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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Still Shaky On The Cardiac Front

I've been worried about my cardiac health lately, especially after getting a cardioversion for my racing heart at the Sutter Hospital ER on Sunday morning, 1/30. Since then, I've noticed a slight feeling of impairment - almost as if I've had a beer. Every so often, I notice a slight dizziness, and a slight shortness of breath too. On Monday afternoon, 2/14, about 3:15 p.m., I noticed that my heart was racing again. My heartbeat was between 120 and 140 bpm - high, but not quite as high as the 155-158 bpm on 1/30. Still, nearly as high as a heart should beat safely. So, I administered myself half of a metoprolol tablet (which is designed to slow down heartbeat). After ten minutes passed, and no change occurred, I took the other half of the tablet. And the heartbeat finally did slow down (something that didn't happen when I did the same thing on 1/30). So, I wasn't quite so far gone. By 4 p.m., all was well. The cardiologist is apparently prescribing a different, faster-acting version of metoprolol, in the event this continues happening. Tomorrow, I'm going to go in to the cardiologists's office for an echocardiogram of the heart and to put on a Holter monitor for 48 hours worth of heart monitoring. Then, the current plan is, I'm traveling to New Mexico for the following week. The week after that, the cardiologist will check on the monitor's results and design a longer-term program of care. Whether that involves better drugs, a pacemaker, or ablation surgery, I'll find out soon enough.

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