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Friday, January 29, 2016

The Evangelicals Betray Cruz

Back in 1980, I was among a group of people protesting outside a Tucson arena where Jerry Falwell was to speak.

After the speech started, we realized the arena doors were unlocked and apparently unguarded, and so we ventured inside to chant "Sieg Heil!", only to realize that it was a trap. We were expected! Falwell pointed towards us and used us as godless foils in his speech about the decline of morality in America. Attendees recoiled in fear. We were boxed in by beefy guys, and forced to hold hands with them. In their tight, suffocating embrace, we all sang "God Bless America" together.

So, I'm familiar with getting sandbagged by evangelicals on a political mission. Poor Ted Cruz. Never saw it coming:
But there's a simple explanation for the evangelical embrace of Trump: Having not succeeded in making America Christian, evangelicals coalescing around Trump have decided to settle for making it great (or "great," as the case may be).

It's all there in Falwell's own words about Trump, whom he describes as "a successful executive and entrepreneur, a wonderful father and a man who I believe can lead our country to greatness again." Note that Trump is not described as a wonderful husband, often a crucial criterion for evangelical voters, or as a revivalist who will save the Christian nation, or even as the guardian of crucial Supreme Court appointments who could oversee making abortion illegal in all 50 states.

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