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Friday, January 29, 2016

The Mailman Always Rings Twice

It's interesting to watch Bella contemplate an escalating range of threats.

On Monday night, I was quite disturbed by the sudden disappearance of a large, familiar tree on X Street. The tree was still there Sunday night, but it vanished. Presto! Gone! Nevertheless, Bella thought the matter inconsequential.

Last night, we could hear an animal scratching around between two houses, but couldn't see it in the darkness. Who knows what it was? A raccoon, perhaps? Bella started lunging and barking the way a dog should when confronting an unknown animal.

Tonight, we watched a car making intermittent stops in the neighborhood. A man would get out and make a delivery to each house. I recognized these as newspaper delivery people, but the pattern of delivery reminded Bella of someone else, someone far more sinister. Bella stiffened and came to attention, ready to strike in an instant. Yes, as horrible as it was to contemplate, here was clear and convincing evidence that The Mailman, the Most Dangerous Person on Earth, also delivered at night.

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