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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"Breaking Bad" Upgrade Done

I have upgraded my "Breaking Bad" locations posts to include site visits from my most-recent trip to Albuquerque (Sept. 26 - Oct. 6). I've added a new post for my locations 'Wish List', plus additional material of Breaking Bad Fan Culture as I encounter it in the future. Cross-references have been improved and more photos have been added.

It was a very interesting week. The biggest surprise (since it was so unexpected) was meeting Patty, one of Breaking Bad's three Tarantulas. The biggest disappointment was traveling to the "Confessions" Sand Dune, and realizing only once I got back to Sacramento that I had visited the wrong Sand Dune. No problem. The goal of all of this is to understand Albuquerque better anyway, and it just means I'll need to make another visit in the future.

These locations posts can be accessed from the new post.

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