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Monday, March 09, 2015

In The Safeway Parking Lot With E.

E. parked her 2001 gold-colored Ford Taurus SE in the parking lot at the Safeway on Greenback and went inside to shop. After a time she returned and noticed something odd with her car. A passing Good Samaritan overheard her and attempted to help:
E.: Oh, no! My key won't open the door! There is something strange about the lock! See, it looks odd there, as if someone damaged it!

GS: Oh, no! I wonder if other cars are damaged too?

E.: There are criminals around, always looking for any chance to take something.

GS: Even on a Saturday morning! It's terrible!

E.: I wonder if it's the homeless? They scare me. Always taking things.
E. decided to walk around the car and try to come in on the passenger side. On the other side she noticed the car parked immediately adjacent: a 2001 gold-colored Ford Taurus SE. Much laughter ensued.

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