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Monday, March 09, 2015

Nha Nguyen From "Good Day, Sacramento" Visits The Cast of DMTC's "Sweeney Todd", and Gets Quickly-Dispatched

Here's the fun video from this morning's telecast on "Good Day, Sacramento" featuring the cast of DMTC's "Sweeney Todd" singing portions of the 'Prologue'. DMTC Producer Steve Isaacson first discusses the background of the musical. Then CBS 13/31 reporter Nha Nguyen is quickly dispatched by Sweeney Todd (played by John Haine). Nguyen was game: she ran up onto the Cube and went down the chute without any prior practice at all!

We had a good weekend of shows, with two more weekends to come. I'm relieved we managed not to squash Karina Selvaggio with the Cube this weekend (although something else happened on the "God, That's Good" exit that got her into a similar jam stage right).

I'm the Stage Manager of this bloodfest, which features Kyra Zablotsky as Blood Manager. (And where does all that blood come from, after all?)

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