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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving, 2012

Got an invite to eat Thanksgiving dinner with E. and her boyfriend at the mobile home park in Granite Bay, so that's where I was this afternoon. (Betcha didn't know that Sacramento's poshest zip code even had a mobile park!) Nice time was had by all.

At one time, E. decided to weigh in on foreign affairs:

They've been fighting for years over there in Pakistine - uh, Palistine. It all started when the the U.S. and the United Nations transferred part of Southwest Palistine to Israel. The Palistinians didn't understand that the transfer was legal, so that's why they keep fighting!

Yes, that is a very confusing situation. No wonder they never get it settled!

On TV, Animal Planet's episode where they look for Saquatch in the Humboldt-County California woods was being played on what seemed like an infinite loop. They talked to the people who filmed the famous 1967 sighting; they reenacted that filming; they made scary sounds in the woods at night; they drove around taking pictures of mysterious movements in the distance; and they even flew a helicopter at night and used thermal imaging to track down dots seen far below.

I dunno. I think I prefer this hunt for the Legendary Oklahoma Sasquatch:

Driving home, at E. Roseville Parkway and Douglas Blvd., I ran into evidence of a car crash. The driver was just getting out of her car, so I must have just missed the actual collision, but there was no sign of the other vehicle. A hit-and-run, perhaps, Or a get-hit-and-run?

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