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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Cloudy, The Lop-Eared Rabbit, Visits The Vet

Her conjunctivitis has gotten pretty bad. The folks at Midtown Animal Center in Davis recommended more powerful medications than I got last May at the other vet, and hopefully we can get this under control. I need to crush antibiotic tablets into a banana paste and inject the glop into her mouth with a converted syringe. Fortunately, she's a big fan of bananas.

On the way back to Sacramento, she picked the lock on her pet carrier, which was sitting on the back seat, and escaped into the passenger compartment, coming to rest on the floor behind the driver's seat. All she really wanted was a head scratch and a nice quiet corner where the car's soothing vibration could put her asleep. So cute!

Reviewing Cloudy's records, I now recall her birthdate: July 22, 2000. She's five years old now!

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