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Friday, November 09, 2012

Four Years Is An Eternity

Just ask liberals! They remember 2004!

But, this time, it's going to be a lot longer than four years. Nate Silver says that the Democrats will have an Electoral College advantage of about 2.5% for 2016 and 2020, meaning that the GOP will have to have at least a 2.5% advantage in the national popular vote to have a chance of victory. Rots of ruck there, with all your voter suppression tactics!

In any event, courtesy of Washington Monthly, these folks will be in pine boxes before things look up for them.

I do think that it's interesting that Emma Runion's statement:
“The battle is lost, the war is not. And it begins today.”
is a precise echo of what Sean Hannity said on his radio show last night. God bless them, they are perfect parrots, with scarcely an original thought in their precious little heads:
VALRICO, Fla. — The first thing Emma Runion did when she woke up Wednesday was to go out into the yard and pull up the signs. ... “For my own psyche,” said Runion, a 58-year-old Republican and tea party activist. “If I drive home with the signs in the yard, it’s rubbing salt in the wound.”

...Four More Years is a long time — enough to dampen the spirit. But the opposite was true for Emma Runion. “The battle is lost, the war is not,” she said. “And it begins today.”

...After gathering her signs Wednesday morning, Emma went to her computer. First she scanned it for spyware. “Hackers were very busy last night,” she said. Her second order of business was dropping Fox News as her home page, annoyed with the network for pitching in the towel so early and calling Obama the winner. Her new home page: the Blaze, the Glenn Beck-run news site.

...“We’ll probably get a long gun and a short gun,” Emma said. “We’ve already got our concealed carry permits; we just need to be finger­printed.” That last step was the one that made her hesitant. “Once you are registered, they know who you are. Most firearms now are chipped” for tracking.

They worried that Obama would now downsize the military — “MacDill is going to be a ghost town,” Emma said of the Air Force base in Tampa — to build his own military consisting of the National Guard, the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration.

...“This guy, who is he?” asked John, at the kitchen counter. “He’s Buddhist, he’s Muslim, he’s Christian. When he addresses the Muslims, he speaks Muslim. When he addresses blacks, he goes into that black dialect. It’s creepy.”

...Finally, “we are gonna end up like Greece.”

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