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Friday, November 09, 2012

Mitt Romney Lost Because He Wasn't White Enough?

How could that be? Mitt's Mormon!

I remember when I lived in Salt Lake City, and it struck me all the time how white the people there were. Really white. Fluorescent white, like light bulbs. There were common inherited facial features that signaled that most people really were closely related. Maybe six or seven common kinds of faces, coming directly from the Mormon pioneers; just yesterday in genetic time. One common kind of face, with the receding jaw line, was even light-bulb shaped.

Even black people looked white. Sometimes you'd spot Utah Jazz players on the street - you could spot them from a mile away - but even they looked a little pale.

I know, I know, Mitt lost because he looks too Mexican! Ha, ha!

No, I'm sorry, Mitt is the quintessence of white. He's a white supermodel!:

Look, I didn’t plan to do too much celebratory/mean-spirited “mocking the losers” stuff after Tuesday, besides of course joining in my favorite new American Electoral Tradition, “spending Wednesday retweeting funny pre-election tweets from people who were really wrong.” But this Jay Cost column in The Weekly Standard is full of so much delightful Republican bubble analysis, and it has such a remarkable prescription for the party as a whole, that I think it deserves at quick look.

...It turns out this is a call for the GOP to do its version of “identity politics” (you may know it as “the Southern Strategy”) better. Cost’s argument is that Romney lost because he was not white enough. And in the future, the GOP must nominate a candidate so white that Democrats cannot “scare” white voters into not voting for him. So I guess Haley Barbour it is.

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