grandmother's kitchen, in the center of a Stonehenge-like ring of Coldspot refrigerators, as a malevolent Santa Fe Chief passenger train circled around in the kitchen, trying to find a way to get to me inside the ring. Sometimes the dream trains were friendlier, and would pluck me up, drop me into the engine, and take me for rides. My father was in his Freudian phase at this time and he carefully explained that the dream meant I wanted to go back to the womb. Even then, I thought this interpretation was strange. My father offered this interpretation at other times too. No matter what happened in my dream life, my dad heard the siren song of the womb. 

My dad also told various stories about the rails. His dad had been a section chief on the Santa Fe railroad and had been awarded a fancy watch for spotting a locked bearing and stopping a train before disaster ensued. My dad told about how cars and trucks would sometimes stall on the tracks and get clobbered. Crossing the rails in a vehicle made me anxious, certain as I was that the vehicle would stall. 

I wasn't allowed to leave my grandmother's yard, but the kid next door was allowed to. I wanted to test out something my dad said about a strong wind right at wheel level as the train passed. I asked the kid to place a piece of paper right next to the rail and place a rock on top, in order to see if the wind would rip out the piece of paper. The kid instead put the paper and the rock right on top of the rail. I panicked and fled to the opposite side of the house as the train approached, certain as I was that the train would derail. But a simple rock is no match for a locomotive. I presume it was instantly pulverized. 

Anyway, the video shows that little has changed in the intervening 65 years in Bernalillo, at least concerning trains. The power remains awesome!


The Planters Just Didn't Have The Cash

Excellent short video about the empire of lies that buttressed the planters of the Old South, and made it impossible to avoid war. Key was the scarcity of money….
@jonstertruck #history #teachertok #historytok #ushistory #civilwar #americanhistory #historyteachers ♬ original sound - jonstertruck

Canada Has A Large Faucet?

@thatguyyu Canada has a faucet? #2024president #trump #chathelp #ineedanadult ♬ original sound - Z7duckx_Music

Monday, September 16, 2024

"Titanic - The Musical" - Lincoln Theatre Company - Opening Night, September 13, 2024

Excellent show up in Lincoln!


Loud and Proud Democrat!

Because of this recent "concept" of an assassination attempt Republicans are now asserting that if Democrats say ANYTHING AT ALL about ANYTHING, it's incendiary, dangerous rhetoric. 

What a bunch of whiny, triggered snowflakes! Join me in being a loud and proud Democrat!:
The idea here seems to be that Republicans can say anything they want, about anyone they want, and it’s fine. “They’re destroying our country,” Trump charged during last week’s debate, falsely accusing Harris of—among other things—being a communist and supporting the murder of babies. But if Democrats object, they’re being divisive.

Big Harvest Moon Coming Up!

In this year of maximum lunar standstill, the moon is almost as far south as it ever gets. Several months ago that would have occurred at full moon, but it looks like it’s shifted now to first quarter. In two weeks, at last quarter, the moon will be nearly as far north as it ever gets. This year, 2024/25, the moon will wander like crazy across the sky.

Watching The Tropics

I'm keeping an eye on the moisture from Tropical Storm Ileana, as it crosses southern Arizona and plunges into New Mexico. Maybe some rain! 

Potential Tropical Storm Eight is about to transition into Tropical Storm Helene off the coast of the Carolinas. Heavy rain. 

Tropical Storm Gordon is weakening far out in the Atlantic, and poses no threat to anyone. 

There is a suggestion of storminess traveling from the Caribbean across Cuba and up Florida's east coast in about a week, but it's too early to say whether any of it reaches tropical storm status.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

"The Critic"

This is an excellent movie! Saw it over at the Tower Theater.


Time For Laura Loomer's Fifteen Minutes

I've been trying to understand Laura Loomer a bit better. She was born in Tucson in 1993; daughter of a doctor, with a mentally-ill brother, and part of the Jewish community. I was in Tucson from 1980-88, and had some contact with the Jewish community there. Maybe just having been part of the milieu I might have gained some special insight on her upraising. 

But no. There's that extra element. For example, just by having been in Los Angeles in the late 60s doesn't mean you understand the Manson family. With Laura Loomer, that element seems to have come from childhood neglect, and that most-toxic of babysitters, being plopped in front of a TV tuned to FOX News. Everything else follows.

Cats and Dogs

And that's we have a Stable Genius!

The Fat Guy eats first.