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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Covid Means Heart Problems

Avoid getting Covid at any cost:
What Al-Aly and his colleagues found was even a mild COVID-19 infection increased a person's risk of having cardiovascular problems — including heart rhythm irregularities, potentially deadly clots in the legs and lungs, heart failure, heart attack and stroke, within a year after being infected. 
"That means it's likely that for every 100 people with COVID, there are four people who will develop some major cardiovascular event as a result of COVID up to a year out of the infection," Al-Aly said. "People say 'oh 4 percent, what's the big deal?' Well, many millions of people in the US have had COVID and that translates into many people in the U.S. who are either having or will have serious heart problems, and I think that's really that's really profound."

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