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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A View From The Bridge Chloe sent out an E-Mail regarding the latest offering at Natomas Charter School - help support the folks over there at Natomas:
Hey everyone! Just sending out an email to everyone letting you know the dates for A View From the Bridge.. the show is coming along really well, and I'm sooo excited to be a part of it! Hope you can come.. miss you all! -Chloe As some of you may already know, the NCS Drama Department was chosen by the American High School Theater Festival to represent the United States in Scotland at the Fringe Festival. This event is the LARGEST theater festival in the world, and to be chosen is quite an honor. At the Festival, we have the extraoridinary opportunity to perform our major production, Arthur Miller's "A View From the Bridge". Your chance to see this great play is coming soon! Performances open in the NCS Black Box Theatre on Thursday, November 3rd. This stunning story about betrayal, revenge, and the human spirit will transport you back in time to Brooklyn in the 1950's. For ticket information, call 928-5353. Performances: November 3-19. 7:30 curtain thurs, fri, sat. No performance November 11th (due to holiday). Instead, matinee Nov 12, 1:30 curtain (as well as 7:30 that night).

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